Nakiri & Scarlet: Road to Shi...

By UltraMikeTechno

2.9K 29 41

Reed and Roy, After convincing Mike Techno wen to a now world to find motivation, motivation to train and gro... More

Story notes & Bios
Part 1: Please Mike Please~~
Part 2: Hanzō academy 1st years
Part 8: Tales of Techno
Part 9: More training? Gimme a break
Part 10: Reed and Roy of the D.V universe
Part 3 "Sparring" Match
Part 11: Power exhibition match
Part 12: Road to strongest
Part 13: Reed & Roy: Awakening
Part 4: Family talk and lurking evil
Part 14: Reed and Roy: Drums of Dawn
Part 15: Call of Liberation!
Part 5: Training in Tandem
Part 16: Secrets of the Sage
Part 17: Senjutsu Village
Part 17.5: "Walk" to Hanzō National Academy
Part 6: Legendary Meetup
Part 18: Inevitable meetup
Part 19: Allies or newfound enemies?
Part 20: Traitor?
Part 7: Unorthodox meetup
Part 21: Techno's Training: Discussion
Part 22: Techno Training: Limit Breaker
Part 23: Hebijo Academy Raid: Countdown
Part 24: Hebijo Academy Raid: Confrontation
Part 25: Hebijo Academy Raid: Climax
Part 26: Hebijo Academy Raid: Ashes of Orochi
Part 27: Orochi's Fall
Part 27.5: Hold off the reinforcements!
Part 28: Ally forces.
Part 29: More Good Shinobi- wait wha?
Part 30: Shinobi battle Royale: Preparation
Part 31: Shinobi Battle Royale: Training
Part 32: Shinobi Battle Royale: Last minute preperation
Part 33: Shinobi Battle Royale: Shambles!
Part 34: Apologies Hanzō Academy.
Part 34.5: 3 Months
Part 35: Tokyo City
Part 36: Not so(?) Prominent Trouble
Part 37: We need- A distraction(?)
Part 38: Operation: Pool Party
Part 39: Reality is Harsh, but giving up is Worse
Part 40: Foes to Friends.
Part 41: Friends to Foes
Part 42: Complete to Broken, Broken to Complete
Part 43: Shinobi Masters: Countdown
Part 44: Shinobi Masters: Beggining
Part 45 Shinobi Masters: Start of the match
Part 46: Shinobi Masters: Early Finale?
Part 47: Team Hanzō is back.
Part 48: The defeat of the Twins.
Part 49: Untimely end.
Part 50: Declaration of War
Part 51: Clashing fates & truths.
Part 52: There's Yōma, and a lot of them
Part 53: Let's finish these Yōma!
Part 54: Secrets unfolded
Part 55: Hot springs to the other world?
Part 56: The beggining of the end
Part 57: Battle against time
Part 58: Why, just why?
Part 59: Our True Power
Part 60: Let's end this.
Part 61: Techno's Demonstration
Part 62: Confronting God
Part 63: Hospitalization
Part 64: Rest before the Test
Part 65: Room for Improvement
Part 65.5: Meanwhile...
Part 66: Training Montage (Which I still dunno how to properly do lol)
Part 67: Extended Training Montage
Part 68: ...
Part 69 (Nice): The End.

Part 15.5: 2nd unexpected crossover

31 0 0
By UltraMikeTechno

E: HA! DIDN'T EXPECT THIS DIDN'T YA!? Now, I wasn't originally planning for this to happen. But I liked that original fic so lez go!

*On a desktop* 

Orange: And that means... Uno! 

Yellow: *Slams his cards on the table* I HAVE 50 CARDS!!!


Blue: Deal with it and get gud. 

Green: I'm done...

*A loud ding on a doorbell can be heard*

Red: Was that the chosen one-

Orange: I WIN!!


Blue: NUUUU!!

Orange: HAHAHA! I WIN!!

*The ding can be heard again*

Orange: *Stands up* Coming. 

E: Where are those stickmen- 

Orange: Uh... who are you?

E: I am...

Red: Oi, who was dat? 

E POV: Fudge I didn't think this through darn it script! 

Blue: Who are you? You don't look like the chosen one-

E: Okay lemme explain this to y'all.

Orange: Uh... okay? Go on.

E: So, you already know, A.Us exist and different dimensions exist too. I am calling you 5 to assist 7 other people in a journey. 

Yellow: What are you talking about? 

E: You will be transported to another dimension. You must go there to protect that world from an ancient threat. I cannot tell the details as I am not to certain on what it is at the moment. 

Red: How the hell can we trust you?

E: Lemme think... Becuase of this? *Writes on Red's arm*

Red: What did you do- why does my arm look so real!?

E: *Removes the texture* That will be your disguise so you don't stick out. You will keep your color schemes so that you won't get confused with one another. I entrust you to do a task for the greater good and I know you have the ability to do it. 

Orange: Well, thanks but I am not sure if we are ready yet-

E: I'll give you about... 1 week to get ready. Get everything you need. You can grab allies if you have any and you can grab practically anything. But you won't be able to bring the games with you as they themselves are alternate realities. Ciao. I'll see you in a week. *Teleports*

Orange: Well that just happened.

Blue: So should we get ready?

Red: Probably. Let's set up a plan first. 

Yellow: I'll go get the drawing board then.

*1 hour later*

Yellow: So here is our plan. I will contact the chosen one to assist us for this journey. Red and Green. You'll be in charge for resource gathering. Go to Minecraft and gather what we need. Blue, you go along with them but instead of resource gathering you should make potions of healing, strength, jump boost and speed. You can also get us rations for the journey as well. And Orange, You can convert everything that Red and Blue got and also help me convince the chosen one to join our cause. So, is everything clear?

Red: I guess so. *Stands up* Alright Green, let's get going. We have a week to make this work.

Green: Alright 1 week is all we got. Let's make it count.

Yellow: And I have a week to contact the chosen one. Come on orange help me here. *Walks to the PC*

Orange: Got you. *Walks with Yellow* 

Blue: Hey, wait up Red and Blue! 

*The 1 week of preparation begins now!*


*With Red and Green* 

Red: *Mining Iron, Copper, Gold, Redstone, ETC* This is a huge cave!

Green: *Collecting dungeon chests and EXP* But dangerous- 

*Their vision gets blurry and dark*

Warden: *Screams*


Green: YOU SAID THAT WELL!! *Runs away* 

Warden: *Runs after them* 

Red: Green, grab on! *Holds Green's shoulder* We're teleporting outta here!

Green: HOLD ON WHA- 

*The two teleport out of the cave*

Red: *Drops all of the loot they gained*

Green: *Panting* We almost died there!

Red: Well we can't slow down. Chances are we have a higher chance of dying in that new world. *Grabs an axe* Let's get to chopping.

Green: *Begins to cut trees* 

*With Yellow and Orange*

Yellow: Come on... come on... get to connecting... this is the 20th time!

Chosen one: Who is this?

Yellow: Ah, there you are! We need your help.

Chosen one: What is it for? It better be something important.

Orange: Well, another world is in trouble and we were chosen by... God I guess to help it out.

Chosen one: Normally I would decline, but if you are coming TSC then so am I. I'll be there soon.

*The call cuts out*

Yellow: *Chugs a Red Bull* Let's go! only took us 20 tries!

Orange: Finally... 

*With Blue, Red and Green*

Blue: Water, Spider Eye, Fermented Spider Eye, Glowstone Dust, Redstone Dust, Nether Wart, Blaze Powder, Ghast Tear, Magma Cream, and Sugar. I can make this work. The village was kind enough to lend us some crops and also a bunch of spare brewing stands. *Begins to brew*

Green: *Drops the wood* I think we've gotten more than enough.

Blue: There are a bunch of crops here. We got carrots, wheat, beetroot, and potatoes I have some left over carrots, potatoes and seeds left so you can go on and bring those back home.

Red: *Carries 50% of all the stuff* Come on Green, let's get this back to Orange so he can speed craft all of our stuff. 

Green: *Carries the rest of the stuff* We'll be on our way now. See you later.

Blue: See y'all later then. *Continues to brew* 

*With Orange*

Orange: Looks like you've gotten a lot of stuff here.

E: *Teleports in* So- woah! Looks like you've been busy! Just wanted to tell you that you'll get a Minecraft inventory so you'd be able to store all of your stuff and take these. *Throws a Orange, Red, Green, Yellow and Blue shulker box* This is a portable chest for your usage. Use it wisely. I'll be off now. See you. *Teleports away* 

Orange: Thanks. *Cracks his knuckles* Let's get to craftin! *Speed crafts* 

*With the Chosen one*

Chosen one: *Arrives at their home* I am here. *Knocks on the door-

Blue: Oh, you've gotten here faster than we thought.

Red: If it wouldn't be a hassle could you help us bring some stuff inside.

Chosen one: Sure. I would want to help.

Green: *Opens the door* Hey, Orange, Yellow, we're back! And we've gotten someone along with us.

Chosen one: Hello. It has been a while The second coming.

Orange: No need to call me that. Just call me Orange. And by the looks of it, everyone's already here.

Red: We've gotten both of our inventory full. So I think we've brought more than-

Orange: *Drops the shulker boxes* The guy gave us this. It's a portable chest where we can store stuff in it without it dropping. And he stated we'd have a full Minecraft inventory as our own.

Green: So looks like he wants us really prepared.

E: Look, I need you to help them out so I'll also be providing you clothes and your own special weapons when we begin to teleport there. So for the meantime, get all you need for the trip.

Red: Can I bring Mr. Oinker along?

E: He can. As he is an ally of yours so I do not see why not. I'll be back when you're ready or when times up. *Teleports away*

Red: Sweet! 

Orange: So, let's get some rest for today. We'll do the same thing everyday so we can get ready.

Everyone: *Nods in agreement*

*They then begin to wake up early to continue the long grind*

*1 Week later*

E: *Teleports back* WOAH! Y'all look dripped and strapped!

Orange: We're ready!

E: Okay then! Let's get going then! *Teleports everyone*

*In a dark plane*

Orange: Where are we?

Blue: What is this place? It doesn't look like a world

Yellow: Are you messing with us?

E: No. As I mentioned before you started, I am giving you clothes and disguises so that you'll be able to blend in. And let me do that now! *Writes on everyone* 

*Everyone transform into their human forms* 


E: So, I do not have access to my designing app (I.E Gacha life) as of the moment so I'll write what they're wearing. This is gonna suck. 

Orange: Orange Hoodie, White shirt, Striped Jeans, Black gloves, Orange Sneakers, Sunglasses.

Red: Red T-Shirt, Jogging pants, Red Jacket, Red Sneakers.

Blue: White coat, Blue shirt, Goggles, Gloves, Boots. 

Green: Ripped Jeans, Green cap, Green Jacket, Climbing gloves, Boots.

Yellow: Yellow Hoodie, Yellow shirt, Gloves, Prop Glasses, Striped jeans, Sneakers

Chosen one: Black cap, Black shirt, Black Jacket, Black and white pants, Running shoes.

E: *Panting* That was a lot to say, but it was worth it. Now let's move on.

*Time Resume*

E: You will be the army that will save this world along with the other brave souls you hear me!

Orange: What's gotten into you?

E: Come on, check yourselves out! 

Yellow: YO!! WE LOOK DRIPPED OUT! Wait, where is our diamond armor-

E: I imbedded your armor into your clothes. It's now lighter but still as hard as diamond!

Blue: So, is that all you are going to give us?

E: Of course not! I still have one more surprise! *Hands out 6 boxes* These are your signature weapons. These weapons are connected to your spirit and you can summon and unsummon them at will.


E: Of Course I'll mention their weapons!

Orange: Modified version of the Authentic Enma blade.

Green: Two largened and modified Kogatana. (Dark dagger)

Blue: Valkyrie thunder bow

Yellow: Plasma-Enhanced Yoru (Dark blade) 

Green: Multi-tool (Has literally any tool in it)

Red: Crimson Gauntlets

Chosen one: Archangel Gauntlets

Mr. Oinker: Steel helmet

*Time resume*

Red: Even Mr. Oinker has a weapon!?

E: He sure does.

Orange: So, *Equips his weapon* Is this everything we get?

E: Yep. That's all. But watch out for a school known as Hanzō National Academy. That is your go to point. I will teleport you into the city where it is located and if you find it. *Hands them a walkie talkie* Tell me. I will confirm it.

Orange: Well, thanks I guess-

E: Safe travels everyone! *Sends them away*

Everyone: WHAT THE HELL!!?!?!?!

E: Now that they're gone, Time to go tell Reed & Roy about them.

----------To be continued...

E: Shoot... I forgot to send this part yesterday lol.

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