Revealing Secrets [Intersex]...

By LishaRiches

186K 5.9K 1.2K

Valentine Dean had one hell of a past considering her blossoming future. She was a very successful woman in t... More

It's Perfect
The Plan
In Denial
In Control
Beautiful Oblivion


7.1K 248 91
By LishaRiches

Valentine Dean

I shouldn't be doing this.. I shouldn't be doing this. Valentine trained her hand to go up and down her own shaft for the past 5 minutes like a pro. She was right, she shouldn't have been doing this but how could she walk into Athena's home with a massive hard on. Last nights image replayed in her head over and over... Fuck! I'm about to come. Valentine worked her hand over her sex harder, Longer, Faster.. "Then don't forget it" Valentine looked down at herself and exploded right there in her hand. — You know I won't —
"Hey man. Did you do it?" Carlos asked Valentine as she parked her beauty in Jack's Sorrow parking lot. "You know I can't even if I want to" She told him. "What are you going to do then? This shit — Carlos points out to the club surrounding hundreds of hungry women for the night — It's not working and you know it. I for sure damn well know it. Valentine couldn't even argue with Carlos this time. He was right, coming to the club every night since she saw Athena wasn't cutting it. She wondered deeply of what she was doing right now, was Valentine even on her mind as much as she was on Valentine's.

                 4:56am in the morning probably wasn't the best time to come over someone's house, yet; what choice did she have? She hadn't seen Athena in the past two days.. she had to see if she was still alive. Get over yourself! You just miss her.

Valentine cleared her throat and gave the door a hard knock. For a long minute she didn't hear any footsteps or commotion that anyone was coming to the door. But then soon enough, the locks were being unlocked and the door was swung open. Athena looked just about edible... she quickly tied her robe up, stepped out of her home and quietly pulled Valentine to the side like she was a stranger she didn't need to see tonight. "What are you doing here?" She asked angrily. Maybe I caught her at a bad time this time... I knew this was a bad idea.

               "I can't stop thinking about you" Valentine forced out. Athena puts both of her hands on top of her head and turns away from Valentine. Her energy painted a picture that something was up, that something wasn't right. Was she thinking about this alone? "Say something" Valentine asked of her. "I don't have anything to say Valentine" — Still faced away from Valentine she wondered if coming over was a huge mistake. — "I see I've made a mistake by coming over" Valentine began. After a hard cold silence Valentine walked away back to her beauty.

                  "Wait" Athena finally chocked out. Valentine stopped in her tracks, one hand on her door handle while the other kissed the face of her cars nose. "Why do I feel like I'm in this alone?" Valentine asked her without even giving her a look of satisfaction. "You're not.. I just — I don't know what I want right now. I'm not even sure if I like — Valentine looks her way — "That you like women?" She finishes off. Valentine swings her car door open and slips back inside. "Yeah. Fine. You want me to say it. I'm not sure if I like women. I'm not sure if I like what I'm doing either.. but I'm doing it. I'm lost and confused right now.. Lost and confused? "So you think you're lost and confused because you have feelings for me?" Valentine questions her back angrily.

Athena opens her mouth to speak then shuts it. What could she possibly say that could cover up the fact that the whole entire statement sounded homophobic. "That's not what I meant" —— "Then what the fuck did you mean? Because it sounds a lot like you think being emotionally and physically attracted to the same sex is a disease" Valentine practically shouts back at her. Athena eyes went big and for the first time she looked scared of the decisions that would come after if she stood out in her driveway any longer.

Before she could speak the front door to her home was cracked open and a hefty man came walking out. "Hey baby. Everything okay out here? I heard shouting" He questions. Athena plasters a fake smile on her face and gives this man a kiss on the cheek. Valentine blood boiled as she watched this act play out right in front of her eyes — "Everything's fine baby. I'm just talking to a friend of mines. Go back inside and get some sleep for work tomorrow" She told him. The man looked Valentine's way and then back at Athena before pecking a kiss on her lips. Soon enough he walked away and her home door was closed back shut to a quiet night.

"I take it that's Kalep" — Athena looked down then back up before agreeing to Valentine's accusation. Valentine gripped her steering wheel and pushed her hands across the rubber to keep her brain intact. — Athena sighs into the air — "I didn't plan this. He just kinda popped up on me." She explained. Valentine leans back into her driver seat and calmly relaxed her emotions. She couldn't be mad that he was here she knew Athena was taken. She just didn't plan for him to show up so soon.

"Look... He's leaving for the morning" Athena revealed. Valentine looks this woman in her eyes — "You say it like you don't even want him here. — Athena opens her mouth then shuts it — "I— I don't know what I want Valentine. I love him. But... my mind wonders elsewhere when I'm with him" — Valentine's heart skipped more beats than she needed it to — "It's good to know I'm not alone" Valentine confirms. Athena cracks a big smile. "I never said you were" She answers.

After watching Athena step back into her home with the door closing right behind her Valentine made her departure home.

Valentine stepped into her home, threw her keys on the counter and removed every cloth of clothing she had on her skin. Before she could add the pile to her laundry someone sitting on her couch stole her attention instead. "Don't stop. I love a show" The woman said. Valentine covered her erection immediately and asked this woman's name and why she thought it was okay to step into her home. Anger stained Valentine's voice as she waited for a response.

But after standing for over 5 minutes she knew she wasn't going to get one. The woman sat there quiet on her couch with this look on her face in the dark. Valentine couldn't see her through the mirror over her fireplace in the living room area but the woman could. Valentine stormed over to the woman, switched on her lamp and shocked herself. "Diane?" Valentine questioned. Her heart raced with fear, her body felt empty and her mind remembered the past this woman gave Valentine.

"You've grown" Diane said as her eyes fell down below. "What are you doing here?" Valentine asked her. "You know what I'm here for. Don't act stupid" She sharply told. Valentine eyebrows went up instantly as she thought of her brother doing something stupid again. She knew that Diane only came when her brother couldn't pay his dues to her. She remembered the day she agreed to cover his debt whenever he couldn't pay.

"How much this time?" Valentine asked her. — Diane sucked her tongue in before biting down on her bottom lip — "You know.. It's been a while since I've had some good sex" — Valentine tilts her head to the side in confusion — "And you look like the right candidate for this job" Diane drops the tied up sweater she had on around her naked body — "I'm not for sale" Valentine straight off told her. "I never said you were. But for tonight I want that — Diane points down to Valentine's erect sex — in replace of the money I would've asked for" Diane reveals. Valentine should have said no, screamed no, even stood her ground but, she knew who Diane was in the business of drugs and money.

Her brother Winston could never hold up a deal bigger than his eyes, so here Diane was.. finding someone else to pay it for him, otherwise she'd shoot him where he stood without a thought in the world.

"Give me what you would've gave some other woman, she's clearly left you unsatisfied" Diane intimidates. Valentine couldn't even clear her name this time because Athena did somehow leave her unsatisfied in every area she wanted satisfaction in. Why did she even care? Kalep was over and she was sent back home to deal with a problem she didn't know she'd have to deal with alone.. What did you think was gonna happen? Why the hell would Athena have sex with you when she battled feelings she had no understanding of yet. Valentine.. always thinking with her dick instead of her head.

Valentine moved her hands and pressed them into Diane's waistline. "Ill give you all of it" She agreed.
                     Diane wiped her mouth after she gave Valentine a needy blowjob, hopped up on her kitchen counter and cranked her legs wide open. Her gaze became dangerous back at Valentine who stroked her sex with perfection. "Come here and give me what you promised" She said while her hand massaged her wet area with love.

Valentine didn't waste another second. She slipped a condom over her length, met Diane's entrance with patience and slowly slipped inside her wet home. Valentine began her task and started pounding this woman to the end of her arousal until her balls hit the face of her slobbering entrance. Diane's hands gripped onto Valentine's Ass forcing her to go deeper as she moaned out loudly for more. Valentine followed her sexual desire, took ahold of Diane's hips and fucked her even harder.

Diane moaned out like a girl begging for Valentine to continue. Valentine didn't even think of stopping, not for one simple moment. So deep! So deeeepp!!! She moaned from those lungs. Her mouth hung open as Valentine continued to fuck her body back onto her kitchen counter. Shit! Valentine chocked out and sped up her pumps. Diane moans out even louder as her toes curled into her feet — You like what I'm doing to her? — Yessss! — By this point Valentine knew she had sent Diane into another dimension of pleasure.

The white coating alongside the slick slimy release coming from Diane's throbbing pink sex smeared across Valentine's entire length. Valentine could not ignore it, she felt it, wanted more of it. So she held onto Diane's hips and rocked her body on her sex. — God... You're fucking me so good — Her hands pushed into Valentine's chest to slow down but she felt so good taking Valentine's thick sex like a champ.

I'm gonna cum again.. — Valentine's eyes looked into Diane's as they slowly closed to look down at the mess she had made. Valentine took this opportunity and forced her size to slam into Diane's home as she spilled over. Her eyes rolled back immediately as her moans played this deep song of passion. Valentine felt her, Squeezing around her sex like a closed in glove. — All that pressure had Valentine moaning out in pleasure as she burned pain into her calves for more. In a second she would explode and this would all be over.

Far from over it was... Valentine erupted inside her condom after Diane's third orgasm but never had her erection stood tall enough to enjoy many more rounds. Athena sat in her mind like a puzzle piece waiting to be solved over Valentine's grasp. Just thinking of the things she'd do to this woman when she got the chance made Valentine hard as a rock. "Damn Valentine. Just like that?" Valentine didn't answer her.

              "Get on the bed" Diane followed Valentine's orders quickly. The look in her eyes showed no mercy to stop what Valentine had planned., but that didn't mean good dick broke her character.

Valentine laid on top of Diane's naked front frame and slammed her arousal into her saturated walls. Grunts and moans played in each other's ears like a tennis ball match until Valentine pumped deeper. When she did... She felt every inch of Diane's tunnel pulsating around her hard arousal. Her moans kissed the drum lobes of Diane's ears moments after. She couldn't help it... Diane had a hold on her, a hold that she wouldn't let go. Then it came, a shock that not even Diane would forget.. Her own moans turned deep and hungry.

She quickly let go of Valentine's backline and reached for the bed sheets. — Uggghhhhnn!! Papi!!! Fuck me. — Valentine ignored her revealed accent and forced her bottom half even deeper, harder, concentrated. Sweat ran down Valentine's neck while her back shimmered in the dark. The moonlight shinning in through her bedroom window lit across her ass and sheets as her body worked every muscle to the test.

"You're gonna make me cum again" — Valentine didn't stop.. Her body craved for every release to kiss her until she couldn't take it anymore. "no te detengas!!" She whined out while her eyes folded to the back of her skull. Valentine felt her walls close in around her once more which rippled multiple waves of pleasure throughout her entire body, and again, her moans sung into this woman's ear.

Each watery pump back into Diane's body forced many more climax's. Her grip around Valentine's arms were as powerful as the imprint of her nails imbedding into her skin. — You got some good ass dick.. She groaned. Valentine knew her way around a woman's sexual need, but this... this was something more because of someone else. By now she would've released herself and disappeared from whatever woman she had brought home for the night. She was a one-night-stand type of woman.. not an all-nighter.

Diane threw her head to one side and moaned to the fullest her voice could go. Valentine had somehow found the courage to push this woman's legs back to her sides and pound into her home like a long-time lover. Those moans she once sung became screams of overwhelming pleasure. Her nails ripped into Valentine's skin for sanity as she herself sent this women off once again.

Every scream synced in with every slam Valentine processed. She looked down on this woman and saw her soul leave her body as her legs began to shake for mercy. — Es tan bueno — She grunted through her teeth. Then Valentine felt it, the grip of her body being pulled towards her own climax. She was about to loose her damn mind. So she pulled Diane closer and stroked her sex into this woman's canal like a professional.

Just that perfect stroke... sent Diane again. Her body shook with the power of her climax while she grunted and moaned out her pleasure. Valentine continued to slam this woman until she felt her own body giving in again. Diane screamed and screamed until her voice became a quiet orgasm of release. Valentine moaned out loudly when she felt Diane's home coating up her length with a fresh new batch of cream. This time she pounded Diane insanely deep as her body bounced off hers while she pushed her dick to the deepest of her canal.

All Valentine could hear was the sloshing wetness of this woman's sex. Her body accepted each pump knowingly until Valentine exploded again. Valentine laid her face into the crack of this woman's neck and gave her 6 more powerful pumps until her body let go. What a fuck that was... She had never gave a woman this much power until now.
               Valentine pulled herself out of Diane and disposed of the second condom in her nearest trash can. Diane on the other hand turned away from Valentine as if she'd rather look elsewhere. Valentine didn't know what that was... and truthfully didn't care to know.

Valentine turned on her shower, grabbed a bath robe out of her closet and set it on the railing right next to the showers doorway. She quickly stepped inside and washed away the leftover feeling of sex. In the midst of steam and pouring water Valentine still felt unsatisfied. Emotionally unsatisfied.

Valentine stepped out the shower carefully, dried herself down and dressed herself up in a pair of boxers and bra. When she stepped back into her room she had thought Diane would've been gone like she normally did, but this time her back was turned and she was sitting up on the edge of her bed. "Diane?" Valentine called out concerned. Diane turned her head and for the first time Valentine saw embarrassment? No. Fear? No.. Vulnerableness?. She was Vulnerable. "Are you — She quickly puts her hand up — "Don't tell anyone about this" She requested.

            Diane picked up her clothes and began dressing herself slowly like she had nowhere else to be. Valentine took it as a sign that she felt taken advantage of.. but how? She asked for this. "Whomever this woman is. She has to be one lucky one" — "Why do you say that?" Valentine asked her curiously. While watching Diane cover up her once naked body Valentine couldn't help but wish it was Athena and not someone who came to fix her brothers debt. "Because.. the way you fucked me. It was real. Passion cursed through my veins when you entered me. You wanted this woman as bad as you wanted to feel her. I felt you making love to me.. I felt my body making love to you" Diane explains. Valentine fiddled with her face cloth and watches Diane through her bedroom mirror. The look on this woman's face told no lies, she was telling the truth, she was enamored in Valentines prescience.

                   "You asked me to give you what I would've gave her... I did" Valentine spits out coldly. But Diane smiled instead — "You have power. Sexual power that could feed a whole entire nation of women. It's s gift. If you don't give it to one woman you'll give it to all. Then all those women will come running for you, stalking you, wanting to feel you again" — "Why are you telling me this?" Valentine asked her. "Because.. That's the first time I've ever felt any type of power through my own veins.. I've never got out of character for anyone before, but you. You.. — Diane blushes and meets Valentines eyes and licks her lips hungrily — "If this woman doesn't accept you, take you, steal you, I will be one of those women to crave for another round" She revealed.

              Valentine lays her towel down slowly and watched Diane leave her bedroom. Her brain screamed for safety, her heart sunk to the bottom of her ass, while her dick.. stood up for attention again. She had thought this would've worked, but all she did was make it worse. Not only did she have 6 women on her fuck list... now she had her brother's drug dealer to deal with. What have you done?
                             3 Days Later

              3 full days had passed since Valentine seen Athena. It wasn't as if she had a choice, other clients were paying their dues, while others made sure she was still on the list to construct their homes to life. If she had a choice, she would've seen Athena the night after she fucked Diane. She missed her dearly, and couldn't wait to run away from work for the weekend.

        "Hey. So what's up? Any luck with that girl?" Carlos asked for the 16 time in the past three days. "I still haven't seen her" Valentine told honestly. "Why not? You haven't been to the club and the work here is starting to die down" Carlos confirmed. "I don't know. I feel like I fucked things up" Valentine reveals to him. "Fuck things up? V she's literally taken. If you wanna fuck other women you're allowed to" — Valentine leans back in her office chair and lays her head back on the base of it — "I'll go see her tonight" She finally concludes.

          Valentine walked up those familiar two steps and knocked on Athena's door. The sound of soft footsteps announced itself close to the front doorway until the door itself was swung open. There... she.. was... Beautiful in this royal blue night gown as her hair this time laid down her back. "I know it's late.. — Athena folds her arms across her chest and leans into her doorway's edge — "It is late" She Re-stated. Valentine opens her mouth then closes it. She wasn't wrong.. It was late.

Athena unfolds her arms and cracks the door wide open. She waited patiently on Valentine's attendance and finally welcomed her inside. Valentine took this invitation over standing outside in the cold and walked inside her home like a loved one who knew was in trouble. "You can start on the shed tonight if you like, or you can join movie time with me" Athena optioned. Valentine turned towards the dark night then back at the tv. It shouldn't have been a thought. "The movie will be fine" She accepted.

Valentine was never a fan of movies, she hadn't been to a theater in almost six years and barely had time to sit down at her own home to turn on a tv. But this movie Athena had her watching was more than just some movie.. It was torture. "You were planning on watching this alone?" Valentine questions her anxiously as those eyes stayed glued to the screen of two lovers making intense love to one another. "Yes. I'm home alone with no one" She answered. Valentine looked away from the tv. Those eyes reached for Athena's to find out she was looking right back.

This look she had on her face told Valentine she was not in this alone. "It's a bit vulgar" Valentine explains. Athena giggles and nods her head on agreement. Valentine removed the pillow she had grabbed a while ago and let nature take over the appearance of her hard-on.

She watched in the corner of her eyes how Athena acted out over the view of her arousal reacting to something she didn't know would be so vulgar. In a instant Valentine turned her head and watched Athena bite down on her lip. "Like what you see?" Valentine asked her tauntingly. Athena didn't smile this time, this time she pushed her hair back and burned alive in the process. Valentine got rid of her smile and watched this woman unravel in front of her eyes. "I wanna do so many dirty things to you right now" — "I'm not stopping you" — "You should... I won't know how to stop" — Valentine licks her lips.

Athena stops the movie and stands up as she frantically tied her hair up. Her hand pressed into her forehead to hide her eyes from watching what she desperately wanted. "I'm going to get some water. Do you need any?" She asked. "Which one are we talking about?" Valentine continued to taunt. Athena cheeks turned red quickly before she departed to her kitchen for some water. Valentine giggled as she watched.

After being gone long enough for her erection to subside Valentine got up to find Athena. She was nowhere in the kitchen so she went out to the shed area. There she was, laying on one of her lounge chairs with a cup of water in her hand. "What are you doing out here? — Athena brings the cup up to her lips and takes another sip of water — "Getting some air" She answered. "Air?" Valentine curiously repeated back. "I needed a break from all that frustration you put me through" She informed. Valentine mouth drops open to a small chuckle "I did not put you through any torture. You're the one that turned on that provocative movie. You put us both through torture" Valentine reminds her.

Athena smirks into another sip from her drink. "I was okay until you and your nature distracted me" She reveals for the both of them. "Well my nature wouldn't have got so excited if you didn't suggest your motives" Valentine informs back. — Athena sighs — "Are we arguing now? Is this what this is?" She questions with a smile. "It's a debate. And I'm clearly winning" — "You wish" Athena mocks.

Valentine took a seat on the other lounge chair and laid back in the night. "You know for those three days I thought about calling you. Checking up on you, trying to see if you were still alive to talk to me" Athena began. — Valentine turns her head towards Athena — "Why didn't you?" — Athena turns her head this time — "Same reason you didn't"
"Bring me the chocolate!!" Athena screamed from the kitchen. Valentine went into the pantry and searched through her condiments. She reached for the sugar and stepped out of the pantry with her arms full of unhealthy items. Athena laughs immediately "You know you could've took each ingredient out one by one" She suggested. "I know. That's just too much work" Valentine tells. Athena snickers "I need the sugar or else you won't be getting any cookies" She teased.

Valentine took one small bite out of her cookie and moaned into the hot goodness of this sweet treat. "Good?" Athena questions. Valentine opened her eyes back up for another bite. "So good" She agreed.

"Okay so egg first then.. Valentine reads over the recipe — Then butter" She confirmed. Athena watched her patiently with this small smile on her face. — Athena picks up the butter and hands it over to Valentine — "Thank you". Valentine takes the butter, peels off the wrapper and chops it in half. She carefully threw the smallest piece into the mix of ingredients and stirred it until it was no longer soupy.

Athena watched Valentine like a hawk waiting for it's prey to escape a whole it had been trying to hide in. "What does this sound like to you?" Valentine asked her. Athena cracks a smile — "Stop. - She giggles - Make the damn food". Valentine breaks a smile across her own face and stirs even slower. Athena's smile slowly disappears as she shifts in her seat and turns red. "Sounds good doesn't it?" Valentine asked of her. "Yes it does" She answered. Valentine knew now they were no longer talking about the food she was cooking.

Valentine pushed the platter of food into Athena's oven and set a timer for a full hour. After cleaning up her kitchen Valentine joined Athena on the couch again. This time they talked instead of watching another movie.

"How was it with Kalep?" Valentine knew Athena's man was the last thing she'd ever wanna talk about. But she wanted to know, needed to know that she wasn't wasting her time in pursuing something that wouldn't go anywhere. Athena rested her head into the palm of her hand and met Valentine in the eyes "It was okay. He brought me flowers and gifts for his absences. Promised to never do it again" Athena told. "And do you believe him?" Valentine asked her. "No. I don't. I do believe he'll be over more often to make up for the lost time he promised me" — Athena kept her mouth shut on that one — "I'm not going to say that I don't want him here if that's what your hoping. I'm still trying to — "Figure things out" Valentine finishes for her.

Athena looked down away from Valentine since their talk and kept quiet about whatever else she had to say. Valentine didn't mean to ruin the fun they were having together, yet, how else was she to know if this was as real as she made it? How was she gonna know she wasn't wasting her time?

"Answer this one thing" Valentine request from her. — Athena picks her eyes back up — "Do you have feelings for me?" — Athena bites down her lip nervously and looks away — "Yes" She confirmed. "Look at me and say that" — Athena looks back down — "I can't" She said. "Why not? Am I not worth looking at when your confessing the truth?" Valentine asked of her. — Athena looks up and makes a face of doubt and lust — Athena suddenly gets up and storms off to her shed area. Valentine watched her leave nervously. Did she go too far?

After 30 minutes of silence on the couch Valentine got up to find this woman once again. She looked in the kitchen, her study, even her bedroom, still, she was nowhere to be found. So Valentine went outside frantically until her tracks slowed down on someone who was sitting in a chair that sat in the middle of the unfinished study. Valentine didn't say a word as she walked closer and closer to Athena. "You know ever since you started this study I knew you'd be trouble. — Athena smiles — "Then I guess we're both in trouble" Valentine mocks back.

Athena chuckles as those eyes swam in Valentine's own like a prize. She was well aware that her emotions didn't lay with her lover anymore. That her mind occupied someone else's just as hers did her own, other than the man she still loved. She couldn't just give that up so easily? Could she?

This undeniable silence killed every reason to step back inside Athena's home. Valentines body graveled towards the space this woman had built within those inches they both had in between another. Their desire for one another became a thick, annoying, thought of action. There would be no need for denying now.. Now, they could not Stand being away from each other for more than a few minutes. As much as they created space they also craved for each other's prescience and that, .. that just about pushed them both off a ledge.

"I should go back inside" Athena started as she got up and headed towards her home. The quick walk to an almost jump away from Valentine ran up her back. Valentine watched this woman take off into her home like a animal getting ready to attack it's prey. The sight of someone running away from doing such dirty things to Valentine.. turned her completely on. She loved a woman that could run.. Especially if it was Athena.

Valentine stormed in not too long after. Her heart pounded in her chest while her body tried to fight an urge to rip her clothes of right there. It was like inside her mind.. a need to have Athena beneath her made every moment worth while.

Valentine searched her study. No sign of Athena. Then she came upon her room, the door was closed shut. Valentine knocked on it softly... No answer. So she twisted the knob and slowly opened the door. Athena stood next to her window looking out at the nature surrounding her beautiful home. She slowly turned her head and watched Valentine enter her room without speaking a word. Valentine snapped the door shut and leaned against its frame.

Nothing was said for a whole 15 minutes, just Athena watching out her bedroom window while Valentine stayed put on her door. After a while Athena finally turned around, her face was flustered while those eyes she had, pierced into the attendance of Valentine Dean.

Valentine took control of their existence through patience and dominance. Athena didn't say a word. Her eyes told stories that no one but Valentine would understand. Because of this intense sexual longing they both shared this time now, there would be no stopping.

Valentine's breath danced with Athena's slowly and intimately. "Look into my eyes" Valentine asked of her. As intimate as this moment was Athena followed instructions quickly. Valentine had wondered what changed her mind so suddenly. Before, she made sure to keep Valentine away from her, but now, now.. she couldn't handle saying no.

Those piercing grey eyes looked into Valentine's eyes like glass. Her reflection bounced off Athena's orbs like a need to give in. Just a few centimeters away from their lips touching Valentine asked her one more time. "Do you have feelings for me?" — Athena looks Valentine dead in her eyes — "Yes" She said. Those eyes sat where they where and again Valentine's breath swooned past this woman's lips.

This time Athena put up her hand before Valentine could execute and slowly but surely slipped through her embrace. Her hand carefully raked her fingers through her head of her. Why was she taunting me like this? Valentine touched her lips and watched this beautiful woman tease her to unfathomable glory.

Valentine lost all control to follow any type of instructions for now she was rushing towards Athena like a linebacker. Athena fell into her doorframe as her eyes watched what would soon unfold right in front of her. Valentine wasted no time, her lips were on Athena's. Their lips perfectly mashed together uncontrollably as their tongues rolled over each other's without a care in the world. Valentine tasted Athena's mouth deliciously until her hands came in to play.

Those strong hands trailed up Athena's spine rather quickly. Athena kissed and kissed even harder, sloppier, messier. Valentine wasn't sure she'd be able to handle this much longer.. she wanted more. Valentine hands took a mind of their own and held onto Athena's juicy ass. The pull her hands could handle brought Athena to her toes, — Oh my god... Athena softly said as her body tried to catch its breath.

Valentine didn't even have time to think, her body reacted to every emotion she felt right in this room. Again, her lips made their way on Athena's in acceptance as her hands somehow picked her entire frame up off the ground and wrapped this woman's legs around her waist. Her bottom half clashed into Athena's pelvic area beautifully forcing Athena to need what she shouldn't have wanted. — You're teasing me — She quietly told. Valentine didn't say a word or move a muscle. Her hands moved Athena's area over hers desperately.

Her hard erection made sure to press right where Athena's entrance would be. When she did, Athena couldn't help herself, those moans of hers came flying out that unforgettable mouth. — Ugghhhnnn!! Valentine... you're teasing me!!! — She shouted out in mercy. Valentine held her up no matter how much she wanted to fall down to her knees. Valentine unzipped her pants and let her jeans fall down to her ankles. Her erection against her boxers ran across Athena's erect bud. She could feel how aroused she was, how wet her panties had become where her entrance lay.

Valentine groaned and grunted out her pumps while her eyes stood still in Athena's. Athena on the other hand couldn't contain her moans or herself, her hands grabbed for Valentine's shoulder blades, scratching and tugging on her shirt until those eyes closed shut. She moaned and moaned.. and moaned... — Ugghhnnn fuck... Your gonna make me cum— Valentine did not stop even if her calves could rip at any moment. She couldn't stop... her heart pounded in her chest as she watched Athena unravel like a book.

Those faces.. that moan.. Valentine wanted every single bit of it. She was the most sexiest woman she had ever seen in her arms. — Ughhhnn! Ugghhhnn!! Ufghhnnn!!! — She was so close, closer... Valentine pumped her bottom half harder into Athena until the sound of her door clicking with her lock echoed through her bedroom walls. Her grip came in with one until those nails dug the deepest they could go. Her eyes were white, rolled to the back of her head until they closed indefinitely just for that moment. Valentine felt her, the wet entrance of her panties becoming an even wetter piece of fabric. "Do you love what I'm doing?" She questions Athena. Athena finally comes down to earth and opens her eyes slowly as the power of pleasure poisoned her veins. "Yes" She moaned. Valentine rested her face into the side of her neck and whispered those very familiar words she knew Athena would always remember. Don't forget it.
Wooooo! Is it hot or is it Hot! I had to run to the bathroom for this one. I promised a loyal reader of mines some good smut. Your welcome ;) - I know you guys have been loving these fast updates so I'll try to continue being as consistent as I can be - if you loved this chapter as much as I loved writing it then don't be afraid to heart me away. If you wanna leave any comments or suggestions down below then blow my section up with love!! You guys are hilarious and I can't wait to see what else I can whip up for this book. I love all of you and I'll see you guys next time!!!!

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WARNING R-RATED Disaster-in-Waiting was a dream come true for me. Firstly writing it and then sharing it on here and receiving such a wonderful respo...
116K 1.6K 7
Standalone Honeymoon for one Rebound/Second chance romance HEA After I embarrassed and left my fiancé stunned at the altar, I ran off to Barbados--t...
530 43 13
Twenty-seven (27) year old, Milo Green was on cloud nine since Last Christmas and now it was that wonderful time of year again, but this time his ent...