REM // Van McCann

By fading-memories

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Van, Bondy, and Larry have found a way to share and visualize dreams, hoping to understand what they mean. Th... More

1. God, I Hope This Works
2. We Did It
3. Brief Moment
4. Lasting Impression
5. The Flyer
6. Jealousy
7. People Are Responding
8. Disclaimer
9. Prove Me Wrong
10. Driving Lessons
11. I Want To Sign Up
12. Practice
13. Am I Dreaming?
14. Do You Want To Bet?
15. Good News
16. A Deal Is a Deal
17. Go For a Swim
18. It's a Date
19. Slowly Falling
20. Afraid I've Upset You
21. That's What You Get
22. I Still Think About Her
23. Drawn Towards Water
24. Why'd You Ask?
25. Company
26. Control
27. My Worst Fear
28. She's In Love With You
29. Last Time
30. What's Stopping You?
31. No Way to Continue
32. Faceless People
33. I'm Not Sure I Trust You
34. Toying With Me
35. Can I Ask You Something?
36. It Was Always You
37. The Reason Why
38. She Haunts Me
40. Would We Have Met?
41. She's Got Quite the Personality
42. Wrong Number
43. You're Not Steve
44. You Still Love Her
45. Letters
46. Please Help Me!
47. I'm Honestly Not Surprised
48. You Have My Permission
49. Is Something on Your Mind?
50. I Need Time Alone
51. Set Up
52. Not Like This
53. You're Out of Your Goddamn Mind
54. The Answer Is Yes, by the Way
55. No Funny Business
56. I'm Sure It's Nice
57. We Need to Talk
58. Take a Break
59. Portugal
60. I Think You're Onto Something
61. We're Moving
62. Bondy
63. Are You Alright?
64. The Frog Prince
65. Me-of All People!
66. Keep in Touch
67. Lapse in Judgement
68. You Should Prepare Yourself
69. Guilt
70. I Changed My Mind
71. It's None of Your Business
72. I'd Love That
73. Last-Minute Trip
74. Trying to Poach You
75. No Taking That Back
76. Raining Cats and Dogs
77. It's...Complicated
78. I Made a Friend
79. The Sunset
80. Do Things Over Again
81. Nothing Left to Take
82. I Don't Regret Any of It
83. She Lives On
84. I Was Just Thinking...
85. She'd Want the Same for Me Too
86. Suicide Note
87. Thinking Too Much
88. What Can You Do?
89. Everything's Okay

39. You Owe Me a Kiss

63 3 0
By fading-memories

Clara was tired of taking the bus to work so she's been really practicing the past few weeks. We found a list of maneuvers she'd most likely be tested on and went through each of them. Parallel parking was one she still struggled with. I parked the car along the kerb and turned the engine off. We both got out to exchange seats but I went to the boot of the car to pull out two traffic cones.

"Where did you get those?" Clara asked.

"I drove up to a construction site in the middle of the night and stole them," I answered and she laughed, obviously knowing I was joking. "You can buy these online and they're not as expensive as you think. But these are the cheaper ones, mind you."

I walked further down and placed the two cones a car length and a half apart. Starting with one cone crossed my mind but from my past observations, what she struggled with most was determining how much space she had and not turning the steering wheel too much that she hits the kerb. Clara got into the driver's seat and began adjusting her mirrors. She's gotten used to my car to the point I told her she can use my car for her driving test. She fought me about it but I told her my car was a piece of shit and that I wouldn't mind it being dinged up. I reckon her dad would be upset if she so much as scratched the family car.

Clara started the engine and pulled forward until she was alongside the traffic cone. Its bright orange color made it easy to spot and she smiled, realizing that it was a good buy. She can practice without worrying that she'll damage the car. She put the car in reverse and turned the steering wheel to the right.

"There's no need to turn the wheel so much," I advised her. "Just until you've cleared the front and then you'll turn the wheel back to straighten up."

Clara did as she was told and once the front of the car was clear, she turned the steering wheel the other direction. She stared at the rear view mirror and then her side mirror.

"I don't see the cone," she stated, looking behind her. I looked as well and realized the cone was too short to see. For the test, she'll only have the car in front and in reality, she'd be able to see the car behind her. I looked in front of us and could see the cone.

"Erm...yeah, we can't see the cone. Sorry 'bout that. We can see the cone in front so I reckon you're—" We heard the sound of her backing into the cone and she stopped immediately.

"I hit the cone. I'm sorry!" she apologized, fretting. She genuinely felt terrible for hitting the cone and I just burst into laughter at how silly she was being.

"How dare you damage the car!" I teased her. "Why don't we make this more interesting? You have to kiss me every time you make an unsuccessful attempt." Clara turned red and shook her head.

"Wait—this one doesn't count! I think you're cheating because the cones are too close together."

"Clara, how dare you accuse me of cheating," I said dramatically. "I was generous and gave you a car length and a half."

"I don't believe you," she said, putting the car in park and taking off her seatbelt. She opened the door and stepped out and I did the same. Clara walked a few meters away from the car with her hands on her hip assessing the amount of space she was given. She can clearly see I gave her a car length and a half but said nothing.

"That's clearly a car length and a half. You even gave yourself a few more centimeters backing into the cone so it's really a car length and three quarters now," I joked and she pushed me away.

"Shut up. You're not getting any kisses."

She was clearly worked up, upset that she managed to back into the cone with the space she was given. I was honestly teasing about her giving me a kiss for every failed attempt and it amused me how determined she was to not lose. She got back in the car and I went around the back hoping to move the cone back to where I originally had it but she needs to move the car forward. She rolled down the window and stuck her head out, looking at me.

"What're you doing? Are you cheating?" she questioned.

"I'm trying to move the cone where I had it."

"That's cheating!"

"No it's not! You pushed it further back when you hit it!"

She groaned and pulled a little forward but on her terms. I placed the cone as far forward as I could manage and got in the passenger seat. Clara pulled out of the space and pulled forward until she was parallel with the kerb. Then she backed up until she was even with the cone. She put the car in reverse and turned the wheel.

"Did I turn the wheel enough?" she asked, looking to me.

"I'm not helping you. I want my kiss," I replied, smirking and she huffed.

"I see how it is. I don't need your help."

She continued backing into the spot, checking all her mirrors and as soon as the front of the car was clear, she turned the wheel back and ran into the same problem of not being able to see the cone.

"I can't see the cone," she whined. She stopped backing up and turned to face me, laughing at her predicament. "Van, you did this on purpose!"

"I didn't do anything!"

"I can't see the freaking cone!"

"I'll leave it up to you to figure out," I said, smiling. Clara took a deep breath and continued slowly backing up but she couldn't go anymore even when she was pressing on the accelerator.

"What's going on? There's no way I hit the cone," she muttered. I opened the car door and saw that she hit the kerb.

"You owe me a kiss," I told her, laughing.

"No way! What did I do?"

"You hit the kerb."

"Oh no." She laughed and tilted her head back.

By the time we were done, she owed me a total of two kisses but who's counting? I was going to remind her of it but decided not to at the last minute. She successfully parallel parked five times and I was proud of her. I didn't want the kiss to overshadow her accomplishment.

Clara was silent the whole way home so I looked at her and saw that she was sleeping. Her chest rose and fell with each breath and I wondered what it'd be like to have her beside me in bed. She was still getting used to working full time and was tired all the time but she refused to sleep early. I parked the car and unlocked it.

"Clara, we're home," I said softly. She opened her eyes and looked around, surprised we were home so fast.

"I'm so tired I fell asleep. Thank you for the ride and thank you for teaching me." She undid her seatbelt and opened the door, put one foot out and then paused. "I owe you two kisses, don't I?"

"You don't have to. I was only teasin' but I'm not opposed," I replied, grinning. Clara brought her leg back in and closed the door. She turned her body so she was facing me and my heart rate quickened.

"Come closer so I can kiss you," she said, and I did as I was told, leaning over the console.

Her perfume was intoxicating and my eyes lowered to her soft lips. I could see her leaning in so I did the same, pressing my lips to hers. I expected it to be a quick kiss, so imagine my surprise when she placed her hand on the nape of my neck, pushing me towards her so we could deepen the kiss. She pulled away to catch her breath and I leant forward to close the gap between us once again.

We were like your stereotypical lovers having a heated make out session in the car but I didn't care. All I wanted was her so my hands began to wander but I had to stop myself; I was getting turned on. If the moment's right and I'm with someone I have a connection with, I don't mind having sex but I wasn't sure Clara was ready yet. I pulled away suddenly and Clara looked at me wondering what she did wrong. The look she gave me didn't help the thoughts I was having. Her eyes were wide and innocent and her lips were red and swollen. I'd take it further if I could.

"You didn't do anything wrong," I told her, sighing. "I'm getting turned on."

My cheeks were warm from having admitted that and Clara's was the same. It was my first time telling her the effect she had on me and I hope she wasn't put off by it. It's always a nice feeling if someone's sexually attracted to you. You feel desired and it's a huge boost to your confidence. I wanted Clara to feel confident so I took every opportunity to tell her how I felt. It's cute seeing her not know what to do with it as it felt unnatural to her.

"I'm sorry," she finally replied, understanding what I was getting at. She wouldn't be able to help me so it's best that we stop. At this point, she was beet red which made me want to tease her but I held back, figuring I've embarrassed her and myself enough.

And immediately I grabbed you
You go all red
Like the first time
I love it when you do that
Gotta love it when you do that

"There's no need to be sorry," I told her. "I should get going. I'm starving."

"Do you want to join us for dinner?" she asked.

I considered having dinner with her family but thought it was too soon. Plus I just wanted to go home and wank off to relieve the sexual frustration I was feeling. I didn't have the heart to tell her that so I just said no.

"Not tonight but maybe another time. Thanks for inviting me," I said, smiling, so she felt confident inviting me another time.

"It's no problem. Good night, Van."

She paused, as if wanting to kiss me goodnight but decided against it after what I told her. She opened the door and I watched her walk up her driveway and waited another minute more before driving home. It wasn't until I got home that I started missing her. Whenever I'm with her, I'm happy and I wonder if I make her feel the same way. She's busy with work while I'm busy with school so we try to see each other when we can but it's not always possible.

I was starving so the first thing I did was heat leftovers for dinner. This was my third day having pasta for dinner and I was getting sick of it but the wine made it more bearable. Slightly drunk, I made my way to my room and was glad I didn't have a flatmate. I was still horny from earlier so I closed my eyes and imagined Clara.

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