That Time I Got Reincarnated...

By Isekai_Maker

65.5K 963 474

You died from sleep deprivation, working in a 9 to 5 company rarely getting any sleep or days off. You rememb... More

Waking up
Meeting Rimuru's fated one
Waking up and Meeting Orges
Naming the Ogres
Meeting Gabiru and a Dryad
Announcement 2
The Battle of Satisfaction
The King appears and A new Nation arises
A Loli Appears
The Kingdoms of Falmuth and Blumund
Charybdis - A truly BRUH moment
Meeting and Saving the Children
Beach Chapter
Delegation Time pt 1
Delegation pt 2 - Dwarven Kingdom
The Wrath of Y/N pt 1
The Wrath of Y/n pt 2
The Wrath of Y/n pt 3
An Upgraded Slime Rises
Old Friend + An unexpected people
The Meeting among Leaders
Meeting among Leaders pt 2
Clayman's plan
The Discussion of Battle - Walpurgis is near
Walpurgis is set
Walpurgis - The fight
Not a chapter just a vote
Walpurgis - Ending
Christmas in Novus Roma
Confessions (Lemon)
Is it a rematch or a war? pt 1
Is it a rematch or a war? pt 2
(Side Chapter) - Farming
(Side Chapter) - Summer
Y/n's Bio
The 7 Celestials
Relaxation before Diplomacy
The Current map of the Tensei World
The Dungeon
More Dungeon Stuff
(Side Chapter) - The Spirit of Shizue-san
The Meeting of Races
The Meeting of Races pt 2
A Good Misunderstanding
Benimaru's Unintended Rivalry
The Founder's Festival is Ready and Open
The Hero & The Kids - pt 1
The Hero & The Kids - Finale
Title.exe has stopped (Lemon kinda)
The Tournament - Quarter Finals
The Tournament - Semi-Finals
(Inter-Chapter) - Money
The Tournament - Finals
Chating with the Hero
Cooperation pt 1
IDK what to name this...
Cooperation pt 2
Side Chapter - How did Janemba get here?
Diablo's Reward
The Western Union - Invitation
The Western Union - Meeting Day
The Western Union - Idiots
Multiversal Stake
The Western Union - Beat Down
Assassination Plot
Union Memberstate
The Finale

The Hero & The Kids - pt 2

173 4 2
By Isekai_Maker

Y/n's pov

"Okay, is everyone ready to depart?". I asked the kids.

The kids: "Yes, Mister. Y/n!".

"Great. Grab on we're our next stop and final stop Novus Roma."  *pop*".








"We're here."

Kenya: "Wait a minute... If you can teleport anywhere how come you and sensei didn't visit us! That's not cool!".

"Well, we are rulers of a nation so we don't get much time in doing what we please." I explained to Kenya, who still didn't budge about us not visiting often.

Rim: "We're very sorry, Kenya. How about this? *takes out pendant* See this pendant? How about we play a game with this." In response, all of them nodded their heads.

Rim: "This pendant, it's kind of like a credit card to all the booths and stuff in the festival, starting tomorrow. Carry this around, and you can eat and drink all you want, and you're free to come and go through any of the event halls you like. But just remember, there's a limit of one hundred silver coins — use that up, and it's game over. You'll have to go back to your rooms then, and I'll give you homework as punishment. But if you use the money wisely, I'll give you guys rewards. Sound like fun to you?". In response, all the kids nodded their heads again and immediately went to their rooms at a hotel we I.T'd in.

Kancho: "Y/n-sama, the Hero's party has entered Tempest, outside of town."

"I see. Thanks for the info." I tapped Rim and informed him of the information Kancho has given me."

Rim: "I see. Well, let's greet them shall we?".

(A few minutes later)

Outside of town, we saw a wagon full of elves - which I assume are the freed slaves from that Othrus group. And just a couple feet/meters from it there's another wagon but it's smaller than the wagon the elves are in. On the front, was a blonde guy who looks Japanese(?) I don't know. I've never seen a natural blonde Japanese guy, probably dyed his hair so. The only problem I have is that his KI is really weak compared to what I imagined. Though I can't judge a book by its cover. This guy is from Earth and there's a possibility that his skills could flip the chances of us winning if he deemed it so.

???: "Ooooh...The Demon brothers are here? Funny to see them personally greeting us at the door!"

???2: "Well, Masayuki is a renowned Hero. Not even a demon lord could afford to ignore him."

???3: "Heehehehe! What d'you think, Masayuki-sama? Wanna settle things right here 'n' now?".

'Should I I.T to them and knock them?'. As I began to contemplate on hitting these guys, Rim spoke.

Rim: "*chuckles* Those are some harsh words from the companions of the hero! Either way, I'll show my appreciation for you for rescuing our countrymen - the elves, you are free to enter and stay in this town. I could even prepare a place for you if you want and feel free to stay as long as you like. And for the record, I'm not interested in 'settling' anything right now nor is my brother."

With some merchants in the area, our reputation could be jeopardized if we went to the cliche Hero vs Demon Lord route or any other where we weren't friendly. 

???3: "Ha-ha! Look! The demon lord's afraid of you, Masayuki!-sama!" 

'... Dude. I can literally one-shot all of you if I wanted to.'

???2: "I understand that you are seeking friendship with us humans. But I'm unsure how much I can trust you and your... nation. The rumors say that you're the one who schemed to topple the government of Falmuth. Perhaps you've managed to trick Hinata the Saint well enough, but don't expect to be so lucky with Masayuki here."

'Looks like the hero's companions are stupid... Shouldn't the hero - our 'protagonist' shut their mouths or something? Though it probably looks like he been having an experience of this so I don't blame.'

???1: "Hmph! The evil must be dispelled, if you ask me. Masayuki-sama, defeating these Demon Lords at once will bring peace to-". Then the tall and punk-looking guy of the party stopped talking as someone else interrupted him.

???: "What're you guys doing?".

Everyone turned to the voice, which was Yuuki in a new set of clothes.

"Wasn't you left in your hotel?".

Yuuki: "Well considering that you left me behind, I decided to get changed and then look for you guys."

"Sorry 'bout that. Hehee."

Yuuki: "It's fine. I got to see a lot of cool stuff along the way. I must say it reminds me of-."

Masayuki: "Yuuki-san?!".

???1: "What is.. Why is the master of the Free Guild doing here? Are you to help us with these demon lords?".

Yuuki: "Horrible guess, Jinrai. But I'm not. Before you 4 go crazy on Rimuru, here, he seriously wants us all to get along, okay? And as proof of that, I'll point out the fact that you're all still alive. And also the facts that.." Then Yuuki went on and explained how Rim fought against Hinata and got in a draw. But that didn't convince them.

Jinrai: "What do you mean by that? The way you describe it, are you implying that Masayuki is weaker than Hinata the Saint?!". 

???2: "Don't be that harsh with him. A mere demon lord let alone 2 could never stop Masayuki, he's the hero after all.".

???3: "Yeah, Yuuki. Like Bernie and Jinrai said, don't treat Masayuki-sama like a fool, all right? I dunno how strong Hinata's supposed to be, but a draw's the best she could do against this guy? In that case, it's time for the headliner to make his debut, ain't it? Masayuki-sama could whip this demon lord easy along with the other!".

'These guys are really idiots! I think Masayuki knows this too but he can't do anything. Almost like this has happened before, poor guy.'

Yuuki: "Guys, guys, calm down, sheesh. Like I told you, Rimuru nor Y/n aren't hostile to us or at humanity. There's no point fighting him.".

Jinrai: "But he's a demon lord, ain't he? Who knows when he might hatch some infamous scheme! And with the Western Holy Church sitting on the fence, ain't it about time Masayuki shows everyone just what kinda Hero he is?".

Yuuki: "No, I'm telling you-". Yuuki got interrupted by Rim.

Rim: "All right. In that case, I've got a suggestion. We're planning to hold a battle tournament at the festival starting tomorrow. If you enter it and emerge as champion, I'll gladly accept your challenge! That, and you'll be able to prove your strength to everyone there. Not a bad offer, right?".

'What about me?'. I looked at Rim who already knew what I was thinking.

Rim: "Don't worry. As compensation, I'll spar with you or maybe give you food... Hmmmm."

"Fine... Actually how about when you finish battling him, it'll be my turn."

Rim: "That works."

???3: "Oh? You're in that much of a hurry to embarrass yourself in public?".

'Um... no. I just want to battle someone, its been a long time since I've fought someone.'

Bernie: "What do you think, Masayuki?".

Jinrai: "You should accept the offer. It'll help spread your name far and wide! Yes, let's prove you're on the side of justice, in front of the very people you must keep safe!"

Masayuki: "Uh, yeaaah...".

'Seems like Masayuki doesn't want to battle but since he has no say, he's forced to do so. *sigh* The life of a hero, how unfortunate. All he's trying to do is look for a way to escape this conundrum.'

Masayuki: "... All right, I guess I'll  accept your invitation."

Yuuki: "Whoa, wait. Are you sure about that, Masayuki?" He said worrringly.

Masayuki: "Oh, I'll figure something out. It ought to be just fine. It always is."

'Hooo? Looks like he has some fighting spirit. Nice.'

Rim: "Very good. And this being a tournament, there's not gonna be any killing, all right? Keep that in mind for me. Wouldn't want people dying left and right till the finals."

???3: "Hmph! Who do you think you're talking to? Let's go, Masayuki-sama. We'd better rest up for the big day tomorrow!"

Jinrai: "Yes, Masayuki. Considering all the onlookers here, no way this demon lord's going to chicken out now!"

Bernie: "And don't worry. We'll keep a close eye out for anyone trying to poison or assassinate you."

Masayuki: "R-right... A-anyway, we ought to get going. Better find out when the tournament begins."

Yuuki: "Rimuru, you aren't really going to fight Masayuki, are you?"

Rim: "Ummm... I don't know yet. I mean, do you think he could win the tournament?"

"Wait, if you're not gonna fight then let me do it!".

Rim: "Sorry, Y/n the deal is already set."

"But you're not gonna even fight!"

Rim: "Did I stutter?". He said with a smile that only Shuna can make which by itself is scary, I don't know how but it is.


Yuuki: "Well to answer your question Rimuru. The chance of Masayuki winning is slim but large. *sigh* I mean he's won a couple of Englesia battle tournaments but with him never losing against a monster or human it's hard to say but also easy to say. A lot of his strength is still unknown to me, it could be 'cause he's a hero or he has a skill that helps him a lot, or maybe it's just pure luck."

Rim: "Well, whatever happens, happens. But let's give this a positive spin. Having a real Hero in my tournament is gonna mark some prestige."

(Later that day)

'FOOD!!!'. I quickly took off my shoes and sat down at the table wanting to already eat some of the delicious food we got and 'made' in Tempest.

Rim: "Y/n, at least wait for me. *sarcastic sigh* What I'm I gonna do with you and food? It's like you love food more than Mililm *chuckles*".

"Nows not the time to make that sort of joke! Come let's start chowing down!".

???/???: "Mind if I sit you, Rimuru/Master?". Said 2 voices behind us.

Rim: "Sure. I was gonna call for you to sit with us either way."

With confirmation, both Gazel and Youm sat down with us and begin taking some food.

Youm: "Thanks for the food!".

Gazel: "Indeed."

(7 minutes later)

Gazel: "So Rimuru."

Rim: "Hmm?".

Gazel: "I've heard that you're developing 'rails'. What will you be doing with them?".

Rim: "Well, on that topic, I actually had some things to discuss with you and Youm about that. I'm thinking about developing these new vehicles called 'trains,' and I'd really like both of you to join in."

"Hohh? Well, if it's my beloved sparring partner and junior asking, I'll gladly accept."

Youm: "Same here. Like I said yesterday. Don't leave me hangin'. *looks at Y/n* Oh, and by the way master. I've reached Kaio-ken x30 now! Though it's still a long way from your x60."

"Actually it's x100 now."


"It's called training Youm."

Youm who now calmed from his shock cleared his throat and talked again.

Youm: "Errm... So about that... Do you have any advice to improve my usage of the Kaio-Ken? I do exercise heavily and spar with Grucius. But that doesn't seem to help as effectively as before."

"Then I recommend using weights on your body. It's a good way to improve your speed and strength, along with hardening your body. You could also use gravity magic, which is more effective than weights."

Youm: "Why didn't I think of that?".

"You could also spar with me."

Youm: "N-no. I'm good."

"Why not? Come on, for old times?".

Youm: "How about when this festival ends? We wouldn't want people distracting us."

"I can just I.T use to a secluded located and spar there."

Youm: "*sigh* Why can't I win over you when it comes to training?".

"'cause I'm your master. And masters should train their students."


"Oh come on. Don't be like that. It's not like-"

Rim: "*ahem* First off, I'd like to thank you all for coming here today. My name is Rimuru Tempest, and as you all know, I have recently been appointed a demon lord along with my brother. However, tonight isn't the night for intense political discussion. Instead, I hope that all of you here will enjoy the food of our nation that we'll present to you tonight. I was never one for long speeches, so let's begin!".

'Hold up... When did Rim get there? I didn't even see nor hear him going over there. Well not that it matters, since more food is getting served. Though I do wish Milim was here.'

Food was being served once more now this time filled with the cooking of Shuna and Mr. Yoshida like; smoked chiducken, vegetable sandwiches, cowdeer steaks, sautéed veggies with red bean paste, karaage fried chicken, roast-beef salad, and more. But the most amazing food has yet to been ready...


Everyone looked and turned their heads at the sound that made that thump. Once everyone saw a large fish; a monster in this world called the 'Spear Tuna', a fish that bores a solid-looking exoskeleton and a sharp, spear-like head. Even without the horns excluded, it was over thirteen feet or just short of 4 meters in length and looked viciously mean from nose to rear fin. But the reason why it's brought here is because it tastes like tuna!

The one performing and readying such a  delicious fish will be none other than Shohei, who slowly started to slice up the body. Deftly avoiding the spear tuna's solid exoskeleton. It was the most artistically beautiful dissection I had ever seen; even Shuna, who is the cooking expert was surprised by this. Just seeing it being dissected and prepared is making my mouth soooo watery! With more action coming through Shohei's trimming unfolded. The head came off, the body was cut into four sections, and the dishes slowly filled up with the results being sashimi pieces. In the center were the fattier cuts of white sashimi, the red pieces fanned out around it. Just seeing all of this unfold before made me...

(A/n: Ayo, Y/n O_O ... Calm your Saiyan appetite. Let's pretend this never happened.)

(Take 2)

Once Shohei stopped cutting the fish and now being graced by red, white sashimi pieces. I went over and started grabbing some white and red sashimi that made me explode with ecstasy. Even though most people didn't take the amazing food I'm eating some adventured to taste the goodness of such meat with many foods that go with it.

Rim: "Hey! Leave some for me, Y/n!". 

"Well eat! Oh, and Shohei these are extremely good!".

RIm: "I agree! They're as good as I remember it to be."

Shohei: "Oh, please Samas I don't need such praise. Being able to perform for you and serve them is more than enough."

"Either way. You deserve it!"

Shohei: "Then I will hold upon it."

???: "Excuse me. Would you serve me a piece of tuna underbelly without the wasabi, please?". Said a person behind us.

Rim: "What are you, a child?". He said jokingly.

Hinata: "Oh, shut it. I don't like that sting in my nose. Besides, there isn't a little more variety."

"True. But having this is enough to fill me up."

Hinata: "Well you are a Saiyan. You would eat anything thats tasty."

"Well like a certain Destroyer once said: 'Yummy! Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy!!!".

Hinata: "I don't recall a character ever saying that... Is it from a new saga?".

"... I mean yeah. It's after the movie and into Super."

Hinata: "They made a movie? Huh."

"Wait. You're saying you've never seen the movie?! The Battle of Gods?".

Hinata: "No... Is that after GT?".


Hinata: "What?"

I slowly went back to eating and ignored my connection to the world and just focused on eating.

(20 minutes later) 

Rim: "Hey... Y/n? Y/n you there?".







Rim: "OI!"

I jumped out of my... seat err the floor and broke a part of the roof.

"Owwww. What the hell man?".

Rim: "I'm fine. Anyway, I've noticed that you haven't eaten... normally(?)".

"What do you mean?". I said as I floated back down and continued eating.

Rim: "Well you're not eating as happy as 20 minutes before. i figured it was a conversation between you and Hinata."

I then turned my head to Rim. 

Rim: "Woah! What's with the look?"

"Did you watch Super?".

Rim: "Super?"

"DragonBall Super."

Rim: "Oh... Uh n- y-yea. I did. I did."

"Then how come Hinata doesn't? She's practically almost the same age as us."

Rim: "... Did she not get a reference?"


Rim: "Oh."

"Oh indeed... I'll continue drowning myself in food."

Rim: "Sur-".

???: "U-urgent news, everyone!!!".


Happy Eid Al-Fitr everyone. Man, you public school guys got a day off I'm jealous. I had to go to school today 'cause I go to Charter... WWWWWWWRRRRRYYYYYYY   Anyway, here


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