Nakiri & Scarlet: Road to Shi...

By UltraMikeTechno

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Reed and Roy, After convincing Mike Techno wen to a now world to find motivation, motivation to train and gro... More

Story notes & Bios
Part 1: Please Mike Please~~
Part 2: Hanzō academy 1st years
Part 9: More training? Gimme a break
Part 10: Reed and Roy of the D.V universe
Part 3 "Sparring" Match
Part 11: Power exhibition match
Part 12: Road to strongest
Part 13: Reed & Roy: Awakening
Part 4: Family talk and lurking evil
Part 14: Reed and Roy: Drums of Dawn
Part 15: Call of Liberation!
Part 15.5: 2nd unexpected crossover
Part 5: Training in Tandem
Part 16: Secrets of the Sage
Part 17: Senjutsu Village
Part 17.5: "Walk" to Hanzō National Academy
Part 6: Legendary Meetup
Part 18: Inevitable meetup
Part 19: Allies or newfound enemies?
Part 20: Traitor?
Part 7: Unorthodox meetup
Part 21: Techno's Training: Discussion
Part 22: Techno Training: Limit Breaker
Part 23: Hebijo Academy Raid: Countdown
Part 24: Hebijo Academy Raid: Confrontation
Part 25: Hebijo Academy Raid: Climax
Part 26: Hebijo Academy Raid: Ashes of Orochi
Part 27: Orochi's Fall
Part 27.5: Hold off the reinforcements!
Part 28: Ally forces.
Part 29: More Good Shinobi- wait wha?
Part 30: Shinobi battle Royale: Preparation
Part 31: Shinobi Battle Royale: Training
Part 32: Shinobi Battle Royale: Last minute preperation
Part 33: Shinobi Battle Royale: Shambles!
Part 34: Apologies Hanzō Academy.
Part 34.5: 3 Months
Part 35: Tokyo City
Part 36: Not so(?) Prominent Trouble
Part 37: We need- A distraction(?)
Part 38: Operation: Pool Party
Part 39: Reality is Harsh, but giving up is Worse
Part 40: Foes to Friends.
Part 41: Friends to Foes
Part 42: Complete to Broken, Broken to Complete
Part 43: Shinobi Masters: Countdown
Part 44: Shinobi Masters: Beggining
Part 45 Shinobi Masters: Start of the match
Part 46: Shinobi Masters: Early Finale?
Part 47: Team Hanzō is back.
Part 48: The defeat of the Twins.
Part 49: Untimely end.
Part 50: Declaration of War
Part 51: Clashing fates & truths.
Part 52: There's Yōma, and a lot of them
Part 53: Let's finish these Yōma!
Part 54: Secrets unfolded
Part 55: Hot springs to the other world?
Part 56: The beggining of the end
Part 57: Battle against time
Part 58: Why, just why?
Part 59: Our True Power
Part 60: Let's end this.
Part 61: Techno's Demonstration
Part 62: Confronting God
Part 63: Hospitalization
Part 64: Rest before the Test
Part 65: Room for Improvement
Part 65.5: Meanwhile...
Part 66: Training Montage (Which I still dunno how to properly do lol)
Part 67: Extended Training Montage
Part 68: ...
Part 69 (Nice): The End.

Part 8: Tales of Techno

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By UltraMikeTechno

Roy: *Slammed to the floor* OW WHAT THE HELL REED!!?


Kiriya: Ikaruga, may I have a word

Ikaruga: Yes sensei.

Hibari: Is something wrong?

Kiriya: Nothing is wrong just get back to eating dinner.

Reed: *Closes Roy's eye* That was a close one Reed.

Roy: Yeah, yeah, sorry about that. Where'd Ikaruga go?

Yagyū: She went with Kiriya sensei while you were panicking over Roy's eye.

Hanzō: *Rushes towards Hibari and Yagyū* How cute. I can tell you are really good friends.

Hibari: Yeah! We're the bestest friends ever, aren't we Yagyū?

Yagyū: I just do my best to protect Hibari as she's always getting into trouble.


E: Oof... Can't say much other than resume.

*Time Resume*

Hibari: That's not true quit treating me like a baby!

Hanzō: She just treats you like that because she cares for you so much. So, are you two girls so close that you even take baths together?

Hibari: Yes sir! We even wash our backs and everything!

Hanzō:  Well if you ever need help I'm an expert back washer-

Asuka: Grandpa! I told you don't go pervin out on my friends!


Reed: *Overprotective brother mode*

Roy: You don't even have a sibling.

Katsuragi: Looks like master Hanzō suffers from the same disease I do-

Reed&Roy: SHUT UP KATSU!!!

Katsuragi: *Falls back* Owie!

*In another room*

Ikaruga: What do you mean my brother's gone missing!?

Kiriya: Your family couldn't find him anywhere and they hoped you knew his whereabouts.

Ikaruga: Why do they think I know where he is? My brother and I don't really talk and we've never been all that close.

Kiriya: I see.

Ikaruga: I'm sorry-

Kiriya: Oh no, don't apologize. I just wanted to ask in case you knew something. They are your family after all.

Ikaruga: My family, yes of course.

Reed POV: Family issues isn't it? *Sighs* 

Ikaruga: *Walks back* *Looks at the hallway* 

Katusragi: Are you gonna stay there all night?

Ikaruga: No, I felt like someone was watching me.

Katusragi: What!?

Roy: Move back! *Activates his Mangekyou Sharingan* Scanning the area... Nope. No ones here. Just us.

Ikaruga: Sorry guys. I guess it was just my imagination.

Hibari: But you're always spot on.

Reed: You know, she's been through a lot today so that's probably the reason why she's like that.

Roy: *Holds his eye* Yeah. It's alright by me.

Reed: Come on bro. let's not push your Sharingan too far.

Ikaruga: So we have half an hour until it's time to hit the mat.

Ayame: *Drinking sake* Ah... Oh hey, your back! 

Ikaruga POV: The Shinobi attack and the disappearance of my brother must've made me all jumpy...

Ayame: Hic! So, what took you so long- Hic! Now I see why Techno doesn't drink this muc- Hic! Hic! 

Reed: Ayame... I told you once and I'll tell you again, don't drink too much.

Ayame: If I do I'll end up like that weakly boy Techno, HAHAHAHAHA!!

Asuka: Hm? Didn't you say that Mike was stronger than you two?

Reed: She meant by drinking capacity. Mike can't down a single shot without passing out. 

Ayame: It reminds me of the time that- *Passed out*

Reed: And that's time. 

*Half an hour later*

Reed: Well, looks like Ayame won't be waking up anytime soon. We'll have to leave early now.

Katsuragi: Bye Reed!

Roy: I'll stay for a while longer if that's fine by you.

Reed: I see nothing wrong with it Roy, so go on ahead.

Roy: Alright see you tomorrow.

Reed: What-

Roy: What?

Reed: Ok then. We'll see you tomorrow.

*At the mountain*

Reed: There you go. *Places Ayame on the bed* Time for me to hit the-

Ayame: My bed~~~ *Covers the whole bed*

Reed: Seriously Ayame? I guess I can go out for a walk around town.

*At Hanzō*


E: Fun fact: I changed the name multiple times cuz I didn't want to put Mike in here but I realized he's still pretty darn important. So enjoy this short story of Techno which I made in 5 mins.

*Time resume*

Ikaruga: I must be off.

Roy: Suit yourself. I was just about to talk about him.

Asuka: Who's him?

Roy: Mike Techno. I asked him before hand if I would be allowed to share info about him to you guys and he agreed. He even told me an old experience he had.

Katsuragi: Why talk about him now? How important really is he?

Roy: If he didn't live, we would've been wandering the vast white voided wasteland.

Yagyū: That sounds like an unnecessary exaggeration.  

Roy POV: If only they knew I was serious.

Hibari: Ooh a story! Hibari loves stories! 

Ikaruga: That would be rather nice... but I have matters to attend to.

Roy: That's fine by me.

*After Ikaruga leaves*

Katsuragi: So, when are you gonna start!?

Roy: Yeah, yeah, I'll start.

*Beginning of story* 

Mike: Alright Captain Marine, let me take care of this myself!

Marine: I'll let my grandpa up to you Tech!

Mike: Won't let ya down cap. *Jumps to the execution stand*

Arizorath: God's Bullets! *Sends waves of light arrows at Mike*

Mike: *Dodges midair* Too slow! *Activates Haki* ORYA! *Sends the admiral right to the ground* Marine told me to save you so I'll do all of my power to save them, so please don't hold back and, BRING IT ON!!!!

Kitetsu: *Tries to bind Mike in ice*

Mike: Flaming Phoenix! *Sends a large Phoenix avatar to burn the ice*  *Kicks the Ice down*

Kitetsu: This guy's- *Hit by the Phoenix* 

Marines: *Charges at Mike* 

Mike: HA! *Jumps over the numerous bullets shot at him* Whip! *Kicks hundreds of Marines* 

Zero: Everyone stop him from saving them! 

Marines: 8Ready to behead the deep sea lords*

Mike: YAMERO!!! *Activates his Haoshoku haki* YOU WON'T KILL THEM! *Dashes toward the platform* 

Sewraith: *Punches Mike to the ground* 

Mike: *Quickly recovers* My turn! *Speeds towards the marines* 

Marines: *Being plowed down by Mike's rush*

Mike: HANABI STORM!! *Ricochets his millions of fists* 

Sewraith: I can't see his movements-

Mike: Gear 4th: Snakeman! 

Marines: *Begin firing at Mike again*

Mike: A puny effort like that.... *Deflects all of the bullets* Won't work on me! *Charges at Sewraith* JET...

Sewraith: *Blocks desperately* 

Mike: CULVERIN COMBO! *Turns his fists*

Sewraith: *Tries to block- 

Mike: RHINO SCHINDER!! *Kicks his side*

Zero: Do I have to do everything myself! *Turns into a dragon* I can't believe I let you-

Noel: GURA GURA NO... GATLING!!! *Creates Millions of earthquakes* 

Rushia: Soul...Queen~ *Summons a large phantom* 

Marine: He. *Turns the wheel* 

*The ship then transforms into it's mecha form* 

Marine: Mariner Maximum! 

Aloe: What in the- *Shakes her head* *Flies to the battlefield* 

Ayame: Oni-Giri! *Cuts tens of Marines* Who's next! *Looks around* Ooh... a "Gangbang" huh? tsk. 

Nene: *Dodges multiple sword strikes* Star punch! *Punches a marine into the sky*

Pekora: *Glowing eyes* *Creates Fireballs* FIREBALL, FIREBALL, EVEN MORE FIREBALLS!!!

Flare: Calm down Pekora... Elven culverin! *Shoots multiple marines* Gotcha. 

Zero: Where is that pesky-

Mike: *Runs to the platform* Why is it so far- PISTOL! *Punches a marine to the sea* 

Zero: Got you-

Noel & Shion: You're battle is... with us! 

Magmar: I'll stop him then-

*The ground begins to shake* 


Magmar: Get out of the way-

Gura: *Activates Haki*

Magmar: This keep even has Haki!?

Gura: I'm more of a threat than you think! *Stabs Magmar in the leg* 

Magmar: You brat! 

Aloe & Nene: *Packing Marines left and right* 

Zero: *Blasts at Mike*

Mike: Thanks for the boost! *Jumps toward the platform*

Zero: Oh no you don't- *Electrecuted*

Noel: EARTHQUAKE! *Creates a tremor on Zero's head*

Shion: You're forgetting about us!

Mike: Okay guys I'm here-

Marines: Stop right there Techno! *Grabbed by the legs* 

Dead Marines: Rah...

Mike: *PTSD* *Shakes it off* Thanks Rushia!

Rushia: No problem Techno!

Mike: *Snaps all of the chain* Come on! Let's go! 

Redbeard: We're staying here. Go on and be free. Our generation is over.

Mike: Shut up! We aren't leaving without you-

*The Mariner catches on fire*


Redbeard: Marine is in there!?

Mike: WHY YOU!! *Dashes to the ship*

Blackbeard: We should- Redbeard!?

Redbeard: BISENTO!!! *Slams on the ground* Don't be naive. I give up but you won't hurt my granddaughter! *Runs to the ships*

Marines: DIE REDBEARD- *Lags back* DIE REDBEARD- *Lags back* DIE- What is going on!?

Rosalina: *Glitching the marines* Hehe~ looks like my cover has been blown.

Redbeard: Thank you young woman now let me-

*Story ends*

Kiriya: Alright then. It's time for you to get back home.

Roy: Alright then. I guess I better get going.

Katsuragi: Your friend is odd Reed.

Hibari: He sounds like something completely out of a cartoon.

Roy: Hm, maybe you'll see him one day. Goodbye everyone see you tomorrow.

-------To be continued...

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