Foreign Love

By Bookworm_Tina

103K 2.8K 501

Tiana takes a foreign exchange student programme to the USA. Her life turns upside down when she is to stay w... More

Farewell Party
Departure Marking the Beginning
Meeting the Andersons
Mixed Emotions
Vampire Out of Control
Giving into Temptation
Mindless Behaviour
Lads vs. Lassies
Our Indescribable Relationship
An Emotional Outbreak
A Sweet Nightmare
A Violent Dinner
Riccardo The Guardian
A Bitter-Sweet Evening
Growing Closer
Erasing the Vampire
Who's Bipolar Now?
Riccardo: The Vampire Prince
Goodbye,But Forever?
Soulmate Stalker
Approving the Vampire
At The Lake Part One
At The Lake Part Two
Meeting the Parents
A Dramatic Turn Of Events
Shape Shifter
Nothing Ever Goes To Plan
Tiana: The Vampire
Friend Or Foe
The Royal Ball Gone Wrong
Family Matters Part One
Family Matters Part Two

Starting Anew

2.6K 74 15
By Bookworm_Tina

Riccardo's lips pressed softly against mine and slowly and smoothly moved in against it, I stood immobile, not kissing him back, letting his skilled lips do all the work. My heart was somersaulting around in my chest as he gently kissed me.

I slowly started moving my lips in sync with his, I noticed Riccardo pull me closer to him and I placed my hands around his neck, my fingers twirling around the little hair that sat at the nape. The kiss started getting more passionate, as Riccardo's hands left my face and was placed around my waist while I ran my hands through his damp and tousled hair.

The world around me seemed to evaporate as I kissed him, all I could see, feel, smell and hear was Riccardo and I wouldn't change anything. My lips seemed to fit perfectly against his when my lips parted and Riccardo took advantage, fully possessing my mouth.

Riccardo smelt so good, his unique scent taking over my senses, I couldn't think straight, all I could think was of how perfect this moment was. The kiss was getting urgent and faster, I was glad I was sitting or I was sure to fall weak on my knees.

"Oh, I...I'm sorry..." I heard a hoarse voice say after clearing his voice.

Riccardo and I both pulled away, Riccardo more reluctant than me. Before completely pulling away he placed one last soft peck on my lips before turning around to see who our disturber was, I could see the annoyed expression he tried to hide. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, burning it. I swear I don't think I've ever blushed so brightly in my life.

"I didn't know you were in here, sorry, I'll just get going." James hesitated.

I slowly got off the counter and with my face still red, I lowly mumbled, "Um, no don't worry, James, I'm off to bed anyway. Goodnight."

Without waiting for any reply I quickly rushed out of the kitchen, I took fast steps up the stairs and made my way to the room I woke up in this morning. I hurriedly changed into my pyjamas and got into bed; I closed my eyes and rested my head on the headboard thinking over about the days happenings. Somehow the part of me falling in the garden and hurting my head was like a blank spot in my head, I know I definitely did fall and well passed out for a few minutes but the details were blurry in my head.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair before tying it up in a messy bun, after tying my hair my eyes met the bracelet that sat on my wrist. I brushed my fingers over the pretty colourful gems and smiled as the picture of Riccardo clasping it around my wrist flashed at the back of my mind thereafter the heated kiss scene. I found myself blushing again, what was wrong with me, just a little over a week ago I hated the mere sight of Riccardo, now here I was smiling and blushing after practically making out with him on the kitchen counter. I just also realized this was my first proper kiss with Riccardo, well one that I consented to, the other time it happened was a heat of the moment thing in the gym locker rooms, that kiss was cut short when Riccardo practically chased me away. All of the past incidents seemed like a long time ago, that Riccardo and the one I just had a moment with downstairs seemed like two different people.

I somehow couldn't smear off the smile planted on my face, I felt strange on the inside, I felt all warm and fuzzy, as cheesy as that sounds, that's exactly how I felt. This feeling was new

and foreign, but I liked this feeling, I really liked it.

My thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of my phone; I frowned wondering who could be calling me at this hour. That thought was erased and my frown replaced with a huge grin as Paige's name popped up on my screen.

"Paige!" I exclaimed with excitement coating my voice.

"Oh Paige, do you have any idea how I wish you were here with me right now? Gosh I miss you guys so much!"

"We miss you equally if not more too Tia." Paige said with a small chuckle.

"Pay, I have so much to tell you, I just don't know where to begin, so much has happened, things that I least expected. From petty fights, heated arguments to even post-argument making out."

"You're kidding me right? Tia what you just said sounds like you're stuck in some soap opera that my grandmother watches. Spill all the details now!" Paige demanded, this time excitement coating her voice.

"Okay, so you remember Riccardo right?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah the bio-polar jerk, you absolutely hate?"

I chuckled, "Yeah that one let's say the hatred and fighting with him has become a thing of the past since this week..."

I went on to explain to Paige about how Riccardo's behaviour had changed towards me, how he had seemingly warmed up to me over the past week, I added the bits where he practically was my bodyguard ever since he made it clear to me that he would be watching me wherever I go no matter what. I told her everything, while she remained silent and listened through the other end of the line.

"Wow! Tia and all of that happened over just a week?" she asked stunned.


I heard her take in a deep breath before she started speaking, "So you're actually staying at Riccardo's place as we speak right now? And you're okay with this, how?"

"I told you, Riccardo's been nothing but a perfect gentleman with me this past week, I trust him. He's actually taken very good care of me."

"This Riccardo guy first treated you like crap, then suddenly when your American friend and I'll add really hot roommate Jason, sort of makes a move on you, he gets all violent and almost killed him, then he suddenly takes a one-eighty and warms up to you, acting like nothing happened?" Paige was more like speaking to herself, and trying to understand Riccardo. Welcome to the party Paige.

"Jason didn't make a move on me, he was pretending to make his ex think he has a girlfriend, and yeah Riccardo is pretty difficult to understand, but I somehow think whatever he did was for a valid reason, which I'm sure with time he'd explain to me." I sort of stood up for Riccardo.

"Listen Tia, don't get me wrong but I think you should be careful, I don't really trust this Riccardo character, he seems shady and..." she trailed off.

"And what, Paige?" I didn't understand why, but Paige's impolite words about Riccardo were a little offending.

"And well, from what you said about him I can fathom two things about him and that is either one, he has some strange obsession over you, where he can't stand the sight of another male even glancing at you, let alone you being friends with one; he thinks he owns you. Or two, his using you to get in your pants, so his charming his way to get what he wants."

"Paige I think you're judging Riccardo a little too quick, you obviously don't know him at all. I made the mistake of judging him too soon too, but now I see I was wrong. Riccardo is sweet and very caring, he doesn't have any obsession over me, I told him about my friendship with Jai, and he said nothing about it." I stated coolly, in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Fine, then he's not obsessed over you, which means he only wants to get in your pants. Tia, face it Riccardo is a perverted, disturbing, bio-polar schmuck. I think you should leave his house as soon as possible."

I felt my anger rise, "Can't you think that Riccardo's change in behaviour could mean he actually could like me? Or am I not good enough for a guy in Riccardo's league?"

"What are you trying to say Tia? Do you honestly think I would think of you like that?!" Paige asked with her voice rising slightly matching mine.

"I don't know Paige, you seem to have Riccardo all figured out, and that's without even knowing the guy, so I'm sure you should know me really well. You should know that unlike you I'm no hot cheerleading captain, with a perfect smile, killer figure and just a miss perfect overall!"

"Tia? I-I can't believe this is you, my best friend saying those things? I can't believe you'd think I'd think of you like that?' Paige said lowly, I could hear the hurt in her voice.

I took in a deep breath, and felt bad for lashing out at my best friend. I didn't know why but hearing mean things said about Riccardo made me really angry, these new feelings I had were whiplashing my moods and emotions. "Pay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said all those things to you, I know you wouldn't think of me like that, I just... I don't know what came over me, hearing those things about Riccardo, just..." I trailed off trying to find the right words.

"I don't even know what got over me, I'm really sorry."

"Oh Tia, I'm sorry too, I just care about you and don't want you to get into any mess, I don't want you to do anything that you'd regret."

We both laughed, that was Paige and I, we had arguments and little fights but they were resolved within a few minutes.

"So, how's Jai? I haven't heard from him in a while, I tried calling earlier today but it went straight to voicemail." I asked diverting the subject.

"Jai is the reason I want you to come back really soon, ugh Jai is so annoying and without you here he constantly irritates me." Paige said sighing and I could picture her rolling her eyes.

I chuckled, "That bad, huh?"

"Well it's not as bad as I make it sound; Jai's been a little well..."

"Well what? What's wrong with Jai?" I asked slightly panicky with my dream flashing through my mind.

"He's been a little off, what I mean is he hasn't been totally himself ever since you left. He's a little quieter and more to himself. Come to think of it he hasn't been with a girl ever since your farewell party." Paige answered.

I chuckled, "Well that's a good thing; I always feared that boy would end up with herpes."

Paige laughed too, "Nah, I think he just misses messing with his sweet pea, meaning you."

"Surprisingly I miss him too; I miss being called ridiculous vegetable names and his annoying full-of-himself remarks." I laughed. "But he doesn't have to know that, his head is already big enough." I added as an afterthought.

"Would you tell him I tried calling and I said hi?" asked after yawning. I hadn't realized just how tired I actually was.

"Sure thing, it sounds like you had a long day, I can hear your yawn from all the way over here." Paige teased.

"Well it's almost midnight over here, so yeah you can say so."

"I better be off, Tia. You take care and I hope your leg heals fast and get away from that house as soon as possible."

I groaned lightly, "Pay, don't start. I don't want to argue again."

"Neither do I, but I still don't trust Riccardo."

Sighing I replied, "And I understand why, but I think you shouldn't judge him so soon, I think there's more to him than what just meets the eye or in your case ear."

"And you know what I think? I think that you really like him." I could practically see the grin she most probably wore.

"Paige I am tired, thank you for the call, goodnight." I said feeling myself blush again.

I heard Paige laugh from the end of the line, "Yup, that rushed goodbye just shows how right I am, oh and its afternoon over here, Tia."

"Wow, I never thought I'd see the day, Tiana Rana falls for a guy."

"I'm hanging up, Paige. Have a good day, bye."

I hung up feeling my cheeks burn again, why was I blushing when Paige mentioned that I like Riccardo? I so didn't like Riccardo, not at all...right?

If I didn't then why did I get so angry when Paige bad-mouthed him? Why do I get butterflies in my tummy just by thinking of him? Why did I enjoy the kiss we shared so much? Could I actually be falling for the one and only Retardo?

I switched off the bedside lamp and tucked myself under the covers, my mind thinking if all my 'American occurrences' somehow most of it all added up to Riccardo. I smiled to myself, and turned on my side. Looks like this dreaded weekend didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would. I took in a deep breath, and my heart instantly started beating faster. I pulled the opposite pillow and hugged it close taking in its scent. The pillow smelt like Riccardo, his own very intoxicating scent was smeared all over the room now. I held the pillow tight close to my chest and felt off into a deep sleep, somehow missing Riccardo's presence, I missed the warmth his body radiated from last night when I fell asleep in his arms.

My eyes shot open, and I saw a tall figure lurking in the far end of the bedroom, near the large far end closet. My sleep was disrupted by hearing shuffling and footsteps, but I heard a loud bang resulting my eyes to open.

I sat up and slowly moved my hand to switch the bedside lamp on, with a slight click the light came on and the person in the corner came into view, he was wearing a white t-shirt and pyjama bottoms, his hair was a little tousled but still strangely neat. He turned around slowly to face me.

Furrowing my brows and after rubbing my eyes I drowsily asked, "James?"

"Tia?" he asked his baffled expression mimicking mine.

"James what are you doing here at..." I paused and glanced at the clock, "at two-thirty am?" I asked.

"Tia, why are you here?" he asked.

"James we bumped into each other earlier on tonight, in the kitchen remember? Didn't Riccardo tell you I was staying over?"

He didn't answer so I took it as my cue to speak after sighing lazily, "Well you see I sprained my ankle and-"

"Tia, I know why you're staying over, what I mean is why in this room?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Riccardo said I should sleep here, he even got Maria to put my stuff up here."

"Now you answer my question, why were you stealthily sneaking about while I was asleep?" I asked quirking a brow.

"Well, I uh...I was looking for Riccardo, and well-"

"Why were you looking for Riccardo in here? You should've checked in his room not in this room's closet, I highly doubt Riccardo could fit in there."

"Well, um this is Riccardo's room, that's why I'm a little surprised you're in here."

My eyes widened slightly, "wait, if this is Riccardo's room, why am I sleeping here? And where is he sleeping then?"

"I assume in one of the other rooms and I'm confused as to why you're sleeping here too,

Riccardo never lets anyone sit in his room let alone sleep, he even takes the girls that he spends the night with to the guest bedroom never this one."

I felt a sudden pang of jealousy rush inside when James mentioned Riccardo bringing other girls to spend the night with him. What is wrong with me, it isn't shocking to know Riccardo has flings with girls, I mean with his looks any girl would fall for him, except me of course.

"James, what are you doing here so late?" I heard someone ask disrupting my thoughts.

I looked and saw William walk in, he still had his normal day clothes on, I assumed he just got back, because he had his jacket slung over his one shoulder.

"I could ask you the same question Will?" James asked.

"As you can see, I just got back and I saw Ric's room light on and knowing Tiana was sleeping here, I came to see if everything was alright."

"Well, is everything alright?" William directed the question to me.

"Hmm, um yeah everything's fine, James was looking for Riccardo, he didn't know I was sleeping in his room." I replied casually.

"And well neither did I." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was so important that you had to discuss with Ric at this hour, James?" William asked.

"Care to tell me the agenda of this seemingly interesting meeting at this hour?" my eyes diverted to the door where Riccardo stood sternly with his one hand in his pocket and the other leaning against the doorframe.

"I just got back home and I noticed your room light on so I came to check if Tia was okay, to only find James beating me to it." William responded eyeing James the whole time. Why did I get the impression William and James didn't seem to like each other much?

Riccardo first looked blankly towards James, then his expression turned a little...cold. He practically glared in James way. I could literally smell the high levels of testosterone present in the room at that moment.

So before Riccardo could open his mouth to speak I butted in, "okay guys, I think this meeting should be nearing an end, I mean it's nearly three am and I am pretty tired, so I'll see you guys later?"

All three of them looked at me blankly, "Yeah so not to sound rude or anything but goodnight guys." I smiled at them.

When none of them moved, "William I'm absolutely fine and James I'm sure whatever reason you had of coming in here is a valid one, I mean come on, it's James and he didn't know I was sleeping here, even if he did I don't think he would strangle me in my sleep or anything, right?" I chuckled lightly trying to ease the tension.

I let out a small breath of relief when I saw Williams and James expression lighten up a bit, but Riccardo being Riccardo still looked expressionless. "Goodnight, Tia." William and James said and started making their way out.

"Oh William." I called stopping him. "I caught you." I smirked.

He looked at me a little confused when I made a circle around my mouth, "You stopped at McDonalds before coming home right?"

He looked even more baffled, I sighed, "You really aren't the brightest spark are you? The

evidence is at the corner of your mouth." I pointed to my mouth again, "I can see ketchup smeared there, no fair you didn't even bring me anything."

William brought his hands to his mouth and traced over the red ketchup messed there, he hesitantly smiled and said with a nervous chuckle, "Yeah, you got me, what can I say? I'm an animal."

"You should really learn to eat properly William." Riccardo said in a very cold tone glaring at William. Jeez Riccardo could overreact, I mean I was just teasing William and he takes things so seriously.

"Yeah, um sorry, goodnight guys and Tia, I'd be sure to get you McDonalds next time." He smiled and walked out of the room.

Riccardo stood silently for a few seconds before turning on his heels to head out before I stopped him, "Oi, who gave you the permission to leave?"

Riccardo raised a brow and looked a little taken aback from my tone; he then closed the door behind him softly and slowly walked my way with a small smirk.

"I thought you were tired, Princess?"

"I lied; I had to say that so I could get rid of the thick tension forming in the room. I swear, you guys act it's like I'm some delicate flower and you guys are trying to make sure I don't lose any of my precious petals." I said rolling my eyes.

Riccardo looked at me for a few seconds before chucking, "I think the real reason was so you could get rid of the other two and get me to be alone with you."

I felt my cheeks warm because that was partially true, I did want to speak to Riccardo, I wanted him here with me, I wanted to fall asleep with him near me. Gosh I am really starting to lose my mind.

I rolled my eyes, "You are so full of yourself." I fake yawned because I truly had lost my sleep, "Goodnight, Retardo."

He chuckled again and took a seat beside me on the bed, I felt his hands on my chin and he forced me to look at him. He looked so caring and loving, I felt butterflies in my stomach and my heart quickened its pace again. "You are so cute." He paused and moved his hands to my cheeks, his thumbs slowly rubbing circles over the warm skin, "Especially when you blush."

Great that made me blush even more causing him to chuckle.

"You know I came up to speak to you earlier on but I noticed you were on the phone, then I came back after an hour or so to only notice you to be fast asleep. I didn't want to disturb you, so I decided we could talk in the morning."

"What did you want to speak about?"

"About earlier on, you know in the kitchen..." he trailed off feeling a little uncomfortable.

I smirked knowing exactly what he was talking about but he didn't have to know I knew, so I played the ignorant game and innocently said, "Oh, I'm sorry about messing up your kitchen with all that pizza ingredients, I promise to pay for whatever I damaged."

Riccardo raised his brow clearly getting where I was going with this conversation, "Thanks Tia, everything seems in order, except the Italian marble counter-tops, they have scratches, I'll be sure to send you the bill."

"No problem, I'll have my dad get the exact same thing and replace them." I smiled.

Riccardo sighed and looked at me with a small chuckle shaking his head, "You know what I'm talking about, don't play ignorant."

"I'm not playing ignorant, I know what you're talking about and don't worry your counter-tops will be as good as new by next week."

Riccardo smirked and inched closer to me, "Do you want me to show you what I'm talking about?"

"I don't know about that, I mean I'm already warm in bed and I don't really feel like going all the way down to the cold ki-"

I was cut off when Riccardo grabbed me and pulled me forwards towards him, he put his fingers on my lips and whispered, "You talk too much, you know that?"

I couldn't speak; I was in one of those trances again that became a common thing whenever I was in close proximity to Riccardo. He tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ears and moved his face in an agonizingly slow pace towards mine, his lips were a breath away from mine, and I felt his breath fan over my now parted lips. He lightly brushed his lips over mine, but so faintly that I barely even felt them, he did that again and I knew he was teasing.

I felt his silk-like lips slowly brush over mine again and I saw his lips curve upwards in a smirk. "This is what I was talking about." He whispered.

I smiled and he pulled away, but we were still pretty close.

"I'm sorry." Riccardo said after a few minutes of silence.

"For what?"

"For kissing you, I shouldn't have, I'm sorry if I offended you or-" he stopped and ran a hand through his tousled hair, "What I mean to say is I didn't want you to think I ran or chased you away like the last time...I was stupid then."

"Do you regret kissing me?" I whispered fearing his answer.

He looked at me for what felt like eons, then taking my hands in his he replied, "In all honesty?" he paused and I nodded, "But first promise you wouldn't be mad?"

"I promise."

"Tia, that kiss was the best kiss I've ever had in my entire existence and I would never ever want to undo that moment; regretting it would be highly out of the question."

I felt my heart flutter at his words and I couldn't help but genuinely smile. "Then don't be sorry because I'm not."

Riccardo smiled his charming smile, his handsome face lighting up and grabbed me in a tight hug. I smiled in his arms, taking in his intoxicating scent and feeling nothing but safe and secure in his embrace.

Riccardo pulled away and after placing a small kiss on my forehead he said, "Sweetdreams Princess."

He stood up but I didn't want him to leave, I wanted him to sit with me, I wanted to sleep in his arms as weird as that sounded considering the fact that I literally wanted to rip his head off a week ago. Riccardo had this strange effect on me, he was like a flame and I a moth that just couldn't stay away but pined to be near him. Oh God, what was happening to me?

"I can't sleep, please stay until I fall asleep, besides where are you going to sleep since this is your room?" I asked.

Riccardo stood still in his tracks for a few seconds his expression hardening; I suddenly felt embarrassed for asking a guy to sit with me while I try to fall asleep. I bit my lower lip mentally cursing myself for making a fool of myself. I mean this was bio-polar Riccardo for crying out loud.

"Well then shift over, that is my side of the bed you're sitting on." My head shot up and saw Riccardo towering over me with a small grin.

I gave a small smile and shifted to the other end of the bed, then to my surprise Riccardo lifted the covers and got in the bed next to me, I looked at him a little surprised.

"What? If you're not comfortable with me on the bed with you, I can always go sit on the couch over there." he said gesturing towards the small loveseat on the far end.

I stayed quiet contemplating at how comfortable I would be with Riccardo in the same bed as me. Oh why was I overthinking this so much? Riccardo spent the night with me the previous night and I was practically in his arms.

Riccardo was getting out of the bed, thinking I wasn't comfortable after my long silence. I grabbed his hand, "No, I'm perfectly comfortable with you here. I trust you." I smiled.

Riccardo nodded and got in the bed next to me, only this time he sat over the covers while I was under. He laid his head on the pillow and I turned so were face to face.

"So I'm here, you can close your eyes and try to sleep."

"No let's talk." I said. I had no idea where this sudden rush of energy came from.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

I thought about it for a few seconds, "Um twenty questions?" I suggested.

"Fine, you go first." Riccardo agreed.

"Okay then, why didn't you tell me this was your room?" I asked.

"Well you didn't ask." He replied casually.

"Why is it a big deal?"

"Because James said you never let anyone sit in your room let alone sleep here, so why me? I mean you have a huge house and I'm sure there are many guest rooms, so why your room?"

"You're not any other guest, you're my guest, there's a huge difference."

"I heard that you take your um, other guests to the guestroom and you, uh well, spend the night with them there too." I couldn't restrain the bitter tone out of my voice, feeling that strange forbidden feeling of jealousy surface again.

Riccardo raised a brow and asked innocently, "Just what guests are you referring to?"

"You know which guests." I bitterly snapped. Get a hold of yourself Tiana. What was wrong with me?

"No, but it would be nice if you could enlighten me." I could see the amusement in his eyes,

why did I think he was enjoying this conversation?

"Fine, I'm talking about your one-night stands or two-nights or three or fifty for all I know; I'm talking about the girls you sleep with." I stated bluntly.

Riccardo shot his eyebrows up and I was right he was enjoying this conversation, "Are my eyes deceiving me? Are you actually jealous?"

"What? No way, why would I be jealous? It is none of my business what you do in your life, it's your life and I have absolute no say in your personal matters, so you can kiss, make out and sleep with whomever you desire, it really doesn't bother me. I was just curious as to why I'm in your room and not in the guest room like your other 'specimens', what makes me so special to sleep in the great Riccardo's room? I hope you're not planning to kill me or something, you know like in Hansel and Gretel the witch took special care of the kids before she decided on eating them, because I'll have you know I'm not very tasty, oh what am I going on about, fact is Retardo I am so not je-"

I was cut off when I felt Riccardo's lips gently meet mine. "There, that shut you up quickly." He said after pulling away.

I opened my mouth to speak but Riccardo placed a finger on my lips and looked sternly at me, "first and foremost you are definitely not one of my 'specimens' as you put it, I didn't offer for you to stay over so I could have my way with you, I would never do that, not to you Tia. Secondly yes you're right, you are special, very special that's why you're in my room, can't you accept the fact that you're just special and that's why you're in my room and not elsewhere? And now thirdly, I am not going to kill or eat you." he chuckled before continuing, cupping my cheek, "No matter how good you might taste, because frankly you're just too cute to eat."

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks once again, and couldn't help but bite my bottom lip out of embarrassment; I just showed Riccardo how jealous I felt knowing he had girls spending the night with him.

Riccardo pulled away, turned on his back so his gaze was on the ceiling and rested his hands behind his head. We sat in silence for what felt like hours. "You know I'm not complaining for sleeping here because one, your bed is actually really comfy and two I'm just glad I'm not in the guest room, who knows what kind of germs that bed holds." I scrunched my nose at that.

Riccardo let out a throaty laugh, "You're crazy Tia, but I like your jealous side."

I was about to protest but he turned to look at me, "yeah, yeah I know, you're so not jealous." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm glad we've established that." I grinned.

"Riccardo, where are your parents?" I asked changing the subject after we stayed silent for a while.

"Probably Europe." He replied casually without looking at me.

"Europe? Do they live there or are they there on business?"

"They live there." he answered coldly.

"Do they ever visit? You know for the holidays or summer?"

"Hardly, Gabby and I normally go to them." Again he didn't look at me when answering; his eyes were firmly placed on the ceiling. Something about his tone told me he didn't want to speak about his parents, so deciding not to push the subject any further I stayed quiet. I figured Riccardo would tell me about his parents and family when he was ready to.

The silence lingering in the air felt comforting and not in any way awkward. Riccardo and I both seemed happy with occupying ourselves with our own thoughts. I really had misjudged Riccardo at first but I couldn't blame myself, the way Riccardo acted around me when I first arrived in the USA, was nothing but rude, arrogant and cruel. I still didn't understand why he acted that way and what caused the sudden change in him, all I did know was that there had to be some valid reason behind his behaviour and that reason had to be big one, all concluding that Riccardo was nothing but a huge mystery, a mystery that I intended to solve.


"For the hundredth time, I am perfectly fine Jai!" I rolled my eyes.

"Tia, but you could've broken your leg, or your head or who knows what else. You should really be careful and try not to get yourself killed while away okay?" Jai said seriously, his face filled with concern.

It was Sunday afternoon and I was left alone in the Baberini residence, James, William and Riccardo all were out and about doing their own things, so I took the opportunity to Skype Jai since he left over fifty texts and an equal amount of missed calls last night on my phone.

Sighing I replied, "I know, but look at the positives Jai, I am perfectly alright. Just a little sprain that seems to have healed overnight considering that I can't only just walk properly but run too."

Finally I saw a small smile, knowing that Jai's lecturing was over, "How are you Tiana?"

"I'm good, I like it here and the new friends I made here are great."

"I'm glad, just don't forget to come back home, because we all miss you dearly here."

"I miss you guys too, just two more weeks then I'm back. And you Jai Sinha, I can't believe you haven't been with a girl since I left, are you okay?" I faked gasped.

Jai chuckled lightly, "What can I say, pumpkin? Having a girl and not you around to point out all her flaws just aren't the same, I miss hearing about how squeaky her voice is or how she has less clothes than dignity."

"Hey all I ever said was the truth, you honestly need to change your taste in girls, we're no longer in high school and I will not approve one of those squeaky, bimbo types of girls to be your wife." I stated matter-of-factly.

"But you know I'm glad you're not playing around with girls so much, because I was getting worried with your reputation no one would want to marry you and that's a bad thing because I intend on playing with baby Jai's one day." I added.

"Tia finding a girl to marry is the last thing I'm worried about, worse comes to worse, you're still there; I can always marry you."

I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest, "And what makes you say I'd say yes huh?"

"Because ever since kindergarten you've secretly been in love with me." Jai replied matter-of-factly.

"Please Jai, keep dreaming, yeah I love you but not in the way you think, I love you like a goldfish I'd cry to flush you down the toilet but I wouldn't kiss you, besides I am no one's second or third or gazillionth in your case."

Jai laughed, "We'll see my in denial butternut."

"I'm hanging up, goodbye Jai Sinha!"

Before I could log out Jai said in a serious tone again, "Bye sweet-pea and please take care."

I smiled, "I will and Jai, you take care of yourself too, okay?"

"Tia, one more thing, don't dream too much about me." he added with a wink.

I rolled my eyes wanting to come back with a sarcastic remark but the dream I had of Jai being killed by the vampire flashed through my mind and I couldn't help but feel scared, the thought of Jai dying because of me made my heart ache.

"Tia, hey I'm just kidding. You okay?" Jai's voice broke away my unwanted thoughts.

I flashed Jai a ghostly smile, "Yeah I am, Jai please take care of yourself and I look forward to seeing you at the airport when I arrive back home, so don't do anything reckless, promise me."

Jai chuckled, "Tia, I am fine it's not like I'm going to just drop dead tomorrow, why are acting this way?"

"Jai! Don't talk like that!" I shouted.

I swallowed feeling a lump in my throat, I didn't know why but I felt this way, but I suddenly felt very uneasy especially when Jai spoke of death so casually, despite knowing that I dread the thought of death and losing a loved one.

"Jai, please promise me." I whispered lowly.

Jai's expression softened and he smiled genuinely, "I promise pumpkin."

"Thank you."

With that I logged out and as I closed my laptop I saw Riccardo sitting on the opposite couch looking blankly at me, I was startled a little. "Riccardo, I didn't hear or see you coming, you scared me."

Ignoring my statement Riccardo coldly asked, "Who was that you were chatting to?"

I smiled, "Oh that was Jai, my best friend I told you about."

"You two seem to be very close." He commented.

"Yup, I told you we were."

"Why does he call you sweet-pea, pumpkin and who knows what else? Is that an Australian best friend thing or what?"

"Riccardo were you eavesdropping on my conversation with Jai?" I asked getting a little annoyed at his cross-questioning and cold tone.

"Maybe I was, is that a problem Tiana?" he asked even more coldly.

The nerve he had to actually admit to eavesdropping on my conversation, just who the hell did he think he was?

"Yes Riccardo, it is a problem! Don't you know it's bad manners to eavesdrop on someone's private conversation?"

"I don't think having a conversation with your best friend is considered private, unless of course he's more than just a friend, well is he?" I saw Riccardo's jaw clench and his eyes seemed to darken, what was wrong with him?

"What has that got to do with you, huh?" I asked with my voice rising. Just because I fell asleep next to him the previous two nights and we shared a few kisses it didn't mean Riccardo and I was suddenly a happy couple and he could think he could all of a sudden rule me and act like a jealous boyfriend. If Riccardo wanted me to be his girlfriend he would have to be old-fashioned about it and actually ask me, not that there was any guarantee I would say yes, especially after seeing this behaviour of his.

"Stop answering my question with another and bloody well answer me, Tiana!" his voice was low, but very deep and cold, so cold that it sent shivers down my body.

"I am not obliged to answer you, Retardo!" I spat, stood up and waked away.

Before walking out of the living room I asked, "Just what the hell is wrong with you Riccardo? Why are you acting this way, like you're some jealous, over-protective freak?"

Riccardo looked at me coldly; I rolled my eyes and walked away.

I was out of the living room and headed towards the stairs deciding to pack up my things, Mrs Anderson said she would pick me up later in the evening, but before I could take a step on the first stair, Riccardo stood tall above me, towering over me with his height. His crystal blue eyes burning intensely into my brown ones, I frowned thinking how he could've gotten here so quick, when I left him in the living room on the couch.

"H-how did you-" I stuttered looking from him to behind me.

"Just answer one question, do you have feelings for your friend or not?" Riccardo asked sternly ignoring my question.

I rolled my eyes, thinking not this topic again. I didn't have the heart or energy to start another argument with Riccardo.

"Why are you acting to jealous Riccardo?" I asked trying to keep my voice calm.

Riccardo grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him so fast that a small gasp left my mouth, inching his face closer to mine he said softly, but in a dark, cold tone, "Because I am jealous, I have never felt so much of envy in my entire life, so would you be kind enough to get rid of this terrible feeling and answer the damn question."

When I stayed quiet, he pleaded, "Please."

Riccardo's eyes expressed desperation and a little hurt, and it strangely pained me to see him like this. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, "No, I have no romantic feelings whatsoever towards Jai, I care about him yes, but not in that way." I admitted.

Riccardo smirked, "Good." And before I could respond he crashed his lips to mine, his kiss was quick and urgent, it wasn't like last night soft, loving and gentle, but this one was more like he was trying to claim me, like he was trying to say that I was his and nobody else's, the kiss was filled with passion, need and...possessiveness. I somehow liked it.

When the kiss broke up I was breathless while Riccardo smirked down at me, I narrowed my eyes at him. "Just because I kissed you back it doesn't mean I'm still not mad at you for eavesdropping on my conversation."

Riccardo brought his hand up to my face and after tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear he placed his large, warm and very soothing hand on my cheek, "You'll get over it, Princess."

With that he moved his hand and walked away upstairs. "Ugh! You are such a bio-polar Retardo!" I shouted after him.

I got no response other than a deep chuckle, which only caused my annoyance to surge.


"You all done?" I turned around to see Riccardo smiling, sitting on the end of mine or his bed.

After calming down and staying clear of Riccardo for almost the entire afternoon, I decided to pack my things away since it was almost evening and Mrs Anderson would come and pick me up. I somehow felt a weird sort of disappointment at the pit of my stomach with the thought of being away from this house and well Riccardo, no matter how much I tried to fight off the thought but I think I was actually going to miss being away from Retardo.

At the same time I felt nervous about going back to the Anderson residence, knowing that Jason would be back and being with Riccardo this entire weekend made me almost forget the cold war we had going on. I decided that I was going to be the better person and finally break the ice; I mean I was talking and maybe a little more than just that with Riccardo so

Jason deserved to be forgiven for the outburst the two guys had the previous weekend.

"Yup." I smiled zipping up my bag.

Riccardo just smiled, but it was different kind of smile, it didn't quite reach his eyes he looked a little sad.

I walked over and took a seat next to him on the bed.

"You know having a stubborn, slightly hot-headed, opinionated, easily-irritable, childish and did I mention stubborn girl over for the weekend wasn't as bad as I thought of it to be." Riccardo said grinning.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the small grin, "And you know spending the weekend with a bio-polar, arrogant, cocky, exasperating, rude retard wasn't half as murderous as I expected it to be."

"Aw Tia, your words are just too sweet, I think I'm going to tear up if you go on with the wonderful compliments."

"Then maybe I should continue." I teased grinning broadly.

"William was right; you are very mean for a little thing." Riccardo teasingly gasped.

I giggled at that. "No but seriously, I actually did think I was going to literally leave this house a murderous."

"But I guess you didn't turn out so bad, so...thank you Riccardo." I smiled up to him genuinely.

Riccardo shifter closer to me and took my hand in his, "No, thank you Tiana, for giving me this chance to prove myself to you. I really enjoyed your company, more than I thought I ever could."

"Well would you look at that? I think it might just rain skittles, I can't believe it, are you

Riccardo Massimo Barberini actually going to miss me?"

Riccardo scoffed, "Don't get so excited now babe, I think I couldn't be any more happy doing away with babysitting a little mean brat like you."

I narrowed my eyes at him and slapped his arm intending to hurt him but instead felt a slight sting in my palm, "I am not a mean brat and I didn't ask for you to babysit me, in fact if I remember correctly you were a little too enthusiastic to take up the job."

Riccardo chuckled, "That was because I couldn't handle seeing you pout and whine like a little three year old, so being the gentleman I am, I offered which I'll add you easily accepted after playing hard to get for a while."

I opened my mouth to reply but was cut off when Riccardo cupped my cheek and brought my face closer to his, "But I'm not complaining, I honestly wouldn't have spent my weekend in any other way."

Again before I could reply I was cut off with Riccardo placing a gently, chaste kiss on my lips. When he pulled away he smiled at me, with his thumb gently caressing the corner of my bottom lip.

"You know you've got to stop stealing kisses from me, you never know when I might turn all bio-polar-Riccardo on you and start screaming at you for kissing me." I teased with a smirk.

Riccardo chuckled, "You are simply adorable, Princess."

I felt my heart flutter and my cheeks go warm at his compliment.

"However, I will be careful in the future, thanks for the heads up."

This time it was my time to laugh.

"Um, Riccardo I wanted to um...well ask a favour from you?" I asked looking up at him from under my lashes.

"Then ask away." he replied.

" please don't get me wrong, but uh, I think it will um-" I hesitated.

"Tia, since when are you so hesitant, especially with me?"

I laughed nervously, "Yeah, you're right, I mean this is you as in Riccardo so I'm just going to ask or more like request it."

Riccardo didn't answer but his smile told me to continue.

"I was actually hoping you would apologize to Jason." I blurted. I didn't know why but I felt nervous to request an apology from Riccardo to Jason. I guess it was because of Riccardo's good mood recently and I didn't want to welcome the old, moody Riccardo back.

Riccardo's soft and happy expression changed as soon as the name Jason came out of my mouth, yup I guesed right, moody Riccardo was gone too long and he had to come back, couldn't say I missed him.

Riccardo's face hardened and he pursed his lips in a thin line. "You mean Jason Anderson?" he asked coldly.

I nodded.

"Just exactly what should I be apologizing for?"

"Don't tell me it's for the incident at the restaurant the other night? Because if that's the reason then you can get that preposterous idea out of your pretty little head!"

"And what is so preposterous about that, Riccardo?"

"Are you really asking me what's wrong in that? Whatever I did to Jason, he deserved all of it, if you didn't come to his rescue, this world would've been rid of a lowlife species like him!" Riccardo spat so venomously, as if Jason was nothing but dirt.

"What did Jason do huh? All he did was ask a favour from a friend. Despite living under one roof with him for two weeks not once did he ever do or say anything to make me feel awkward or uncomfortable! What you did was uncalled for Riccardo!" I found myself raising voice as I said each word.

"Jason is a good friend of mine and nothing you do or say is going to change that!"

"I am not going to apologize to that sleezeball and nothing you say or do is going to change that!" Riccardo stated, his voice rising with each word too.

"Fine!" I spat and abruptly pulled my hand out of Riccardo's grasp.

I stood up and walked out of the room but before I could walk away I said, "I guess no matter how much one tries they will never change, and here I was thinking of starting over with you."

After storming out of the room I headed downstairs to try and cool off. Ugh Riccardo really knew how to piss me off, I mean what was wrong in apologizing to Jason, especially when Riccardo's behaviour was out of hand? He could've easily killed Jason, but no he and his stupid man ego or pride or whatever refuses to listen or see things from my perspective.

"Whoa there Usain Bolt, where are you running to?" I was stopped when James grasped my

arm on my way down the stairs.

Letting out a deep frustrated breath I looked at James and before I could speak he chuckled and asked, "What did you and Ric argue about now?"

"Riccardo is such an exasperating, stubborn and egoistical male!" I groaned.

James laughed again but before he could speak Maria cut him off, "Tia dear, Mr Anderson had arrived to collect you."

"Thank you Maria, I will be down now."

I was actually glad to be going home now; all those feelings of missing Riccardo all disappeared. Maria ran upstairs to collect my luggage while I walked to the front door. When I reached there I was slightly surprised and honestly really happy, I thought when Maria mentioned Mr Anderson she meant Jason's dad, but Jason himself appeared. I couldn't help but smile sheepishly at him; he looked a little out of place standing in the entrance hall, with his hands in his pockets. Without thinking I tackled him in a big bear hug. "Jason!"

When I pulled away, Jason grinned at me, "Hey Tia, I see you're doing better."

I frowned slightly but when made an 'o' shape with my mouth when Jason pointed to my ankle, I'd forgotten that I hurt my ankle considering the miraculous speedy recovery of it.

"Yeah, you have no idea how glad I am to see you here." I smiled broadly.

"Why? Did Riccardo give you a hard time?" Jason asked sternly, his smile automatically disappearing.

I rolled my eyes, "No, Riccardo is-"

"Right here." I turned to see Riccardo sternly standing behind me, his face expressionless but his eyes cold.

"You're going already?" Riccardo asked, his expression softening as his gaze met mine, and again I saw the same warm, slightly sad look in his eyes like when I was in his room packing my things.

I wanted to melt away and answer him sweetly, but I remembered how stubborn he was

when I asked something as small as apologizing to Jason.

Averting my gaze from his I nodded firmly. Maria shortly came down with my luggage. Jason took the little bag from Maria and asked, "You're ready?"

"Yeah." I smiled.

Without a glance in Riccardo's way I followed Jason out the door. I stepped outside, feeling the cold breeze sweep through my hair and hit my face.

"Tia, wait." Jason and I both stopped in our tracks as we heard Riccardo call.

Riccardo ran up to me and I noticed Jason walked back to stand next to me. Riccardo sighed and looked at me for a few seconds before looking Jason's way. "Anderson, I...I want to apologize to you."

I looked up at Riccardo shocked, and when I looked at Jason his face pretty much mimicked mine.

"I shouldn't have pinned you up against that wall the other night at the restaurant, it was wrong of me to act on my emotions and for that, I'm sorry." Riccardo was a little hesitant and his tone wasn't the warmest or sincere but an apology was an apology right?

Jason looked even more surprised than me; I guess Riccardo wasn't one for apologies. I looked at Jason when Riccardo stood there probably waiting for some response. I raised my eyebrows up at Jason, suggesting for him to answer.

"Um yeah, no worries, it's all forgotten about." Jason answered and just like Riccardo his tone wasn't sincere or very honest. Why did I get the feeling that both of them were just doing this for me? Oh well, I was just glad that things were sorted out between the two of them, well sort of.

I looked between the two guys and couldn't stop the huge grin from plastering across my face. Riccardo gave me a half smile while Jason asked if I was ready to go. I walked away with him and when I looked behind me I saw Riccardo walking towards the house again.

"Jason give me two minutes would you?"

Jason nodded with a small smile as I ran towards Riccardo, calling him, "Hey, Ric wait."

I ran up to him, gosh Riccardo could walk fast and his extremely long driveway didn't help either. I held on to my chest as I gasped for breath. Once I caught my breath, I saw Riccardo gazing at me blankly, but without taking much notice I stood on my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly with my face buried at the crook of his neck. I took in his intoxicating scent.

I think the hug was slightly unexpected, because it took him a few seconds to register what happened before he wrapped his arms around my waist and I didn't let the fact that he pulled me a little closer to him go unnoticed which brought a small grin to my face. I felt him burry his face in my hair, inhaling the scent of my strawberry and lemon shampoo.

"Thank you." I smiled broadly when I pulled away.

"Not only for fulfilling my request and apologizing to Jason, but for a wonderful weekend and taking such good care of me. I really did enjoy myself at our little slumber party, even though we didn't watch boring chick flicks, soppy love stories, tell ghost stories, make popcorn, watch Hannah Montana, have pillow fights or even admire Harry Payne and Zayn Styles from that band called The Directions or something." I giggled remembering our little conversation we had when I was sulking about staying at Riccardo's two days ago.

Riccardo chuckled and my heart galloped seeing his beautiful smile and hearing his melodious laugh, "If I remember correctly its One Direction, Harry Styles and Zayn Malik."

"Right." I giggled.

"I enjoyed my weekend too Princess, I really did." Riccardo said seriously but with a warm smile.

"And to be honest I think we did much better things than the normal slumber party activities, from food fights to making out in the kitchen." He added with a wink.

I felt my cheeks burn when he mentioned the kiss. "Yeah." I murmured lowly.

"You should get going before Anderson has a fit."

I turned around to see Jason sitting patiently in the car, he wasn't looking at us but busy on his phone but I had a slight feeling that was just because I turned around.

"Yeah but before I go I want to tell you something."

I carried on when Riccardo didn't answer, "Remember when you wrote me that letter asking for another chance for us to start over?"

Riccardo nodded.

"Well I think I want to take you up on that offer, I want to start fresh and get to know the real you, so to a new beginning?" I offered my hand to be shaken by Riccardo.

Riccardo for the first time today smiled genuinely and for that second the sad look that was on his face disappeared and his smile reached his sparkling blue orbs. He took my hand but instead of shaking it, he gently pulled my closer and brought my head to his chest. "A new beginning, Princess." He whispered with his chin resting on top of my head.

When we broke up the hug, I smiled, "Well I'll see you at school tomorrow, Retardo. Don't miss me too much okay?" I teased.

Riccardo rolled his eyes, "Me and missing you? Come back to reality Princess, I'm glad I finally get my room and bed back to myself."

It was my turn to roll my eyes, with that I walked to Jason's car and jumped in, with a smile that just couldn't seem to leave my face.

We drove in silence for a while on the way back to the Anderson residence until Jason broke the silence, "So I see you and Riccardo bonded pretty well?"

"Yeah, I guess he can be a nice guy and I'd be lying if I said he didn't treat me with respect and care this weekend. Besides it was sweet of him to let me stay over, with an injured leg and that."

"Yeah, he must really like you then."

"What do you mean? I...I d-don't think he likes me Jason." I answered quickly and didn't even know why I blushed at that statement.

Jason chuckled, "What I mean is, you did the impossible; you got Riccardo to apologize to someone. Riccardo never apologizes even if he's wrong."

"Really?" I couldn't help but feel smug at my 'accomplishment'.


We sat in silence for a while until I remembered I didn't apologize to Jason for ignoring him for a whole week, "I want to apologize to you too Jason, I'm sorry I was so...well distant from you this past week, I shouldn't have acted that way and well again I'm sorry."

Jason looked at me warmly, "I'm sorry too, and I missed talking, arguing and having my Miss Australia around."

"I missed you too, Mr America. I'm glad we're all good."

"Of course." Jason smirked.

I sighed and retested my head against the car seat, I smiled and for the first time since I landed in America, I found myself happy and content with myself. I couldn't believe I could smile any much broader than I did when I felt my phone vibrate and read the text,

'I guess I was wrong I'm already missing you princess, can't wait to see you at school tomorrow. You don't miss me too much now ;) -R x'

I guess the next two weeks left of this foreign exchange trip is going to be a great one, I could feel my stomach churn out of excitement and at the very back of my mind I knew that I felt that way because of one boy who I hated a few weeks ago but now couldn't wait to see...Riccardo.

A/N Phew whee, what a loooooong chapter, I think it's the longest chapter I've ever written O_o anyhoo I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as I enjoyed writing it, all I'll say is enjoy these little Riccardo-Tia sweet moments because after this chapter and maybe the next 2-3 they're gonna be a little scarce, because come on what's a love story without a little drama *wink wink*

You know what to do if you enjoyed it ;)

Till next time lovelies

Tina <3 Xx

P.S I'd appreciate if you guys would check out my other book, 'My Childhood Bestie's The Biggest Jerk' it's sort of new and quite personal to me, I've added little bits that reflect part of my own life. :)

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