Still falling for you

BinJinFF tarafından

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What happens when two people from completely different worlds fall in love? Seri is a wealthy, impulsive woma... Daha Fazla

Character Sketch
Chapter 1: Fire and Ice
Chapter 2: Your Heart Got a Story With Mine
Chapter 4: Your heart got me feeling so fine
Chapter 5: Your heart got me hurting at times
Chapter 6: I'm in
Chapter 7: I'm in - 2
Chapter 8: No one can lift me the way that you do
Chapter 9: This love is like rain and blue skies
Chapter 10: Love you like this
Chapter 11: With every breath a new day
Chapter 12: You are all for me
Chapter 13: With love on the line
Chapter 14: With love on the line 2
Chapter 15: Falling, crash into my arms
Chapter 16: And just like that
Chapter 17: Falling, crash into my arms 2
Chapter 18: All I feel
Chapter 19: With love on the line 3
Chapter 20: All I feel is you
Chapter 21: Catch me the way that you do
Chapter 22: Never Let Go
Chapter 23: And just like that 2
Chapter 24: What if we both would need more

Chapter 3: Choi Jun Seo

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BinJinFF tarafından

Hello guys!!! I am sorry for the late update, but work has been hectic lately and I had a lot of things on my plate. 

This chapter unfortunately doesn't have RiRi in it (Jeong Hyeok is not in the chapter). I mainly focused on Seri's life, friends, family, and relationship with Choi Jun Seo. I wasn't planning on having a separate chapter like that (without one of our lead characters), but I thought it is better to introduce Choi Jun Seo's character properly as he will have important parts in future chapters. I also thought it is important to give an insight and an overview of the different characters in the story.

PS: You might find Seri's character as a weak character here, but I promise you will have a chapter, later on, that explains the situation from her point of view.

Please enjoy the chapter :)

Choi Jun Seo was born with a silver spoon. In other words, a chaebol. His family owns a chain of hotels in South Korea and the United States. He lived all his life in the US and came back to South Korea to manage the family business.

He's known for two things: for being a shrewd businessman and for being a womanizer. He always gets his way with everything. Losing isn't in his dictionary, and his business comes over everything. He'll do whatever he can to grow and expand his business more.

Choi Jun Seo first met Yoon Seri at a business event 3 years ago. A party that Queen's Group and Hilton Holding Worldwide inc. organized to announce and celebrate their partnership and new project. 

All businessmen and businesswomen from the industry were invited. And since Seri is a Yoon, she was one of the hosts there.

There were hundreds of people at the party, but there was one woman who grabbed Choi Jun Seo's attention... the only daughter and the most successful child of the Yoon family... Yoon Seri.

3 years ago...

The party was held in the Hilton Gyeongju. Hundreds of businesspeople were invited. 

Business conversations could be heard in every corner of the outdoor venue. A lot of toasts were made, and multiple drinks were shared. 

The event witnessed people meeting for the first time, people catching up, and new business deals discussions. 

Everyone was overjoyed except for one young astute individual. 

To say that Yoon Seri was forced to attend the party was an understatement. She just wanted to go home, snuggle up to her plushies, and watch her favorite drama alone. 

Joo Meok was out with his new girlfriend Do Min So, so Seri would have had her apartment for herself on that day, which was something unusual. She hoped that with Joo Meok having a girlfriend, this will happen more often. No offense to Joo Meok, she loved him dearly, and he was like a brother to her, but this guy can get on her nerves. 

Their relationship was so confusing. They were like tom and jerry. They care for and protect each other, and they understand each other like no other, but they bicker a lot. She occasionally needed a break from him.




"Is that Yoon Seri?" Choi Jun Seo pointed at Seri who was sitting at the bar having a drink.

"Aha, yes the famous heir who left her family's empire and built her own" the man standing with Choi Jun Seo confirmed.

Another lady joined both men, but Jun Seo was so focused on Seri, that he left both acquaintances without saying a word.




"You don't look that interested in celebrating your family's achievement CEO Yoon Seri"

Seri took a sip from her drink and looked at the man to her right, "And how is that relevant to you? Mr...?"

"Choi Jun Seo chairman of..."

"C&H group" Seri continued earning a smirk from Choi Jun Seo

"So, you know me"

"No, I have never seen your face, but I have heard of the famous Chairman Choi Jun Seo, who came from the US to take the C&H group to another level"

"I guess my reputation really preceded me. Is it really good in the industry?"

"If I heard about you, then you are well-known"

"And from what you heard, did I interest you in any way? because believe me what I heard about you has definitely entranced me. Would you like to get to know this famous guy better?" he pointed at himself.

Seri studied his face for a few seconds and then grinned "that's the lamest pick-up line I have heard, but I will give you an A for trying. And no thank you, I am not interested." Seri gulped her drink and left.

Looking at her retreating figure Jun Seo smirked and said "I want you"

"You have to try harder" a man came behind Jun Seo startling him.

"Oh, Yoon Se Hyung my friend" Se Hyung smiled at Jun Seo offering him a drink as a greeting

"I take it you were talking about my sister"

"Sister? Since when?"

"I can't deny she is my father's daughter."

"You have never acknowledged your sister. What has changed?"

"My feelings towards my sister have never and will never change. She is my rival and..."

"A threat to your ultimate goal" Jun Seo continued challenging Se Hyung

"She can never be a threat. I am much more qualified than her in handling Queens." Se Hyung spat.

"What do you want Se Hyung?" Jun Seo knew Se Hyung enough, and he wasn't going to beat around the bush

"My father has decided to give Queens to Seri. I can help you get Seri, but in return, you have to help me get Queens back from her." 

Jun Seo smirked "How are you going to help me approach Seri? Let me remind you that you don't mean anything to her."

Se Hyung was getting frustrated by Jun Seo's constant demeaning comments, but he needed Jun Seo to get the CEO title at Queens. 

"What about securing a deal with Queens group? And Seri being the future CEO, should attend important meetings for deals like that." After a small pause, Se Hyung continued "I think a deal like that is so important for C&H group, especially after our merger with Hilton Worldwide Holdings." 

Se Hyung knew how to draw the guy's attention. He was helping him get a lady and most importantly bag a big deal for his company. Jun Seo won't say no to a deal like that, his company has always come first.

That's how it all started. Se Hyung got the deal for the C&H group and managed to convince his father to ask Seri to attend all the meetings that have to do with this deal. 

"You want her to be the future face of Queens group. Let her act like one. She hasn't attended any of the HWH meetings. At least make her join the meetings for this deal. C&H groups are also big, and they will benefit our company. The future CEO being there will reassure them that Queens is still as strong as ever." 

What Se Hyung didn't know was that Seri did indeed attend most of the meetings with HWH and it was actually because of her name and future position at Queens, HWH decided to sign them. 

The problem was that Se Hyung was just unaware of what was happening. He was too busy with his underground deals and his representative was barely attentive.




Yoon Se Hyung was the epitome of a spoiled chaebol. He had always thought that he is better than his siblings. His older brother was too dumb for him, and his younger sister was nobody to him. She was his half-sister so according to him, they shouldn't consider her from the family. That's why he saw that he was the most deserving to inherit everything, without working hard for anything or anyone.




Se Hyung managed to make Yoon Seri and Choi Jun Seo meet. He made Seri's secretary schedule dinners, lunches, and meetings for both of them under the pretense of the deal they signed. 

Se Hyung didn't care about Jun Seo's womanizing character or his obsessive behavior. He just wanted to take the CEO position from his sister.

After several meet-ups, Seri let her guard down in front of Jun Seo. He covered all his hazardous flaws really well. Seri ignored what was said about him and decided to give him a chance. Both started dating shortly after that. He was the perfect boyfriend for her. At some point, she can say that she fell in love with the personality he was showing.

When she told Joo Meok and Seung Joon about her boyfriend, both didn't like it. They knew what the real Jun Seo was like. 

Joo Meok had seen Jun Seo in different functions and in each one he was with a new girl. The shows he put on with the girls were really disgusting. He was a guy for god's sake, he could figure out when a guy was really being stereotyped and when he was really like that. 

Joo Meok tried his best to find anything against Jun Seo to persuade Seri to give the whole relationship another thought, but all his tries were futile. He knew that Seri won't listen to him if she doesn't have concrete proof, so as cliché as it may sound, he couldn't tell her anything. 

Yes, she trusts her best friend, but on the other hand, it was her boyfriend that they were talking about. She is a grown-up woman who can make her own choices. 

Joo Meok didn't have any other choice except to be there when she gets heartbroken over and over again by the same man because of his pitiful acts.




Jun Seo got obsessed with Seri. At first, he agreed with her brother because of the business deal he was offered, and he thought of Seri as a new challenge for him, but later on, when he got to know Seri, he got really obsessed with her. 

He just wanted her for himself. He got jealous of all the guys around her especially her two guy friends even though she had assured him multiple times that Seung Joon and Joo Meok are like brothers to her. 

He even got jealous of her work. He couldn't accept the fact that she had to manage two companies and sometimes she might not be able to give him attention, so he started hinting and suggesting that she should quit Queens and focus only on Seri's choice and her personal life. 

Jun Seo was like a spy to Se Hyung. Whenever he used to visit Seri's office or stay at her place, he used to send Se Hyung copies of important documents that Seri had for Queens. On multiple occasions, Seri would find him lingering around her study for unexplainable reasons.

This continued for 6 months until Seri started to get annoyed and overwhelmed by Jun Seo's weird behavior. Seri felt suffocated by her fanatic boyfriend, so she decided to talk to him. However, Jun Seo didn't change. He got worse. He got more obsessive. He got weirder. His obsession started getting more physical. A lot of times, he would force Seri to get intimate with him despite her telling him no and trying to stop him. She couldn't fight back. He was stronger than her, she was so embarrassed to tell anyone what was happening, and she got scared of him, scared that he might hurt her more, for when they fought, Seri would see this odd look in Jun Seo's eyes... it was terrifying. She felt like at any point he might harm her... she didn't feel safe with him. 

At that time, the topic of breaking up came up more than once, but every time Jun Seo lost his mind and became hysteric. Every time they would end up in bed against Seri's will. 

Seri reached the lowest point in her life, she felt helpless, and she felt like she just had to surrender to her fate. Until she got a call from her Executive assistant at Queens updating her about the undisclosed task she asked her to do...




Joo Meok found Jun Seo lingering in Seri's office for no reason.

"What are you doing here? Seri is not coming back any time soon"

"It is my girlfriend's office. I can stay here whenever I want and as much as I want"

"Don't you have a company to run?"

"I can ask you the same question, but I see that you are more interested in what I am doing."

Both men were trying to rile each other up to see who is going to burst out first.

"Of course, I want to keep an eye on you. When my best friend has a boyfriend like you, I can expect the worst"

"Are you jealous because I got the girl and you didn't?" 

Jun Seo came closer to Joo Meok and said "let's be honest, no one is here, it's just you and I." 

Joo Meok got even closer challenging him and replied "Sure"

"You have feelings for Seri, right?"

"You are delusional. What kind of a boyfriend acts like that with his girlfriend's family?"

"I know people like you Kim Joo Meok. You are trying to play your dirty little games to separate us, but let me tell you something, our relationship is much stronger than you think"

"Why does it look like you are trying to convince yourself? You don't even believe your own words. So, before you spit shit here learn to trust your girlfriend a bit. One a second..." Joo Meok scoffed. "Did she threaten to break up with you? Ohhh Seri is getting rid of you so soon."

"She would never leave me" Jun Seo was so irritated, he wanted to throw a punch at Joo Meok right then and there.

"Seri has never taken a wrong decision... you are her first wrong one, but it is fine. She will learn, and I will be there to help her move on. I will text you how it goes don't worry."

Jun Seo held Joo Meok's collar "You piece of..." Joo Meok smirked irking Jun Seo more. 

Jun Seo wasn't thinking properly, he was so mad at the thought of Seri leaving him, that he lost all his self-control. 

"Seri would never leave me. I have her wrapped around my finger" he said showing Joo Meok his pinky finger. 

Joo Meok couldn't stand the insult Jun Seo threw toward Seri. He freed himself and punched Jun Seo straight in the face. Both heard a gasp from behind. They looked to their side and found Seri standing at the door with tears rolling down her cheeks. 

Jun Seo was the first one to approach her putting his pathetic act on. 

"Darling, see your so-called best friend. See what he has done. I am bleeding because of him. I have told you multiple times, that this guy is jealous of what we have. He is jealous that I got you and he couldn't." 

Seri looked at her "boyfriend" questioning his mental state. 

"As your boyfriend, I don't want you to meet him anymore" that was the last straw for Seri. She looked at Joo Meok. Her friend was standing there in his place not moving an inch. He knew she heard most of their conversation, and he was going to get an earful from her, but he was happy, Jun Seo was a done deal.

When Jun Seo didn't receive an answer from Seri, and he saw her staring at Joo Meok, he forcefully held her hand and pulled her towards him which alerted Joo Meok and startled Seri.

"Why are you looking at him?" 

"Leave. My. Arm" When Jun Seo didn't budge, she slapped him hard on his cheek. "Does it still hurt?" 

Jun Seo was so surprised by Seri's action, he froze.

"And you. what do you think you are doing?" she screamed at Joo Meok, crying out of frustration. 


Joo Meok looked down. He couldn't answer. The guilt was eating him up. 


Seri's voice could be heard from outside attracting the attention of the employees who were passing by her office. However, Min So, bless her heart, handled the situation outside efficiently, she didn't let anyone stand there and ushered them to leave.

"I hope he makes you happy." Joo Meok said in a low voice not able to meet Seri's eyes.

"And thank you so much for your input. This helped me know that my brother Se Hyung literally sold me to this guy. He offered him a deal with Queens if he dates me and makes me leave my position at Queens." 

Seri turned towards Jun Seo "Isn't that right Mr. Choi?"

She couldn't talk about the other things Jun Seo did in front of Joo Meok. The best option for her was to face him with the truth of his initial intentions in her friend's presence. 

When she saw the opportunity presenting itself, she took it. She knew Jun Seo would never do anything to her in front of Joo Meok. She gained courage and broke up with Jun Seo.

"Seri it is not that. You have to listen to me. Yes, it is true, that's how it started, but I love you Yoon Seri. You should give us another chance."

"And you dare to say that. Choi Jun Seo, we are done. I don't want to see your face again. Leave before I call security." She was trying so hard to control her shivering form. He was not to see her weak self.

Jun Seo was getting so mad. Seri shouldn't treat him like that. 

He didn't say anything, he turned to leave, but stopped in his tracks when Seri called him. Jun Seo thought that she wanted to say something to make him feel better, but what she said later, wiped his smile and got on his nerves.

"Effective immediately, and as the acting chairwoman, consider your deal with Queens group terminated. We will compensate for everything."

"You have the audacity now. Watch your back Yoon Seri" he threatened and left.

Joo Meok knew that Seri wouldn't like it if he interferes, so he didn't say a word or make a move until Jun Seo left. The moment Jun Seo left Seri broke down losing her balance. She was about to hit the floor if not for Joo Meok.

That afternoon, Seri cried in her best friend's arms until the tiredness and sleep took a toll on her.




Since then, Jun Seo kept on following Seri and keeping tabs on her. He threatened every man that came close to her. As much as she tried to get rid of him, he wouldn't budge.

Joo Meok fought with him multiple times too, but Jun Seo wouldn't stop. Until Joo Meok made up his mind to go with Seri to the court and get a restraining order, but she didn't want to do that... the guy was dangerous.

Jun Seo didn't approach Seri when she was with Joo Meok or Seung Joon, but she knew he was following her every move. Seri managed to get rid of him multiple times, but he came back every time.

Yoon Seri cut her ties completely with her brother Se Hyung, then she gave up the chairwoman position at Queens which her father offered her. Even though Seung Joon, Seo Dan, and Joo Meok tried to convince her to stay in Queens, she didn't want anything to do with her brother anymore. 

She couldn't handle going to that place again. Everything would remind her of what she lived with Jun Seo. At some point in time, Jun Seo meant something to her, then he turned into a monster. She felt used and broken.




Seri's father got to know what happened. He was really close to disowning Se Hyung, but his wife, Se Hyung's mother, managed to help her son and tried to convince her husband to forgive him. 

The senior Yoon left the chairman position open. He told his sons either Se Joon proves himself to be worthy of the position or he is going to appoint another person. Se Hyung was out of the question. His father would never forgive him for what he did to Seri. 

The Yoon patriarch was already guilty of how they treated Seri in the past and was trying to make it up to her in the most subtle ways. His daughter would never accept an apology from him or his wife. She would never hold them accountable for anything.

Present Time...

Joo Meok woke up to an empty house. He sighed. "It is going to be a long day"




At Seri's choice...

Joo Meok found Do Min So at her desk "Where is Seri?"

"She is in her office. You don't look fine. You didn't make up yet?" Joo Meok shook his head sideways.

"Do you have time? Let's talk in my office"

The couple went to Joo Meok's office. Do Min So closed the door to make sure no one can listen to their conversation.

Earlier this morning, when Seri came in, Min So noticed she was acting indifferently, she wasn't her usual chirpy self. She barely greeted her and Gwang Hyeok. Do Min So got really worried when her boyfriend's behavior was no different than Seri's. Her boyfriend and her boss-come-friend looked really sad. She thought they would solve their problem before they came to the office. They usually bicker a lot like kids, but they always solve it on the spot and there was always humor in their fights. They rarely had a serious fight.

Seri was like an older sister to her. From the day she joined Seri's Choice 5 years ago, Seri has been Do Min So's role model. Seri was the one who helped her get together with Joo Meok. Although Min So fell for Joo Meok, she was hesitant to get into a relationship with him because of their different social status, so Seri helped her understand how this shouldn't come into their relationship. 

Outside work, they often hang out together and visit each other even if Joo Meok wasn't there. They enjoy their girls' time out and when Seo Dan would visit, the three would have a blast.

The problem between Joo Meok and Seri worried Min So. They would solve it of course, but it still bothered her to see them like that.

Joo Meok told Min So what worried him and after a long conversation between the couple Min So urged Joo Meok to go talk to Seri.

"Go talk to her, she will listen now. I think she calmed down"

"Come here, wish me luck" Joo Meok extended his arms to hug his girlfriend.




A few minutes later, Seri was working in her office but got interrupted by a knock on her door.

"Gwang Hyeok ssi, I told you I don't want to be disturbed" But the person by the door opened it and entered her office ignoring her request.

"Yoon Seri ssi, can you give me 5 minutes of your time?" Joo Meok asked her with a pout.

Seri looked at her watch "And your time starts now. Shoot" Seri leaned back on her chair crossing her arms and waiting for Joo Meok to start 

"Don't put me under pressure" for some reason Joo Meok started sweating.

Seri chuckled at his uneasiness.

"Look, I am sorry. I promise you I will never repeat it. I will choose my words carefully next time. I know I have hurt you a lot and I shouldn't have said that. Sorry. What can I do for you to forgive me?" after a couple of seconds of silence, Joo Meok looked at his friend anxiously.

"Do me a favor and we can consider it as a peace treaty" Seri interrupted.

"Anything!" Joo Meok said excitedly.

Seri smiled mischievously "Join me for lunch".

End of the chapter :)

I hope you liked it ☺️.

I promise the next chapter will have our RiRi couple in it  💕💕.

Okumaya devam et

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