Forced Paths

By MarsForce

18.7K 1.4K 432

In an alternative universe of ninja and swordsmen the clans are trying to perceive their existence and grow t... More

The ceremony
The arrival
Uchiha clan
The lie in the truth
The Gift
A brothers' affair
Old story
First step
First Hit
A hand to protect

The desicion

2.1K 57 5
By MarsForce

The ground in the land of Fire was until recently red from the blood spilled from countless men and women. It was until the fearful leader of the Senju clan, lady Tsunade brought a fragile peace among the bigger clans with the lesser compiling upon the desicion. Her peace wasn't achieved with less death since she bent the will of men seeking for pride and vengeance. It is said she was one of them when her grandfather died and she took the lead. The loss of her little brother almost drove her to madness. For six months noone had heard of her whereabouts and no Senju shinobi was seen in sight. Everyone was holding their breath for the terror she was certain to bring in the world. To this day noone knows what happened in that time but when the blonde princess came out of her grief she declared she would unite all the clans under her reign. Some laughed at her as nothing like this ever happened before. The more suspicious spoke of extermination and suppression. All rose against her. And she defeated them all. She negotiated where she could and killed where words wouldn't be of any use. After ten long years Tsunade Senju accomplished her claim. Not everyone was happy but for the last six years no unnecessary blood was spilled. She reigns with iron justice but let the individual clans keep their independence and doesn't meddle in their affairs unless it is absolutely crucial. Lady Tsunade is feared not only by her monstrous strength but her unpredictable behaviour. Other clans can't accept that a woman is the one dictates their way since in their respected homes women aren't allowed to fight. For Hinata none of this matter. She is thankful she was young enough when the wars stopped. If her father hadn't bent the knee Hinata would be forced to participate and look as the life of people left their body. She knew she wouldn't be herself when that happened. She had seen her cousin's eyes when he returned. He wasn't the same. She had decided that every strike of her sword would be to protect her closest people. Every harsh training that she endured all these years would be for her sister. When her father would give her the title and step down she aspired to be a strong and kind leader. He never approved of her saying but it didn't matter. His disappointment of her stopped mattered the day he beat her. It was to teach her a lesson as always but he had never done anything like that. It was the first and last time. After that the fear grew but she no longer felt the need to approve herself. She vowed to herself that day that she wouldn't let her sister experience this. When the tiny arms hugged around her bruised body and tears water her clothes, Hinata cursed her weakness. It was the last time she cried in front of Hanabi.Hinata would be her rock until she would lead their clan. Until no more child soldiers would be produced. She trained like all the others, no favour was acceptable inside the Hyuga. You had to prove your strength and ability to be accepted. She learned to be humble by the day and leadership by night. Yet Hiashi Hyuga never accepted her and Hinata believed it was unlikely that he ever would. Her kindness was her flaw. He always said that. That would be her death or worst the clan's demise. But she still was his heiress and noone could say that she wasn't a capable fighter. As a child she craved his love or even the bits of it like he showed to Hanabi. With the passing years her only desire was her peace. She tried her hardest to stay out of his way as much as it was possible and not to anger him more than she already did. The more she grew the harder it became. He was constantly watching and put little tests in her to see if and when she would be ready to take the lead. She knew in the end she had to fight her sister. The girl was a tough opponent, fearless in battle but with no strategy when intimidated. Her father had made them battle many times before and she always let Hanabi win. Her sister rarely was shown the cruel side of her father and Hinata preferred to hear the harsh comments. It was better this way.
She had reach the twentieth year of her life and she believed the time was near. Neji trained her by day to keep her sharp. Sometimes her father asked random insignificant questions but his eyes stayed fixed on her until she answered. The time was near to break free from this merciless routine. One day she was informed that the final test would be held in a week. The elders would watch beside her father, her and her sister fight to prove that Hinata was indeed the right choice. She wasn't anxious. She knew she could win without harming the kid she swore to protect.
The night before she took Hanabi to bed like when they were little. She gently stroke her hair and whispered words of comfort until the whiter eyes closed. She walked to her garden and sat under the moonlight gently sharpen her sword. Tomorrow everything that she fought, every bone that crashed, every curse that she heard would worth it. She heard his steps approaching. He walked closer with big steps making his presence known. She turned her head to smile at him.
"Hello Neji-nisan. A beautiful night, isn't it?"
He looked at her face for a moment before he turned to the moon.
"It is."
His face was gloom. She sensed he had something to say but he was reluctant to.
"Is something wrong?" Hinata whispered. She understood it was when his usual serious expression that reminded her much of her father broke.
"Hinata-sama." He responded but stopped.
"Tell me Neji. You know I will help you with anything."
He formed a sad smile.
"A letter came." Words seemed hard to form. "They are asking for Hanabi's hand. Your father consider it."
Hinata froze upon hearing the news.
"No, this can't be. It's too early. She is still a child." She panicked.
"You know the heir is the only one who can choose who their partner will be." Neji said in defeat.
She knew. She had learn that when she was six as a girl, daughter of an elder, was crying on her wedding day. Hinata felt it wasn't tears of joy. She had heard the maids speaking of the love she had for a shinobi and how her father decided otherwise. She had asked her instructor Ko that night between the reading of a book that described the history of the clan. He confirmed that the leader would choose whoever he wanted but many still preferred powerful allies. Then a question escaped her lips that Ko seemed like he wouldn't answer. Was her father and mother in love when they were married. Because Hinata knew the story. She was conceived the first night of her parents wedding. It was a sign of how healthy and strong her parents was. After the lesson finished and she began to pack her things Ko spoke. It was her father choice to marry her mother. He didn't love her nor did she. But the times were uncertain and that was the best course of action. Hiashi made the best choice for the clan like always and Hikari complied as it was expected. Ko then smiled. The love grew between them eventually. It was evident to everyone who saw them. Her father lost a part of his heart when she died. Hinata recalled this information when she learnt about what was expected to happen the first night of the marriage. She realised then that she was a child that came to life from duty. That was why she wasn't loved. That is why her path was full of hardships. When Hanabi came, love had flourished making her the cheerful person she was. Hanabi was blessed with beauty and strength without much effort.
Now her little sister had to marry someone she didn't love. She would be forced to conclude the marriage. Her eyes watered.
"I thought I had time. I would stop that practice when I become heiress. Even if I couldn't I would reject anyone Hanabi didn't want. Neji there has to be a way." An agonizing pain filled her heart.
"Your father plans to announce it tomorrow after your fight is over. You know your win doesn't mean he would step down immediately. I'm sorry Hinata-sama."
"Neji we must do something. Hanabi...She can't..Who sent the invitation?"
"I don't know." Neji's face fell. He had disappoint her.
Hinata fell into silence. What could she do to save Hanabi? What could..
She suddenly stand still.
"No you won't." Neji was in front of her grabbing her shoulders.
"This is the only way."
"Hinata-sama you won't quit. I knew I was wrong to tell you."
"But Neji..."
"Don't quit. There is another way."
Hinata looked at his serious eyes.
"I will ask Hanabi's hand. Your father will agree. You know he likes me. He thinks of me as his son." Hinata shook her head.
"Listen to me. Please." Neji begged. "You can break the engagement when you become the head. I swore to protect you both. Let me."


They polished the details before they parted their ways. Sleep didn't came the night before but the anxiety is keeping her on edge. The elders had gathered and seated in a platform. Her father sat on top with Neji on his side. She shot a brief smile at him before she entered the ground to see Hanabi waiting for her. They were both given swords and Hinata saw in horror they were not the practice swords. She turned to her father to meet his usual expressionless face. The match began and both women seemed to hold their ground. Hinata found an opening in the upper body and turned her katana only to retreat as Hanabi was unable to block it. She knew the ever watchful eyes saw it. She had to end it quickly. She backed up a little to give her sister a few successful strikes before she moved gracefully at her side and made the younger girl bent her knees. The match was over. Hinata had won. The difficult part began now.
The audience moved inside as the girls were required to change to be presentable. As they were about to enter clean and fresh, Hinata held the younger girl's hand.
"Hanabi promise me something. Whatever you hear today don't say a word."
"Nee-chan what is going on?"
"Trust me. Okay?" Hinata smiled brightly.
"Okay." Hanabi returned the smile.


They sat on their knees waiting for their father to speak. The atmosphere was cold as it felt more than a loss. She knew the elders disapproved both the daughters as they didn't seem to match their father's greatness. They still hoped for Hanabi since she was young enough to mature more.
Her father made a move that indicated he was ready to speak. All whispers silenced.
"Today my daughter Hinata proved she is the right choice. Even if it is the first fight that she won,losing means death in a real match." He undermine her even today. She almost laughed. Or cry. She wasn't sure.
"In the next year she will accompany me in meetings and I will discuss with her everything that affects the clan. I hope that is enough time for her to take the lead."
The elders nodded.
Hinata looked at Neji. Now was the time for him to speak. Neji was the most promising fighter in the clan. He was intelligent and we'll mannered. If he asked for Hanabi's hand in front of the elders noone would disagree. He was Hinata's hero. Always protecting her, always helping. If it wasn't for him, her life would much more difficult than it already was.
But Neji turned his gaze when their eyes met. A wave of panic overcame her.
"Now I will discuss another crucial matter. As you all know the daughter of the Yamanaka clan is to marry the son of the Akimichi."
Whispers followed her father's words. With a quiet cough from the man, they all died.
"This is an alliance that could potentially drove us in a dire situation. We can't stand still and wait for her  to decide to help." Hinata knew he spoke of Lady Tsunade. The way he said it indicate the loath he had for the woman.
"An opportunity arose. Fugaku Uchiha sent me a proposal for an alliance. He asked for my daughter's hand. Of course not my heiress. But I have two daughters."
The elders looked at her father with admiration. The future alliance of the other two clans was discussed in meetings as soon as it was known. She remembered she just hoped that the man would be gentle with the girl. She had met her once and she was no fighter.
Now their leader had saved them again from future dimise selling his daughter to a well known fearsome clan.
Hinata heard Hanabi's grasp and put her hand above hers to stop the panic.
She waited for a while for Neji to speak. She tried to catch his gaze but his eyes seemed glued to the floor.
"If everyone is..."
"I quit." Hinata rose, cutting her father. She would be yelled about it later.
She saw her cousin's eyes on her for the first time. His face broken.
Her father looked at her, no hint of emotion.
"Do you quit the leadership?"
"Yes. Hanabi should take my place. She is still young and she can grow far stronger than I am."
She lowered her gaze. Her heart couldn't stop beating under the disappointment she was seeing.
"Very well. If everyone agrees to this Hanabi Hyuga will be the next head. Hinata Hyuga will marry the future leader of the Uchiha clan, Sasuke Uchiha."
As she heard their approving voices, she knew. They never wanted her as a head anyway. She tried to change her fate, she fought with the odds but she will always be a disappointment.
Her knees grew weak. She sat on the floor next to her surprised sister.
"Later." A weak smile formed at her lips. Hanabi would be safe. That's all that mattered.
One by one the people left the room. Her father was the last one. He stand before her but Hinata couldn't look back at him. She was him lowering his height to whisper on her ear.
"That was the final test. You failed."
She met his face in horror.
"I told your kindness will be your fall. You didn't listen."
He got up, signaling Hanabi to follow him.
Hinata was at least thankful. She wouldn't cry in front of her sister.

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