Biology - A/B/O | l.s.

By IAdoreWalls

329K 11.4K 3.9K

Harry is an omega, who has a crush on his biology professor Mr. Tomlinson, who happened to be an alpha. What... More

98 - sad
Epilogue - sad
98 - happy
Epilogue - happy
Final note


1.6K 70 22
By IAdoreWalls

First drop, second drop, third drop, fourth drop, fifth drop...

I was just counting the drops that were going from the drip into my body.

My thoughts always ran back to Louis though, because yesterday's call seemed pretty weird to me.

"Knock, knock." I tilted my head to the side, seeing that similar haircut and sweater.

"Hi." I checked him up and down while he walked closer towards me.
He was so pretty, like any other time of course.

Today he was dressed in the black sweater with letter L, looser black jeans and Vans.

"Hi." he said back.
I attempted to sit up and in the end I managed to do so. I felt a little bit sick but didn't throw up.

I wanted a kiss so badly. It has been so long since I last saw him. Yeah, few days but... for me it felt like eternity.

He leaned closer towards my face.

I didn't have to say anything else because in the next moment I could feel his lips collide with mine.
I complied immediately, kissing him back.

I miss him more and more everyday.

When we pulled away, he brought a chair next to my bed.

"How are you feeling so far?" he asked me first.
"Let's not talk about that." I reached out for his hand.

"About what then, love?"

"Why is it too soon to be picking baby names? It's good to be prepared, isn't it?" I played with his fingers.

"H." Louis sighed.

"Or did you not like the name I picked?" I asked next. I was just really curious about it.

"Harry please- why Raven? Why, out of all names you could choose, you chose this one?" the distress was coming back.

"I just like it." I said in a small voice, not knowing how he will react next.

"Okay, I don't!" he raised his voice, taking his hand away.

"Okay." I whispered, not wanting him mad.
He could tell me that calm, he didn't have to raise his voice at me.

"Then no Raven." I said, laying back down on my pillow.

After that I could hear a couple of whines coming from him. There was something wrong, but I didn't understand why he couldn't tell me about it.

"Harry-" he cut himself off.

"Yeah?" I tried to look at him but... I realized that Louis was no longer in here.

Third person's POV

Louis didn't understand why, out of all names, Harry had to choose Raven.

It wasn't that he didn't like the name. He just immediately remembered that dream he had. That dream where Harry gave him a daughter, whose name was Raven, but Harry himself didn't make it.

Louis was skeptical about naming the baby Raven. Apart from that, they still didn't know the gender of their baby.

He had to calm down, so he obviously took his cigarettes with him.
It was pouring outside at the moment, so he stood at a covered place, where he wouldn't get wet.

"Why Raven?" he kept thinking about it over and over again.

Once he was done smoking, he was too desperate to ask Harry that question.

He went back inside of the building, right into his room, where he could see the boy staring at the ceiling.

He sat down on the chair again and fixed his eyes on Harry's face.

"Why Raven Harry?" he asked, his voice coming off calm this time.

"She was beautiful. She looked just like you." Louis' heartbeat quickened when he heard those words from his omega.


"The girl." Louis kept silent, hoping he will get a better explanation.
"Her name was Raven." Louis didn't like where this was heading at all.

"I remember it, you called her that." the older one swallowed the lump in his throat with difficulty.

"I saw her in my dream."

"A dream..." that was exactly what Louis thought.
"Tell me more about it, hm?" Louis wanted to know what exactly Harry saw.

"I woke up in a house. It was cozy, homey... I looked around and could see you chasing after her..." Harry stopped for a moment, looking to the side to meet Louis' eyes.

"Continue." he encouraged him.

"I- I went up to you but you couldn't see me and then we went for a walk. The house was somewhere in a village quite near the sea.
She asked you-" Harry cut himself off.

"She asked me?"

"Where is mom..." Louis could feel that Harry was feeling more and more vulnerable.

"She asked that and you said 'away'..." Louis was stunned by this.

"Baby..." Louis grabbed Harry's hands into his.
"Don't think about it, yeah? Don't you think the name could remind you of this or bring bad luck?"

"I- no, it's just a name after all, isn't it?" Harry said in response.

"You would like to name our baby Raven?" Louis asked while staring into Harry's glassy eyes.

The boy just nodded vehemently.
"But if you don't..." Harry's voice died down before he could finish his sentence. Louis leaned over the bed, comforting the younger one.

"Ah love." he kept sliding his hands up and down Harry's back soothingly.

"We will choose names together, yeah? Let's calm you down now." Louis needed to calm down himself, but he saw Harry needed it more.

He whined, trying to make Louis climb on the bed.

"Wait, let me at least take my shoes off, yeah?" Louis yanked his Vans off, climbing up on the bed.

"Careful love, your cannula." Louis laid down on the other side of the bed, where wasn't the drip, wrapping his arms around the boy protectively.

"I have fresh clothes on. I think I kinda knew this was going to happen." he placed a kiss into the boy's hair, noticing it wasn't as shiny and thick as it was the last time he saw him.

Louis was getting himself ready. He knew the loss of hair will most likely be sudden. He didn't want Harry to hate himself.

Nothing as simple as hair could change Louis' opinion on Harry, but he saw the younger one was worried about it.

"Baby." Louis rasped as he kissed the back of his head again.

Louis' mind was flooded with various thoughts.
What made him snap out of his trance were the loud whines coming from the omega in his arms.

"What?" he whispered.
"My alpha." the boy whispered, despair visible in his voice.
"I am right here." Louis rubbed on his side carefully.

Harry kept whining for a long time, not knowing why he was doing it himself. He was so confused.

"Baby names, I want to talk about baby names." he said after maybe ten minutes.

"Alright." Louis sighed, trying to keep himself calm.

"So... we have Raven." Louis said, although it sounded weird coming from his mouth.

"You would like that name?" Harry asked unbelievingly.

"It's special to you and-" Louis once again saw that little baby girl in front of his eyes.

"And?" Harry questioned.

"It's just special. Ideas for a boy?" he put his hand over Harry's bump, rubbing it with caution.

"I don't know. Do you have any?" Harry asked, finally feeling calmer.

"I have one." Louis nuzzled his nose against the nape of Harry's neck.


"Mateo." Harry repeated it to hear how it sounds.
"I love that name." the boy sounded amazed.

"Do you really?" Louis questioned.
"Yeah, it's amazing." Louis proped himself on his elbow, so he could look down into Harry's face.

"Some other ideas?" he leaned down to kiss Harry's exposed cheek.

"I like those two, but we should probably have some more, right?"

"It's not necessary to have more, it's only good to make sure you will know what to tell the nurse in the end."

"What if the second round of names would be more gender neutral?" Harry suggested.
"At the end of the day, we don't know how our little one will feel about themselves. I like those names, but I would like to think of some neutral ones as well."

"Sure love. Any suggestions?"

"What about Riley?"

"Yeah, that's nice. I don't have a problem with Riley."

"Now it's your turn to choose." Harry said in response.

"I don't know. Ehm... what about Gianni or Cassidy?"

"I like Cassidy better than Gianni, but both are special." Harry took his eyes to Louis' hand.

"Has to be special for our little miracle." Harry watched as Louis rubbed over his baby bump with sparkles in his eyes.

"I am so excited to become a parent. It still feels like a fewer dream sometimes and I just wonder when I am gonna wake up."

"It's not a dream." Louis whispered into Harry's ear, his breath hitting his skin.
He moved lower, attaching his lips to the sensitive skin underneath his ear.

That made Harry purr in response.
"You see?" Louis pulled away once he thought it was enough proving.

"You made me a happy man Harry. I am so glad I can have you in my life and I am even more glad you are carrying our baby. I bet it will be your little copy, bright green eyes and curly locks."

"I want them to have blue eyes and feathery hair like you do." Louis just chuckled.

"You are too cute." when he said that Harry suddenly sprout up on the bed.

"Are you alright?" Louis was surprised by the sudden change of Harry's position.

He wasn't okay as he realized later.

Harry grabbed the paper bowl that was prepared next to his bed, throwing up inside of it a few times.

When he stopped gagging he handed it to the nurse that came inside in the meanwhile.

She just went by Harry's room and saw him throwing up. She also took the drip out since the infusion was finished.

"I am sorry. It's disgusting." Harry kept sitting up because he was afraid of feeling sick again if he laid down.

"There is nothing disgusting about feeling sick. Apart from that, it's not in your power to control that. That's what chemotherapy does to you." Louis sat down opposite from Harry.

"I studied biology. Do you wanna know what is really disgusting?" the boy just shrugged his shoulders.

"We were in uni and we shared a flat with couple of other students, me and my friend. As a project we had to raise some worms in a plastic box.
I once forgot to close the box and the worms escaped. Later when I came into my room I had them on the floor, one even in my bed! But I noticed that when I was about to go to sleep. That was disgusting!" Harry giggled.


"Yeah, ew." Louis' corners curled up into a slight smile at the sight in front of him.

He loved to see Harry like this, happy and carefree.

Hello my lovely people!
I hope your day was great. Just one more day till weekend.

I also hope you enjoyed the new chapter.

I want you to know I am very proud of you, and I love you very much.

Take care!<3


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