Part 28

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(This is a long ass chapter. Since its Christmas this is your present from me, your welcome)

 Since its Christmas this is your present from me, your welcome)

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cos I wanna love you, like I'm saying good bye 

I turn around as I feel eyes on me, to my left I see no other than Nate Jacobs staring at me, his stare seems more like a glare as it burns into my head. He's leaned up against Maddy's locker as she talks to him. I force myself to look away hoping he does too.

Maddy and I are still close however we don't talk much in school, since she is two years above me she will be leaving soon and it seems like she has changed, she's more mature and instead of focusing on gossip she seems to be focused on her next step in life, it makes me happy for her knowing she has dreams she wants to succeed in.

Her and Nate are sadly still together, after a long break he wiggled himself back into her life again after the collage party, I love Maddy with my heart but sometimes she can be so dumb. Nate Jacobs, a boy I have hated all my life, he's the son of satin and nobody can tell me other wise. I hated him even when he was with my best friend, if anybody knew what he did he wouldn't be here standing with my best friend pretending to be interested he would be in jail. Also with his grooming father but that's a whole other story.

I head off down the hall still feeling the glare on me but I decide I wouldn't let him get to me, I go to my next class which luckily has Harry in so I won't be bored out of my mind.

Since its Christmas weekend school decided to give us a insect day on Friday meaning we wont be in, but that also meant we got holiday homework today "Mr Handle says the work needs to be completed this weekend so wanna come over to mine Friday?" he says.

"I can't its Christmas on the Sunday and I promised I would stay at Fez's the whole weekend" I say as we walk down the hall to my locker.

"Well can't you just nip out and come to mine for a few hours I'm sure they won't mind, and why aren't you staying at your family's for Christmas?" he asks as he leans against my locker door watching my put my books in.

"I can't sorry Fez is really tight when it comes to us spending time with each other especially holidays, also my uncles out on a business trip and my brother is spending it with his girlfriends family so Fez invited me over for the weekend" I say as I give him a sympathetic smile.

"Urgh fine just don't get pregnant while your getting it down with Ash all weekend, Christmas makes people horny" He says as he makes a disgust face.

"Okay me and Ash are just friends and we will not be having sex at all so keep it out of your head" I say as blush makes its way to my face just thinking about it.

"Thank god I don't want anymore of you" he says, I make a fake hurt face and he just rolls his eyes. As we begin to talk I feel someone staring at me and when I turn to look I see Nates face again, I give him a weird look and look back at Harry who was waving his fingers Infront of me. "Okay you know I love it when my best friend listens to me" He says, he turns his head to see where I was looking then turns back round to me. "Oh shit what happened to him, he looks like he ate a whole lot of spicy food and needs the shits" he says.

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