Inky Conscience (BATIM Sammy...

By Dragonblade122

934 44 13

You don't know how you got here. You were just. There. Drifting in the swirling darkness. Until you met H I M... More

How You Met. Kind of.
The Calm During The Storm
A Shift In The Studio
Desecration Leads To Pain
Pain Leads To Death
Sammy. Safe. Norman. Good
One Step For Man...
...One Giant Leap For Disaster
Awkward Meet. Light and Dark Teamwork
Suspicions and Surprises
The Living Shadows
The Final Push
1 Am D0ne Wait1ng
Chaos Or A Blessing?

Inky Flood And Promises Made

51 3 0
By Dragonblade122

If he had thought the writing on the walls was bad. This was straight-up f*cked up with a sprinkle of 'what the f*ck' moment.
Right now, Sammy had his eyes closed and holding what little breath he grabbed before the ink collapsed on them. Wondering how in the blazes he got into this situation in the first place. Besides the obvious.
Was he fading? Was Norman calling him?
It's an honour to finally meet you, Sammy. I'm a. Big fan of your work.
This was definitely not Norman. He began to lash out, hoping to find something to get him out of this watery prison, only to find out that it was futile as his hands and legs were still bound together.
What are you doing? What's wrong?
What's wrong? He couldn't breathe. He needed air or he would die! And this voice was asking what was wrong?
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. Give me a moment, this is my first time moving around out of the tunnels.
A faint noise and sense of gravity kicked in. Sammy felt his lungs burning from the lack of air.
I promise Sammy, I will not let anyone hurt you again. Not even myself. Rest, you're safe.
Bubbles left his mouth and everything seemed to get darker.

No. No. No. NO. This wasn't supposed to happen. You only meant to teach those attackers a lesson. Now, look what happened. You nearly killed your music man.
You struggled to control how much of the ink filled the room, forcing it all towards you. Somehow. You weren't sure what you were doing. All you knew was that you needed to get the ink away from the two humans that had been bound. The man you were certain was called Norman may have been a little rude to Sammy before this all happened, but he tried to save Sammy from that goon. The least you could do was return the favour.
Plus it might seem suspicious if he mysteriously disappears.

Norman began coughing out ink the moment he was able to, retching and taking big lungs of air that his lungs had been so desperately craving. Shaking his head, he tried to move his hands. Only to find out they were still bound. Blinking his eyes, he was momentarily shocked when he saw that he had no ink in his eyes.
As in he had just washed his face and no mess clean.
But that didn't make any sense, he was certain he had been hit by a huge wave of ink. How could he not have any on his face? Or his eyes? He quickly looked around and saw that the whole place had ink remnants in some places, the ink that had fallen was nowhere to be seen. The pipe had even closed up as if it had never blown up, to begin with.
Wait, he was missing someone "Sammy? Are you okay?" crap.
Cough and splutter was his reply. Oh, thank god he was okay. But how the hell was he going to get out of this?
What? Norman quickly looked around until he saw something move from the door. And against his better judgment, he called out.
"Please, could you help us?" he wheezed, his arms were hurting from their hold and he could feel his legs go numb.
A strange sound filled the silence, a hiss, and shifting. Like something was sliding on the boards. A snake? Impossible.
"H-he-p?" a rasp voice spoke, neither male nor female, and a form started to appear from the shadows.
Norman looked towards the sound and paled, mouth open in horror as he lay in fear of what was in front of him.
An inky-looking form of a snake moved towards him, tongue flickering and everything. All Norman could think was 'oh my god this is how I die'. He closed his eyes and waited for death to take him.
Except, instead of waiting for the kiss of death. He was met with a nudge on his foot.
"H-he-p" it repeated again "S-sa-m-me" it nudged his foot again.
Norman had to look between his feet and the creature a few times before it finally sunk in. It was trying to help him? Not kill? It hadn't killed him yet. So maybe? And Sammy?
"Can you cut this rope?" without cutting his feet in the process "you need something sharp though, and small enough for the rope and not my feet"
The snake shifted, and behind it, Norman could see the 'tail' shift into something sharp and solid. Was that an axe? No. More like a dagger. And it moved the 'weapon' towards his feet.
"WAIT!" he cried out, but it was useless.
The creature made a swipe at his ankles, cutting the rope with one motion and leaving it in threads. It did the same for his hands.
Norman could practically feel the blood rushing back to his wrists as he moved them to his face and rubbed them softly, he made a mental note not to make the creature angry or get on its bad side in the future.
He turned to look at Sammy, calling out his name for a response. He didn't get one.
"Sammy? You okay there?" still nothing "crap, Sammy wake up" he pushed aside the aches in his joints and got up on shaky knees, wobbling over to Sammy's un-moving body.
He placed his fingers over the man's neck and let out a sigh of relief when he found a pulse. He leaned slightly closer to Sammy's mouth and heard faint shallow breaths.
"Can you do the same for Sammy? But more gentle?" he asked as he lifted his head back up.
"H-hel-p Sa-me" the snake replied, but this time it sounded more, softer, gentle.
Norman watched as the snake lifted its tail, and with gentleness, he hadn't seen before. It cut the ankle's rope before cutting the ones on the wrist when Norman moved Sammy for easier access.
"Now we just need to get him back upstairs"
His answer was to be wrapped up by the beast's tail along with Sammy. Then it proceeded to move at a pace that would be considered sprinting for a human, out of the room.
Norman wasn't sure if it was his imagination. But he could have sworn he saw two big, black lumps leaning against the wall on the floor. He stayed silent anyway.

It was certainly harder to navigate around the building, the pipes were a little simpler. Nonetheless, you succeeded in navigating your way to the top of the studio. Your music man. Sammy. He was still sleeping, he hadn't woken up. The only thing that eased your worry was when. Norman was it? Yeah, Norman. He didn't look scared when he checked on Sammy. So you could only assume the sleeping man was okay. But he was still bleeding red ink, not a lot, but something.
And something told you that you would have to let them leave. But why? Couldn't they stay here? There was an infirmary here, Norman could use that to help Sammy. Right?
"Could you put us down here please? Gently"
As if you would drop them from a great height, that would hurt Sammy, and you didn't want to hurt him. Intentionally anyway.
You made sure Norman's feet touched the ground and was holding onto your music man before loosening your tail around them.
"Um. Thanks for the help, I guess" Norman said as he held onto Sammy more securely.
"H-hel-p g-goooo-d" you knew you were going to be busy learning words after this.
"As nice as it was that you helped us, I need to get him to the hospital"
A what now? "NO! hel-p he-er" you wanted your music man close, not somewhere else.
"I can't help him here, there's nothing here that can help him, and he's still losing blood" the man paused for a moment "he'll die if he stays here"
Die? As in sleeping but never waking up again? No. That can't be right. You were sure the infirmary had everything they needed. But he was still leaking the red ink. And Norman looked pained. So it was possible Norman was telling the truth. Grr. What could you do?
"S-sta-ay g-go-en?"
Norman shifted as he tried to re-adjust Sammy who was leaning on his shoulder "yes, he'll be. Gone"
"Go. GO! S-say-v Sa-me"
You watched them leave through the main door and out of sight. Your form now beginning to shiver and run at the thought of losing your music man just seconds of getting this form. You begged to whatever being that made you that Sammy would be okay. You don't know what you would do if you lost him.
Sighing and giving the door a final look. You turned away and slithered down the halls. Making sure not to leave any traces that you had been there and not damage anything towards your location.
Sammy's Office. The only place you ever saw him with his guard down. And the one place you ever felt safe.
You didn't feel tired yet, so you decided to practice your speech more in the sanctuary that was your music man.

Norman promised to help Sammy. So I will trust him. Please, music man, get better soon.

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