Collection Of Short Stories A...

By iceheartgoldsmile

361 21 38

Just a collection of fun short stories, from war to friendship! More

He asked for war
Just one night
Drowning lover
She is
Daddy's girl
Being helpful
Two random fun shorts
Possessive royalty side story
Possessive royalty side story 2
Safe Haven
Freezer burn
Death over capture
Gone master
Appropriate reactions to common tropes
The Vronto, A rare treasure
Spared by the beast
Heidi the slave
The tragedy of the Yoro clan
Good and evil
Under threat
alpha cheese and the mouse shifter
Captive test subject
Fox mistakes

Mouse girl

9 1 9
By iceheartgoldsmile

She felt her belly and hummed, sitting on the chair. The doula helped her get comfortable as she smiled happily.

"Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?" Murmured the mother to be, her eyes filled with love and her long brown hair Curling slightly around her shoulders.

"I don't know dear, I'm certain you have some idea" said the doula, smiling softly at the pregnant woman.

The mother chewed on her food. Looking out the window, watching her husband chop wood. She smiled softly and looked down at her food, her cheeks red.

"We've been discussing names you know, for a boy or a girl. Maybe Willow, or Jack, I've always loved those names." She hummed.

Her doula smiled and pulled out some cloths, sorting through her items.

"Oh.. oh no" murmured the mother, she stumbled to her feet, she felt wrong, something was wrong. It hurt and she fell to her knees in her rush.

The cramps were awful.

"Oh... Please, please be ok" she whimpered, her doula quick by her side helping her to the bathroom.

She ran out to the husband.

"Christopher!! Christopher!! Call the midwife and doctor! Christopher!" Called the doula, the man dropped his axe running inside, she lay in the tub, sobbing and praying as she began to bleed.

Christopher ran for town, bashing on the midwife's door, she opened and stared at him in confusion.

"Christopher? It's nearly sun down, is everything ok?" She asked, he couldn't gather his words, true fear in his eyes.

"Please, I don't know, I don't know" murmured Christopher, she threw on her coat and followed him back to his home, she hurried in to the mother to be. She was quick to examine and gather cloths to help stop the bleeding.

"Now, this could be a few things ma'am, just breath, you aren't late enough for it to be a sign of pregnancy, just breath, we'll get some warm water" mumbled the midwife, shooing the doula and Christopher off to get warm water.

"Please! Please! Don't let my baby die! Please" sobbed the mother.

"We don't know if it's dead or not I just need you to breath sweet heart, to much stress is detrimental right now, I know you're scared" assured the midwife, frowning as the mother to be, struggled to collect herself.

They struggled, Christopher leaving to scream and shout his stress into the wind. Startling some cattle in a nearby field.

He walked into town, catching the store clerk before they closed.

"Please, I just need to buy some food, my wife..." Mumbled Christopher lost for words, the clerk patted his shoulder.

"We'll be open in the morning, your doula went shopping a while ago, there should be good left. You seem stressed" spoke the clerk. The father to be, dealing with his feelings, turned and fled, pacing around nervously.

"Oh, Mr Juno, are you alright? You seem awfully upset" spoke a woman, she eyed him pitifully.

"My wife.... I want out child to live" he murmured. She examined him carefully, smiling softly.

"A miscarriage? Please, maybe to help we should have a prayer, I have some mice to use as a sacrifice" she brought up, Christopher was lost and desperate, willing to offer sacrifice to the gods to save his unborn baby.

They gathered around some candles and a mouse scratching against a wooden cutting board as it was tied there.

"Here, have the hammer. Trading a life for a life" she murmured, she changed and spoke quietly, he closed his eyes and waited.

He snapped his head up as she said his name, she gestured to the terrified creature. He smashed the hammer down until it was just a squashed puddle of red goo. The woman even seemed surprised.

He dropped the hammer and allowed her to finish chanting.

"I hope this prayer helps." She murmured, he thanked her and kissed her cheek, rushing back home to his wife.

The mid wife and doula were by her side, seeming dissapointed in him for vanishing the way he did.

He held his wife close, murmuring to her that it'd be ok.

It seemed the pregnancy was without difficulty from that day, everyone surprised and relieved.

Though the day the baby was born was a terrifying day. The little ears and whiskers noticed first, then the tail.

"Oh no, oh no, I didn't think it'd happen this way!" Exclaimed the father. He rushed to the tool shed as the doula cleaned the baby, seeming to not even notice the strange features.

"My baby is a monster" muttered the mother.

"Now, now, it's your little girl dear. Do not fret over the odd features, she's only a babe" hummed the doula, the midwife's eyes wide, she was quick to leave, believing the family to be cursed.

The mother slowly cradled the baby, looking into it's blue eyes.

"I... I love her, she's not perfect... But she's my girl, you're correct" murmured the mother. She held the baby close in her arms.

Christopher barged in with a mallet, seeming furious.

"Give me the creature! It's my fault it exists! If only I hadn't of prayed and sacrificed a mouse, non of this would have happened!" He roared, he wife screamed and protected her baby.

"No! Can't you see! She obviously was saved! You aren't killing my baby!" Screamed the mother. The father slowly dropped the mallet and fell to his knees, apologising for his part in what the baby is.

"She's going to be an easy baby, I can tell. You two are so very lucky" cooed the doula. She got up and carried the mallet away as the husband cried.

"The townspeople will shun her" pointed out the wife, she carefully held it in her arms.

"They will. I can't... You're right love, at least she's alive, I'm so very glad of that" sighed the father, looking at the two on the bed. He'll need to deal with the fact his daughter is an abomination.


"Mummy!" I cried, Shouting and screaming echoing around. I was confused and desperate. Daddy was being dragged away as people kicked mummy.

I dove for mummy as she stopped fighting. Daddy was dragged out and the strangers left except a few.

They were speaking, and seemed to get annoyed, grabbing mummy as she flipped limply, she was asleep and they were making more noises.

I chased after them as they dragged mummy out, daddy was on a post, shouting for mummy. He seemed so angry.

He fought against the strangers as they tied him up. I didn't understand what was happening as the pile of sticks began smoking and flames danced on them.

Dad was screaming as mummy was tossed into the sticks. I cried out for them, squeaking In pain as a rock hit me.

I turned to see the strangers looking at me, holding rocks and throwing them.

I ran away as rocks pelted behind me. I ran to the house and hid under my bed, crying......

I woke with a start. Another nightmare..... I got up from my bed, gripping my tail tightly.

I stumbled to the empty kitchen, looking around, I drank from the tap and walked outside, my stomach empty.

I looked on to the training area over the hill, my whiskered nose twitching.

I know I'm a curse. The rumours say my family did something and got cursed. So now I have mouse features. I tried cutting my tail off and snipping my whiskers, but luckily I stopped, despite the scars remaining.

My ears pressed against my head and I sighed. My parents were burnt as people said they were witches. I wouldn't know.

I can't go into town, I have occasionally stolen food from there, but if they see me, they start throwing stones.

I wondered close to the training area, smelling the warm and cooked foods.

I know I'm human, yet by the way stares turn to me, people start whispering and sneering, I know they don't see me that way.

I looked at the few people who were out, they were whispering and pointing. I resisted the need to walk over for food, I can't start begging.

I just moved over to the creek, holding my bucket and getting ready to refill my water tank by hand. I'll need to also gather sticks and leaves and logs to reignite the purifier.

I ignored stones and sticks being thrown at me, yelping in surprise as a mud ball hit the back of my head.

I looked back and glowered at them, annoyed, but weary, these are people training to be soldiers, they came from all over the country, I need to be careful how I act.

I watched as one of the trainer's came to investigate what all the laughter was about. I shrunk down a little as I held my bucket of water.

I can't remember which one, but one trainer would steal my bucket to dump the water on me.

This trainer was one of the strict ones though. Bringing down a crop onto the trainees wrists and scolding them, telling them off for getting distracted with the 'creature'.

I lifted my bucket, hearing some splashes, I looked as I'd somehow managed to snag a fish!

I felt my annoyance dissipate into joy. Guess I'm having a warm meal tonight!

I lugged the bucket over the hill and dumped the fish in the pond at home. I then dumped the water into the tank, ready for many more rounds.

My arms growing tired by the fifth bucketful. I tend to try and atleast do 50 buckets a day. I hate this part.

I could hear the trainees grunting and shouting as they practiced swinging swords. I don't think I'd be very good with a weapon.

On my sixth trip it seemed they were having a break. I glanced at them as they sat down to eat and talk. Some cleaning their wooden weapons and others complaining about cleaning their quarters.

There was always something nice about the way chatter buzzed through the air, breathing more life into an area.

I filled up the bucket. "Hi, what are you?" Came a voice, surprising me enough to spill some water.

I glowered at his curious gaze and refilled the bucket. Choosing to ignore him and just start walking.

"Hey, wait stay, come on, I just wanna know what you are!" He continued. I stopped for a minute, glancing back at him, weary to not be insubordinate in case he got aggressive.

"Human" I scoffed, returning to walk.

"What, come on, what are you?!" He pestered. I glared at him with hatred.

"I told you, I'm human. Shut up" I snapped, losing my temper quickly. He seemed surprised but I just quickened my pace.

I traveled over the hill and dumped the water, scanning the hill side, the creek hidden by the hill. I grumbled and headed back there. He was standing there, seeming a little lost and confused.

I ignored him though, moving to fill up the bucket. "You are doing alot of this, need any help?" He asked, I rolled my eyes and walked past him.

"Hey, whatever you-"

"I'm human" I snapped quickly.

"Yeah and I'm a tree. It's alright to ask for help, come on" he insisted. I glowered at him.

"I'm not a fool to act like I don't need help. But I will not be asking for help, nor do I want yours. Now get out of my face. And yes I'm human" I exclaimed, turning and storming off.

With annoyance leading me, I moved quicker and noticed the weight of the bucket less, though I know it will make me cramp up when I go to bed tonight.

I finished my trips by sundown and fished out the fish to prepare it.

It was a delicious and warm change to my usual bush berry or wild fruits. I retired to bed, sore and stiff. But I will need to finish up the tank, tomorrow.

I woke without any nightmares luckily, quickly grabbing some water to drink and examining myself in a dirty mirror.

I frowned and touched my twitchy nose and felt my whiskers some permanently short from me cutting them.

My ears stood out and I held my tail in front of me, sighing. I am a human.

I grabbed my bucket and began my task, I wondered down the hill and stopped by the creek, hoping a fish would fall into the bucket.

"Hey! You're back!" He exclaimed I rolled my eyes and stood up, clutching the bucket.

"Go away" I told him. Annoyed by his attention, I hate when the more curious trainees give me attention, they never see me as a person, just a joke to figure out.

"See I told you she could speak" he said. I turned around to see a small group of trainees behind him, I shook my head and moved to walk off, uncomfortable around a group. People have a bad habit of hurling rocks and other things at me.

"Wow, it's creepy" exclaimed someone.

"It's tail feels wierd!" Said another, I could feel the squeezing fingers and yanked my tail close to me, glaring at the trainee hatefully.

"Come on, we just want to get to know you" assured the first guy. I huffed and turned away.

"Trainees! Get your asses to your cabins!" Shouted a voice. I glanced at the trainer shouting, oh great, it's the one that tipped the water on me.

He stormed over and I moved backwards.

"Sorry sir. Yes sir" chorused the group. I yelped as the crop hit me hard across the face, the water pooling over my head.

I whimpered and scrambled trying to grab the bucket he had thrown and escaping his annoyance.

I fell into the creek, clutching the bucket, I curled into myself as feet stomped off.

I glanced up, my ears ringing from the hit. I slowly stood back up.

I filled the bucket and trudged home. Sniffling and wiping my eyes pathetically.

I filled up the tank but still continued collecting water, even though my eyes had grown red and puffy.

I looked to the ground and ignored the smell of food. I should have just left as soon as I could. I hate the curious ones.

I continued collecting water, my face stinging but the water drying off. I scowled after some peaceful hours of trudging along, that same dumb trainee came around.

"Hey! What are you even collecting this water for?" He pestered, I ignored him and huffed. Walking along to take my water back.

I glanced at him, growing anxious as he continued to follow. My hands shaking and nerves on edge.

"Whoa! I didn't even know there was a home out here! Cool! Do you live there?" He asked, I ignored him, dumping water into the tank.

"Oh, you're filling up a water tank! You're quite a hard working short thing aren't you!" He said eagerly, I bristled at his comment and clutched the bucket tighter.

"I told you! I'm human! Get away from my house!" I shouted, he stepped back momentarily, he scrutinised me as his eyes narrowed. I didn't like his serious change and quickly began walking away.

I could hear him following me, his steps louder then my soft ones. I am very light-footed, unlike soldiers.

I filled the bucket and he blocked my path as I kept trying to walk around him.

"You serious? You're a human? What were your parents?" He demanded, I grew anxious as he didn't let me pass, I met his eyes for a moment, I knew my annoyed exterior couldn't hide my frightened gaze.

"Human. I don't know why I look like this" I told him. He stepped out of my way and I stumbled back home. Breathing heavily and tipping the water into the tank.

Deciding now was time for a break, which is rare on water gathering days.

I hurried inside and curled up on the couch rubbing my eyes as I shook. Damn asshole! I hate him!

I soon forced myself back up and went to collect more water, luckily noone was waiting for me. I finished my 50 buckets when it was dark and went to bed hungry, all because he spooked me enough to make me take a break.

The next morning I drank and pulled my hand pulled wagon behind me, traveling to the creek and into the trees, collecting logs and twigs.

The wagon was heavy and struggled over roots and rocks, but I powered through, ignoring the smell of food. I glanced to the training ground, the trainees were practicing some close quarters combat. Alot of shouting and commanding going on.

I took my gatherings to the wood pile at my house before walking back down. I groaned inwardly, seeing the same guy waiting at the creek, seeming as lost as last time.

"Not water today? I thought I'd spooked you off. I was thinking of going into town on my free day, know any shops?" He asked me. I bristled.

"No of course I don't" I spat. He seemed confused.

"Really? Do you not go into town? Why not?" He asked. I shook my head and travelled into the trees. He crashed around behind me.

I began picking fruits and berries and piling them carefully into the wagon.

"You're collecting food? Don't you have money?" He asked. I groaned inwardly some more.

"Why are you here?! I don't need to be harassed." I told him. Holding my breath slightly, worried I would annoy him.

"But you're cool, I've never seen a mouse person before. Are you sure both your parents were human?" He continued. I scowled.

"I'm sure alright! They were killed, they are dead, enough about them!" I snapped, stepping back slightly.

"Oh, same, mine were killed by the enemy!" He exclaimed. I gave him a confused look, pulling up some wild potatoes.

"What's an enemy?" I grumbled, he seemed shocked by my question.

"An enemy is someone or a group that has different opinions or ideals then you and you feud and don't get along" he explained, seeming excited to finally have somewhat of a conversation going.

"Huh. Guess the town would be considered my enemy then" I mumbled, he seemed surprised. He helped me reach a high up wild pear and handed it to me. I took it bitterly, muttering a thanks.

"Hmm that dosen't sound very good, on my free day we should go there and make you all friends" he told me. My eyes widened and I gripped the wagons handle tightly.

"No. That will not go well" I stated, pulling the wagon back through the trees and past the creek.

"Glad you know the way back, I was completely lost" he laughed, I scowled and stormed away.

"Alright! See you on my free day!" He called, I tensed up and hurried home, stuffing the food into containers and hiding away in my room.

That insane trainee needs to mind his own business! He should he glad I even entertained his conversation!

I hugged myself and stared at the wall. At the very least we had one thing in common, the death of family via our own enemies.


I hid at home picking at the foods and mashing the potatoes, nice and warm to eat.

I knew I'd need to go out and collect more wood and more food and maybe even try to catch a fish, but I don't want to see that trainee again, hopefully he'll grow bored when I don't come back.

I filtered some water from the tank to water the few things I'd planted. The carrots seemed to be growing well.

I sighed and enjoyed the peaceful day, now that I'd wasted a few days inside I was glad to be back outdoors.

I talked to the flowers softly as I fed them and checked on my last strawberries.

"Hey! Wierd girl!" Called a voice. I tensed and felt a shudder run up my spine.

I turned to stare at him. Caught by surprise. Severely uncomfortable I put away the watering can and pulled the mesh cover back over my crops.

"I've been waiting, but you never came back, taking a break eh? Not surprised, that was a lot of hauling you did" he exclaimed I moved away as he walked closer, hugging my tail to my gut as he examined everything.

"Whoa, it's a mess, like I noticed it last time, but it needs a serious clean up. Guess you haven't had time yet" he exclaimed. I glowered.

"Why are you here?!" I demanded. Stepping away carefully.

"I promised" he stated. He moved closer, I stepped back but he snagged my wrist with ease I squeaked.

"You even sound like a mouse, just louder" he chuckled. He pulled me forward.

"No! We're not going to town!" I told him, resisting his grip and glancing at my home desperately.

"Chill, it'll be fun! I know if you lived at my town, you'd love the little alleyways and trash cans" he chuckled.

"No! I'm not a mouse! Let go! They'll never respect you as a soldier see-" I didn't get to finish my sentence, just wanting to tell him that they'd probably not like him seeing him with me, not that I actually know.

I stopped as his grip tightened and he turned back, he seemed quite annoyed by what I'd said, even if I wasn't intending on making it sound like an insult.

I stepped back, scowling but unable to prevent my eyes from being wide and terrified.

"You don't know what you're talking about, you didn't even know what enemies are" he scoffed, he walked more heavily now, his grip tighter and I followed, shaking and masking my tiny whimpers.

I could remember how hard dad fought, those burning flames..... The screaming.

"It's quite a small town" he commented, his grip having loosened while I was distracted with my memories. He got to the town entrance looking at all small and dusty shops.

"Hey, do you know much about this girl?" He asked someone, they seemed vaguely important, they must work at one of the shops.

I was shaking more now, my gaze lingering at the burning area, sweat pooled along my forehead and I was feeling dizzy with fear.

"Oh. Yes, my apologies soldier if the abomination has been trouble for your training, it's parents were witches that cursed it to be that way, so we burned them, don't worry, we'll chase it away" assured the person. The trainee though had let go of my wrist.

"You're quite shaken, oh, there's no need to..." He began seeming surprised as the person pointed me out to passerbys.

My eyes widened and people bent down to pick up stones, I turned and bolted, rocks pelting into my back and hitting the ground around me.

"Wait, no... I didn't..." I could hear the trainee stammering, apparently now he loses his ability to speak. I bolted, tears in my eyes and I hid myself in my room, crying onto the bed and suffering the images of my parents burning and the smell of burning flesh.

A few hours must have passed as I got up and moved to the couch, freezing as I noticed him walking to the house. My heart hammering as I could hear his footsteps crunching loudly.

The door creaked open and his footsteps echoed inside. He soon noticed me though, despite my fear, I glared at him.

"Well, I wasn't expecting them to try and stone you. But I did bring back some beef, to say sorry for nearly getting you killed. I'm leaving it on the bench. We should hang out more though" he said. I frowned absolutely bristling.

"Get out of my house. Breaking in isn't allowed I thought" I told him, my voice wavering as I tried to sound mad.

He crossed his arms and instead walked closer, scrutinising me.

"I didn't break in, the door was open. Chill mousey" he stated. I glared, growing more anxious and nervous.

"Leave! Leave!" I exclaimed. He frowned and examined me.

"You're always so angry, I've just tried being nice. It's alright, you were nearly going to be stoned to death. I'll see you next time" he said. I glared at him as he walked out the door, slowly pressing into the couch and just crying pitifully.

I soon got up as it was getting dark and examined the meat, it was a big single serving of beef and I excitedly started the fire, cooking the wild vegetables and using the world herbs as flavouring.

I left it to cook while I sorted myself out, drank some water, cleaned myself and relaxed taking deep breaths.

I ate and enjoyed the food, squealing with joy as I giggled and jumped about in excitement.

Good meat is hard to come by and a nice big meal is even harder.

I slept with difficulty, nightmares haunting me at every moment I closed my eyes.

Yet I powered through and woke up, eager to gather more food and go to a different gathering spot, just so I wouldn't run into him.

I spent the day enjoying the peace and quiet. Collecting food and wood. A successful day honestly. I paused as I was packing away my fruits.

Voices could be heard and I froze on the spot, trying to hear who it was. I really hope that boy stays away, but then... Who else would it be? I was to nervous to move, slowly I pushed the fruit away, jumping as the doorknob rattled and swung open. I was wide eyed at the group of strange townspeople, backing away slowly.

I desperately tried to remember if there was any open windows, slowly realising they were all stiff and hardly move.

I looked into the smiling faces in horror, I turned around to bolt and lock myself up or try and force my way through the back door that's been stuck for a while.

I squeaked as my tail was grabbed I fell over, scratching at the ground as I desperately pulled against the hold.

"Well son, boys, I'm proud of you all. You'll be respected amongst the soldiers and shoot through ranks by punishing the creature" laughed one of the older men. I squealed in pain as they dropped my tail, stomping on it so wouldn't get away.

My heart hammering through my chest as they all laughed. They all moved into the house, surrounding me.

I screamed, struggling and desperate. What did I ever do to deserve being born this way......


"I don't get it sir. It dosen't make sense. I think there's something else going on in that town. There's no way parents would do that to their own child then have that get them killed" I explained, looking to Sir Gaulder.

"That's not the job of a soldier. We are not detectives. Please tell me you didn't drag her there with you" groaned the captain.

"I did sir" I told him. He rubbed his face with his hands, seeming fairly disappointed, I don't get it, what did I do?

"You have seen her right? You may have a big heart, but you're so fucking dumb. You're going to have to learn, that people don't like things they don't understand, yes some people are just curious, but these close knit towns are deadly" he explained.

"What happened" he demanded. I was confused on what he meant.

"I asked someone about her, they said they'd make her leave me alone and started trying to stone her as she ran off. She was pretty mad at me" I explained, trying to remember the exact conversation.

"Mad?! Wow, wonder why soldier. Honestly, you're a good person, but Jordy, you've done more than mess up. I need to go check something. I'll be back in the hall later" mumbled the captain, he seemed exasperated and I recognised I'd made a mistake along the way.

I don't understand why he seems so bothered now, he walked out and I hurried to join the rest of the trainees for sword practice.

I'd pulled him aside to discuss how suspicious the town seems, but instead I think I've made him think I'm an idiot.

We practiced stance and types of swings and blocks. I stopped, watching the captain walk past the field, slowly everyone stopped.

I dropped the wooden sword, concern and worry filling me. From this angle all I could see was legs and a long tail hanging from his shoulder.

He whistled and shouted, everyone dropping their weapons and standing in line.

I lost my composure for a second, walking closer, her ears limply swaying downwards as she lay on his shoulder, her clothes ripped to shreds, blood and bruises evident.

"Soldier. In line. Now" he commanded. I nodded and stood straight and proper, trying to mask my concern as seriousness.

"Soldiers. Being in the army, you are going to see some pretty messed up things, you'll even witness the more fucked up and power hungry soldiers committing horrible acts. This is what I burn from my soldiers. I expect soldiers that serve and protect all of their citizens. Human or.... Not quite human. Now I know none of you were dumb enough to do this." Explained the captain in a calm and harsh voice.

"Look son, better then we expected" came strange voices we all looked over at some smiling fathers proudly holding their smiling sons shoulders.

"We are sorry to interrupt, but we were planning on showing our good deed, didn't expect it to be found before we showed you" explained the closest father.

"Our boys, they would love to be apart of the army. They thought it up, the geniuses" exclaimed another, I was shocked. What are these idiots on about.

The captain was calm as he walked forwards, crop in hand.

"The army? None of you would survive a second. The army protects civilians and you've already failed." Scoffed the captain, the father's faces faltered.

They didn't seem to have expected the reaction they got.

I looked to the mousy girl, with the captain's back to us, I could see blood down her thigh and bruises covering her legs.

"You are all intruding on army grounds, I can have you arrested for many crimes you have commited" stated the captain.

The people looked to each other, seeming confused and wary.

"But they... Defended the army..." Stammered a confused father.

"From what? A helpless girl with mouse ears. Absolutely shaking in my boots. Don't laugh sir Jargo, you bullied her as well" scoffed the captain. I didn't like seeing her bleed.

"Captain sir!" I called. He examined me carefully.

"May I have permission to assist her to the medic sir!" I asked, he examined me, I hope he couldn't see the worry in my eyes

He chuckled and laid her out in my arms, felt so light and small, despite being just a bit shorter then me.

"Go on soldier" he told me. I saluted with difficulty to not hinder her. Watching the captain slap one of the father's with a crop, not sure what the father said, I didn't care though.

I rushed her to the medic.

"What you in for?" Called a voice, the medic slightly hidden behind a curtain.

"Not me" I called, he peaked out, his eyes widened slightly and he sighed.

"Lay her on the bed. I had a feeling this was going to happen. A hateful superstitious town and an innocent girl, never a good mix" mumbled the medic.

"It was my fault sir. I made them think she'd been causing problems because I asked about her" I explained, he scoffed and ripped up the remainder of her clothes.

"Oh get over that train of thought. Just because you played a roll in something happening dosen't mean you caused it. Trust me, those townspeople were looking for any excuse. Don't even need the situation explained." He scoffed, wiping her over with a strong smelling cloth. She whimpering, crying out in her unconscious state.

"Do you need any help sir?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nah, it's all good, stop with the pleasantries, I could care less about being called sir. Dosen't feel the way it used to. Should be glad boy, seems like they didn't want to risk pregnancy and came in her mouth" he explained. I was shocked.

"They raped her?" I asked. He scrutinised me.

"Not to bright are ya? Tell by the bruising and vaginal bleeding." He scoffed.

"Oh, I wasn't looking there" I admitted he laughed loudly, shaking his head, he offered me a seat and I sat and watched as he examined her.

He seemed interested in her ears and tail, cleaning them gently with the strong smelling wipe.


I felt groggy as I blinked open my eyes, the light bright. I stared up at the roof in a daze, my mind blank.

There was an odd and numb pain moving through my body. I felt stiff and like I couldn't move. I stared at the ceiling for a while before the slow realisation of not recognising it bugged my mind. I tilted my stiff neck and examined the roof.

It was hard to navigate my thoughts, but that gradual realisation made my heart begin to race.

I rolled my sluggish gaze around, fear consuming me, I don't know where I am.

I could hear something shuffling and making noise. My breathing fast and wheezy.

"Good, you're awake. Was worried I'd given ya to much painkiller for your body size. Know it's not an easy thing, but you need to relax a little before you give yourself a heart attack" mumbled a strange voice. I forced my head up slightly looking at a muscled man. He had some scars and sunken eyes. He sighed and was examining some papers.

I stared at him, terrified and distressed. I felt a twinge of pain in my gut and flashes of laughter and terror.

I stared into those memories as I began to cry, sobbing and gripping the blanket as I reminisced on the pain, on the people's laughter, of them daring and encouraging each other.

I squeaked and continued bawling as I felt a touch still lost in my memories.

"Quite alot huh? You took some bad abuse. You'll need to drink and eat though." Said a voice, piercing through my memories.

I met his green eyes, shaking and sniffling. He rested a big hand on my head, I flinched slightly, whimpering softly.

He brushed my hair back and ran his fingers over my sore ear. I gasped and pulled away slightly, it stung.

"It'll hurt there for a bit I think, one of them sliced it, luckily it was a smooth cut, the stitches should hopefully help it heal, but I've never really patched a mouse before" he commented. I clutched the blanket and whimpered pitifully.

It's not something to ever happen to me, being in a strange bed with a strange man giving me attention.

"I need to get home, I'll be out of your hair" I stammered. He shook his head and placed a glass and plate next to my bed.

He relaxed on his chair and went back to the papers. I looked around anxiously, the room was split by cloth curtains, various other beds lined up.

"Where even am I" I stammered, he didn't even look up from his papers.

"Training grounds, medical room. The captain and Jordy could probably tell ya more, I didn't care much for the details on why." He explained.

"When can I go? I need to get home" I stammered, I didn't want to be here, I don't do well in groups and around strangers.

"Dear, you aren't going home until you are healed enough to be let to leave. You were also raped and I've needed to stitch up some tearing down there. Once your stitches are all removed, then I'll allow you to leave" he explained.

"What.... What's rape?" I whimpered, uncertain why he said it so somberly, he looked at me in surprise, I was still crying and drinking the water.

"You remember them fucking you right?" He asked, I gave him a confused look.

"Fucking?" I asked, he groaned into his hands.

"You really haven't had anyone teach you anything huh? Guess they were right about you being alone from 6 years old...." He muttered, I put down the glass and looked around desperately for an escape route.

"Hmmm, I may be medic, but I've never taught someone sex before. You know how they stuck themselves into you down there" he stated I widened my eyes, remembering piercing pain as the jumped onto me, I thought they were just beating me up down there... They were in me?

"I'm not going to explain it to you now, I feel it would cause more fear for you. Just relax, and no, there isn't an escape route, I see those shifty eyes" he told me, I squeaked and pressed against the wall, shaking under the blanket.

"She's awake! That's amazing!" Exclaimed a new voice. I shook as I eyed the familiar guy.

"Jordy, I commend your concern, but don't stress out my patient!" Snapped the medical man.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to see if she was awake..." Mumbled the guy.

"Well she is. Stop looking so depressed and leave us in peace unless you break a bone or something" scoffed the medic.

"Yes sir. Glad you're awake mousey! See you when I'm allowed to" laughed Jordy, I looked down at the steaming food, picking at it and eating carefully.

I want to go home...

I examined the strange man's activity, he spent alot of time sitting nearby and replacing any coverings for my injuries.

I winced as he rubbed cream on my sore lower regions.

"Hmm, you really are uneducated about it, don't even seem embarrassed" he commented, not seeming to be really talking to me.

"Why would I?" I asked as he gently dabbed the cold liquid onto an extra sore spot, I winced and released a slight whimper before shutting myself up.

"Apologies. I was trying to be gentle" he stated, I shook my head, I may want to go home, but I'm not a fool to his help, I don't trust his intentions, but I can still be grateful for his care.

"No, it's fine" I mumbled, he nodded and I watched him examine the area with a serious expression before tossing the blanket over my legs, the odd gown I was wearing was uncomfortable.

I drank my water and chewed on the food, watching him carefully as he stood to leave. He always leaves at predictable times, to go toilet, eat or stretch his legs, this time should be for toilet.

I slowly moved and stood on the ground, my body ached and felt weak, my freshly checked wounds stinging between my legs.

I walked awkwardly to the door and looked out carefully, I could hear the grunting of people training with wooden swords.

Trainers shouting and commanding the trainees around. I watched them carefully, my heart beating wildly at the thought of being caught.

A door squealed and I looked up in surprise, backing away inside slowly, the medical man, walking closer.

"You should be in bed, you'll open your stitches" he stated, I backed away and bumped into the bed, nervous for him to be angry at me.

"I know telling you to relax won't help, but I promise ya, stressing won't help." He stated. I climbed back onto the bed and hid under the blanket.

I feel so stupid, yet I'd rather feel stupid then feel his anger. Soldiers are fighters and very strong and menacing. Even when they turn serious they are scary, like Jordy.

"Please try not to run off though. I really don't want to fix any torn stitches with you awake" he sighed.

"I need to get home, my crops will die" I stated, sitting up a bit more bravely. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Crops?" He asked, shuffling through his medical supplies and sorting through them.

"Yeah! I need to make sure I'll have food for the winter" I told him, he gave me a sombre look.

"I don't thing you'll like what I have to say. To save your heart I'll not say it, as I'm certain you'll rip your stitches in desperation to go back" he commented, I squinted at him, suspicious now.

"What do you mean?!" I demanded, he shook his head. Giving me a look that told me that he wasn't going to continue on.

What's happening? What's wrong at home? Did the townspeople rip up my crops?

I need to get home.

He left to eat and I snuck onto my feet, I tiptoed to the door and quietly walked out.

I winced as the area between my legs stung and some bruises on my thighs ached.

I moved down some open corridors, looking for the fields closest to my house.

"Mousey!" Called a voice, I scowled immediately at the voice, before worry took over.

I glanced back nervously as he came jogging over. He placed a hand on my shoulder making me flinch away.

"Stretching your legs? Nice, probably be good to move around before we leave the area for the winter" he said, I just nodded, happy to hear I'd be rid of him.

"Jordy, why is she out, did Morgan allow for her to leave?" Demanded one of the trainer's.

"Sir, I just found her walking, I think she was just stretching her legs" commented Jordy.

"Girl, you were trying to sneak off weren't you?" Asked the trainer, my breath caught in my throat. I backed away slowly.

"We need to get you back to bed" he stated. I turned and tried to run, squeaking as he caught me, pulling me close.

I was consumed by fear as I froze against him, soft and terrified whimpering squeaks left me. He pulled me close, gently stroking my hair.

"Come on girl, we'll need to get you to bed before you make any of your injuries flare up. Morgan would hide me if he found out I let you out to mess up your stitches" he told me.

"Whoa, captain, you really spooked her. She really does squeak like a mouse" commented Jordy, I felt my face heat up as tiny sobs left me, terrified at the momentary panic and memory of what the townspeople did.

"Jordy. Soldier, if you aren't going to say anything important, just run and get Morgan" commanded the captain.

Jordy sounded surprised before the sound of footsteps faded off. The captain moved down slightly to eye level, I looked away from his gaze.

"Now. Girl, you'll come back to the medical room right? I don't want to force you by carrying you, I understand you've been hurt and you've lost your home. But before we leave, I want you at a good enough health" he stated. I nodded slowly, breathing heavily.

He slowly gripped my hand, I held his hand, it's been a long time since I've done that. He helped me back into the bed as I shook.

"You are quite a cute creature" he hummed, I looked at him in confusion, to shaken up to remind him that I'm not a creature, that I'm 'human'.

He shook his head and stepped to the door, The medical man walked in, giving me a bemused grin. Jordy walking in behind him, I guess his name is Morgan.

"I'll need to check the stitches just in case. Hopefully it's healed enough to not just irritate the injuries to reopen" he commented, he moved the gown and held one of those strong smelling wipes.

He examined the more easier to heal cuts and bruises on my higher body, before moving down to my lower body, I was confused as Jordy looked away, the captain slapping the back of his head.

"Buck up soldier, you'll need to grow up about this stuff" scoffed the captain.

"You didn't run right?" He asked.

"No" I mumbled quietly.

"Good, I can tell. You didn't do anything to it, it's healing pretty fast" hummed Morgan, he helped me into the gown again as Jordy stood red faced.

"You need to get used to it. Maybe then you'll be mature enough to find a wife" scoffed Morgan.

I flinched as Jordy walked over and touched my head.

"I've never seen such big mouse ears" he commented, feels like he's changing the topic away from him.

"I'd be shocked if you'd had. Don't touch them, I'm hoping they'll heal properly" Said Morgan, Jordy moved his hand away a little.

"What happened to her hair?" He asked, I looked at him in confusion.

"I needed to cut alot off, it was a mess and tangled, making it hard to stitch her ear" scoffed Morgan.

"Oh, cool, she needs a brush then?" Asked Jordy.

"I'd think so, yes" agreed the captain.

"Brush?" I asked in a soft and anxious voice.

"For your hair, to make it soft and smooth" stated the captain. I nodded, uncomfortable around so many people.

"The captain has daughters, he knows alot about hair" explained Jordy, I wish he'd stop touching my head, I cringed as he touched my head.

"How many sisters do you have?" Grumbled the captain rolling his eyes. I squeaked quietly as Jordy's hand appeared in my face moving to touch my whiskers as I pulled away.

"Hey! Enough harrassing my patient. I don't care that you're curious, keep your hands to yourself" snapped Morgan, Jordy jumped in surprise and moved away.

"Sorry sir" he apologised.

"Soldier. To her. You didn't scare Morgan" grumbled the captain.

"Oh, sorry mousey" he said. The captain hit his head and Jordy saluted and left, the captain groaning with his face in his hand as Morgan laughed a little.

"The trainees are getting more incompetent, he'll be a great soldier when he gets over his youthful curiosity" pointed out Morgan, the captain chuckled and agreed.

"Well, I'll leave you both, fair well" said the captain. Morgan nodded and the captain left. I sighed and relaxed a little, wiping my eyes.

"Poor girl. People lose respect around things they don't understand, it's not about them being a good person or not, it's just curiosity and wonder makes people stupid" explained Morgan.


Two annoying weeks passed, being unable to leave. I really should be getting home soon. I ate my dinner and let Morgan examine my injuries, he seemed happy with how they're healing.

I yawned and curled up under the blanket. He sighed and walked over, checking my eyes and mouth, he says he needs to make sure I'm not showing signs of sickness while my injuries are still healing.

I closed my eyes and relaxed as he walked off.

I woke up sluggish and confused. I could hear the tapping of horse hooves. I slowly sat up, I was in a wooden carriage.

I could tell by the movement and rocking of the carriage that we were moving. I was frozen and confused, looking down to the red seat I was sleeping on, I was alone. I looked at a rope tied around my wrist and connected to the back rungs of the carriage.

I took deep and heavy nervous breaths. Squeaking whimpers quietly pouring from me.

I cuddled the blanket around me, feeling dizzy and sick. The curtain at the door swayed as light softly filtered in and I could see the world passing by. I closed my eyes as I felt vomit broil in my stomach, I took heavy breaths, feeling the squeaks leave me as I sat in distress.

It felt like forever until the horse finally slowed to a stop, I rushed to the door, wincing in pain and was jolted to a stop by the rope, I swung open the door and hung my head out, unable to go any further.

I vomited, the vomit burning the back of my throat. I coughed and watched the tiny pieces of food cover the ground in my vomit.

I looked up slowly, feeling gross and lightheaded. I could see feet moving towards me, I retreated. Pressing into a corner of the carriage. I closed my eyes.

Weak and dizzy, vomit burning the back of my throat. I curled up, shaking, not knowing where I am or who I'm near.

I felt the carriage dip and the sound of a step as someone stepped in. I let out more squeaking whimpers, curling into the corner, shaking heavily.

"Didn't mean to scare ya love, seems you get sea sick. All good, just have some water. It'll help you out" said a familiar voice. I curled up tighter feeling them move closer.

"I see. I'll leave the water here. Just try to breath and close your eyes" they said. I whimpered nervously as they put something down near me. They left, their footsteps loud.

I slowly unwound as they left. I peaked around and rubbed my eyes, diving on the jug they left beside me, washing the horrible sensation away.

I sighed and looked around, I could see trees around, but some posts and cobblestone was visible.

I squinted and tugged the rope. I felt so tired, the fear and vomiting must have taken so much energy out of me.

I shivered weakly, reaching for the blanket, to tired, why am I so tired? I need to get out..... I need...

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