Ashtray : Abandoned

By inlovewithlove45

117K 1.2K 360

Before reading just know there is mature content! More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13 - fuck you
Part 14 - don't tell
Part 15 - Running out of time
Part 16 - you can't save me
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33 Bonus chapter
Please read

Part 7

4.4K 53 16
By inlovewithlove45

I'm afraid to lose you and your not even mine.

"Fez its one fucking party, you cant keep me locked up forever I aint Rapunzel" Eli said as she began to pace around the lounge while Fez and Ash were sat watching a action movie.

"Look El, I'm on strict orders from your uncle to not let you go anywhere you could get hurt, and that's what ill do ight, so like I dunno Maddy could come here or some shit" He said as he watched the young girl get agitated.

"No Fez, Maddy wont be coming here because Maddy will be going to the party enjoying her youth" Eli said as she threw her hands up.

"Aint nothin I can do" Fez went back to watching the programme.

Eli paced the room again, she needed to get out the house, she felt as if she was suffocating, she began to think then an idea came to mind. "What if you come with me, you know sell drugs while I have a good time" Eli said smiling at Fez, He just rolled his eyes and shook his head "Look you will be making money and it will shut me up for a bit so win win ye?" she said.

"Fine" Fez said, Ash snapped his head to Fez, and sighed then threw his head back, Eli was excited, she quickly texted Maddy she would be meet her there.

After changing her outfit 3 times, Eli finally picked out a green dress that had shapes cut out to show her figure, she had done light make up and put her hair in plats with a bun at the back. She was putting on perfume when Ash came in.

"Ready?" he said, Eli turned around and watched as his eyes travelled down her body taking in her beauty.

"I know I'm hot but you aint gotta stare at me like I'm naked" Eli said using his old words against him, he just rolled his eyes and finally looked away from her body and met her blue eyes.

"Look were going now, so either come now or stay here and be a loner" he said

"coming, also I'm not a loner my names not ashtray" She said as she picked up her phone and walked past him with a smirk on her face.

After being in the car for 7 minuets they finally arrived and Eli shot out the car but was quickly stopped by Fez standing in front of her "Me and Ash are gonna be separated in the house so one of us will always be near so If you need us we will be there" he said, Eli just nodded "Be safe" he said as he let her go.

Eli made her way into the house and was greeted by Maddy, the two began to talk and laugh, Maddy was drinking her problems away tonight, her and Nate had an argument and Maddy knew exactly how to get under Nates skin. Eli was going to watch it all unfold, she knew Maddy was a powerful person and could make a lot of people do things they didnt want to.

As the night went on, she checked in with Fez, so he knew she was okay, she saw Ash deal with a couple of people and she danced with Maddy, the night was going perfectly fine until it suddenly wasn't.

After dancing for most of the night Maddy had gone off to get a drink, Eli was dancing with some girls in her class when the eruption started. Eli could hear Nate scream from right across the room, everybody's head was turned and Eli pushed pass to see what was going on.

When she got passed the crowd of people she was met with Nate Jacobs screaming at Maddy, Maddy looked angry, the two were screaming at each other and Eli knew soon enough thing were going to turn for the worse, she knew Nate had anger issues and she knew Maddy could push his buttons.

Eli went over to them and tried to pull Maddy away but with Nates shouting insults it made it very hard. 

"Maddy your a fucking whore, slut and you don't know how to keep your fucking mouth shut" Nate shouted.

Maddy smirked "Oh yeah Nate, really I can keep my mouth shut, I've kept my mouth shut for weeks, unless I didnt and I don't know" She said as she looked around " I might of told someone about a certain camera roll" She said but before she could continue Nate smashed a bottle on the table making glass shatter everywhere, people gasped and I looked at Maddy.

She had a massive gash on her face and looked scared, I looked at Nate and walked up to him and kicked him where the sun don't shine, he curled over and grabbed onto his area. I quickly took this opportunity to grab Maddy's arm and pull her away from the crowd and go up the stairs.

It wasn't busy upstairs most people where downstairs watching the scene unfold. Eli went straight into the bathroom and pulled Maddy in making her sit, she began to look in the cupboard, she then saw the bathroom door open from the corner of her eye "occupied dumbass" Eli shouted, but the door was still opening, so she walked up and yanked the door "Hey I said occupied dip shi" she paused when she saw Ash stood there "Ash?" 

"I was with a customer when I saw you guys run in what the fuck happened?" he asked as he saw the blood on Maddy's face. Eli pulled him in the bathroom then shut the door and made her way back over to the cupboard.

"Nate Jacobs happened" she said as she got a bandage out and began to clean Maddy's cut.

"He's a fucking prick and I hope he dies" Maddy says as she begins to squirm under the pain.

"Ye, he does" Eli said, Ash just watched as Eli helped Maddy, he couldn't believe that someone who has a uncle like Lee, can be so caring. He began to listen to Maddy rant about Nate, he was making sure Eli was okay, he checked over her and saw she had a cut in her arm and the glass was still in it.

"Eli" he said, she was too caught up in the conversation with Maddy to hear him "Eli" he said again, yet she still didnt hear him "Eliana for fuck sake" he said, this caught her attention and both Maddy and her looked his way, no one ever used her full name.

"Yes Ashtray" she said in a impatient way, she saw where he was looking and looked down at her arm to see a gauge in her arm with blood dripping, with the alcohol in her veins and the shock of the argument she must not of noticed "Oh shit" she said, Maddy widened her eyes and looked at the cut.

Ash moved closer to Eli "Can you go get Fez" he said, nobody moved so he looked at Maddy "Yo can you go get Fez" he said, Eli rolled her eyes.

"Ash" she said, he just looked at her and huffed.

"Please" he said quietly, Maddy quickly got up and exited the bathroom. Ash held her arm up and looked at the cut.

"Its not that bad Ash" she said, he wasn't listening "Ash" she said.

"For god sake Eli, we told you you something would happen" he said, he was more annoyed with himself that he couldn't protect her.

"Shut up Ash" she said, he shook his head and brushed his hand through his hair in stress.

"I don't think you get it Eli, your not made of steal, your carless with your life, you act like your not in danger" he said.

"I'm not a fragile Chinese doll Ash, and I don't need a hero to save me" she said, Ash began to go on and on about her being carless, he had always hated the fact she didnt worry about dying everyday, he hated she took drugs and acted like one day she wouldn't die, he hated that her uncle was a drug dealer which put her in danger.

"Ash" she said, he kept speaking about her being carless "Ash" she said again, he wouldn't listen so she came up to him "Ash" yet again, Ash being stubborn he wouldn't listen.

She walked up to him and put her hands on his shoulders and he stopped talking "Ash I'm perfectly fine, okay" She said quietly, now Ash didnt know if it was the weed in his system or the fact he was insanely attractive to Eli or even both but in that moment all he wanted was for her lips to be on his, so he leaned in and captured her lips with his and kissed her, she was shocked at first but quickly found her hands in his hair and pulled him closer in the kiss.

Ash wasn't thinking about how her arm was bleeding, he wasn't thinking what If Fez walks in or if someone caught them all he needed was her lips on his. 

The kiss was intense and they both needed it, they craved it and now that they had a taste they were never going to get enough of it.

She was his addiction

He was hers.

New update hope you all like

Love you guys

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Just read it :) Ashtray x y/n
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Asสœแด›ส€แด€ส แด€ษดแด… Vษชแด„แด›แดส€ษชแด€ ษขส€แด‡แดก แด›แด สœแด€แด แด‡ แด€... ๏ผ๏ผ ๐ท๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘ก ๐‘๐‘™๐‘Ž๐‘š๐‘’ ๐‘š๐‘’ , สแดแดœส€ ๐’๐’๐’—๐’† ๐’Ž๐’‚๐’…๐’† ๐’Ž๐’† ๐’„๐’“๐’‚๐’›๐’š ๐‘ฐ๐’‡ ๐’Š๐’• ๐’…๐’๐’†๐’”๐’'๐’• ,๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘ข ๐‘Ž๐‘–๐‘›...
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Exactly what the title saysโ˜๏ธ