Levi Ackerman x Reader (Witho...

NoTimeForAnything tarafından

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Y/N Jeager had been living peacefully inside the walls with her mother, father, and her little brother Eren... Daha Fazla

To You, in 2000 Years
That Day
The struggle for Trost
Special Operations Squad
What Needs to be Done Now
The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission Part 1
The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission Part 2
The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission Part 3
Raid On Stohess District Part 1
Raid On Stohess District Part 2
The Walls Have Eyes
Secrets, Lies, and Traitors
Everyone Knows
Time Will Tell
Realizations and Determination
Wounds Go Deeper Than Skin
Jealously and Hostages
Blood Ties
No Longer A Secret
All Your Fault
Let Them Have Today
Give Up on Your Dream
The Basement
New Truths and New Secrets
The Sea
Secret Wedding
Family Reunion
True Intentions
Campfire Stories
The Boat
When Everything Changed
Death and Destruction
Final Goodbye
10 Years Later...

Can't Look into His Eyes Yet

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NoTimeForAnything tarafından

Your POV

It was nerve wracking waiting for our trial. All we did was sleep and eat, but I had the luxury of walking around at least. Eren was chained to the wall, being stuck in his bed. I sat against the wall, contemplating all of my life choices, wondering how the hell I got myself into this situation.

Although from what I've heard, the population is split. Most of the interiors believe that we're evil and want to end humanity. The people in Wall Rose however, believe that we can save them. I have been a Scout for 7 years now. I have done nothing but try to protect these people from the horrific things outside the walls. I have stared death in the face countless times and all to protect humanity. Now they are questioning my loyalty to them?

If I wanted to kill them all, I could have done it the second I became a cadet. It doesn't make any sense to think that I could be plotting something. But I guess that's exactly why I'm standing trial, so the military police can find some kind of bullshit claims and pin it on me. Anything to keep the interiors well fed and happy.

Third Person POV

Erwin Smith and Dot Pyxis walked along the wall. Erwin was planning something. Something that he was most famous for. Placing all his trust... in a gamble. "Commander Pyxis. You're the C.O. of the Garrison Regiment. And I'm the Commanding Officer of the Survey Corps and the Scouts. Some people might disapprove of our meeting like this."

"Ha! You're as straight-laced as your reputation. Nothing untoward here. We just coincidentally bumped into one another while out for a morning stroll. Protocol doesn't prevent us from chatting under the circumstances. You are aware of the Military Police plan to take custody of Eren and Y/N Jeager I presume," Pyxis stated.

Something you should understand about Pyxis, is that he is one of the most eccentric people you will ever meet. However, he is also one of the smartest. So, if you trust in anyone's ability to get out of a troublesome situation, trust him.

"Yes. I received word yesterday. They plan to hold a deliberation on the matter," Erwin said.

"Hm. The decision has been left to Premier Zachary. Whether Cadet and Captain Jeager's future lies with the Scouts, or in the hands of the Military Police."

"Zachary? You mean Premier Dhalis Zachary?" Erwin asked.

"The Military Police. The Garrison Regiment. And the Scouts. All three fall under his jurisdiction. His decision will be based entirely on one factor: Are Eren and Y/N Jeager's existence a benefit or a handicap to our survival? If deemed detrimental, Cadet Jeager will be executed without a thought. Right then and there, if need be. Captain Jeager however, will most likely spend the rest of her days in a cell as a reward for her 7 years of service to humanity."

"I for one, do not want to see that happen to either of them. However, many in the Garrison Regiment, I'm sad to say, are fearful of Eren's unique ability and the possibility of Y/N having it too. My hands are tied. The most I can do is avoid agreeing with the M.P.'s. So, the odds favor you?" Pyxis asked, although he probably already knew the answer.

"No, they don't. And yet, we do have a proposal prepared. Whether it will work or not, all depends on how the debate unfolds," Erwin revealed.

"You mean, you're going to play it by ear?" Pyxis asked.

"Our job is reconnaissance beyond the walls. Playing things by ear is all we ever do," Erwin answered.

Pyxis laughed at the truth behind the statement. "You'er not so uptight after all, it would seem. Thank you for the pleasant conversation. And good luck, Commander!" Pyxis yelled walking off. Erwin really needed the debate to play in his favor.

Your POV

We sat in our cells, waiting for someone to bring us to the court room for our trial. "'Scuse me. I gotta pee," Eren said from his cell. I smirked and chuckled lightly from mine.

"No, you just went," The MP answered.

"Then can I have some water?" Eren asked.

"Hey! You're not getting a thing, got it? Damn monster," the other said.

My fists clenched, "Who do you think you are?"

He turned to look at me. "What'd you say?" He asked accusingly.

"I said, 'who do you think you are?' We're standing trial. We haven't been convicted of any crimes. So, shut the hell up. You can talk when you're in here in our position," I told him.

He scowled at me. "Should've stayed outside the walls, filth." My hands shook as tears formed in my eyes. I hated crying when I was angry, it made me feel weak, like I had no control. I clenched my hands tightly, blood started dripping from my palm from pressing my nails into them. I hated the MPs with a passion. They live their cushy lives in the interior without a second thought of the people living in poverty, or venturing outside the walls. And we do it all to save their damn skins.

All the sudden I heard the door open and shut. I saw Hanji walk past my cell and grip the bars of Eren's tightly. "So then, you're Eren? Are you well? How're things? I'm really sorry you guys have been waiting so long. But here's your chance to finally get out. One thing. You'll have to put these on for me, ok?" I looked to see Hanji holding a pair of handcuffs through the bars of my cell. I sighed and rolled my eyes, but I put them on nonetheless.

We walked up to the court room that we were being held under. "My name is Zoe Hanji. I'm a section commander for the Scouts. I'm one of your sister's dearest friends as well. And this is a fellow commander in the Scouts, Mike Zacharias." I glancaed at Mike to see him leaning over Eren, smelling him. It's a bit strange, but knowing him I guess I've become accustomed to it. Eren leans away from him, "Oh. Don't mind him. He makes a habit of giving new people a thorough sniff." Mike nods in approval of Eren's sent. "Tends to laugh through his nose a bit. But I don't think he intends it to be derisive," Hanji said.

"Quirks aside, he is a skilled section commander," I added. He gives me a nod as if saying thank you.

I give a small smile back before Hanji exclaimed, "Ah, poo! Sorry. I've just been prattling on with the small talk, and now we're here! Well, I'm sure it's fine. It's probably better if I don't explain anyway."

"E-explain what? Hanji!" I yelled after her as the MPs grabbed us and walked towards the courtroom.

"It might seem callous, but remember...we've all put our faith in you, Y/N and Eren. Best of luck," Hanji said before closing the door.

"Wait!" Eren exclaimed.

But it's too late, we were being walked to the center of the courtroom. We stood, staring at the disturbing mural on the ceiling of men killing each other.

Suddenly, one of the MPs shoved his gun into my back and forced me forward, "Alright! Move it!"

"On your knees, now." The other commanded.

I scowled and dropped to my knees. They slid my cuffs through a bar and into a hole in the floor, apparently locking me in place. I gripped the chains nervously, preparing myself for the worst. Of course, being in the military for 10 years, I've been conditioned to take orders from superiors. So, I won't speak unless spoken to, setting my pride aside.

Then, Premier Zachary sat down at the head of the room, "Alright, shall we begin?"

All we did is look at him. I tried to keep my face straight and not show any signs of nervousness. My expression in hard and serious, something that I only wear when I'm on a mission. "Your names are Eren and Y/N Jeager. And as soldiers, you have sworn to give up your lives when called to for the good of the people. Is that correct?"

"Yes, sir." I answered with a decisive tone. I had to be confident in the trial. I had to convey to these people that my only goal is to protect humanity.

"Yes," Eren answers beside me softly.

Damn it Eren, where's all the confidence you normally have?

"As enlisted soldiers during a time of war, military doctrine demands your tribunal be held as a court-martial. As Commander of our armed forces, this matter is left to my discretion. Thus, I will decide whether you live or you die. Any objections?" He asks.

"No, sir," I answer again with confidence.

"No, sir," Eren says again softly.

"Your astuteness is appreciated. Let us proceed. As expected, covering up your existence has proven quite fruitless. And unless we publicly disclose you existence one way or another, we risk the outbreak of widespread civil unrest. Not to mention the uncertainty of Y/N Jeager possessing this ability as well. A choice must be made. And the regiment that takes custody of you will determine your fates. The Military Police...Or the Scout Regiment? To begin, the Military Police will now present their case."

"Thank you. My name is Nile Dawk."

Oh crap. We're screwed. I've met Nile a few times and if he is hellbent on gaining custody of us...

"I am Commander of the Military Police. Our recommendation, following a thorough examination of his physiology, subject Eren Jeager should be disposed of immediately. And subject Y/N Jeager should be contained and guarded, under the speculation of possessing the same abilities as Eren Jeager. We acknowledge that Jeager's ability played a part in turning back the latest titan incursion."

"However, as has been stated, his mere existence is creating a swell of rebellious sentiment. For the greater good, after we have gathered all the information that we can from him, we would see him made a fallen warrior of humanity. And as a tribute to her 10 years of service, Y/N Jeager would be detained under constant watch, and observed to gather any valuable information about the titans for the remainder of her life. She would also be made a warrior of humanity with honorable discharge from service."

"Unacceptable! This verminous fiend has defiled the mighty Wall..."

I hate those cultist. They always have looked down on the Scouts for even suggesting the idea of going beyond the wall. They've really gained a following in the last five years though.

"And now I'd like to hear the Scout Regiments proposed plan," Zachary said. I was interested to see what Erwin had come up with this time. No doubt he would be relying on chance to win this case. But I trusted Erwin with my life, so if he believes he can get us out, I believe in his plan.

"Yes, sir. As the Commander of the Survey Corp, I, Erwin Smith, propose the following: Let Eren join our ranks. Reinstate him as a full member of the Scouts, and we will utilize his titan ability to retake Wall Maria. Y/N would remain in her position alongside Captain Levi while we determine if she possesses the same abilities as Eren. That is all."

There was instant murmuring in the room. "Hm, is that it?" Zachary asked.

"Yes. With their assistance, sir, I'm certain we can reclaim Wall Maria. Ergo, I believe our top priority is perfectly clear."

"Quite bold. Assuming you were given clearance, where do you plan to launch this operation from? Commander Pyxis. The wall in Trost District has been completely sealed, is that correct?" He asked.

"Yes. I doubt its gate will ever open again," Pyxis answered.

Erwin answered Zachary's first question, "We'll depart from Calaneth District, to the east. From there, We'll make for Shiganshina. A new route can be established as we proceed."

"But that's ridiculous! Our time and money would be better spent sealing up all the gates! They're the only parts of the Wall that the colossal titan can break, right? Let's reinforce the blasted things and wash our hands of the entire affair!" One of the merchants shouted.

"Shut your mouth, you spineless merchant dog! With a titan on our side, we can finally return to Wall Maria!" A scout argued.

"We can't afford any more of your childish antics, or your delusions of grandeur!" The merchant replied.

"Squealing louder won't help your case, pig. While we're bolstering our defenses, do you think the titans are going to stand idly by? And when you say 'we can't afford,' do you speak for anyone other than your fat merchant friends? Do you pigs even realize that most of our people are struggling just to survive off what little land we have left?" Levi asked. It took everything in me not to react to his statement. I wanted to smirk at least, but I knew that wouldn't go well in our favor, so I bit my tongue.

"I'm simply saying that sealing the gates is the only guaranteed protection we've got!" The merchant spoke.

"Hold your tongue, you vile, belligerent heretic! Are you really suggesting that we lowly humans meddle with Wall Rose, a gift to us from on high? The Wall is a miracle. And its divinity transcends human comprehension. Don't you understand?" I tuned out the rest of the bickering between the men and simply stared straight forward. It's funny really, the most dignified one in the courtroom is the one standing trial.

Zachary had enough and called for order, thank goodness. "Order! I ask that you save your personal sentiments for a more appropriate venue. Now then Mr. and Ms. Jeager, I have a question for you. As soldiers, you have made a solemn pledge to answer humanity's call. Can you still serve by controlling to potential abilities you both possess?"

"Yes, sir!" I answered

"Yes! I will, sir!" Eren agreed.

"Oh? Is that so? But this report from the Battle for Trost contradicts that statement. Just after transforming, it seems you made an attempt to crush Mikasa Ackerman." My eyes widened as I looked from Mikasa to Eren, he looked just as surprised as I was, like he didn't remember. "And who is this Mikasa Ackerman?" Zachary asked.

"Me! That would be me, sir," She answered.

"Alright then. Is it true that Eren Jeager assaulted you while he was in titan form?" She paused, as if not knowing what to say.

C'mon Mikasa, answer honestly. If you lie, it will only further the MPs case.

"Yes, all of that's true." Everyone gasps and murmurs erupt in the room.

"I knew it! He's a wolf in sheep's clothing!" The merchant said.

"However, he also saved my life twice before. And in each circumstance he was using his titan ability. The first: shortly after Trost fell. I was nearly killed by a titan. But then Eren came. He stepped in and protected me. The second time: he transformed to shield Armin and me from cannon fire. I implore you to take these facts into consideration," she said.

Then of course, Nile had something to say about it, "Objection! I have reason to believe that personal feelings play a large part in her testimony. Let the record show that Mikasa Ackerman was orphaned at a young age and was subsequently taken in by the Jeager family. What's more, our own internal investigation into this matter led to a most shocking discovery. Eren Jeager and Mikasa Ackerman, at the tender age of nine, dealt with three adult kidnappers by stabbing all of them to death. Granted, this was done in self-defense. All the same, one cannot help but question the violent nature of the act. Knowing all of this, should we really invest in them? Money, manpower. Perhaps the very fate of us all?"

Everyone started pointing fingers and throwing around accusations. Some said that Eren is a titan in disguise that took the form of a child he ate. Or that I am just pretending to be human so that I can end humanity. But what really got to Eren, was when someone accused Mikasa of being a titan.

"Now hold on a second! Maybe I'm a monster that you want dead, but you leave her out of this! She's innocent!"

Bite your tongue Eren! This isn't helping our case at all!

I merely sat and stared at the ground as Eren argued with the men in the courtroom. "Stop it!" He yelled, "You're wrong. About it all. But you're so intent on pushing selfish agendas, you're blind to what's in front of you." I clutched the chains tightly as I heard Nile ask what he was talking about. "What does it even matter? None of you have even seen a titan, so why're you so afraid, huh? There's no sense in having power if you're not going to use it to fight! If you're too scared to fight for your lives, fine. Let us do it! You...You're all cowards! Just shut up. And put all your faith in us!" He yelled as steam rose from his hands.

"Take aim, damn it!" Nile commanded two of his troops, they both pointed guns directly at us. All the sudden, Levi kicked Eren across the face and a tooth flies out of his mouth. My eyes widen as I dig my nails into my palms again, reopening the wounds I had created earlier.

Levi continued to beat Eren to a pulp, my hands now dripping with the blood. It took everything in me not to yell at Levi.

Just you wait until we're not in the courtroom.

Blood was dripping from Eren's mouth and nose, and then when we finally thought he was done, Levi shoved his head into the ground. "You know, personally, I think nothing instills discipline like pain. You don't need a good 'talking to'. What you're in need of, boy, is to be taught a lesson. And you happen to be in perfect kicking position." He then kicked him again and again, the blood started dripping onto the floor now, creating a small puddle under my hands.

"N-Now hold on Levi," Nile stopped him.

"What is it?" He asked, annoyed.

"It's dangerous. What if they get angry? Turn into titans?"

He kicked him again, "Don't be silly. After all, you guys just want to dissect him, don't you? During the time that he was transformed, they say that Jeager was able to kill twenty titans before he finally ran out of strength. As an enemy, his intelligence makes him all the more dangerous. But Y/N and I could take him down without a problem. And I know that she would based on how she's acted throughout the whole trial. She hasn't spoken out of turn, has shown discipline, and the ability to follow orders. How many of you can say the same? Before you torment the beast, you'd better think. Can you actually kill him?" Levi stated.

"Sir. I have a proposition," Erwin continued.


"There's still too much we don't know. And no doubt, their danger will be ever present. As such, I suggest this: Eren Jeager will be placed under Captain Levi and Captain Y/N's supervision. And they'll conduct a recon mission outside the wall."

"Jeager will join you in this excursion?" Zachary inquired.

"Yes, sir. Then you can look upon the mission's results yourself. And if he successfully controls his ability...Eren will have proven his value to mankind, and Y/N will continue to prove hers," he finishes.

"Eren Jeager will be closely supervised? And if he should lose control?"

"We can definitely kill him, if it comes to that. The only downside is there's absolutely no middle ground," Levi answers.

"Hm. Then I have made my choice..."

After the Trial...

"Well, that went better than I expected. Does it hurt?" Hanji asked Eren.

"Yeah," he winced.

"Yeah? Describe it to me!"

Eren gave Hanji a questioning look before Erwin and Levi entered the room. "Sorry for all that. But the theatrics did get you placed in our custody." "

"No, I understand," he answers. I push out of my seat and walk over the Levi with determination. I bring my fist back and punch him square in the face.

"That's for beating the crap out of him. You didn't have to knock his tooth out!" I shouted.

The room went silent as everyone stared at us. He rubbed his jaw where I hit him and stared at me. I don't know what expression was on his face, but he didn't seem angry. Almost in awe? But it was different. I don't know.

Anyways, I took my seat next to Eren and crossed my arms, leaning back into the couch. Erwin cleared his throat and continued, "I can assure you the pain was worth it. We played our trump cars at the perfect time. You have my utmost respect, both of you. Eren I'm glad that you're on our team."

Eren reached out his hand and hurriedly shook Erwin's, "Me too! Glad to be here, sir!"

"Y/N I'm glad you're still part of the Scouts. I don't know what we'd do without you," Erwin told me.

I sighed, dropping my cold exterior and giving him a relieved smile. "I'm glad too."

All the sudden Levi sat harshly next to me, crossing his legs and throwing his arm on the couch behind me. "So, Eren?"

"Sir?" Eren replied.

"You don't resent me now, do you?"

"N-No. I can see that what you did was necessary, sir," he answered.

"Good, then you understand," he replied, giving me a look.

"Hey! I understand! Doesn't change the fact that you beat up my little brother," I said. I slowly dropped my glare, a smirk growing on my face, letting him know that we were all good.

"Still, don't you think you went too far? I mean, you knocked his tooth out! Neat huh?" Hanji asked, unwrapping Eren's tooth from a cloth.

"You picked it up?" I asked, cringing. "How disgusting," Levi added.

"This is a precious sample I'll have you know!" She said.

"Hey, just be glad people like that aren't dissecting you," Levi told him.

"Don't you dare compare me with them. I would never even dream of killing him. Hey, Eren. Let me take a look inside that mouth of yours!" He opened his mouth and Hanji gasped. We all looked to see what she was looking at. "Your tooth...it grew back."

Okumaya devam et

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