.A Change of Heart.

By DanniiG

4.5K 95 9

Jenna is gorgeous and as normal as can be, she has her friends just like everyone else, yet unlike a few, som... More

.A Change of Heart.
Chapter 1- I missed you!
Chapter 3- Explain to me!
Chapter 4- Making his mark!
Chapter 5- Shopping!
Chapter 6- Just friends!
Chapter 7- Unveiling!
Chapter 8- Too much Attention!
Chapter 9- UnBreak my Heart!
Chapter 10- A new plan!
Chapter 11- Out with the girls!
Chpater 12- I need a favour!
Chapter 13- Choose a Movie!
Chapter 14- Confessions of a popstar!
Chapter 15- Stop pushing me around!
Chapter 16- Gone!
Chapter 17- Not here for that!
Chapter 18- What to decide!
Chapter 19- Stay with me!
Chapter 20- 2 Years and a Yes later....
Chapter 21- I can't love you!
Chapter 22- At Last!

Chapter 2- What?!

236 7 2
By DanniiG

From Harry's prespective the week was passing by way to slowly. Thankfully he had been really busy with a show nearly every night and rehearsals all day so he got his mind off it a few times.

Jenna couldn't have chosen a better time to visit because for two weeks all they had were interviews, they weren't going to have any shows.

Their arrangement had stuck and they did not call each other all week, Harry had been dying to talk to her so he did sneak in a text once, saying that if she missed him too much they could break the deal, but he knew she would not text back and in fact she didn't, which made him smile even though he had to admit it was a little bit out of frustration.

"Can't wait for Jenna to come" said Zayn the day before she came, he talked about her a bit and even though it bugged Harry that Zayn probably was as excited to see her, him talking about it made him also feel more anxious for her to finally arrive.

"I know, when she's around it's so different" said Niall.

"It's always us boys around here, it's nice having visitors" said Louis.

Finally the wait was over and the day was finally here for Jenna to arrive. Harry was going to go pick her up on his own with Paul but the boys wouldn't let him, they were all very eager to see her too.

They met her in the beggining of One Direction when they all went back to Harry's Dad's place. She visited them for a few hours and they loved her immediately. She was just too likable and filled with enthusiasm that would get to you along with her infectious laugh. Everyone was mesmerized when she laughed and they have to laugh with her, even when she smiled, showing her pearly whites you could see everyone smile back. Jenna was not perfect but a girl who can really smile is very attractive.

Danielle and Eleonor were also going to visit so that they could spend some time with her too, Danielle was visiting for two weeks but Eleonor could only get off her studies and work for a few days.

Paul suspected that fans could find out they would be there at the airport so they would need to be very careful not to be seen, Jenna wouldn't be with them and they couldn't risk losing her or worse, her getting hurt. So Harry wore a beanie and his aviator glasses but obviously the curls that shaped his face would be familiar to any directioner, also the fact that they already knew he usually wore a beanie and aviators when he was out and about, and the fact that he had another pair of glasses dangling from his shirt and another from his pocket of his jeans kind of gave off the Harry Styles vibe.

He wasn't the only one that tried to hide himself in vain. Niall wore a snapback and Ray Ben's but that was his style, so with that and his usual polo shirts and blonde hair directioners would recognize him in a heart beat.

With Zayn it was his unique tattoos that would give him up, and the scruffy clothes and quiff also would do the job.

Liam didn't hide himself very well so his shaved head and him smiling to everyone who passed him and being all nice plus his dazzling smile and warm eyes was a total give off of the Payne vibe.

And then there was Louis, who also tried to put on a beanie and shades but all over, his style was too recongnizable and well all the five of them being together and Paul and the huge black car and other bodyguards also was like a huge arrow saying, 'ONE DIRECTION ARE RIGHT HERE!'.

Harry also wanted to be careful because he wanted it to be Jenna's day not theirs, he wanted to have a calm reunion not one were she would be forgotten, but not all things go necessarily as planned.

As soon as Jenna arrived she saw things were calm around the airport so maybe the boys the boys hadn't arrived yet. Still she could see a lot of people and when she looked closely she got a little scared, half of the people around her were wearing 1D hoodies. So she quickly put her shades on and when she did and looked up she saw Harry a little way away, her stomach turned but in a good way. He had spotted her too and was now waving at her but as soon as he did a swarm of girls swallowed him and the boys behind him, and that was the last she saw of him.

"Here we go again" she said , she actually smiled a bit, she had expected it after all.

She was afraid of getting caught in the mob of people, by the clawing on girls so she decided to just wait around and maybe he would finally come for her. She was abit upset that the reunion she had dramatically imagine had been ruined. Anyway soon she would get to see Harry and the boys and that's what counts.

She went outside and while she looked around she recongized the car that she knew the boys drove around in and one of the body guards, a lot of them changed from time to time but she remembered this one.

"Hey Carl" she said as she walked to him, thanfully she didn't have to carry all her luggage herself.

Carl was a big bald guy, the image of a bodyguard and he was just standing there, his arms straight clasped in front. He looked down and his serious expression split into a grin, "oh hello Ms.Marks, nice to see you again" he nodded and immediately took her only bag from her hands and helped them in. He drove her to the tour bus so that people wouldn't recognize her. The bus was about two minutes away parked where no one could see it.

He told her to wait there whil he went to help Paul and the boys. She wasn't alone after all so she was fine with waiting until the boys joined them.

She waited and she decided to text Harry so that he wouldn't scramble around to find her, just in case it took Carl some time to find them.



This way Carl would find them done and ready to go.

As soon as Harry saw the text he signed a couple of more autographs and took some more photos with the screaming fans and then told Paul to take them away.

Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam obviously understood because they followed without a word, not asking why they were turning around when they hadn't found Jenna yet.

With the help of Paul five minutes later they were outside and then Carl helped them into the car. They drove off to the tour bus and it just seemed that their reunion was really prolonging itself and it was very frustrating.

When they arrived Harry noticed that he was power walking to the bus and when he opened the door and entered he spotted her immediately... she was giving him her back, she was finally so near, in reaching range. He could recognize Jenna everywere no matter which side she was facing.

He recognized her beautiful husky voice, her laughter, her long blonde hair that he could see had been dyed in a lighter colour. And what he also recognized was her amazing curves, he had been there to see them develop but not seeing her for a while made him forget some aspects about her and now that he could see them again it felt like a beautiful surprise. Even without seeing her face he knew his gorgeous friend had arrived even the ambiance in the place had changed, Jenna was definitely here!

"Jen Jen!" he called.

She turned around immediately and it was like one of those moments in a movie were things go in slow motion, were the guy appreciates the girl, well this time it happened to him too, a friends appreciating a friend. Her hari flew around her as it twirled making her look like a proper angel. He looked as those blue eyes of hers widened as they met his and she took him in, those eyes that had always been so warm and loving and always told him the truth that her mouth wouldn't say. He had always searched for those eyes in the many crowds without even knowing he was and never did find them and now he found he had missed them, a lot. There was no girl quite like her and even though he had searched for the confort he always found in Jenna, in many girls, but he knew he had never found it.

He knew her well enough to know that she had planned to have that cliche reunion at the airport were they would drop all their belongings and run to each other meeting half way, yes she was a cheesy minded girl, always have been and she wasn't afraid to show it, which it showed how unique she was. But this for him was just as perfect.

HIs heart was futtering and he couldn't contain his happiness up until he noticed something he hadn't noticed before, it caught his eye and apparently not only his as he also noticed that the usually noisy guys he lived with had gone all quiet.

He was looking at her stomach and then he looked up, who knew that so many feelings, emotions all more could go through a man's head in just a split second, one moment he was appreciating her and now... 'What the hell!?' he thought.



First dedication chapter and this chapter is dedicated to one of my amazing readers @LovelyMeme just tell me if u want a dedication and I'll write you down!! Thx LovelyMeme for being the first one to reply!!!xx



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