Secret || LK

By Mxsxyoshi3

1.3K 58 10

"She become my secret, my beautiful little secret". More

Important Note
4.Engagement 2
11.Wedding Night
13. Concerned

9.Wedding Day

80 3 3
By Mxsxyoshi3

"Today is the day" I whispered to myself after looking at the white wedding dress on my bed. I want to stop the wedding but I can't. I didn't hope for anything nice from this marriage. But after the last incident with Jake, I realized he cared about me maybe a little bit, but deep down I am afraid that he was just wearing a fake mask in front of me.

I was in deep thoughts when my room door burst open. "Leave" Aloy yelled after coming inside. Maids that are settling my things hurriedly leave the room except for the elder maid miss Olivia.

It is not the first time Aloy reacted like that. It was always like that whenever she fought with me or tortured me. I thought Aloy was changing because she is acting like an elder sister and didn't bother me anymore. I didn't know what I did wrong that she was acting like that again. Aloy glared at the elder maid. She hurriedly leaves the room while eyeing me with sympathy.

Aloy looked at the closed door and then turned toward me. Her beautiful brown eyes were swollen and she was trying her best not to cry in front of me. But she couldn't control herself when she saw my wedding dress. She burst into tears and spoke while stuttering " Don't marry him".

I looked at Aloy then sighed "I can't sis I don't have a choice". Aloy burst into tears again and set on the floor "Lisa please don't marry him....please". She yelled and pulled her hair. I was shocked by her sudden outburst, so I hurriedly hugged her to calm her down. Suddenly Duchess entered the room fuming with anger, but she calmed herself and spoke with sympathy "I think she was sad because you are going to leave her".

I broke the hug then cleaned her tears then said: "sis I am not going that far please stop crying".

"Li's, you a are a precious gem, who didn't deserve to be in this cruel world," Aloy said while cleaning my tears, that I don't know when fall on my checks. I looked at Aloy dumbfounded, I didn't understand her words. Aloy kissed my forehead and then said, "I am sorry Lisa, I hope you will forgive me". I was confused when I said, "Sis why are you apologizing".

"Lisa, you go get ready, I will take Aloy to her room," Duchess said. I hesitate for a second, then nodded. I don't know what happened to her and why she is talking like that.

"You don't have to help me. I know my way," Aloy yelled while glaring at the Duchess. I froze from her sudden outburst. She walks out of the room after looking at me one last time. The Duchess stood there stunned then glared at me "You manipulate her mind". I was going to follow her but soon stopped by the Duchess's words.

I look at the Duchess aka my mother sadly while standing in the doorway. But I didn't speak because I know she didn't see me as her daughter. Duchess walked toward me and then harshly pulled me by my arm into the room.

I was in pain because of how strong her hold was on my arm but I didn't show it. "Don't try to look innocent because I know the true personality you are a slut who snatch the prince by getting in his bed. Then you snatch my husband from me and now you manipulate my daughter's mind. You are doing this because I force you to kill this bastard child" Duchess completed while pointing toward my stomach.

I looked at the Duchess blankly, then pulled my arm back from her hand which is now bruised. Duchess looks at me shockingly "You can call me whatever you want but you have no right to call my child a bastard".

"How dare you? this is what we got after giving you a good lifestyle, you are so mean, you are always an orphan girl for us whom we pick from the garbage. You just proved the saying that once a slut always a slut ".

"You don't have to remind me I know from the start that I am not your daughter, your grace. So you don't have any right to disgrace me. You should go and celebrate that I am leaving your life, your grace".

Duchess looked at Lisa with a speechless yet shocked face. This is the first time she spoke to her in that way. This was the first time she didn't call her mother. She was stunned and frustrated."I am leaving your grace, so I didn't want anything from you. Instead, I am thankful to you for adopting me. I still don't know why you hate me and I don't want to know the reason because I know if you tell me the reason then it only breaks me. So it is better after I get married, you can forget about me".

Duchess looked at Lisa coldly then spoke "That's a wonderful idea. Thank you for such a great plan, I will surely follow it". Then she walked out of the room while closing the door harshly.

~ ♛ ~

Aloy was sitting on the bed in a daze when the duchess entered her room. She looked at Aloy with raging eyes and yells at her "I told you yesterday to forget it so why do you go to Lisa".

Aloy glared back and yelled, "I told you yesterday too, I am suffering from the guilt mother. I make her life miserable and I can't see her like this. She is my sister".

"Stop it Aloy, I told you already, you are not going to say anything so stop it" Duchess harshly pulled her hair. She cried in pain when Duchess spoke again "you will not say anything or I will burn you alive".

Aloy pushed her mother and then yelled "this is my life, not yours. I know what to do or not to do. Just because of you, I always treat Lisa badly, but I can't anymore. She is my sister. So stay away from my matters and don't ever lay a finger on her mother or else" Aloy yelled while walking toward her face to face "I will burn you alive before you burn me" then walked out of the room.

~ ♛ ~

Lisa was sitting in one of the rooms in the church. She was feeling nervous and a lot of negative thoughts were coming into her head when the door suddenly burst open and three beautiful women approached her.

She looked at them and smiled, then said "sis". "Lisa, you look so beautiful" Rose exclaimed, making her smile widely.

Jane pushed rose aside and spoke, "Lisa you look wonderful. My brother is going to be blind by your beauty". Lisa chuckled when can't continue "If Jake ever fights with you, come to me. I will kill him for you". Lisa laughed at her comment, making Jane smile and spoke proudly "see now your nervousness was gone just because of me".

"Thank you" Julia rolled her eyes at her stupid behavior and then approached her. "Lisa Jake is a good person. He was just cold from the outside but he has the softest heart in this world". Lisa nodded her head but inside she thought that the demon was a devil, from inside and outside, no one knows better than her. But she didn't dare to express her thoughts.

They were talking when Duke Lector and Duchess reached them." time has arrived," Duke said. Julia pats Lisa's head while smiling widely, then leaves the room with Rose and Jane.

"You look beautiful" he smiles after looking at Lisa in a wedding gown. He takes out a box from his pocket. He looked at the box then Lisa, said "this is yours" while giving her the box.

She opened the box and her eyes sparkled with tears when she saw a gold pendant. A Diamond was attached to the center and her name was written on the gold boundaries. "LALISA" she read her name and a teardrop from her eye.

{~ I was going to put the picture but I thought you guys can imagine because I can't find a good picture }

"What is this?" she asked when his father cleaned her tears. "This pendant was with you when we found you in front of our house," Duke lector said. A teardrop from her cheek after seeing the pendant but she stopped herself from crying, then Duke spoke"May I".

She nodded and he helped her to wear the gold pendant. Duke offers his arm and she holds his arm in return while smiling widely then they entered the hall.

~ ♛ ~

Jake was standing on the stage and nervously looking at the door. He was wearing a white tunic that was tucked in his black trousers, over the white tunic he was wearing a black velvety yet wooly coat that was shining in the light. A prince, Gold crown was present on his head. The red rubies and diamonds in the crown sparkle with his black coat. He looks like a cold yet handsome charming prince.

{~2020 melon life goes performance outfit was the best I was confused by two outfits the second one was from gayo daejun 2020. I like melon one more if you want to see it please search sorry I can't find a good picture. You can take ideas from Google or Pinterest }

Jimin pats his shoulder, he turns around and glares at him. He gulped and then said, "don't be nervous". Jake looked at him with his bloodshot eyes and he ran behind Vergo, who was smiling cheekily at his state. Jake glared at him when suddenly the door opened and everyone turned toward the door. Jake's breathing stopped when he saw Lisa enter the hall.

Everyone was stunned when they saw a goddess in front of their eyes. The men present in the hall were aww struck by her beauty. Their eyes were pop out of their socket. They had never seen such breathtaking beauty in their life.

Her white skin was covered with beads and pearls when she walked those beads and pearls shone, making her white skin glow more. Her blond hair was done in a beautiful loose bun and a Gold prince's crown was hanging on her head that shine with her white gown and made her look like an angel that had just flown into the hall.

Jake's heart raced after seeing a beautiful sight in front of his eyes.

She stops in front of him, then Duke Lector offers her hand to him and said "Please take care of her". Jake took her hand and said, "I will sir". Lisa's heart raced when Jake held her hand.

She stands in front of Jake and tries to avoid his gaze. But soon look at him when he holds her hand to put the ring. She sighed after seeing the gold ring with a small diamond in the center of the ring in her hand.

She got nervous when the priest asked her to put the ring in Jake's hand. She takes the ring and breaths in and out before putting the ring on his ring finger while shivering.

Jake looks at her nervous state. He held her hand that took her attention. She looked at him then gulped and snatch back her hand. The action was fast that no one noticed but that broke jake's heart when she snatch her hand back.

The priest asks Jake first "Do you take Lady Lalisa Lector as your lawful wife? And promise to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does you apart".

"I do," Jake spoke without any hesitation. And look at Lisa who was looking at him back blankly.

Jake's heart drops after looking at her blank face and in return, he coldly looks at her because he knows now there is no turning back she was going to become his.

His cold expression makes her stunned. Lisa came back to her senses when the Priest asked her "Do you take Prince Jake Nova of Bell mound as your Lawful Husband? And promise to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does you apart".

Everyone looked at her for an answer, but she didn't speak. After some time, the priest asked her again. Jake's breathing stopped when she didn't reply again. He looked at her sadly and she looked at him back.

She want to say why were these words just stuck in her throat. Her heart-mind was in mess. She turned her head toward jake, her heart stopped when she saw sadness in his eye and she spoke without any hesitation, making him freeze "I do".

"I announced Prince Jake Nova of Bell mound and Lady Lalisa Lector as husband and wife. Now you may kiss the bride, " the priest said, making Lisa shocked. *I completely forgot about the kiss* she thought and looked at Jake with pleading eyes, but he smirked and put his hand on her waist.

She cursed in her thoughts while thinking *how can I forget, the devil can't be changed*. She stood like a statue when Jake's lips touched her lips. The kiss was light as a feather, but that made her heart race like it was running for miles. She blushed and looked at his face.

Jake caught her staring at him and smiled at her blushing face. She gulped and broke eye contact, then turned her head toward the crowd who are celebrating. She looks everywhere except his face. He shakes his head at her cute reaction and then puts his hand on her waist, making her freeze.

~ ♛ ~

Everyone was congratulating the newlywed couple. Both of them smile widely at each other but who knows the reality.

Jimin sips his wine and looks at the couple with sad eyes. Vergo saw him and said, "heartbroken". Jimin sighed and took another sip of his wine and didn't reply. "I can understand your feeling because I am feeling the same" Vergo said and took the wine glass from Jimin's hand and took a sip while looking at the girl who was laughing with another guy.

Jimin looked at him and said "take your drink, this is mine" then snatched the glass from his hand. Vergo just smiled at his action and spoke blankly "you don't even respect me, I am a prince and you like my sister Rosasane".

Jimin froze on his spot. He looked at the empty wine glass in his hand and gulped. He hesitated for a second, then he thought now or never if I accept the truth now, then maybe I have a chance.

He looked at Prince Vergo straight in his eyes and said "no". Vergo looked at him dead in his eyes and said coldly "are you playing with me?". Jimin turned toward the crowd and his eyes met with dark brown eyes looking at him deeply.

He can sense the pain in her eyes. "I love her," Jimin said, making Prince Vergo freeze on his spot. He takes another full glass of wine and moves toward her. Vergo saw him walking toward Rose, then he smiled when her sister took his hand and they walked on the dance floor.

He sighed and whispered, "you have a chance but I don't even have a chance Jimin". He looked at Jane, who was laughing with her fiance Count Gargon.

He sighed sadly when a girl approached him and said "Can I dance with you?". He diverted his attention toward a strange girl and replied coldly "No". She looked at him for a while then said "I am daughter of Count Arthur Stark of Estonia Lady Sophia Stark". "So what?" he spoke coldly, making her stunned, then walked away, leaving her dumbfounded. She looked at his fading back and then sighed.

"Hahaha..I..ha...already..ha... told you," Lord Jay spoke while cleaning his tears. She rolled her eyes and was about to move away when he held her wrist and then said "now let's dance".

She rolled her eyes and then stepped on his foot. "In your dreams" she walks away, smiling widely. Lord Jay looked at his painful foot then whispered "let's see Mimi".

~ ♛ ~

"I am happy that you got a beautiful partner" Queen Alayna spoke while smiling at Lisa. Jake smiled coldly when he looked at the Queen who was praising his wife. He protectively put his hand on Lisa's waist and then said coldly "I don't need your blessing your majesty".

Lisa froze from his sudden out brust and turned toward him, she was shocked by his cold expression. Queen Alayna smiled fakely then said, "I know you hate me and don't want my blessing but I just want to see your partner". Jake held Lisa close to him and then said coldly, "You had seen enough. Now you may leave".

A shiver runs down her spine when jake's aura becomes colder.

Queen Alayna looked at Jake while smiling, then turned toward Lisa and said "you are a pretty young Lady what's your name by the way? Oh yeah Lisa. I hope you will be happy in the future and live a long life".

Jake coldly looks at the queen and looks at Lisa with sad eyes but doesn't say anything. Lisa looked at him and for the first time, she wanted to stand up for him she don't know why he was reacting like that when he was standing happily with her a while ago what happen to him why he was reacting like this. She want to ask but didn't dare.

Lisa looked at the queen's expression and, after observing her for a while then replied politely w "Your majesty, thanks for your wishes. And you should not have to get worried, I am not going to leave him until I die. And that's my promise to you, so don't worry".

Jake's heart raced and his mouth slightly moved upward. Then smirked after looking at the queen's face which was changing colors and she walk away coldly.But soon his attention divert to Lisa and he was looking at her confusedly when she removed his hand from her waist."Dont touch me" she glared at him. He smirked and said "like I didn't touch you before". She is angry and now she was regretful for speaking for him.She was about to say something when someone spoke before her.

"Lisa please change this cold prince into a soft prince," King Alex Nova said after coming close to the newlywed couple.

Jake rolled his eyes at his father's comment and Lisa smile at his remark." I will" she replied while smiling widely. Jake looks at her shockingly then smirked but she ignores him while thinking she can't change this demon.

King smiled then said "let's cut the cake first".King Nova signaled the servant to bring the cake.

The couple cut the cake and everyone cheered when Jake fed Lisa. Except for Queen Alayna who was looking at Jake with murderous look.

~ ♛ ~

The food was served and Lisa didn't eat anything. Jake was talking with other guests but he was looking at Lisa from the corner of his eyes who was playing with her food. Then he turned toward her and whispered in her ear
"Why are you not eating?".

She jumped at his sudden voice and turned toward him, but soon moved backward when she saw his face so close that their lips might touch. She blushed while looking downward then said "I don't want to".

He looked at her for a while, then took a spoon from his plate of chocolate pudding, then turned toward her with the spoon. She froze from his sudden action, but when everyone started looking at her she whispered "what are you doing?".

"Feeding my wife" she blushed at his comment and her heart filled with happiness. She looked at him deeply. When he spoke again "now open your mouth" she ate from his hand. He again took another spoon from his pudding and turned toward her.

She eats that again, then he takes another spoon from his pudding and ate it. Her eyes widened, suddenly her eyes fell on her pudding which was untouched, and said: "Why are you feeding me yours ".

"Because I want to share it with you" her heart raced at his sudden comment and butterflies started dancing in her stomach. She looked at him dumbfounded while thinking didn't she just eat with his spoon. Isn't this called an indirect kiss???

Jake smirked while thinking about what she is thinking then said while putting their face closer to her "Wife you are very sweat" she was blushing so hard after realizing the indirect kiss and after his teasing, she was red as a tomato. Jake pinch her cheeks, making her eyes widen. She cursed him, making him laugh out loud.

The crowd stopped what they were doing from the sudden laughter. Their eyes widened when they saw the cold prince laughing. When jimin heard his laugh, he stepped on rose's foot while dancing and she glared at him in pain.

Trafalgar was so shocked that he didn't realize where he put his hand until he heard the glasses-shattering sound. His eyes widened when he saw the wine glass tower falling, making everyone more shocked.

Jay spat the wine on Mimi's face and she glared at him, then took the other wine fill glass and threw the on his face, then smirked widely.

Vergo was so shocked that he didn't see where he was going and collided with Jane. He fell to the floor with her in his arms.

Julia smiled widely but her smile soon faded when Jin started laughing weirdly after he saw Jake laughing.

Suga looked at Jake while smirking and took a sip from his wine.

King Alex smiled after he saw his son laugh for the first time in his entire life. He hoped that he would stay happy like this forever and ever. But in the crowd, someone looks at the couple while planning something big for their future.

~ ♛ ~

Count Gargon Adam of Estonia

28 years old Count Gargon of Estonia. He is fiance of Princes Jane Nova.He is playboy and have more then 10 concubine. He is only hier of Count Adam.


Please read:

This is the longest chapter I have written. I write y/n but then I change the name to Missandie because y/n feels weird. I was should include it with I hope but then I thought it's not important so I just came up with a name. I google it and find momo and hope ship but I don't want to include it but I include it. So you can imagine momo or you can imagine yourself whatever you want to do.

And the second thing is I was very busy with my studies my finals are coming and I don't have time to post the chapter.

But next month after my exams I going to be free for 2 and half months so I will just post this book during my summer vacation in one go. ( it has a maximum of 30 chapters) then I am going to complete my second book Broken.

Wish me luck for exams I will post this chapter part 2 soon don't worry you guys. Because after that you have to wait longer.

Please vote for this chapter I work hard I edited this chapter 6 to 7 times I don't know.

Please comment on your experience I will love to read them and please vote I need your votes guys because they inspire me.

Thank you 🙇

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