Scented Candles | Park Jisung

By ncteaxt

665 72 9

"No matter what happens, I will always stay right by your side" Lee Haneul, is a college student. She lives w... More

A new beginning

10 2 0
By ncteaxt

P.s. I haven't proofread yet

— Chapter 10 —

The boys are currently inside Haneul's hospital room. Haechan sat on the stool beside her bed while the others sat on the couch.

She was still asleep at the moment so the room was very quiet.

"Excuse me sirs, visiting hours is over. Only one person can stay here" A nurse entered the room and checked Haneul's situation.

"I'll stay here, you guys can go now. I'll take care of my sister" Haechan said

"You need to rest Chan. I'll take care of Haneul" Taeyong said and Haechan shook his head

"No hyung, you have to go back to the company tomorrow, we don't have classes for two weeks so let me stay" he insisted and a figure entered the room.

"I'll take care of her, you guys go back home"

"Mark hyung? But, aren't you busy with the company too?" Haechan asked and Mark shook his head

"Haneul's more important than the company. You can leave now, I'll take care of her. I'll call you immediately if something happens" The boys finally gave up and went back home.

Mark and Haneul were left in the room. The sound of the monitor was echoing through the walls.

Mark looked at his sister and started crying. He held her hand and he apologized a dozen times.

"I'm so sorry Hannie, I'm such a bad brother. Please forgive me" He said but he got no response, well obviously.

"Hannie, I hope you'll be okay. I will never forgive myself if anything happens to you" he whispered and kissed Haneul's forehead.

He laid his head on the side of the bed and held her hand while humming Haneul's favorite song.

Mark sighed and closed his eyes before going on a deep slumber.

[The next day]

The boys came back immediately when the sun was already up. Haneul was still asleep while Mark went to the company.

Jisung sat beside Haneul's bed and held her hand. He caressed her hair and sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry for failing again Jessy. You don't deserve me at all. I should just disappear right?" He whispered and a tear fell from his eye

As he was caressing her hair, he felt her move a bit and she groaned right after.

"Domin, call the doctor" Haechan immediately said and Haneul finally opened her eyes.

"Hannie! Thank God you're awake, are you okay? does it still hurt-"

"Who are you?" Haneul cutted Haechan's words

"Wha- y-you don't remember me?" he looked at her with eyes that says 'Please tell me you're joking'.

"Not at all, who are you people? Do I know you?" The room suddenly went quiet. Renjun ran outside and Chenle followed him.

"How about me Han? Do you remember me?" Domin tried asking but Haneul shook her head

"I really don't remember anyone in this room. Care to introduce yourselves?" She said with a bored tone and Haechan was close to crying.

"I- I'm your brother Haneul. Lee Haechan? Donghyuck? does it ring a bell?" he asked and Haneul thought for awhile before shaking her head again

"Uhm, have you seen my husband? Choi Yeonjun? Is he here?" Jisung's eyes widened and he looked at Haechan who was too shocked to say anything.

"U-Uh, Haneul, the thing is.. Yeonjun died years ago. Don't you remember? You both were attacked by the Lim's men" Jisung said and Haneul scoffed

"Oh yeah? Stop lying and bring him here. And also, who are you to say that Yeonjun is dead? you're just a stranger-"

"Lee Haneul!" A figure barged in the room and Haneul looked at the person standing infront of her

"M-Mark oppa?" Mark ran and hugged her tightly

"I'm so sorry for all the things I did to you Han, I'm such a bad brother. I should've just let you do whatever you want-"

"Wait what? What do you mean oppa? You didn't do anything" She looked at him confused and Mark separated from the hug and looked at Haechan

"S-She doesn't remember?" he asked and Haechan shook his head

"What happened to me tho? Why are y'all looking at me like I'm a weird person or smn?" She furrowed her eyebrows and Mark sighed.

"Uhm, Han you should take a rest for now hm? I'll be here by your side, and don't worry, Chan is also here with you" He smiled and Haneul just stared at Jisung

"Then who is that?" She pointed at Jisung and Haechan sighed before saying

"He's just a stranger"

"Haechan what are you doing?!" Renjun shouted at the male who wasn't listening

"Are you serious? Jisung was about to cry and you told Haneul that he's just a stranger? For fuck's sake Donghyuck just because he failed to protect her doesn't mean you should treat him badly!" Renjun scolded and Haechan sighed

"That's the point Ren. I don't want Haneul to be near Jisung because he can't protect her like he promised to! If he would've let that mother fucker stab him then Haneul wouldn't have been in this situation"

"Well, atleast Haneul is alive Haechan"

"Renjun you don't get it! Jisung deserves to be treated like a stranger, not a family member" Haechan said before walking out, leaving Renjun on the halls.

Haechan entered the room and looked at Jisung

"Pack your things and stay at Chenle's mansion for now. I can't bare watching your face right now" he said and sat beside Haneul who was sleeping again.

"But hyung! Mom said that we'll go back to China tomorrow!" Chenle said

"Not my problem. If you want, you can go back to your universe and stay there for a bit"

"B-But hyung, I-I can't go back if the candle's still not melted" Jisung sniffed and looked at Haneul who was asleep again.

"Again, it's not my problem. Find a way to go back. Make sure that I won't see your face the next day. Do I make myself clear Park?" Haechan said in the coldest voice and Jisung just nodded.

Chenle and Renjun helped him with packing his things at the Lee's mansion. Chenle decided not to go with his parents to accompany Jisung in their mansion.

"I'm really sorry about Haechan's behavior, he's just very protective towards Haneul and he won't think before doing something" Renjun said and patted Jisung's back

"Hyung, I think I should just wait until the candle melts, it's almost at the bottom already, maybe I'll be back in my universe the next day if we keep the candle lit up" Jisung said and Renjun sighed

"Are you sure about this? You won't be seeing Haneul for a bit of time"

"I'll do this for her hyung. I'll wait until her memories will be back. I'm gonna miss you hyungs" He said and Chenle patted his back

"Don't worry Ji, we'll help you two"

"May I ask something?" Renjun said and Jisung nodded

"Do you like Haneul?"

"Yeah, I love her".

The following days were just Haneul recovering with Haechan beside her. Jisung was staying at Chenle's and he noticed that his figure is starting to disappear.

He approached Chenle who was playing a game on his phone and cleared his throat before tapping Chenle's shoulder.

"Hyung.. I think it's almost time" He said quietly and Chenle immediately looked at him

"Right, you're slowly disappearing. What should we do?"

"Just let it be hyung. Haechan hyung doesn't want to see me anyway"

"But, what about Haneul?"

"I'll just wait until she can remember everything. Maybe she'll bring me back" He smiled sadly and Chenle patted his back

"I'll help her gain her memories back Ji, wait for her okay?" Jisung nodded and looked at the candle.

"I guess I'll go now hyung? Take care alright, and say Hi to Haneul for me" He said before disappearing.

"Chenle said Jisung's already gone. What are you gonna do now?" Renjun informed Haechan who just scoffed

"It's better if Haneul won't remember him. He's just a trouble to her life"

Renjun ignored Haechan and sat beside Haneul

"Han? Do you remember anything yet?"

"Uhm, I only remember that I study at Neo University. I love Lavender scented candles-" Haneul stopped talking when she suddenly remembered a blurry memory

"Are you okay Han?"

"I- I think I remember something, but it's blurry" She scratched her head and sighed

"Is Yeonjun really dead?" She asked and Renjun nodded

"Haneul" Haechan called and she looked at him. Haechan glanced at Renjun and back to Haneul before saying..

"Renjun is your current boyfriend"

"Haechan what is this all about?" Renjun and Haechan were now in the halls again. Renjun dragged the male out of the room after saying those words

"Ren, it's better if you act like her boyfriend, just until she could remember anything"

"But Haechan, I only see her as my sister! I can't just date her like that"

"Please Renjun. I'm asking you one favor, and that is to pretend as her boyfriend. I don't want her to remember Jisung yet" Renjun rubbed his temple and sighed deeply

"Fine, but if she remembers that we're not really dating, I'm gonna put all the blame on you" He said before going back in the room, leaving Haechan outside.

"Ren? Is Haechan telling the truth? Are you really my boyfriend?" she asked and Renjun gulped before nodding with a fake smile

"Yes baby, I'm your boyfriend. Remember? You confessed to me a year ago and I confessed too. I asked you out and you became my girlfriend" He smiled and tucked her hair behind her ears.

"O-Oh, I didn't remember that. Sorry" She blushed and hid her face with her palms.

Renjun chuckled and hugged her side.

"It's okay butterfly, I know you're still recovering, don't push yourself hm?" Haneul nodded and snuggled into the man's embrace.

"Am I disturbing anything?" Haechan entered the room with a bag of snacks in his hands

"Nah, did you bought some strawberry sandwiches?" she asked and Haechan nodded before handing the food to her.

"Are you gonna stay here tonight Ren?"

"I can't sweetie pie. I still have to make my project today, but I promise I'll stay here tomorrow for the whole day" he smiled and Haneul blushed again

"Awe, my baby is blushing" Renjun teased and Haneul hits his arm playfully

"Okay love birds not in front of my salad. Ren, you can go now so you can finish your project early. Come back tomorrow alright?" Haechan said and Renjun nodded.

"I'll go now babe, sleep well and dream of me" he kissed her forehead and she blushed even more before nodding.

"I'll go now Chan, take care you two" he said before going out. Haechan waved at him and when the door closed Haechan looked at Haneul with a teasing face

"Babe huh?" he moved his eyebrows up and down and Haneul threw a pillow towards his direction, luckily he managed to avoid it.

"Let's eat dinner, then after, we'll sleep".

— tbc.

Renjun being flirty gives me 🦋🦋🦋 hshshsh.

word count: 1863 words
date published: 05/05/22


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