The Silent Heir

By thelolp777

54K 2.2K 597

A second chance. It's always has this cheery and wonderful vibe. Correcting the mistake of the past, making y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Extra 001: High Prince Kier POV
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 4

2.1K 86 9
By thelolp777

"...Just what did you do Emma?" Erfast sighed heavily as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Emma stood stiffly as the setting sun slowly sank beneath the horizon. The very skies themselves seem to bleed red as daylight struggles its last breath.

The two silently stared at each other as one refuses to yield while the other was terrified of what actions he would do. After what seemed to be an eternity, Emma finally relented as she opened her mouth with much hesitation.

"...I simply said what I needed to say..." Emma trailed off as Erfast brow furrows. "Then do you mind to telling me why the high prince shouted at the front door for five minutes straight?" Erfast coldly whispered as Emma had none to give.

"...Pray do tell... that you did not actually tried..." Emma could not meet his eyes as she stared down at the ground. Emma hated the feeling of powerlessness before her but could do nothing as Erfast cold gaze simply did not allow any rebellion.

"...Emma... no matter how hard you may try going against this, my decision is already final..." Erfast replied as Emma meet his gaze for the first time. "What?" Emma whispered in disbelief as the duke continues.

"I have already spoken with his majesty, though it is yet to be announced we have already done all the necessary paperwork for you to be accepted within the royal family." Emma opened her mouth to a shock as Erfast sudden revelation had already been set in stone.

"Y-you mean to tell me you have done everything without my consent?" Emma whispered in derision as if she just heard a very bad joke. "Since when did I need your consent to do my duty?" Erfast coldly replied as Emma flinches slightly.

"Y-you can't do this Duke Erfast! This is-" "I can and I will." Erfast cold voice cuts Emma off as a tinge of pain resounded in his voice. Are you really not going to call me father anymore? Erfast thought in dismay as he continued. "You and his highness might have start in the wrong foot but that can be fixed with time.

You will be marrying his highness whether you like it or not Emma. The first thing you will do tomorrow morning will write an apology letter to his highness and you will do so as I say." Erfast coldly whispers as Emma could only stare in disbelief.

"But I don't-" "You will do so Emma or I will denounce you for all to see and strip you of every right in your name." Erfast threatens Emma as if he was expecting it to be the final nail in the coffin, but it did the complete opposite instead. Hope seemed to flare back to life within her eyes as she suddenly found the strength to speak.

"Do it." Emma firmly whispered as Erfast eyes widen. "What?" Erfast could not help but ask back in utter bewilderment as if he refuses to hear what he just heard. "You heard me. Do it. Denounce me for all to see." Emma firmly replied as Erfast eyes flickered dangerously.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind?! You would rather lose everything you have all because of this marriage??" Erfast flew into a roar as he glared Emma for even considering to leave. However, what Erfast found what could only be explained as an enigma as Emma did not even have slightest look of concern in her eyes.

She in facts welcomed it with an open arms as she replied. "I would rather be reduced to a peasant than marry his highness." Erfast blinked back in a daze as he stared Emma with incredulity. "Do you have any idea... what you are saying Emma?" Erfast whispered as he stared at his daughter like a sick patient.

"You would rather abandon your own family just because of this?? It is a marriage from the imperial family for Gods sake Emma! The imperial family! The other nobles would have kill their own kin for this chance!" Erfast roared as Emma fired back.

"Why are you bringing them up!? They have nothing to do with this!" Emma snapped back as she glared at the duke. "I am not them! I am not as greedy as they are! If they want to marry his highness then so be it but leave me out of it!" Emma snarled as the duke's face redden.

"I am telling you just how important this marriage really is!" Erfast said. "And I am telling you that I don't want it! Disown me if you must! I don't care! I just don't want to marry to that family, why can't you understand that!?" Emma retorted as the duke's eyes darken.

"Is this what you really are?? Have all those years been a lie as this is what you truly are!? Were those words you whispered so lovingly were all lies!? What an unfilial daughter you are!" Erfast glared Emma for a moment before blinking back to his horror as the weight of his words slowly draw him back to reality.

He opened his mouth to quickly correct his words but no word came out of it as the wretched face Emma made seemed to freeze time itself. The sheer look of distraught and utter disbelief in her eyes were inconceivable as the light in her eyes dulls even further.

Emma trembled violently as tears welled up in her eyes. The duke desperately wanted to take his words back as the pain in his daughter's eyes were heart wrenching for any parents to bear. Emma opened her mouth as she began to speak in a desolate tone.

"Of all my life... I had done nothing but did everything I could to make you proud... Of all my life... I had done nothing but tried to make you look at me... even if it was just for a fleeting second..." Emma spoke the words as if someone were strangling her throat.

She struggled to wretch each and every word out of her mouth as her voice begins to break. "And the one time... the one time you ever looked at me. The one time you have ever spoken to me for the first time in years... was just to sell me to a family I hated."

Emma tries to smile as she usually does whenever she was sad, only this time it let out an agonized smile instead. "If I had known this is what it feels like to receive your attention, then I would have never tried in the first place." Emma whispered before retreating back into her room.

"Emma!..." Erfast quickly called out to his daughter to no avail. Emma did not looked back, however, as she continues to run. The world was getting colder now, more distant as the footsteps grew farther and farther away.

It is as if iron was forcibly shoved down his throat as he collapses back to his chair. Erfast could do nothing but stare back in silence as the distant footsteps finally disappeared into the eerie stillness of the room once more.


Emma opened her eyes as the night grew older. The moon was nowhere to be found after the full moon last night. Its time. It was the best conditions she could ever asked for. These last few days, Emma manages to gather enough rations to last her three weeks. She also manages to scrounged up a spare canteen and on old hood, perfect for her travels.

Only one thing I needed to do now. Emma thought as she slowly walks towards a mirror. Her young teen face mirrored her every action. Her silver white hair dangles below her shoulders as soft sapphire eyes pulse as she stared at herself.

Emma wondered if she look more beautiful than she remembered. The long war had not been so kind to ponder these things and only now does she finally realizes how beautiful she truly was. The young lady stared back for a moment longer before a sigh escape from her lips as she touch the mirror.

Pitiful child She thought to her reflection. If only you were born anywhere else but here. She let out a sigh again as she grabbed a pair of scissors and cuts her hair just below the shoulder level. "It will do." Emma whispers as she puts down the scissor.

With all the preparations complete, Emma grabbed the bag as she opened the door slowly. No sound from outside. Perfect. Emma quickly leaves the room as she closed the door carefully. She walk through the halls bare footed as she minimizes her noise as much as possible.

Emma walk through the halls with a brisk paste. She walked fast enough to quickly move pass the patrols but slow enough to avoid making unnecessary sounds. Emma found an opened window and proceeded to vault through it.

Emma felt a tingle as her bare feet touched the grass. A hint of moisture tickled her feet as she began to move anew. Emma silently walks from shadow to shadow, avoiding any light from the torch as if they were cursed. After a few careful maneuvers, Emma finally arrived at the gates. Emma hides behind a bush as she waited.

I can do this... I can... I can... Emma thought, pulse beating stronger as she pulled over her hood. There were guards and patrol maintaining the gate as to deter anyone from entering. It was also the brightest section of the wall as it was the only entrance.

Emma bided her time for a long while as she watched the patrols slowly moving from one place to another. Confidence bloom within Emma as she observed the men carefully. She welcome their tired and bored mood as it further increases her chance.

Hours passed yet still no openings were made. Sweat begins to form slowly at her back as she watched the men and women patrol. Another hour had passed yet still nothing has change. Worry begins to rise within Emma as she begins to doubt her chances of escaping.

Still, Emma was resolute to escape this night as it was the only night that given her so much favor. Emma waited and waited as the guards were now playing cards to one another. "Hey, it's your time to shift!" Emma's muscle tenses as she heard those words. Emma reflexively grabbed a handful of dirt as she waited.

Her heart begins to rang loudly in her ears as she watched the guards on the gate slowly getting up. There were four of them, three men and one women. Emma could hear the blood rushing within her ears, muscles tensing with adrenaline as she waited in silence.

"Man, who would have thought today would be my lucky day." The woman snickered as she waved a pouch full of coins towards her comrades. It made a loud jingly noise as it contents were hefty and full.

The others stare at her with disdain before she let out a loud laughter. "Cheer up lads! I tell you what? Tonight's round is on me." The others mood quickly changes at her words. "Well, I guess I could pass it tonight." One of the guards whispers as the others snickered.

"Says the one who lost ten silvers." One of the guards whispers as the younger guard reddens in embarrassment. "I was tricked! Captain here is just too good at gambling." The guards went out with a laughter as the younger guard tries to defend himself.

"Trick you? I believe the word you're looking for is that, hmm what is it? Oh right! You're just bad!" Another loud laughter rang out across the night as the recruit further redden. "I won't be playing next time." The recruit grumbled as he cast his gaze down.

"There there I will sure to spend these silvers wise-?." The captain blinked as she tries to lighten the mood when a figure suddenly enters at the corner of her eye. The others seemed to notice the change as they follow her gaze.

Their eyes slowly widen as well as they saw a small dark figure crouching within the bush. "Hey, do you think Billy saved us some ale tonight?" The captain said as the men replied. "He better be otherwise I'll be breaking another table tonight." One of the men said as the rest stiffened in reply.

The captain slightly nodded her head as the men slowly move into position while trying to avoid being suspicious as much as possible. Hands gripped firmly on the hilt of their blade as they waited for the signal. "Hey, do you think-" The figure did not wait as it bolted forward.

"Intruder! Sound the alarm!" Shouts rang throughout the night as Emma run as fast as her legs could carry her. At the last possible moment, the guard manages to spot her at the worst time possible.

She kept her cloak low as she ran towards the gate. The new guards was caught off guard as they clumsily draws their sword. Emma did not pause as the opportunity lies before her. She dodge one of the guards while throwing dirt in the eyes of the other.

She passed through the cursing guards with ease and escaped in the blanket of night. Emma would have soon pause for a break when she heard cries in the distance. It was the cries of hunting dogs to be precise. Emma cursed her luck as she continues to move without pause.

Emma could feel her feat burning as it ran through the rough soil barefooted. She was beginning to regret her decision when the sound of dogs were heard once more. Emma chewed her lips as she ran straight towards the forest.

Emma ran to what seemed to be hours as the dogs continued in their relentless pursuit. Sweat dampens her entire body as the heat were simply too much to bear. Her breath were almost gone now too as her young and untrained body were pushed beyond its limits.

I have to lose them somehow! Emma frustratingly thought her eyes were beginning to look desperate. She searched every nook and cranny her eyes could lay upon as she tries to find a way out. I had to find a river! There has to be-!"

Emma's thought were cut short as pain suddenly spike underneath her feet. Emma stumbles as she tries to find out what was wrong. To her dismay, a sharp rock had pierced through her foot as blood begins to leak out from the wound.

"...Shit..." Emma silently cursed as she drags her injured foot forward. It hurts so much. Pain flared up with each movement she made as fragments of the rock were dislodged deep within her wound. She wanted to scream in pain, but she endured and continues onward.

Fuck that hurts! Why was there a goddamn rock there?? Fuck, this is-! Emma was cut off again when the ground suddenly disappeared beneath her. She stumbles as she lose her balance and plunges deep into a cliff.

Fortunately, Emma manages to cushion her fall with the help of the trees below. Unfortunately, the fall was significant as every bones in her body screamed in pain. Blood drips down at her face and arms as it was lacerated during the fall.

To the ladies of nobility, it marks the end of their social life. No self-respecting noblemen would marry themselves to such lady. To Emma, it was nothing short of a miracle for her. Her body was in pain, but fortunately none of her bones were broken or twisted in the wrong way.

Emma paused for a moment as she checks the wound on her foot. The darkness of night prevented her from seeing the rock, fortunately however, Emma could feel just how big the rock was. With a shout, Emma pulled the rock free in one motion, causing her to groan in pain.

She hurriedly made a makeshift bandage from the leaves as she stopped to rest for a while. After a brief respite, Emma begins anew as she dragged her injured foot forward with every painful second. Endure it She thought to herself.

The huge gaping hole left on her feet made her entire body flinch in agony whenever she put pressure on it. Emma felt like she was going to pass out at any second from the pain as she silently let out a whisper.

A little bit should be fine... Emma thought as she tapped into power. In an instant, Emma could feel power rushing over her veins. She felt like she could climb a mountain without pause, run the entire continent with breeze.

The sudden taste of the long-forgotten strength almost made her forget the dire situation in hand. Emma regains focus of her will as she directed power to her injured feet. The amount was pitifully small that it could not even seal the wound.

Emma wanted to shout in frustration as it was all the power could currently lend her. She hated how useless her young body is as the power was still immature and could only dull the pain rather than completely healing it. Just a little longer, I will make it out alive. Just-!"

The soft sound of flowing water enters her ears. It was faint but Emma could tell it was there. A river. Relief washed over her as her body continues to move. Emma did not waste a moment as she redoubles her efforts towards the sound.

"There's blood here!" Already?? Emma scowled as she could hear the faint sounds behind her growing with ever intensity. The injured and tired maiden growled as she press forward but the sound were growing faster than she could ever move with her injured foot.

The dogs were slightly behind her now as if they were not deterred by the darkness and moved through smell... smell? An idea bloomed within Emma's mind as she hastily removed her shirt. She smeared the cloth all over her body, making sure to absorb every drop of sweat.

Emma then curled the clothes into a ball and hurled the fabric with power as it shot up into the distance with alacrity. Emma could feel her body growing ever heavier as her young and untrained body screamed for respite.

Please don't go here. Emma thought as the noises behind grew louder. Please go there. The noise was behind her now, she could her the growled of the mutts as they inch closer. Please! Then it stopped. Emma couldn't see It, but she could tell the dogs were confused.

"What's wrong? Did you boys lost it?" The guards cursed as the dogs remained still, confused. Emma silently pray a word of gratitude as she move past the clearing. Before her was the river running freely into the villages below.

She test the waters first, trying to figure out how cold it was but stopped midway when she saw her reflection. It was barely visible thanks to the moonless night, but Emma could see slightly at the reflection thanks to the star lit sky.

The left side of her face had multiple lashes that ran deep from her forehead down to her very chin. Her right check had a singular large, twisted wound like a small whirlpool that carved deeply into her face. Even her arms did not escaped unscathed. It was disturbing.

No, disturbing was putting it lightly. Abominable perhaps? She could not help but hesitate as the way of her twisted scars marred her once pale beauty. The girl she had once thought to be pretty was no where to be found. Just an ugly, broken thing.

Before she could lament fully what was stolen from her, Emma shake off her stupor when she heard the curses from the distance. She plunged her feet immediately and shuddered as the sensation seeps within her very bones. She grimaced as she was left with no choice. Thankfully however, the river isn't so deep, making it possible to walk across it.

Emma steel herself to walk past the river when a force suddenly grabbed behind her. She turned sharply and to her dismay, a figure stood behind her. The captain of the guard stood behind her, holding her arm firmly in her grasp as a small ball of light trailed behind her. Emma was so caught up by her injuries that she failed to notice the ever brightening atmosphere.

The eyes of the captain were like daggers, glaring at her as if she was the most repugnant thing she had ever touched. For a moment, Emma's mind blanked out before realization hit her.The grip of fear rose within Emma in an instant, locking her in place as she struggles to think of a way out.

She struggles to break free, but the strength of an adult simply overpower her young body. "You have caused me a great trouble wench. I'm supposed to be drinking with the lads now by now. Spending time with the ladies." The captain said as her hand reaches for her cloak.

Emma could feel her heart dropped as the hand inches ever closer to her cloak. She flailed desperately against her grip to no avail as the captain simply strengthen her grip. "Ahh damn it! Stop squirming you little-!"

Emma's eyes met with the captain as her cloak was unveils with ease. The captain visibly shuddered what she saw under the cloak. "M-my lady?" The captain whispered, horrified at the light of her orb provided as her scars were all bare to see.

Her once smooth and silky skin were now ruined by molds of dirt and sweat. Her dress was all but ruined by her escape attempt. But most importantly of them all, blood. The red liquid across the young maiden's face made the captain pale as the scars on her face continues to bleed, ever so slightly.

What made it worse were her eyes. The captain did not know what she had done to warrant such a haunted and terrified eyes. It was not the look a lady of a high noble should have. The captain did not know what to do nor what to even say as the grip weakens for a moment.

Emma saw the chance and immediately pushed back with all her might. She manages to break free of her hold but to her dismay, the captain manages to grab hold of her bag. The captain, realizing what is happening, begins to shout in a panic.

"My lady please stop this! I don't know why you are doing this, but please stop! You are heavily injured! There is blood all over your body! My lady I implore you to stop this right now! You need medical attention!"

The captain said but to no avail as Emma was still trying to break her bag free from her grip. "What of your father will say if he saw this?? What of his highness?! We need to get you to a healer before those scars could take hold!"

Still no reply came from Emma as she still tries to set bag free. "My lady we can help you! We can help you before this can get any worse! So please stop this farce and-" "Oh shut up!" The captain flinches at her sudden outburst.

"My-" "Shut up! Shut the fuck up! I am done! I am done putting up with you, with him! What has he done for me when I needed him the most?? Nothing! He has done nothing and so are you! So does all of you!" Emma howled as she glared at the captain with all the hate she had been bottling up till now.

Her fiancé abandoned her for some lady who had suddenly appeared. Her father turning a blind eye to the entire fiasco as if nothing was wrong. And to her brother who stood against her to the bitter end despite sharing the same blood.

"Help me? You want to help me?? Then let go of my bag! Since when did you all begin to care!...since when..." A tinge of sorrow resounded in her voice. Emma bit her mouth to a close as the fear and pain she had endured since then came flooding back like a tsunami.

Memories of long and buried past resurfaced like the oceans rising in high tides. The cold and silent treatment when her father died was nothing short but the cruelest of treatment for a child who had only seek the warmth of others.

Emma could still vividly remember how much she tried to have anyone, even their own servant, to accept her as no one else did. She craved for the warmth that her own family would not provide and found nothing more but cold shoulders from everyone in the house. Beneath her once cheery personality, Emma back then screamed for anyone, just anyone to provide the warmth for her.

Which is why it made Kier's betrayal ever more painful as he was the first. The first to provide such warmth that she so desperately craved. When the lady came to take this from her, Emma despaired as she tried everything within her power to stop it. Alas, it was all for naught... everything was all for naught.

The captain blinked as she saw her glaring eyes falters for a moment. She saw the fierce fire in her eyes flickered for a second, a moment of weakness had appeared. The captain did not waste the opportunity as she turns in to speak.

"We have always been my lady." Emma blinked as the words of the captain reached her ears. "We have always been here for you. Not once did we abandoned you." The captain feel relief creeping within her as she saw Emma was willing to listen.

"We are yours my lady." The captain softly speak as Emma's eyes glued with hers. "We can help you my please, stop this madness before you hurt yourself. Let's get you to a..." To the captain's horror, she realized a moment too late the error of her words when she saw Emma's gaze hardened back to steel.

"I see... madness eh? Is that what all of you think of this is? All of this... is simply a craze antics of a child?" The captain desperately correct her words to the ever glaring Emma. "My lady I did not mean it that way! I-!" The captain was cut off again when she saw her eyes. More specifically, the light within those eyes.

"No no perhaps you were right... perhaps I had been mad a long time ago... I never had a family from the beginning huh?" A bitter laughter escaped her lips as tears slowly falls off. Her once bright sapphire eyes looked so dull now as if life had abandoned its home. The gushing noise of the river were all that was left as all was silent.

What have I done? The captain could only think in despair as she only saw now the true extent of her words. The captain could not help but feel regret washed over her as the frail body of her lady trembles slightly into the night. Those stared at her with such dull and lifeless hue, a complete contrast to the once glowing sapphire.

Only once did the captain saw those look before. Only once did she fear those eyes. Back when her father came back from the sunlight war... she has the same dead eyes. What have I done? The captain thought once more as she was consumed by regret.

Emma blinked as she redoubles her effort to the bag. The captain also snapped out of her stupor as she grips it tightly. "Let go." Emma growled as her hands begins to burn from the exhaustion. "My lady please!" The captain desperately pleaded but Emma remained resolute.

"Let go. This is your last chance." Emma threatened but the captain did not budge as tears falls across her face. "Please no. My lady. Please don't go." The captain begged one last time. "I can help you. P-please I can help you. I-I understand now. I understand what you are going through, so please, let me-"

"You know nothing." Emma whispered deathly as her dull blue eyes trembled. Her small shoulders trembled as if she was cold before letting out a small whimper. "I-if you knew... if you knew, you would grant me this plea." For a brief moment in time, the captain saw her once more. The same girl she knew so well from a distance. And it was crying for mercy, for help... for escape.

She opened her mouth once more, but no words came out. The captain did not know what to say. The lady had always been a cheerful and happy lass as she was the joy of the estate. The captain wondered where it went so wrong for that sweet innocent little eyes twisted into something so hateful, so fearful... so broken. It was as if she was an entirely different person.

Ah. The captain thought as she recalled from the past. I should have called you back. I should have talked to you. My lady... were you alone after all this time? "My lady-" Emma's eyes widened when she saw the other guards slowly coming in from all directions.

Emma grimaced but soon gave up on the bag, time had ran out. The captain saw her pleading eyes for the last time as she dives in towards the river. "My lady!" The captain screamed in dismay as Emma dives headfirst into the freezing cold raging waters below.

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