A Chance To Make Things Right...

By Mavaezz_taetae

406K 21.5K 3.4K

(completed)✅ "I love you "--Taehyung "No you can't ... Don't waste your time on me cause I'm already dead "... More

Part : 1
Part : 2
Part : 3
Part : 5
Part : 6
part : 7
Part : 8
Part : 9
Part : 10
Part : 11
Part : 12
Part : 13
Part : 14
Part : 15
Part : 16
Part : 17
Part : 18
Part : 19
Part : 20
Part : 21
🔸Important 🔸
Part : 22
Part : 23
Part : 24
Part : 25
Part : 26
Part : 27
Part : 28(🔞)
Part : 29
Part : 30
Part : 31
Part : 32
Part : 33
Part : 34
Part : 35
Part : 36
Part : 37💗
Part : 38
Part : 39
Part : 40
Part : 41🔞
Part : 42
Part : 43
Part : 44
Part : 45
Part : 46🔞
Answers of QNA
Part : 47
Part : 48
Part : 49💗
Part : 50
Part : 51
Part : 52 💗THE END

Part : 4

9K 440 38
By Mavaezz_taetae

The pretty boy woke up in a white surrounding. The doors, the walls, the ceiling, the curtains, the bed and the gown. It's all white. But he knows where he is . he have been here many times, it's like a second house for him.

he have been up for almost an hour, but didn't even bother to press the button. he knows there's a person sitting right beside him, staring at him, waiting for him to say something, anything.

his palms feel empty. The weight of that cursed card is gone but it doesn't feel right. He have never felt anything right.

It's hard to believe what actually he read. He wanted to tear it, burn it to ashes and even bury it deep down to the Earth, but he knows he still won't feel light.

he felt a rough hand caressing his head.

"Kookie , bub, please say something. It hurts to see you like this." The man grabbed The pretty boy's cold palms and placed a chaste kiss on it.

he felt something wet on his palms but he still didn't speak.

"It hurts. To see my own son admitted to my own hospital. Please bub, say something." The man wiped his tears and stroked The pretty boy's cheek.

The pretty boy blinked in response. Even though he wanted to say something but he couldn't . There is an invisible force stopping him.

"I can't express how disturbing it was, to see my own blood and flesh, lying almost dead on the floor and to find a broken poison bottle behind him. What went wrong bub? Please talk. Talk to me." The man's pale grey eyes bore into The pretty boy's and his thumb drew circles on The pretty boy's cheek.

he tried to snuggle closer to the man, but he was in a chair.

The man realized his need and sat on the bed then took off his shoes and started combing The pretty boy's black soft locks with his fingers.

"Where did I go wrong?" the old man , the pretty boy's appa asked, his voice was breaking.

The pretty boy blinked again.

"The doctor said that your mouth had traces of poison. And found the broken bottle in your study. Tell me Bub, where did I go wrong?"

It's not his appa's fault. He fulfilled The pretty boy's every basic need, kept him under his warm shelter, showered him with his love but this is something the old man can't fix.

"Jimin called. he told me about a letter ?" He asked the lying boy...

The old man sighed when The pretty boy didn't reply to him. "What was in that letter? It was there in your hand when we brought you and right now it's with your belongings."

The pretty boy started to feel something burn in his throat. He pointed his finger to the glass of water on the table beside him.

"I read the note on your table. I didn't understand anything. Who wants your presence and where?" the old man mumbled the last part to himself. The pretty boy keep pointing his finger to the glass but his appa doesn't notice it.

"Wa-" he tugged at his appa's pants and that did gain his attention. The old man helped him drink water from the straw and waited for him to speak.

The pretty boy murmured the word. That word which was meant to happen to him a long time ago.

The old man's eyebrows creased and the pretty boy saw all his wrinkles in the corner of his eyes. "What?"

"Wedding." The pretty boy whispered again.

"Wedding? Whose wedding?"

his heart starts rummaging in its cage as he said the name of the person, he swore never to say again.


Jungkook met haein' family a few months after they started dating. On their first meeting, his little sister kept staring at the pretty boy throughout the whole dinner while his parents made small conversation with him.

When the dinner was over, The pretty boy confronted her.

"Why were you staring at me like that?"his twenty year old self asked her.

"I wasn't." She said, twirling her blonde hair. She was a fine woman. A bit short but really energetic. She had the same eyes of her father and brother and her blonde hair was inherited from her mother. She was pretty.

"Yes, you were."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine, I was. I saw how my brother was looking at you, so tried to see what he actually saw in you."

The twenty year old him blushed.

Haein was looking at The pretty boy the whole time!

"Now will you excuse me, I have assignments to complete." With that she went to her room, leaving The pretty boy bewildered.

Jisoo and Jungkook had a platonic relationship. At one time, they were close friends and the other they acted like they didn't knew each other.

It was a mutual understanding of between them, but everything changed after the incident.

The pretty boy haven't heard from anybody back in Busan and almost 3years later, he receive her 'wedding invitation'. but Too bad he won't be attending it.

"Mr Jeon?" The pretty boy snapped out of his reverie and saw the doctor standing in front of him. He hands The pretty boy a notepad and asked him to sign in few boxes. He signed them quickly and get out of the white walls.

The pretty boy felt a presence behind him. he turned back and saw his appa standing, holding the card in his rough and warm hands. His broad shoulders are slumped and his grey hair shows his age. His pale grey eyes are looking at The pretty boy with concern as his grip tightens around the paper.

"I'm not going. Send me to a mental asylum or throw me back to a preschool, don't care. I am not going." The pretty boy emphasized the word 'not'.

The old man's face was determined and stoic. "You will go there. Attend the ceremony and will engage in conversation with the others."

The pretty boy's jaw clenched in anger and his eyes shoot daggers to his appa.


The old man rolled his eyes. "Don't create a scene, Jungkook. Let's go home."

"My home is not here and you know it."

An emotion passes in the old man's pale eyes but he covered it. "We'll talk later. Let's go back." His voice was gruff and yet stern.

An hour later, The pretty boy was sitting in a sofa with Jimin while his parents engage in a private conversation or at least they tried to. They were whispering too loudly.

"You can't do this to him!" The pretty boy heard his mom's whispered yell .

"It's for his own good. he has to mourn."

"Look at him! he went into a shock. How do you think he will react when he goes back to that house? Trapped in four walls with people he has learned to despise?!" his mom gritted her teeth in anger.

"We both know he doesn't despise them!" his mom mother opened her mouth to speak but closes it. "It's for the best. he has to move on and this is the biggest opportunity."

The wretched card was in Jimin's hand. His eyes are moving in a very fast speed as he read every word on it and started squealing like a rat.

"Oh my God! You didn't tell me you had connections with the Kim's! That's so awesome! If I were in your place, I would have taken the first ticket back to sweet Busan." he tried to hug The pretty boy but The pretty boy stopped him.

"I didn't. I don't know how my dear ex-sister in law landed in this marriage in kim's family and lastly, you are not going and so am I." The pretty boy said this flatly and Jimin's small face sullen.

"Not fair!" he whined.

"I don't care."

The pretty boy's parents finally stop bickering. His mom looked like she didn't won the argument.

If she didn't, The pretty boy will!

"Jungkook?" his appa called out his name.


"You're going to Busan." His voice was business like and if he thinks it was going to work on The pretty boy, then he was wrong.

"No." The pretty boy's answer was short and straight to the point.

"There will be no arguments. You are going, alone".

"What?!" Both of Jimin and Jungkook them shrieked and looked at each other.

"But Uncle, it's no-" Jimin tried to argue but one look from the old man shut him up.

The pretty boy's eyes dilute. "I'm not going anywhere.".

"Kookie, your father only wants what's best for you. It's for your own good." His mom's sweet voice spoke up.

"What if it doesn't turn out to be good?" The pretty boy whispered, tear brimming up in his big eyes.

"Then I have failed as a father." The old man's voice broke as he said this.

Suddenly the atmosphere around The pretty boy changed from tension to gloomy.

"I'll be in the kitchen." Jimin scurries out of the room.

"Seojun! What are you saying?"his mom shouted at the old man.

Seojun's(his appa) eyes reflected so many emotions but The pretty boy could only see guilt, because that's the only emotion have felt for the past 3 years.

"You heard me." Seojun's voice is thick with overwhelming emotions and he stormed out the living room. The pretty boy's mom gave him a sympathetic look and followed his husband...

The pretty boy stood still in the room, alone as he have been for 3 years. He felt something settled on his mind. Something he felt after the incident and it lasted only for a day.


It's a very weird thing. The last time he felt this was when he had 'hope' that the doctors would save his fiancé , even after The pretty boy found out that he had already lost a part of him from his body.

Now, this fear is of facing everybody back in busan.

he closed the door of his room and picked up the photo from his bed. The card was burning his skin on the other hand.

"Your sister is getting married, haein"

No response.

"I am sure the guy must have met you and knows about us. I can't face him. I can't face your family." his vision started blurring and he raised his eyebrow. "Did you even approve of the guy?"

Jungkook has to approve that guy for Haein .... In absence of him...

That crazy thought passed through his mind and he started shaking his head.

"No. I'm not going there. There's nobody alive on this Earth that can make me go there and face everybody."

But you have to.. a voice echoed through his mind ....

These thoughts are making him go crazy. "But you are not here. I rather join you than go to some wedding."

Go there Jungkook... you have to go for me... again the voiced echoed in side his mind...


Place: Mind Peace Clinic ...

"Mr Jeon, I was rather surprised when I got your father's call." Dr Hoseok said as he opened his diary and picked up a pen from the table in front of the pretty boy

"So how was your week?"Dr hoseok asked adjusting his glasses on his nose...


"I'm sure there is a reason behind your father's call, right? He didn't say anything much."


"So what is it?"

"Got a letter ."

Dr hoseok's eyebrows perked up. "Really? What did it say?"

The pretty boy took out the card from his bag and tossed it on the table. Dr Hoseok picked it up and opened it.

"Dear guest, you are..." he read the whole card and placed it on the table. he wrote something in his diary then faced The pretty boy me. "So? It's an invitation."

"It's my fiance's sister."

"I did get that. What about it?"

"I'm not going."

"Actually you will go. It's a perfect opportunity to experience your past for the last time, make things right and finally move on."

"That's not it. It's the place and the people. I can't face them."

"You are scared."

The pretty boy didn't say anything.

"Fear is an important aspect in our life, Jungkook. It gives us that rush when we act on our instincts. It's okay to be scared."

"I tried to refuse but my parents but they won't listen."

"They did what's best for you and they did it right."

"It's not right. Going there will only ruin my already ruined life."

"That's not true. You are here, alive and breathing with your parents by your side and a stable job. Your life is not ruined."

"I'm still not attending it. To show myself in front of his family. I'm not ready. I don't think I'll ever be."

"You know, nobody is ever ready for anything. When you got pregnant were you ever ready to be a mother?"

"No, but it felt right. This doesn't feel right."

"Were you ever ready to be a lawyer?"

"No. I had different plans back in highschool but everything changed one day."

"Do you want to share it with me?"

"No." This secret will be locked forever in The pretty boy's mind.

"JUngkook, I am glad that you have opened up to me only by our second meeting and it's absolutely fine if you cannot disclose everything."

"Thank you doctor."

"Jungkook, life has given you a chance to correct itself. It's up to you if you grab this chance or leave it.

"Life didn't give a second chance to Haein and my baby."

"But it gave you. There is a reason behind everything life gives us."

"So you're saying that there was a reason behind the accident? Like it was meant to happen?"

"No, what happened to you was uncalled. This invite is your chance to make things right and live peacefully."

"I rather go to my baby and Haein."

"Your father did tell me about the broken bottle. I have told you before, suicide and self harm are not the only options in your life anymore. The invite proves that."

"I'm tired, doctor."

"Tired of what exactly, MR jeon?"

"Life. I don't want any more chances from it. I just want to sleep in peace with Haein beside me."


"It hurts. To see his sister's card instead of mine. To feel that pain. I can't take it anymore."

"What are you trying to say, Mr Jeon?"

"We had just decided the month and date for our wedding and we couldn't even print a card. Now, I'm here alone and having his sister's card in my hand."

"You are not alone."

"I am. It's just that nobody sees it."

"Jungkook?" Dr hoseok's voice was suddenly stern and irritated.


"Will you stop staring at the vase?"


"Okay. If you don't go to the wedding, how would you feel?"

"I'll act as if I had never gotten the letter. It's simple and very useful."

"What about Haein?"

"What about him?"

"How would he feel?"

That question got The pretty boy thinking. How would he feel? Happy because his Lil sis was getting married or protective because she was his little sister or sad because his little sister was leaving his protection and going into the arms of the man she's getting married to?

"Well, Mr jeom? How would he feel?"

"I don't know. There would be too many emotions."

"Then don't you think he would be needing support?"

"Yes, I promised him to be there for him."

"Then don't you think he needs you right now?"

"Of course, he does."

"So will you be there to support him?"


"That's it! You are going to the wedding." Dr Hoseok exclaimed.

The pretty boy shook his head. "No, I am not."

"Mr jeon, don't go to the wedding because your parents are forcing you to. Don't go because you were invited to."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Go to the wedding because Haein needs you to be there for his sister while he can't. Don't let fear consume your mind. Go for him."


"Your fiance and your child might have been gone, but they are alive in your heart. Go back to busan, invest your heart in the wedding so much that his sister might feel his presence only by seeing you as she walks down the aisle."

The pretty boy didn't realize that it would mean so much to Haein. he was being selfish. he thought only about himself and didn't even think about his feelings. He felt a thumb wiping his cheeks and he saw that his therapist had kneeled down in front of him, wiping away his tears.

When did these tears fall out?

This time these tears didn't pierce or burn. They felt warm. That kind of warmth which he craved for the past 3 years and it felt good.

"I-I'm so sorry. I d-don't know what happened to me."

"It's okay. Let it all out. Here, take a tissue. You need to blow your nose."

"Thank you."

Dr hoseok waved off his hand. "Oh! It's nothing. I'm paid for things like these."

The pretty boy scowled. "Nice."

"I know. I have experience of over seven years."

"That's amazing."

"So Mr Jeon, how are you feeling?"

"Weird." The pretty boy answered honestly.

"That's good. Are you going to attend the wedding?"

"Yes, I am."

"Very nice. Try to be a part of it as much as you can and guess I'll see you after the wedding?"


"Good, hope to see a new Jungkook by that time and I literally hope for it."

"We'll see." The pretty boy replied with a small twitch on the corner of his lip.

"You go and pack your bags. You have a flight to catch."

"I guess... bye doctor..."





A/N: just few more chapter maybe 2-3 chapter then i'll bring Taehyung into this picture... i don't wanna give any spoiler but ... everything will change after Jungkook crashed on Busan......

Thanks for voting....❤️❤️

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