It's All Inside My Head

By JudeT56

51.2K 2K 872

What if in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Voldemort didn't just make Harry see dreams? What if he... More

Chapter one: Only Dreams
Chapter Two: The Hearing
Chapter Three: 12 Grimmauld Place
Ron and Hermione
The Weapon
A Strange Heirloom
Unlikely Friendships
Carriage ride
Dining with the enemy
The Common Room
A Pink Toad
The Disappearance
Back To Hogwarts
A Vow
The Ball
A Bottle of Ogden's
The Taste of Blood
Christmas eve
Christmas Day
The Finale

The Vision

1.3K 52 21
By JudeT56

The next week was... interesting.

Harry was astounded at how quickly Ron seemed to forget the past months. He acted like they were best friends again, never mentioning the time they spent hating each other. Harry for one, found it completely ludicrous, here was this boy sitting next to him on the Weasley's shabby couch, talking to him as though Harry hadn't threatened to kill him in September.

It was easier to control the urge to kill Ron slowly and painfully when it wasn't just the two of them. Usually, the twins would join them with Ginny, who spoke gently and softly to Harry as though he might break at any moment.

The whole 'I was locked in a cell' thing played greatly to Harry's advantages. He had an excuse not to be extremely talkative, and if someone asked him a question that he hadn't planned an answer to, he could just say he didn't want to talk about it and the topic would be dropped immediately.

Almost every night, Harry pretended to have nightmares about seeing into Voldemort's mind. It was all a part of the plan, and Tom was guiding Harry ever step of the way.

Now that Harry knew exactly who it was he was talking to inside his head, it was easier to have conversations late into the night. In a way, the aspect of not being able to see each other also made it less awkward between them. Harry hadn't forgotten that day in the training room, and he knew Tom hadn't either.

It was around twilight on the seventh day he had been at the Burrow and Harry was alone in his room.

"Today is the day Harry."

Harry grinned, "Finally," he said in his head, "I've been going mental."

"Missing Malfoy Manor are we?"

Harry smirked, "No, I'm missing your miserable company."

Harry could imagine the sour look on Tom' face, "You remember your task?"

"How could I forget?" Harry asked sarcastically, "It's the reason I'm here."

"Don't get smart with me Potter, I am solely relying on you to lure the order to the Department of Mysteries tonight."

Harry sighed, "Yeah well, it'd help if you told me how I'll be doing that."

"You are to have a 'vision'."

"A vision?"

"Yes. You are to tell the Weasleys that you have seen me torturing Sirius Black at the Department of Mysteries."

Harry frowned, "But can't they just fire call Sirius to check?"

A brief flash of pain burst through his head as Tom spoke, "The you must be convincing yes?"

"All right, all right," Harry said, wincing.

"Go now, I'll be waiting for you with my Death Eaters."

Harry felt Tom's presence leave his head and he closed his eyes for a moment.

This was it.

The entirety of Tom's plan rested on his shoulders. Tom still hadn't told Harry exactly what the prophesy he wanted was for, but that didn't matter right now. He knew it had to be important.

Harry ran a hand through his hair and got off the bed, walking down the stairs to the living room, where everyone sat, drinking cups of tea. A platter of biscuits lay on the table, and when Harry entered the room, the chatter stopped.

"Uh, hi," Harry said, sitting on the edge of one couch next to Ginny.

Mrs Weasley smiled gently at him, "Hello Harry dear."

"Hi Mrs Weasley, sorry I haven't been around much today."

Ron shook his head, "You don't have to explain anything mate, we understand."

A murmur of agreement went around the room.


"Thank you," Harry said softly, gagging on the inside.

"Ready for next term Harry?" George asked.

Harry dropped his head "It'll be hard without Hermione there."

He saw Ron wince on the other side of the room and suppressed a smirk.

"We'll all miss her," Ginny said, resting a hand on Harry's.

Gods she was touchy. Harry wanted to rip his hand away and sanitise it.

Merlin, he couldn't take any more of this. He took a few deep breaths before crying out and closing his eyes, reaching up to clutch at his scar.

Immediately, chaos followed. Ron was upon him in an instant shaking his shoulders.

"Harry?! What's wrong?"

But Harry kept screaming. For good measure he started to shake, large tremors that racked his entire body. He spoke some parseltongue just for the fun of it, wishing he could see the horror in the Weasley's faces. He ended his performance with-


-and slumped down on the couch, completely silent.

"Shit!" he heard Fred curse, "What's wrong with him Ron?"

"How should I know?!"

Harry opened his eyes slowly to see Mrs Weasley pushing people out of the way, "Give him some space!"

She walked up to Harry and placed her hands on his face, "Harry? Are you all right?"

Harry sat up weakly, "He's got Sirius."

Tension immediately flooded the room.

"Who's got Sirius Harry?" Mrs Weasley asked.

"Voldemort. Voldemort has him." Harry said, "It was in this- this room filled with shelves and crystal balls."

Harry watched as Molly's eyes yea widened.

"Are you sure Harry?" Ginny asked, "You're not just tired-"

"I'm sure Ginny!" Harry yelled. He had to stop them from checking Grimmauld place. "Voldemort was torturing Sirius in that room! He's going to die if we don't go."

Molly nodded, "All right. Let me contact the Order."

Harry sighed quietly in relief as Arthur stuck his head in the Floo and called the Order. Tonks, Remus, Moody, Kingsley, all of them.

Ron stood over Harry, "You're sure about this?"

Harry scowled, "I know what I saw Ron. Sirius is being tortured as we speak."

Ron paled, his freckles standing out in his face. "Yeah, all right then."

As he walked away, the Order came flooding through the Floo and into the Burrow.

Remus smiled at Harry when he saw him before turning to Kingsley. "We can apparate there yes?" he asked.

Kingsley nodded, "We can. You all have your wands?"

"How daft do you think we are Shaklebolt?" Moody grunted.

Kingsley cleared his throat, "Yes, all right then. Let's-"

"I'm coming with you," Harry blurted out, interrupting him.

Kingsley turned towards Harry, his face sympathetic, "It's too dangerous."

Right. Time to amp up the acting.

"I was in that cell for weeks Kingsley," Harry said, clenching his fists, "That monster has Sirius now and I need to help you." Harry made his face crumple, trying to convey desperation, "Please just- I need to help."

Kingsley studied Harry for a moment, before sighing, "Hold onto my arm Potter."

Harry grinned inwardly, "Thank you Kingsley."

"Oi! Why can't we help?" Ron exclaimed.

Harry looked behind him to see the Weasley children looking annoyed.

"Absolutely not!" Molly shrieked as Harry clutched Kingsley's arm.

Molly was still screaming as they disappeared.


I'm baaaaack

Sorry for the wait, don't really have an excuse.

I reckon the next chapter will be the end... dunno how to feel about that one.

But Harry seriously deserves a Oscar for this acting oml. How tAleNtEd.

As always thanks for reading :)

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