This Moment (Katy Perry Fan F...

By AuroraJeed

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Sequel of No Regrets. Just Love. just read the first book. Thank you!! More

Chapter 1: Starting over again for her.
Chapter 2: Waking up & welcome by the reality.
Chapter 3: Trying.
Chapter 4: I'm still coping up.
Chapter 5: The girl talks.
Chapter 6:Get rid of some things.
Chapter 7: I'll stay but you push me away.
Chapter 8: It's been said.
Chapter 9: All done.
Chapter 10: You're avoiding me.
Chapter 11: where is she!?
Chapter 12: the search (is over)
Chapter 13: I'm sorry. (Sneezing marathon)
Chapter 14: The bruise.
Chapter 15: Safe.
Chapter 16: At the old house.
Chapter 17: Surprise morning & unexpected meeting.
Chapter 18: Awkward tense
chapter 19: Days passed so fast.
Chapter 20: Ask her for a date.
Chapter 21: In Relief
Chapter 22: Surprise!
Chapter 23: Kiss the girl.
Chapter 24:My Queen
Chapter 25: jealousy.
Chapter 26: the family photo.
Chapter 27: She's with me
Chapter 28: I hate pools, right?
Chapter 29: Surprise me, surprise me not?
Chapter 30: The only One word.
Chapter 31: Little cockroach.
Chapter 32: Because of that Movie
Chapter 33: Silliness.
Chapter 35: crazy psycho
Chapter 36: Stop worrying. Let adults handle it.
Chapter 37: The three of us, together.
Chapter 38: Secured and Safe
Chapter 39: Spilled water?
Chapter 40: A lift up.
Chapter 41: The rest of the night.
Chapter 42: Prepare yourself.
Chapter 43: Doubts
CHAPTER 44: Keeping a Secret.
Chapter 45: She's lost.
Chapter 46: A Call.
gonna continue or nah??
Chapter 47: Traitor!
Chapter 48: The Hospital Arrest
Chapter 49: Home sweet home!
Chapter 50: Little Devil
Chapter 51: lucky

Chapter 34: Ex-girlfriend? isn't it?

646 21 4
By AuroraJeed

Damian's POV

As I'm the one suggested to be left to watch Emman here, well, literally I wanted to. I'm excited inside, thinking how it sounded or the feeling to be called Daddy for the first time. In my profession as a doctor, there are many things that have happened and in a situation that a little kid could accidentally call me daddy but its strange and amusing. Still it's different if your true and biological child would call you that. It's a different prospect then.

I put my hand over her forehead, feeling her body temperature if it did decrease. Thank fully it is. Emman stretches her body and fluttered her eyes open, seeing me at the side of the bed, watching her.

"Hi," I smiled, shoving her hairs out of her face.

"Hi, Um... Where's Mom—- I mean Katy. Sorry." She said sheepishly.

"You don't need to be sorry Emman. I knew everything about you and your mother." I said emphasizing the last word.

"Oh, really? Like I'm not Katy Perry's niece because I'm her daughter." She said seriously.

"Yeah, like you are Katy Perry's daughter and mine too." I said in full of confidence and not afraid of what would be her reaction but I know deep inside she's okay with it.

She creases her eyebrows and sat up. "No way!! Are you sure?" She was surprise. I nod and hold her hand. "Like you really my father? Ever since? Like really? It's not a joke? Or even you'll be my father if you propose to Mom." She gasped, pointing at me. I smiled in amusement because she's really damn surprise and can't even believe it at the first place. "Did you propose to her already?" She question.

I softly laughed. "No, not yet. It's not a joke or even that Katy and I should be married after you're going to be my legal child but really," I explained. "You. Are. My. Daughter." I said.

"My gosh, I'm confuse, okay. Explain further my head is starting to ache again." She complains which I found funny as she holds her head. She was like panicking and really wondering at what I've said.

"okay, listen. I'm your biological father." I started as she gave me her jaw dropping expression. It's priceless, her reaction is priceless. "It happened when Katy and I been together in the past ten or almost eleven years..., so, do you remember at her concert where I asked you to help me talked to her?" I asked as she nods. "That's one of the topic we've talked, it's about you. That I thought she miscarried her pregnancy because of me that I'm not there to support her. I carried those guilty feeling through the past years of believing that you didn't make it out because of your stupid and coward father." I explained as I started to feel ashamed of what I've done to Katy.

Emman shakes her head, opposing to what I have said. "No, you're not coward and stupid. If you are coward, you're not here in front of me, explaining these things. And if you're stupid, you didn't have the profession you have now." She said and smirks at the end. Silly kid.

 I petted her head and ruined her hair as she shoved my hand away from her. Then she holds it, looking at me. She got the point. How brilliant in a simple way.

She stared intently at me, wanting more stories and needing to continue what I've started. "Okay, go on now.  What's next?" She said.

I clear my throat. "Then now, as I saw you with her, I got here inside that you have something in between us. That feeling when I first saw you, you made me feel like I know you. And time passes as I knew it all along. My premonition of you and Katy gets strong. I'm looking for more evidence to prove and now that Katy which is your Mom, confessed to me, bravely that you, is, my daughter." I ended and she clapped her hand.

"I'm glad to hear those. For all this time, I'm wishing that you're my father, and yes! My wished granted." She said and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Thank you so much!" She kissed my cheek and smiled at me. It's unexpected and a new thing for me. How a kid of your own blood showed and let you feel how they love you. It's amazing and my heart is racing. I smiled widely and warm.

"You know, after all this time, you made my heart leaps a beat." I said. "I love you and your Mom." I said.

She stares at me with a silly face and a mischievous smile. "Wait, where is she?" She asked.

"Downstairs, having dinner."

"I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Can I have a baby brother or sister?"

I laughed instantly. "That's too quick to ask but it depends to your Mom. I hope you understand. She still has a career that still running and maybe soon you'll have them." I smirk.

"Them?" She laughed.

"Silly! Stop that what's on your mind. Your mom just scolded me about that earlier."

She was faking a whining sound.

"I'm thinking it in advance... It would be a mess if she gets pregnant."

"I've heard that Emmanuelle Grace." Katy abruptly showed in the room, crossing her arms with an angry face. Oh, oh... This is war between two girls.

Emman hides at me back, giggling. "She's so touchy, ever since." she muttered.


Katy's POV

I walked towards Damian as Emman was at his back, hiding. Looks like she's not from sickness as she's looks energized. Damian draws a smile on his face, looking up at me as he's sitting on the edge of the bed. I put my hands over my waist, scowling at him. "Let me have her." I said as Damian shakes his head in disapproval. "No violence between children's." Damian said, imitating a lawyer or whatever.

Emman giggled. "Another ally." she chanted behind Damian's back as Damian chuckled.

"You're polluting her mind also!" I blamed. "You're the father, you should teach her good things."

Damian laughs. "I'm not, okay. She was just asking and I just explained it something to her."

"Yeah, Dam-dam is right."

"He's your dad."

"I know! It's kinda awkward for me now to instantly call her daddy. Still he's my dad and I wanted to call him Dam-dam for now." Emman explained with sarcasm and which I get so irritated.

I tried to catch her but she's slick and easy to run away. "Too slow." She stuck out her tongue at me.

I growled in urge to crumpled her or even pinch her.

"Katy, don't let her get tired. She's still sick." Damian said as I shut him an evil stare. "Okay, forget it." He shrugged.

"Come here Emman." I called her.

"Promise me first that you're not going to hurt me."

"I promise that I'm not going to do that." I pledge then she walks towards me.

 "Good girl...," I sweetly said and started to tickle her side. She started to laugh as it filled her room. Damian is watching us. "Okay, stop!" Emman said, panting then I stop instantly before I regret it and ended in her miserable breathing.

I sat beside Damian, leaning on his arm.

"Come here." I sweetly said.

Emman sat in between us and giggled. She sat on Damian's lap as she wrapped her arms on her father's neck. I saw Damian's face, He's like wearing that wide smile and his eyes are glistening of gladness. Damian holds my hand and glances at me. I smiled at him admiringly. He kisses Emman's forehead. "What a perfect blessing." He chuckled.

"What a handsome father," Emman giggled as Damian too, and faces me, straight-face. "..and a gorgeous mother." She added. I cupped her face as I rubbed the tip of my nose to hers. She crinkles it like what I did. "I love you both." Emman kisses my cheek and then Damian too.

I rested my head on the crook of her shoulder. "You're so perfect to me babes. I love you forever." I sweetly said.

"This moment is perfect with the both of you." Damian said.


Four months later.

I'm starting a tour again though it's just only a short tour and now I'm having problem of who could watch Emman and she needs to go to school. Shannon suggested and said that Damian could take care of Emman as to the fact Emman is his daughter. Well, yeah, absolutely. This would be a long journey as I'm going to miss my daughter. She is now living with Damian as he's doing all the things that should be my obligation to do but I'm not there so it's his turn.

"Hey Mom!" She said thru video call.

"Hi baby! How's school?" I asked hoarsely as my show was just ended a while ago. "I miss you." I added, frowning.

"School's fine and everything's is fine, including father who's always snoring that so loud. I hate it!" She said, complaining while holding a pencil and scribbling on her book. She looked up to the camera. "Mom, I miss you so much.."

"Awwwe... Baby..., "  I  feel like crying. Emman's cheek is in pink maybe she's been soaking again under the sun as I observed it on my monitor. Damian and her always bond as to playing ball games and maybe biking also.

Damian popped up beside his daughter. "Hi babe. How was tour?" He asked.

They're all in bed, lying on their stomach under.

"Getting fine and I'm exhausted." I said to Damian. Emman pushed her father's head and laughed evilly. They used to do that when we were having this conversation thru video. And finally then, Emman complained about how harsh her father pushed her. I eyed Damian evilly while he's enjoying to annoy his daughter. He instantly stopped and kissed Emman's forehead. "Love you baby!" He said as Emman pinches Damian's nose and let out a giggle. She then faces me.

"Mom! Mom! Are you free on the next Saturday?" Emman asked excitedly.

"Whoa, whoa, easy babes. You might break my arm." Damian reminded Emman as Emman was gripping on her father's arm while shaking it.

I called Tamra at the other room. "Tammy! Tammy!" I shouted then she runs and stopped in front of me. "Yes, what is it?" She asked. She saw Emman on my laptop monitor waving, calling her. "Hi, Emman! Hi Damian!" She greeted and focus at me.

"Do I have any schedule next Saturday?" I asked her.

"Wait a sec. I'm gonna get the schedules." She ran back to her room.

While I'm waiting, Damian's phone rings so he took it immediately. Excusing himself at us. I heard he called a name and his face is not that glad to take the phone call. It's "Amy", that's the name I've heard he said. I furrowed to it as it's unusual and there's something I didn't know. I mean, I'm far away from them and especially if Damian does things, such like being dishonest or unfaithful, maybe I could kill him. You can't blame me because my mind is now restless on thinking about those things.

And then Tamra gets back at me with a black booklet on her hand. As I'm waiting, I cleared my throat first. "Babes, who's on your Dad's phone?" I asked suspiciously.

"Well, as I have heard, it's Amy." She said then that is I feel really suspicious.

"Who's Amy by the way? Have you met her already?" I asked Emman kindly so that she'll never find me slightly pissed about that Amy. I have the right place to be pissed because Damian is my boyfriend and we have a kid and he's hiding something on me. Oh my gosh! Tamra was at my side. She eyed me as she knows what I'm thinking and what I feel now.

"Yeps, I met her," Emman said. "At dad's clinic. She said she's dad's old friend. She's nice though."

"Oh, really? Nothing else?" I question incredulously.

"Mom, I've heard that she's dad ex. I don't know what that ex mean because I asked Andrea about it, Dad forbid and stopped her." The said wonderingly stated. What the fuck! Ex?

My face tenses about Emman said. She stared at me curiously. "Mom, is she Dads ex-girlfriend? Is that?"

"Let's just find out." I sternly said like my head is boiling now as well as my blood too. I want to straddle Damian tightly and choke him.

"Mom!" Emman interrupted my violence thought, she's complaining. "What now? Any schedule next Saturday?" She asked.

And perfect! Damian got back now and started to mess with his daughter. Tamra started skimming on her booklet.

"Well, you're free next Saturday but before that day you have an interview and we will be arriving LAX on Saturday morning." Tamra explained.

"Okay, what if we fly on Friday night?"

"I told you, you have an interview. It's a hassle if you take the flight on Friday night because the interview is going to be that night also."

I rolled my eyes to it.

I took a glance on my two silly lovelies having a good time making faces. I think Emman never felt alone without me or Gabby because she's with her father and it's good to think that even Damian has a busy schedule at work, he knows how to manage to have time with our daughter.

"Okay," Tamra said though I think Emman didn't heard what Tamra said. "We will make it. We will find ways." She reassured. "The important thing is you don't have a schedule next Saturday." She added.

Emman heard that made her cocked her head up and faces me. "Mom, if that is, that you don't have any schedule...," She started, putting her arm over her father's shoulders. "Will you watch my baseball tournament? You should be there also with Dad!" She enthusiastically remark as her father smiled by hearing that Dad word. I know it's been a week since she started calling her dad and until now Damian is can't get over with it.

"Mom? Will you watch?" Emman asked me pleadingly. I should watch it.

"Of course I will and I promise that! I'm going to prepare a cover." I smirk and starting to ease my pissed mood on Damian.

Emman and Damian high five each other. As the kid punch her fist in the air. "Yes!" Said Emman. "If you just wear a simple shirt and jeans then no make-up, which would be a simple cover."

"Thanks tam." I said to Tamra as she taps my back. "Bye kiddo!" She said to my kid, waving her hand as the way how Emman did also saying bye and good night.

"Hey, is that why you looked slightly pink last day and now?" I asked in motherly way.

She nods. "Yups!" She proudly said.

"Damian?" I called him as he looked at me intently. "Are you letting her play without any skin protection against the sun? Sun block or something? Look, she might look like a roasted fries." I scolded but I think I'm angry about that Amy thing.

"Kate, it's part of the game, to be under the sun. Let it be Kate. She can do everything." Damian responded. "I'm proud of you babes." He pulled Emman and squeezes her cheek.

"Dad!" Emman whines. "Mom, dad always pinching my cheeks and teases me." She added pouting. She's asking for help but what can I do, I can't be there for long coz I'm still on tour. Oh my, how I really miss her so much like I wanted to go fly there to her place just to be at her side every time she sleeps.

"Damian," I cautiously said to Damian. "Minimize pinching her cheeks. It's sensitive." I seriously said but Damian's face has a mischievous grin like what I'm always seeing when I'm with Emman.

"I can't resist her." Damian whispered.

I smirk. Emman shoves her daddy's head. "Mom, Aunt Jenna sends a picture to me and her baby bump is already big. She's pregnant of, I think 6 months now." She said.

I raised my brows in what's in my thought now is she's trying to make up my mind about having a sibling. "Babes, that's great and I'm glad to hear that to you." I just said, dismissing the topic because I know where this would be headed.

Emman rolled her eyes to me. Understanding on how I told her.

"I love you. I'm still not over you okay." I chuckled. "We will have a plan about that, right Damian?" I asked Damian.

"Yep, I already have." Damian smirks.

"Okay, fine." Emman groan and slump her body over the bed. Damian rested the laptop on her stomach as now they are both lying on the bed as Damian leans on the head board and Emman is already under the sheets.

"She's sleepy." Damian whispery speaks, looking down at his daughter.

Emman yawns. "Yeah, I am."

"Kiss her for me." I requested as Damian kissed Emman's forehead. "Love you baby, good night." I said as Damian tucked her in.

"Love you mom, dad. Good night." Then she snuggles under the sheets.

And now for the interrogation. I shot Damian a serious face that he already knew that I'm with something. He stood up and change location, leaving Emman on the bed. This will be a long conversation.

Now, as I have observed, he is at the living room now.

"What's the problem?" He asked which I instantly snapped my eyebrows up.

"Who's Amy? And why is she calling you?" I asked.

"She's just an old friend." He reasoned.

"Old friend, trying to win you back?" I started. "She's your ex-girlfriend. Your daughter told me. Don't deny it because you're not going to act odd with just a call from her." I sternly said.

He sighed. "Yes, she's my ex-girlfriend and to tell you I'm trying my best to make her stop nagging me. I'm ignoring her okay." He said. "I have a daughter from you Kate and I don't want to ruin everything that now that we are starting to build up again."

"And why did you answer the call if you're ignoring her? That's too shallow." I argued.

"It's annoying because she's calling me all day. Now I've just turned off my phone, see?" He raises his phone to let me see that he really turn it off.

"Oh, Damian. I hope you will never break my trust." I shrugged.

"Are trying to say that I can't be trusted now?!" He slightly raises his voice which I was alarm and made me angry. Now, he's going to be angry?

"No, it's not. I just want you to be honest!"

"I am honest, always." He groaned.

"Then why I didn't know that bitch?" I snapped.

"Watch your mouth!"

"Yeah, see. You're defending her now."

"Oh, come on!" He said. "Okay, maybe you are just tired on your tour. We should end this argument as this is getting no sense at all. Good night." He said and without any noticed he hang up the video call. What the heck! Now he got the guts to do that? How dare him?

I let out a deep breath. That bitch. If it's really nothing to him, he shouldn't be acted like he's offended. If I got back there and saw that he didn't took a good care on our daughter, I will show them a lesson. Damn it!


Third person's POV

Katy and Damian got a little misunderstanding due to Katy is probably jealous or got something a bad feeling towards Amy, who's Damian ex-girlfriend after five years. Yes. It's been ages but Amy is slightly got a mental illness that no one knows. She's being obsessed on something and one of that is Damian. As Amy saw Damian again, she got a dirty plan to make Damian love her. Damian started to feel the most horrible feeling he had now. Being the father of his daughter, he's afraid that Amy would hurt his daughter.

On the other side, Amy, the woman who's slightly crazy, envied how Damian treats Emman. Her unstable mind thought the vicious way to get rid of that kid.

"So, she's her daughter." She muttered, scanning those papers that the private Investigator she rented and paid to get more details about damson recent life including being involved in Katy's life too. "Oh, that bitch got a little filthy secret." She said.

"That's all I can give you madam." The man said and leaves her.

"He dumped me years ago and now that I wanted to be with him, he refused my offer to love me again because he got this bitch and little bastard!" She throws the glass wine that she's holding. It scattered down the floor.

"No one could refuse me, no one!" She angrily remark. Tenses her body with the desire of wanting Damian back to her.


Hi there! Hehe. . I know you all are getting bored to this, sorry 'bout that.

Okay, so this is a conflict. I hope you'll like it. Let's see if where Amy would take this story. Let me know what you think about this chap.


Thank you for reading!!

At your service,


I have a new fanfic called, choose your battles. If you want or interested to read it, just visit my profile and get into my "works". Or please try to read my first ever gxg story called "to distract and sedate" and it's also a Cara delevinge  fanfic. You-know-what, I love that girl. Thanks again!!

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