The Hallow

Galing kay KimVasquez13

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Fifth anniversary of the once all powerful Mikaelson family's greatest defeat, with Klaus held being captive... Higit pa

Gather up the killers
No Quarter
Haunter Of Ruins
Keepers Of The House
A Bag Of Cobras
High Water And The Devil's Daughter
Voodoo In my Blood
Queen Death
A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken
voodoo child
The Feast Of All Sinners

I Hear You Knocking

144 2 23
Galing kay KimVasquez13

900 A.D

A young Niklaus is walking in the woods he stops by a blue raspberry bush and he reaches into a rock and pulls out a bowl and a brush. He then started picking blue raspberries. He sits down and crushes the raspberries making the raspberries look like painting then gets a board and starts painting. He hears yelling in the distance he stands up and walks towards the yelling. He sees men laying on the floor dead. He looks scared as he walks past some. A man was stabbed to a tree and he  starts grunting, gurgling.

"Please. Please!" The man says as he looked at Niklaus." Help me. Please." Niklaus hears footsteps approaching he turns and gasps as he sees his father Mikael."No! No! Please!" Mikael walks over to the man and stabs him in the neck with his sword. Mikael then pulls out the sword and turns and holds the sword up to Niklaus.

"You would show mercy to an enemy?! A fiend who plotted to raid our home? Mercy.... Is for the weak, Niklaus." He walks over to Niklaus." You.... Look at you, boy. You are pathetic. If you are determined to prove yourself a weakling, I should cast you out! Better your brothers not be exposed to a coward!"

Klaus gasps as  wakes up from a nap. He stands up and walks out the room.  He walks down the hall and opens his children's bedroom doors he smiles as he sees them sleeping. He then sees a reflection of a blue light he turns and looks at it. He closes the door and walks away.


Marcel is sitting at the bar drinking when Soyfa walks over to him.

"You didn't come back to your place last night." She says as she sits next to him." What's going on?"

"I just spent the last six hours going to every palm reader, exorcist and witch doctor I know. Now, they all say I'm fine, but ever since the bayou, something is off." Marcel says as he looks at her.

"What do you mean off?" Marcel points to the broken mirror. "The mirror cracked in the exact shape of the sigil we've Seen all over town."

"We killed witches who follow that. They tried to anchor it to our world. Now I think.... I think it's anchored to me."

"Then you need a witch. A good one. I know someone."

"Yeah, I need a New Orleans witch. Vincent has a history with this thing, and this thing did just kill his friend, so I think he'll help me."

"And in the meantime, I'm supposed to do what? Cross my fingers and hope you're not possessed?"

"That's not gonna happen to me."

"Good. Cause I'm not letting you out of my sight until you're cured."


In the Mikaelson house Klaus is walking down the stairs.

"Hope? Zack? Niko? Miranda?" He walks behind the stairs and stops at the mirror and he looks at it his eyes are blue and he hears Mikael yelling at him. He closes his eyes and then opens them again. He sees a figure walk behind him he turns and walks away.

"Dad?" Hope says as she walks over to him." We're ready to go. Aren't you coming?"

"You need to go to the bayou without me." Klaus says as him and Elijah walk through the old hallway.


"Take my kids. I'll be right behind you."

"What are you saying?"

"Hope nearly died. I have to make w the threat to her is over."

"Not without me." They stop walking.

"Brother, Marcel loathes you most of all. Freya will help me here. I need to know my children are safe. You and Amanda can assure that." Klaus says then he walks away.


Keelin slowly wakes up she sits up on the bed.

"Is this for me?" She asks Freya as she picked up the coffee cup." Oh, sweet angel of mercy." She takes a drink." Mmm. This almost makes up for the whole kidnapping thing."

"Oh, let's not forget, that whole kidnapping thing kept you alive. As for the coffee, it's the least I could do, considering you helped us make our breakthrough."

"The last I remember was ... You saying you figured it out, and then we started drinking tequila like water." Keelin walks over to Freya." So how am I borderline comatose, and you're little miss sunshine?"

"Because of this:" Freya says as she shows Keelin a cup." Hangover cure. Thousand years old." She hands it to Keelin." Also, because.... Mission accomplished." She holds up the knife.

"Do you really think that weapon could kill Marcel?"

"It took some time, my blood, Esther's magic, Marcel's venom and the ashes of Lucien Castle. Combined, it will be powerful enough to kill him."

"So, we're done, then? Yeah, now I can go back to my life, you go back to yours?"

"Yeah. A deals a deal."

"Hey, look, don't look so disappointed. I mean, this wasn't exactly built to be a long term friendship." Keelin walks over to Fryea.

"I guess this is goodbye."

"Like you said, mission accomplished. Okay. So, I'll see you soon."

"Okay." Keelin turned around and walks away. Freya's phone beeps and she picks it up and sees it's a text from Klaus saying he needs to talk.


Marcel and Soyfa are walking through the cemetery.

"Vincent, it's me again. We were supposed to meet an hour ago. All right, call me back as soon as you get this." Marcel says then he hangs up.

"This is absurd. I'm calling my guy." Soyfa says then she walks away. A shadow walk straight in Marcel turns to the left and he vamp-speeds over to where he's in the shadow but it was gone.

"All right, whoever you are, this is the wrong day to be playing games." Marcel says as he walks through the cemetery looking around. Elijah walks behind him and Marcel quickly turns and looks at him." Elijah. What are you doing here? Did you not learn your lesson the last time I put you down?"

"Does this bravado help to relieve your pathetic fear?"

"Oh, you think I'm afraid of you?"


"I put you down twice before. Maybe the third time's the charm."he then tries to attack Elijah by Elijah disappears.

"The spirit I have seen maybe the devil, and the devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape. Do you not recall your shakespeare, marcellus? The ghost which appeared to Hamlet. And then, of course.. unrelenting tragedy."

"You're not Elijah."Marcel says and Elijah's eyes turn blue.


It is mid-afternoon and Freya and Klaus are at the tower.

"Tell me again what happened at this ritual." Freya asks.

"I thought evil, and I saved children. I should be giving a medal. Instead, I've been infected by some depraved ghost." Klaus says as he puts his blood into the bowl.

"Well, I know purging spells and cleansing rituals, so I can fix this. In the meantime have you considered that you're not the only one infected?"

"Marcel was exposed, as well."

"In your visions, our Father's goading  you to kill your enemy. If Marcel has seen something similar.."

"Then we're all on the chopping block." Klaus turns around.

"I need to purify you both."

"No! Not yet. If the hollow can look into me, then I can look back at it, find out what it is, what it wants."

"It's too dangerous, Klaus."

"This thing came after Hope. What if it comes after any of my other children?"

"Fine. I'll give you an hour. And something else."she grabs blade and walks over to Klaus." The means to kill the unkillable King of New Orleans. If Marcel comes after you, use this. Oh. You're mad I kept a secret from you? Fine. Chastise me once you've made it through the day." He takes the blade and walks out.


"Your it!" Zack says as he tapped Hope and ran. Niko and Miranda laugh as they run further into the grass. Hope is laughing chasing them.

"I do miss it out here." Amanda says as her and Elijah follow the kids.

"Yeah, looks like you're not alone. You know, we could be happy out here." Amanda picks up some flowers.

"I think you might stand out in that suit."

"Well, I was thinking jeans, shorts and flip flops." Amanda laughs.

"I don't think Klaus would want to build a life out here he doesn't want this for our kids. I just want my kids to be safe and happy." The kids run inside and Elijah stops Amanda from walking.

"Then do that." He says.

"Grandma Mary!" Hope yells.

"Well, hello, sweetheart. Oh, my children, oh." Mary looks and sees Amanda and Elijah.

"Hope picked you some flowers." Miranda says.

"Why don't you kids run on inside. I need to talk to your mama." The kids run inside and Mary looks at Amanda."Didn't know you were bringing him."

"Mary, come on."

"The only vampire that is welcome here is you. The other vampires aren't welcome. Rules of the house."

"I'll leave you guys." Elijah says then he walks away and Amanda walks to Mary.


"You know how I feel. My kind winds up dead when they're around. Yesterday, we lost Lara. I wake up to hear this been some kind of occult massacre in the woods. Let me guess--- Mikaelsons are involved."

"That's why I'm here. I want to talk about what really caused that  massacre last night."


The ghost of Elijah is looking at Davina's tombstone.

"So young and taken before her time." He says as Marcel stands behind him." While those immortal tyrants continue to wander free." He looks at Marcel.

"What is this? Evil spirit appears to me as a guy I hate, for what? Huh? To scare me? If this is all in my head, I could just as easily wish your ass away."

"Your wishes won't bring back the Dead. Nor will they Grant you solace." Klaus says as he walks over to Marcel."let's not forget, Elijah killed you as well." Klaus's eyes turn blue and Marcel closes his eyes."can you close your eyes and wish that away?"

"I betrayed you without a second thought." Elijah says.

"Give in to your desire." Klaus says.

"Seize your revenge." Elijah says.

"Why not start with me?" Klaus says and Marcel quickly turns around to grab Klaus but they disappeared.

"What do you get out of me killing Klaus? Is this just a game?"

"It is a game. And it's rather fun." Klaus says. Marcel turns around and sees Klaus and Elijah standing side by side together.

"You are here to deliver a sacrifice." Elijah says.

"Either Klaus or you. Two powerful souls, both fighting to the death." Klaus says.

"Now, doesn't that sound wonderful?" Elijah says. Marcel vamp-speeds over grabs Elijah by the throat and slam him into the wall. When he looks at Elijah it's not him it's Sofya.

"Marcel! Hey! Hey. Hey, it's me."he lets her go and she is panting." I knew this was bad. I have a witch on the way. You're coming with me. We're going to fix you."


Klaus is walking down the street looking at the tourists walk by him. He sees blood on the floor and he follows it. He then stops in the shop and sees a man sitting there

"Help me. Please. Help me." The man says

"Mercy is for the weak." Mikael says behind Klaus. Klaus turns around and Mikael is gone." I assumed you'd run. Like the pathetic, sniveling coward that you are." Klaus looks back around and sees him.

"And I assume I have the misfortune of addressing the, uh..... What was your name? The inept? The vacant? The hollow. Yes."

"You address no one. I am not here. I'm only in your head. I can see your worst fear: the father that you loathed, the terror that this is how your children may one day perceive you."

"A depraved demon sputtering psychoanalysis? Perhaps you speak from personal experience. Do you come from a broken home? Daddy drink? Mommy never loved you? You seem to think Marcel will kill me today. But he's had five years to do that. He didn't do it then. He won't do it now. I, however, have long had the will to end him. Now I have the weapon."

"Eager boy. You have shown that you have a talent for brutality. But can you summon the same beast to do what is necessary today? When you're once beloved son comes to finish you, will you kill him? Or die a coward?"

"Let's find out, shall we?"


Freya is in the Attic putting blood on a totem when Keelin walks in Freya looks up at her.

"Forget something?" Freya asks.

"Yeah. My Hippocratic oath. I was halfway to the bus station, and I realize that you're here alone, Marcel is still alive, and I'm bailing on you. And, All things considered, you did cure me of my curse, so.... Let's see this thing through." Keelin says as she walks over to Fryea.

"Well, I appreciate that, but, as usual, I'm in the middle of a family crisis."

"What'd they get into now?"

"Last night, Klaus was infected by dark magic, unlike any I've ever seen. This totem represents that power, and the only way to figure out how to heal is to channel it, what you give it access to me."

"That sounds safe. Okay, look, not to tell you how to handle your sorcery, but you haven't slept in day's, you're dehydrated, stressed."

"I don't have a choice."

"Okay. Then let me help you. That's what friends do, right?"


At the bayou Miranda and Niko are fishing and the twins are watching. Amanda and Mary are by the house looking at them.

"All we know is this cult wanted to sacrifice children. Somehow Lara got caught up in it, and when she tried to get out, she couldn't, and she killed herself." Amanda says.

"Doesn't make sense. Someone recruiting Crescents into a cult?"

"That's what I need you to look out for, Mary... Anything strange. These people obsess over specific imagery. It's a.... serpent eating its own tail."

"What'd you say?"

"A serpent. Like a.... dragon. When Hope was affected, she drew some." Amanda walks over and opens her backpack and pulls out some drawings." Here." She hands them to Mary. Mary looks at the picture then looks at Amanda worried.

"There's something you need to see."


Back at the bar Dominic is looking at the broken mirror.

"This guy, Dominic... You thrust him?" Marcel asks Soyfa.

"Loyalty is good for business, and I give m a lot of business." Soyfa says.

"This spirit.. it's ancient." Dominic says." It ebbs and flows like a tide, feeding and sleeping."

"So, it's awake, and I'm lunch." Marcel says.

"Well, it wants power." Dominic turns and looks at them." You're powerful. Right now it's stuck, caught between the world of the living and... Wherever it was trapped." Dominic says as he walks over to them.

"Was trapped?" Soyfa asks.

"It broke free. Some time ago, there must have been a massive release of energy."

"The Ancient Realm. When Vincent blew the link, he must've set it free." Marcel says.

"How do we get this thing off Marcel?"

"Purification could work. Unless it comes back. Best bet, you'll have to send this thing back to sleep. See, spirits are just another form of power. They can be channeled, deflected, blocked. These beads keep me safe." Dominic shows them the beads." They prevent any all spirits from infecting my head. I could purify some for you, adjust them to your condition, of course."

"Yeah, all right, let's do it."

"But to sever the spirits link, you're gonna have to bury the beads at the root if this creature's power."

"Well, how do I do that?"

"Is there any place that it has manifested itself before?"

"Vincent mentioned an abandoned house. This thing lured kids there, attacked then, attacked Vincent."

"All right, then let's end this." Soyfa says.

"All right. I'll get started." Dominic says then he walks away. Marcel looks at Soyfa.

"I can't let you come with me. I got to do this alone." Marcel says.

"I don't take orders from you." She walks away but Marcel grabs her and pulls her  over to him and kisses her.

"Please stay here." He says as they pulled apart." So I know you're safe." He then walks away and she sighs.


"You know your way around, don't you?" Klaus says to Mikael as they walk through New Orleans." New Orleans native, I take it? I wonder, were you buried somewhere in the vicinity? Perhaps someone disturbed your tomb. Is that why your such an angry ghost?" They stopped walking and Mikael turns around and looks at Klaus.

"You don't intend to kill Marcel, do you? Your father was right. You are a coward. Because of you, he's lost everyone he loved. And now, due to your pathetic fear of Marcel, you will suffer the same fate."

"More meaningless threats. Is that the extent of your power? I remain underwhelmed."

"You think I'm powerless?" He then stabs Klaus and Klaus screams. Klaus looks down at his chest and sees nothing is there. " I can make you see and feel whatever I like."

"Do you worst. I know the truth. The white oak is gone, Mikael is dead, and you are nothing more than a bad dream."

"Well, then maybe I'll find my way into your daughter's dreams. What fun it will be to get in her head." Klaus pushes Mikael and he falls back." Ruthless. Nicely done." Mikael says behind Klaus. Klaus snaps his neck. Mikael walks over to Klaus and Klaus grabs him by the neck and rips out his throat. Klaus then looks at the floor and he sees three dead people he starts panting." Imagine if I made you kill someone you cared about. Maybe I already have." Klaus looks back at the girl on the floor and sees it's Amanda

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,no." He rushes over to Amanda." Amanda, love." He picked up the body and looks at her but it wasn't Amanda.

"Next time, it might even be any of your children."

"No!" Klaus says as he runs over to Mikael.

"Even if you could resist, who will stop Marcel? After all, I'm having fun with him. And I will make him tear through your family like you have these people. Now, you only have one choice, boy. Kill Marcel.... Or he will kill you and everyone you love."


Back at the bayou Amanda is sitting down on a chair reading a book. She sighs when Elijah walks up behind her. He puts his hand on her shoulder.

"This journal belonged to Mary's husband. He filled it in the months before he died." Amanda says as she gives the book to Elijah." Most of it's revolutionist garbage plots for an uprising but there's stuff about my real parents in there."

"What does he say about them?"

"Ramblings about how they were traitors for dealing with vampires." Elijah opens the book up and looks at it." I want to find out Elena and I are not sister's but-"

"We will find that later. But you can see his writing deteriorate as his thoughts." He sits next to Amanda.

"In the end, he can't even form a coherent sentence." Elijah flips through the pages and he sees the dragon. He then closes the book." Elijah, I think the Hallow made Mary's husband kill my parents."


Klaus is cleaning the blood off his hands when Freya walks in.

"Klaus, I was worried." She starts walking towards him.

"Freya, stay back."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to hurt you. But I can't trust myself." She scoffs and walks closer.

"I trust you."

"I said stay back!" He turns as he yells at her. She looks a little taken back." I've underestimated our foe. The Hallow is more powerful than I thought. It made me see things and do things." Klaus turns and looks at the water and his eyes are blue. He shouts as he hits the water." I can feel it in my head."

"Then let me purify you. Okay?" Klaus turns and Freya is showing him the bottle. She closes her eyes and starts chanting. She suddenly opens her eyes." It's burrowed too deep. I know what it wants."

"For me to kill Marcel. Or for him to kill me."

"Klaus, if this thing is demanding a blood sacrifice, if it's you or Marcel.... don't let it be you. Hint down Marcel and end this."

"Don't follow me." Klaus walks out and Freya disappears.


At the tower Freya has the totom in the center of the table with candles around it.

"You never stop, do you?" Keelin asks." Just, everyday you do a spell, vanquish some evil, do another spell, rise and repeat."

"I have hobbies. For instance, I collect the ashes of my enemies."

"My point is that even during my most traumatic hospital rotations, I'd make time. 10 minutes, 1 minute, whatever I could still, to go up to the roof, look up at the sky, and just breathe. Remind myself that there was a whole world away from The madness of the ER." Freya stops turns around and looks at Keelin.

"I'll- I'll care a lot more about that world once I know my brother's safe. Anything strange happens.. just wake me up, okay?"

"Okay." Freya exhales and closes her eyes and starts chanting all of a sudden a blue light appeared in the middle of the totem. Freya backs  a few feet up.

"This is officially strange." Keelin says. Freya then opens her eyes and looks directly at the blue light." Freya. Freya." Keelin puts her hand on Freya shoulder but Freya is lost in a trance." Damn it, Freya!" Keelin tackles her to the ground." Hey. You okay?"

"It wants Klaus and Marcel to kill each other. And when they die, it will absorb their power, and then.. we'll never be able to stop it."


Marcel is at the abandoned house kicking the chair and holding the beads in his hand. He starts to remove the carpet when the front door opens and Klaus walks in. He stands up and faces Klaus.

"Hello, Marcel." The door slams shut by itself. Klaus has the knife in his hand."Seems neither of us is to leave until one of us dies."

"I know you're seeing things, Klaus. But I have a way to fix that for both of us."

"And I'm to take your word for it, am I?"

"Oh, don't be stupid. You can't beat me."

"Oh, but I can." Klaus holds up the blade." You see, courtesy of my dear sister. Now you're not so unkillable after all."


Back at the tower Freya is putting her bottle into her bag Keelin is standing next to her.

"You can't just take off."

"That thing is forcing my brother into a sacrificial bloodbath."  Freya turns and starts walking away.

"Freya, you're bleading." Keelin says as she runs over and touches the back of Freya's head.


"You need stitches."

"It'll have to wait."

" You're not gonna do your brother any good if you have head trauma. At least let me go with you. I am not useless in a fight. I can control my form." Great grabs her hand.

"Hey. I can take care of myself, okay? Trust me."

Amanda is sitting at a little bench next to the water Elijah walks over to her.

"Growing up, I never belonged anywhere. Nine school. Not in my own home. I always thought my parents were the ones raising me. But I guess that was a lie." She laughs." When they died I ran away trying to see where I belong-"

"You do belong somewhere."

"I did terrible things in my past, Elijah. Now I'm here finding out that the two people that raised me as a teenager are not even my parents. My real parents are the ones that died from the same people that tried to hurt Hope."

"Listen to me. I will not let anything happen to you. Do you understand?" Elijah says as he puts his hand on Amanda's cheek. His phone started ringing and Amanda pulled away from him. He looked at the caller ID and seen it was Freya he answer the phone and stands up and walks away.

"What is it?"

"You need to come back to the city, or Marcel's going to kill Klaus." Elijah hangs up turns around and looks at Amanda. Amanda is already standing.

"Stay here." He says then vamp-speeds away.


"Of course. You say our feud is over, but you're off building a weapon that can kill me."

"Well, I wouldn't need it if I knew you could be trusted!"

"Well, trust me now and we both get to live!"

"How can you trust yourself?"

"Spelled beads keep me safe from this damn thing. I bury these here and we're done, all right? No need to fight." Marcel says and Mikael is standing next to Marcel looking at Klaus.

"He hopes to lower your guard with his lies. Then he will wrench the dagger out of your hand. Don't be a fool." Mikael says.

"I am no fool." Klaus says as he hold the knife up.

Outside the house Freya is walking up the stairs. She walks over to the door but she can't open it because there is a barrier spell in front of it. She starts chanting.

"Damn it, klaus, I didn't come to fight. All right? Put the weapon down." Marcel says.

"My family won't be safe unless you're put down!" Klaus says. Marcel vamp-speeds speeds over to Klaus and tries to grab the blade but Klaus punches him and they start fighting. Outside Freya is still chanting and she has blood coming out of her nose. Klaus throws Marcel into a wall.

"End this." Elijah says to Marcel."There is no other way." Marcel stands up. Freya is still trying to get through the spell when Elijah appears next to her he holds his hand up.

"Need a hand?"she grabs his hand and they close their eyes and she starts chanting again. The door starts jiggling. Inside the house Klaus and Marcel are beating each other up. Marcel tosses Klaus into the stairs causing Klaus  to drop the knife. Marcel tries to pick it up but Klaus grabs a rail from the broken stairs breaks it and throws a piece into Marcel's chest. Marcel grunts. Klaus quickly rushes over and stabs him again and he groans and pain and falls to the floor. Outside Freya and Elijah are still standing holding hands Freya is still chanting trying to break the barrier spell. Inside the house Marcel pulls out the steak and groans and pain. His blood is pouring out of his side. Klaus picks up the knife.

"I should've  killed you when I had the chance." Marcel says as he slowly stands up.

"Your mistake." Klaus vamp-speeds over grabs Marcel and throws him into the wall. Klaus is trying to stab him with the blade but Marcel is Fighting him.

"Fight, you coward, or today will be your daughter's last." Mikael says.

"I won't let you hurt my child." Klaus says.

"Do it now, or forever be a servant to the Mikaelson's." Elijah says behind Marcel. Marcel pushes Klaus to the floor.

"I'm not this things puppet. And neither are you. All right, we cannot give it what it wants." Marcel says.

"Someone will." Elijah says. The door opens and Elijah vamp speeds in and he quickly starts fighting Marcel. Klaus stands up.

"Kill your son, Klaus. Otherwise, I will find a way to control him, and Hope will never be safe." Mikael says. Klaus vamp-speeds over and snaps Marcel's neck. Marcel falls to the floor and Elijah is panting. Klaus walks over to the hallway and he sees the blue light. Elijah and Freya are standing behind him looking at it as well a black figure appears.

"Leave my family alone!" Freya says as she throws the little bottle at the figure breaking the bottle into a million pieces. The black figure starts screaming and squealing. It's then disappears.


It is night time and at the Mikaelson old compound Klaus is sitting at a table and Elijah walks over to him with a bottle and a glass in his hand he puts the glass in front of Klaus.

"I prefer my mind remain unaltered for the time being." Klaus says.

"Weird. I feel the exact opposite."

"Rest easy, brother." Freya says as she walks in the room." My spells have Marcel bound and cloaked. Even more, I can't find no Trace of the hollows magic in either of you."

"So where has it gone?"

"It's a ghost. It could be anywhere, and since we know that is still wants to sacrifice someone powerful, we have to be prepared." She grabs the knife but Klaus immediately stops her.

"I think I'll hold on to it for now."

"This wasn't a gift. Today proved Marcel's a threat, whether used as a sacrifice or possessed."

"Regardless..." Klaus says.

"What good is having a weapon if you won't use it?" Freya says.

"Niklaus, give it to her." Klaus stands up and gives her the knife.

"Having a monopoly of power makes you a target, sister. Remember that." Freya gets the knife and walks out the door."you think I spared Marcel out of some mawkish sentimentality. The Hallow want to both of us dead. Killing him would have given it what it wanted. Mercy was necessary. That's all." Klaus then sits down.


Amanda is watching her kids sleep.. She turns and looks at Mary who is worried.

"Don't do that." Amanda says.

"Do what?"

"Blame yourself. You think that if you'd stopped your husband, I.... Would have had a better life." Amanda says.

"No one deserves to be lied to as a child." Mary says. Amanda looks back and smiled at her children.

"It's because of what I've been through that I have them. She is a Mikaelson and I am a Gilbert/ Marshall, but.... We're still Labonairs. Mary, Jackson said that tragedy always follow my family around executions, people dying and floods, fires, or just vanishing. What if the hollow is behind those deaths, too? And if it went after the Labonairs before..... What if it wants to finish what is started."


Back at the tower Freya is sitting on the bed and Keelin is sitting behind her putting stitches in her head. Freya sighs.

"Ooh. The mighty Freya Mikaelson felled by antiseptic." Freya laughs.

"Keelin.... Thank you."

"Is that gratitude? From the Viking witch who spans her dates channeling evil spirits to save vampire Brothers? Yeah, you got a concussion."

"Sometimes.... I'm forced to do things that I.. regret. And for what I did to you.. sorry." Keelin stands up and puts the bowl on the little nightstand and walks over and sits next to Freya.

"I get it." Keelin says."at the end of the day, what you did was for family. And if mine were still alive, I'd do the same. Just don't ever mess with me again." Keelin puts her hand on Freya's knee.


Back at the tomb Elijah wakes up and he is in a circle surrounded by candles. Elijah is standing a few feet in front of him.

"Did you come to gloat?"

"5 years ago, I was forced to make a decision. Take your life.. or lose everything."

"Yeah, I know. I was there."

"Niklaus was face with a similar decision today. And here you are."

"And here I am." Marcel stands up."excuse me if I don't express my gratitude."

"He's changing."

"Oh, really? He put me in the same place that I kept him. That's revenge. So.... Same old Klaus." Elijah walks closer to Marcel.

"Well..... I would say that he would describe this as strategy. You and i, we both know he's always regarded you has something of a son. So did I, once upon a time. In fact, I used to believe that you were the key to my brothers redemption."

"Redemption? He's never going to change. Not even for his own children."

"Oh, he already has. They have changed him. You, marcellus, you are not needed, welcome or wanted. You have only been spared pearly because you are my brother's greatest weakness. And I cannot show any Mercy to anyone who would demonstrate threat towards this family. And if needed you should prevent the redemption of the cruel, the wicked, the vindictive Niklaus Mikaelson.... I promise you.. I will deliver another kind of nightmare." He then closes the door." Sweet dreams, Marcellus."

"Elijah. Elijah. Elijah!"


Dominic returns to the abandoned house looking for the beads. He looks down and sees the beads are on the floor in Marcel's blood.

"You lied to me." Soyfa says then she vamp-speeds over and grabs Dominic."I wanted Klaus dead. We had a deal. Marcel getting taken was not part of it. I should kill you."

"You could. But then you'll never get what you want. Marcel's blood was spilled today." She lets him go and they look at the floor." As he is the only one who can kill an original.. the hollow as received this offering and given us a gift in return. A single scratch from that thorn will kill an original. And we both get what we want."

"You want a blood sacrifice for your dead witch, I don't care. All I want is my revenge."

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