The Professor: AKA My Mom's B...

By _rock_it_

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'The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom' Spinoff You do not need to read the first book to understand this one... More

Sneak Peek


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By _rock_it_

*Lindsay's POV*

"What should I write this time, Shannon Monet?" I asked myself aloud, as I spun in her chair, nibbling on the back of her pen. I was trying to think of the best comment to write on my note for today, but had become stuck. 

Ever since the kiss at the bar a couple of days ago, Shannon and I had been increasingly more flirtatious but hadn't been any more intimate. There were some flirtatious touches and leg rubs under the dinner table, but other than that, we had refrained from any other sexual contact. That wasn't to say that the innuendos weren't there...

I wanted to write something that would make Shannon squirm. I wanted her to feel what I was writing. Feel it in her bones, in her blood, in her c-, maybe that's going a bit too far. Either way, I wanted to impact her. I was trying to write a naughty, yet loveable note, and to be honest, it was easy as I looked at the photo of her that sat on her desk. Looking at her, she was my muse. 


The moment I start thinking about you, I lose my senses and my body starts to vibrate with uncontrollable sexual urge. So many options...which will you choose? the car? the couch? the bed? the floor? kitchen table? outside? It doesn't matter, as long as it's with you.

Let my tongue explain how bad I crave you. Close your picture yourself screaming my name as your body explodes in wave after wave of mind-blowing ecstasy! I guess you wouldn't mind me waking you up each morning by putting my head between your legs and writing you a love note with my tongue?

All you have to say is yes. 

- L ❤️

Happy with myself, I folded the note up and placed it neatly on Shannon's desk for her to read. I prepared to leave her office when I heard voices coming from the hall. I heard Shannon's angelic laugh, then noticed an unfamiliar voice, likely one of the other professors. The problem was, students weren't supposed to have keys to the offices, and certainly should not have been in them without a professor. 

I spun around, looking for places to hide. My first thought was under the desk, but unfortunately underneath Shannon's desk was visible from the door. There were some filing cabinets... unlikely I could fit in those. The door knob started to shift, so I launched myself behind the couch, squeezing between the wall and the sofa. The fit was tight, but I was much more focussed on not being seen by the other professor, to worry about internal organ damage. 

"Thanks, Mandy, but I could've carried the boxes solo," Shannon chirped, as I heard the boxes being placed onto the ground. 

"Don't be silly, Shannon. Besides, I enjoy your company," Mandy whispered, and I could detect the flirtatiousness within her tone. 

Oh, hell no, this bit-

"That's nice, you're a good friend, Mandy," Shannon replied, and it took everything inside of me not to burst out in laughter. 

You just got friend-zoned bitch. 

Shannon and Mandy conversed for a few more minutes before I heard Mandy depart, closing the door behind her. I waited a few minutes to be sure she had left, and was about to extract myself when I heard Shannon begin to talk to herself.

"Lindsay, you cheeky minx," Shannon mumbled, and I heard her pick up my note. 

I couldn't tell if I was in a good situation or a bad one. 

I could hear Shannon's reaction to my note, but I was also kind of invading her privacy by hiding undetected behind her couch. Yup, that sounds messed up

I heard the rustling of paper and held my breath. I guess I'm doing this. I stayed still, remaining in my hiding spot behind the couch. 

About twenty seconds passed and I hadn't heard a sound. Suddenly, I heard an loud gasp. 

'Shit, I've been caught!' was my first reaction, but soon realised her reaction was actually at the note.

"Why, Lindsay? Why do you have to be such a tease?" Shannon groaned, and I couldn't contain a little giggle. 

Seconds later, I was startled by the clearing of a throat above where I laid trapped. Looking up, I was met with Shannon's annoyed face, and gave my sweetest smile. 

"What the hell are you doing, Lindsay?" Shannon questioned, crossing her arms.

"I can explain, but it'd be a lot easier if I wasn't wedged between a couch and the brick wall of hell," I wheezed, trying to make light of the situation. 

Shannon nudged the sofa with her foot, causing me to fall heavily against the floor.

Nope, she was still mad.

I pushed myself off the floor and stood in front of her. She was visibly annoyed, with her arms crossed over her chest, and a cold expression painted on her face. It amazed me that even like this, she was still the most beautiful woman, inside and out, that I had ever met. 

I explained the situation to Shannon, and she seemed to understand for the most part. The only bit that she was still annoyed at was the fact that I stayed hidden, long after Mandy had left, just to eavesdrop. 

I apologised several times, but other than that, there was little I could do. I decided to give her some space, bidding my farewell, before departing. 

I was insanely sorry for invading her privacy, and realised it was stupid. I wanted to make it up to her, but my mind was elsewhere, recalling how plump her lips looked when she was annoyed. Her perfect lips. 


Later that day, I had one of my first private physiotherapy and training lessons with Shannon. She still seemed a bit annoyed, so I refrained from being overly flirtatious, instead keeping to the task at hand. 

I loved swimming, but like anything, it got boring after training continuously for hours on end. 

Shannon was looking mighty fine in her swimsuit, which was likely packed in the morning, before our altercation in her office. I was trying to be discrete, but she just looked so damn gorgeous that it was difficult not to stare.  

"Stop looking at me like that," Shannon remarked, facing the other direction, which only gave me a glorious view of her ass. 

"Why?" I whined.

"Because I'm still annoyed at you. You don't get to look or touch, that's your punishment."

"You don't have much experience as a sadist, do you?" I laughed, shooting her a wink.

She ignored my comment, instructing me to do more exercises and drills. Not long later, and I was only paying attention to how her hips swayed and how she looked so delicious. 

My eyes roamed her body again. 

"I told you to stop looking at me like that," Shannon grumbled.

"Why is that Professor Monet?" I whispered. 

"Because I said so."

"Should I listen to all you say? Because I recall you asking me to kiss yo-"

"Twenty laps of the pool and ten of the track now," she barked, turning around, giving me the perfect view of her delicious buttocks. 

"Hot Bit--," she turned around, raising an eyebrow, "umen," I finished. 

"Hot bitumen?" She teased. 

"Hell yeah. This bitumen is so fucking hot," I remarked, rubbing my hand over the ground, lovingly.

Shannon tried to conceal her smile and giggle, but I could tell that I got to her. Pleased with myself, I jumped up and got started on my laps. 


"Take it back," Shannon growled, pinning me against the back of her office door.

"W-what are you talking about?" I stuttered, fucking stuttered.

"I can be a sadist," she whispered, biting hard on my earlobe.

I laughed, "you couldn't hurt a fly!"

It was as if I ignited a fire deep inside of her, and seconds later she was attacking my lips, as I struggled to keep up. She kissed me with so much force and determination that I was sure I would suffocate. 

If this is how I die, I don't mind.

Wrapping her fist around my neck, she practically threw me against her desk. To say I was turned on would be an understatement: I was as hot as a wildfire, yet as wet as the ocean. 

She sucked and bit her way up and down my neck so hard that I was sure I looked like I had been beaten up. I tried to touch Shannon, pull her closer, but she pushed my hands away. 

"No," she growled, looming over me while staring me dead in the eyes, "you don't get to look or touch, that's my job and my job only. Do I make myself clear?"

I was purely and utterly speechless. 

Shannon squeezed my neck, testing my breathing, "answer me."

I nodded, still not able to form any words, and she seemed to accept that. 

I kept unintentionally roaming my hands over her body, it was hard not to! To restrain me, she flipped me over, and I laid firmly over her desk. I couldn't help but laugh. We were a student and a professor, she had me bent over her desk, it was a cliché as old as time. 

She took my giggling as rebellion, and apparently that wasn't a good thing. The next moment, she had wrapped her hand around my neck, pulling me into a standing position behind the desk, her body pressed firmly against my own. 

"Take it back," she growled into my ear.

She couldn't be serious.

I let out another giggle, this was just too funny, "Shannon, babe, you got a little rough, that's not sadism."

She let out a deep, heavy growl, and if it were anyone else, I would probably be a little frightened, but this was Shannon. Who is she kidding? She's not a sadist. Not even a little bit.

She pulled open a drawer connected to her desk and retrieved a huge strap-on. I didn't even stop to think about why there was a fake dong in her desk, but thinking back on it now, that seemed a little odd. 

I wasn't backing down though, turning to give Shannon a smug smirk. 

"Give it your best shot, Shannon. Who says I haven't taken bigger?" I whispered confidently. I definitely had not taken bigger. To be fair, not many guys walked around sporting 8-inches, and even if they did, it was unlikely that they could make a woman orgasm as well as another woman could. 

What happened next nearly made my eyes bug out of my head. It was like time flashed forward, and suddenly, I was standing behind Shannon's desk, palms gripping the edge, while Shannon pounded into me.

My brain was so fucking confused. We were arguing earlier, and I couldn't recall how all of a sudden it ended up like this.

I felt exhausted, and wanted to fall over the desk, letting it hold my weight. 

"No," Shannon growled, holding me up by my neck, "you keep your hands on the desk and hold yourself up."

My legs were failing me, but just as I'd almost fall, Shannon would thrust aggressively into me, lifting me back up. I felt like I was being ripped in two, and I was so close. 

"I-I'm-," I started to moan, and Shannon came to abrupt halt. 

"You do not cum until I give you permission," Shannon howled.

I whimpered, knowing that we were both going to hell for this. If I'm going to hell, I may as well go out in style.

Shannon resumed her previous pace, and soon had me teetering on the edge. My abdomen was clenched, my body fighting so hard to hold it off, but it was becoming even more difficult with every second that passed. 

"Cum," Shannon whispered, ending my torment. 

I will tell you, that one word opened a flood gate. My legs finally gave out and I fell roughly against the desk. Fireworks were exploding within my mind, and I couldn't even open my eyes. I was panting as if I had just run a marathon, and I was surprised I hadn't fallen unconscious. 

Shannon leaned over to whisper into my ear, still consuming my insides, "I can be a sadist." 

I shot up, looking around to find myself in bed. I was sweating profusely, also releasing some other bodily fluids. 

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," I groaned, falling heavily back onto my bed. 

Dream or not, that felt as real as anything. My subconscious mind was fucked in the head. She had a fucking strap-on in her desk drawer, of course it wasn't fucking real. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkk," I groaned, feeling bad for myself. 

If that's what angry sex with Shannon felt like whilst dreaming, I was going to have to go get me some of that in real life. 

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed that one!

Vote, comment, continue reading.

Stay safe xx

- T.J Starc

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