Collection Of Short Stories A...

By iceheartgoldsmile

361 21 38

Just a collection of fun short stories, from war to friendship! More

He asked for war
Just one night
Drowning lover
She is
Daddy's girl
Being helpful
Two random fun shorts
Possessive royalty side story
Possessive royalty side story 2
Safe Haven
Freezer burn
Death over capture
Gone master
Appropriate reactions to common tropes
The Vronto, A rare treasure
Spared by the beast
Heidi the slave
The tragedy of the Yoro clan
Good and evil
Under threat
alpha cheese and the mouse shifter
Mouse girl
Captive test subject
Fox mistakes


10 0 0
By iceheartgoldsmile

"Dance!" He demanded loudly. I shook my head and stared up at him nervously.

"I said dance!!" He roared, his voice echoing from the stone walls, the room seemed to shake.

I stepped back, looking at his rugged face anxiously. I don't want to dance. Sure it may stop his anger, but the pain from the chain harshly rubbing my ankle was making we not want to put any pressure down.

"I cannot dance for you. I am sore!" I told him, wondering if he will attempt to kill me for my refusal.

"I didn't ask for excuses! Pathetic, Dance before I get rid of you" he warned. I shook my head, moving my sore foot and collapsing.

He roared his anger and I screamed as he grabbed my hair. Yanking the chain from the wall and dragging me as I shouted and screamed behind him.

"My liege, there is a message for you" called the butler. My head hit the ground as he dropped my hair.

The thundering steps moved away as I dragged my body towards the large doors.

The butler wasn't doing me any favours. He'd be happy to be rid of the entertainment toys.

I dragged myself to the doors, pushing and pushing, the door opening slightly and I pushed myself out, the door slamming as I yanked the chain out behind me.

I dragged myself along the ground, moving to the garden, moving through the grass and crashing over the edge of the rocky wall.

I cried out and landed on some soft grass. I whimpered and continued going.

I can't let any of the giants spot me. I continued until I couldn't anymore, the giant area larger then most.

I lay behind a tree, breathing heavily, my breath raspy and will fading.

I slept somehow, until I was jolted violently awake by my sore ankle being gripped by the chain as I was lifted upside down.

I cried out and stared in horror at the giant looking at me. I grabbed at thin air, shouting and wailing.

I was swung in the air and stopped moving, letting myself hang limply.

"Cool! A dancer! Did it die? Oh, yuck" they said, dropping me on the ground. They turned away and I crawled desperately away. Crying out as the chain was grabbed again.

"Oh, it's alive! Cool" they said, I dug desperately at the ground as they dragged me behind them. I bumped over the cobbled pathway and gasped, my nose bleeding and my body aching.

They dropped the chain as they stopped at the door and I rushed towards some trees.

"Oh, the dancer is running off. Come back toy!" They called. I dove into the gigantic trees, finding a hole and diving in.

I sat in the hole and took heavy breaths, holding the chain against me and listening to the steps.

They stomped around, looking under and around branches.

"Please, please don't look here" I whispered. They didn't seem to, sighing and stomping away, my heart fluttering as I curled into myself and cried pitifully.

I shook wearily in my hole in the tree. I could only scream as something appeared, a terrifyingly large bird. We call them Dep sparrows, massive birds that live at the bottom of the giga arrow leaf trees.

It scratched at the ground, lifting me with its beak and tossing me out, squawking at me unhappily.

It soon ignored me, I lay sprawled and defeated, where even a gentle species of bird leaves me weakened.

I heard heavy steps and curled into myself.

"Please! Please! I can't dance! I can't!" I wailed, not looking up at my inevitable demise.

I whimpered, crying pitifully as I felt the chain be lifted and my limp body be dragged behind.

I cried out at the pain in my ankle and hissed through my teeth as branches and rocks scratched my body.

I was exhausted, my eyes fluttering closed despite the pain and fear.

I returned to consciousness with a start, I was hanging from a shoulder and looking around the old valleys in confusion.

I froze, my body beginning to shake, oh no, oh no, oh no. First giants and now orcs and trolls?! They always camp together, having a strange and peaceful alliance.

I just whimpered pathetically, to weak to move. I felt like vomiting but held strong.

"I'm not ready to die" I murmured, my body swaying limply. The one holding me grunted. We pushed through a blind to an entrance to a home or main area. I was swung off of his shoulder and hit the ground hard. My ears rang and I curled up, holding my head, embarrassing and humiliating myself in front of the orc, crying and sobbing as if I was just a baby.

Somehow that pain was the final straw the one to hurt me most of all.

I looked up as my leg was held down. The chain was tied to a post and I screamed at the sight of a hammer crashing down.

I closed my eyes and sobbed, believing my leg to be destroyed.

"The medicine giver will be in soon. Just be glad I didn't kill you out there" grumbled a gruff and hard to understand voice.

I looked up at his protruding jaw, two tusks rising from the jaw. He was tall, shorter then giants but, as trolls and orcs go, they're still far larger than humans.

I tensed as his large and rough hand landed on my head, I whimpered in terror and his fingers brushed over my face and tucked the hair behind my ears.

"Must've been a Dancer for the giants for a while. Bet you think I'm going to smash your head in over a rock. You caught me on a good day. I would have otherwise" he told me, I just sat and cried.

He seemed to laugh and staggered from the room. I looked down at my leg, expecting to see a horrible bloody and boney mess. I was confused to see just my swollen and sore ankle, the chain in pieces.

I don't get it. He didn't keep me tied up? But if he's not going to kill me, dosen't he at least want me around as slave labour? So he should have kept me tied up?

My confusion forgotten as someone entered, a tall troll, with a leather vest decorated in the teeth of predators.

They moved to me, I moved back slightly, letting out a quiet whimper of fear. Giving me a toothy grin, they dropped a large bag in front of me.

"Leg." It demanded. I have no other choice. I slowly showed my injured leg, crying out as they grabbed it roughly.

"Weak one. I'll rest the foot in cold creek water. Drink this medicine. It's gross, don't spit it out" they barked at me, I quickly grabbed the cup, having no other choice but to believe that it's medicine.

I don't understand why they haven't bashed my head in over a rock... They hate humans. I swallowed the horrible bitter medicine, my eyes tearing up again at the taste.

"You listen well. Can tell you been a Giants Dancer" they told me, I looked away, a shiver running over me.

"I'm confused, please don't think I'm trying to be rude, but I didn't think you liked humans" I muttered, wincing, ready for them to be angered by my question.

"No. We do not. The giants Dancers... On good day pity them. We kill quick on not good day. You got good day. Other human, they die or slave. You dancer, this time live, free" they grunted, harder to understand then the orc. I shivered, I'm glad it was a good day.

"Thank you... I am glad it's a good day. You're very kind" I told them, they eyed my pained and broken expression and sighed.

"You had hard time. Chained is worse then jar. Chain rusts. Infects blood. Easy to see dance. Once you patched, you leave here immediately" they told me.

"Of course. Yes, as soon as you say go, I'll go" I promised. They nodded. Leaving me for a bit, coming back with cold water and resting my foot in it, it made my swollen ankle numb.

For the next two days they brought in cold water, medicine and food. I was grateful and said my thanks each time, though she didn't stop to speak with me again.

Today she handed me a walking stick.

"Go" she told me. I nodded and murmured my gratitude, she patted my shoulder with a heavy hand.

"Good. Nice human can be slow, but keep moving" she stated, I nodded and left, limping and going through the camp, the campfire smoke rising as the sun rose, only a handful of trolls and orcs walked around, all ignored me.

I followed a path down the valley, finally losing sight of the huts, rock homes and tents.

My ankle sore and complaining of its pain, yet I kept moving, I need food and water. I need to find a place I can stop and get water.

I looked back at the leather flags and bones that held up tents. I'm grateful they chose to spare me. Though I wish I could have stayed longer.

I traveled a long time during the day, my limping worse and my thirst now noticeable by an emptiness in my body.

I'm so tired.... It's been so long since I've walked so....

Ow! I had collapsed sideways into some bushes, I slowly sat up and hugged my sore leg.

I hid under the shade and took some deep breaths. Far from humanity. Nowhere is familiar, the only familiar place was the valleys.

I don't know who or what is this way, but I need to find water....

After resting my leg, I stood and staggered forward, leaning on the stick and pushing forward.

I was panting and exhausted, my body shaking, not used to walking so much. Sure I've been made to dance, but that's very different to walking on a hilly path.

Trees closed in and I looked around anxiously, listening to animals and bugs that made loud noises.

I stepped over large rocks. Slowly heading uphill, huffing and puffing. I could hear loud noises, I looked around desperately, was that footsteps?!

I looked around in terror, freezing as I could see my reflection in a giant eye, effectively pissing myself.

I was stunned and screamed as something moved, I cowered and fell to my knees and loud snapping and cracking filled the air. I sobbed in terror as something hovered over me.

I could hear dirt crunching as the eye blinked, dirt and roots falling down around me.

I shook and cried and as the loud thumping steps neared me. I hesitantly looked back, giant rock like fingers stiffly hovered over me, much bigger then any giants.

I was hyperventilating and seeing a grey rocky giant like figure moving around. I stared at it in horror, glancing back at the watching giant eye, I couldn't fit an emotion to it.

But the figure trudged off into the forest, not moving with much speed. I looked at the eye as it closed, the hand crashing down and uprooting several trees.

I looked around and stumbled to my feet, I could slightly see the figure over the trees. I hobbled away, terrified and shaken.

It wasn't until nightfall when the trees finally seemed to become more spread out.

The cold wind filtered around and bugs harassed me. I was exhausted and thirsty. Collapsing on shaky legs.

I sobbed pitifully, doing my best to keep dragging myself forward, the walking stick still proving helpful to shove me forward. I felt like I could vaguely see lights far ahead.

My vision fading with exhaustion. I whimpered softly, feeling consciousness fading.

"Please! Please! I just need water!" I pleaded with the world. My voice a hollow whisper as I lost consciousness.

I awoke slowly, my head throbbing from dehydration and my ankle feeling cold and numb.

I sighed and slowly let my vision settle. I squeaked and held tight to the hammock I lay in. Shivering and telling myself it's just a dream.

"What's just a dream human?" Came a light voice. A female examined me, she had large wings and was standing on a long and thin piece of wood which guarded the hammock.

"Please, I'm sorry if I invaded into your territory, I just passed out" I whimpered, looking down at my ankle, it was hanging off the hammock and into a bucket of cold water.

"Nonsense. You are injured. The Colossus child must have spooked you. Here, have some medicine and some water, I'll bring up the soup soon" she told me. I swallowed the bitter medicine quickly.

Happy to finally get water, I gulped it down. She giggled and flew off, a male soon appeared, I stared at him in surprise, I didn't think there were male harpys, unless they are a similar race.

He nodded and changed the water for my ankle, moving up with a wet cloth to rest on my head.

"Very nice, it's already healing well." He commented, flying away in the same direction as the female.

I sighed and relaxed, let's hope they bring me down soon, but for now. This is better then nothing.

She soon appeared again, handing me some warm soup which I ate enthusiastically.

She giggled and took away the cloth. I don't know what they're putting in the water but I can feel so much less pressure and pain from my ankle.

"You can be on your way soon human. Your walking stick is kept on the ground. Orc and troll medicine may be strong, but our medicine is faster acting" commented the boy, he seems more aware of how old the injury is then the girl was.

I spent a week in the hammock, sleeping the days away and enjoying the food. I was surprised as they both grabbed me and lowered me to the ground, my legs wobbled and the boy handed me my walking stick.

I felt like I'd been at sea, my mind and body lurching as it felt like the ground was moving.

"We have given you all the care necessary. You are free to leave. That bag has some water and fruit" said the girl, waving and flying off, the boy attached a bag to the walking stick.

"Wish you luck on your adventures" he said. My eyes widened as he flew off.

"Wait..... I'm not... I'm not an adventurer" I stammered, they must have thought I was an adventurer, someone who actually wants to be away from humanity and see the world.

I sighed and looked around, the trees here were spreading apart, so I kept going in the direction where the tree line was thinning.

I soon could see mountains and valleys, more green and flower filled then the one with the orcs and trolls.

I continued on, breathing heavily, quickly from my unfit body. I grumbled and pushed on, my ankle definitely feeling alot better, walking with less of a limp and the swelling was down.

It was beautiful here, the lovely tall purple and yellow flowers, brushing up against me with silky petals.

I glanced up at the sound of galloping hooves, I know the sound of horse..... No centaurs, I stared in wonderment as a herd of them galloped across the field, sending dirt and flowers flying behind them.

They shouted happily as their strong hooves powered them over the flowery valley.

I continued on, passing by their camp, they didn't pay me any attention.

I continued past and headed for the mountains, unsure where I was really going. I don't know which direction is humanity and there will probably be creatures I've never seen before.

The valley became deeper as the day wore on, I finally sat down to drink and eat, keeping my eyes at the still far off mountains.

Maybe if I get high enough, I could see land I recognise. Instead of these strange new flowers and gigantic forests.

I could still see the forest. Even from this deep in the valley. I sighed and relaxed, watching the butterflies flutter around and bees buzz.

I missed these small things. Things I couldn't do or see trapped with that giant, that demanded me to dance and grew angry if I didn't dance to his liking.

I leant back into the flowers and relaxed, breathing deeply and letting out a hum.

I could hear the centaurs in the distance, the young foals chasing each other.

I felt my body relax under the warm sun and lovely silence. Sleep dragging me down faster then I could truly catch.

My eyes flung open, it was dark and my body was being dragged. I struggled and tried to grab onto anything.

Whatever was dragging me was unaffected by my attempts, I just accepted it and began to cry.

"I've come this far, I don't want to die now" I sobbed. There was a grunt and whatever was wrapped around my midsection tightened, I was yanked some more.

I could hear rocks crumbling around us, I could only tell we were heading up, possibly to one of the mountains. I gulped and looked at the starry night sky.

A putrid smell filled the air and they stopped dragging me. Letting me cry and beg to live.

They were strange in the moonlight, nearly werewolf like, but not quite. Tall and beastly. I cowered as eyes landed on me. A gross growling spread through them all.

I could only cry, I'd learnt from my time as a dancer that fighting or running was useless.

They moved close, all growling, hair raised, I could hardly see many features in the moonlight, but they walked on oddly shaped legs.

"Please. I'm not ready" I whimpered to the one closest to me, it moved closer as I flinched and hid my head.

"I found her. I choose what happens" growled one of them. They huffed at the one that had spoken up, seeming displeased by the interruption.

"I did not walk all that way just to immediately have it killed. It's not heavy, but the ground is not flat" huffed the voice.

"Decide soon. We would like to eat it, but we'll satisfy ourselves with the goats" snapped a new voice. Claws clicking as they all headed off, growling and snapping at each other.

"Don't see humans this far out. Smells. Like alot of things. Giant, orcs, trolls, harpies. Shouldn't be alive" grumbled a new voice, the wet sniffing close to my face.

They growled and left as well.

"Now I need to decide. The pack would love to devour it. Surely it can be eaten later. Though I guess with human being rare the meat must be delightful" growled the voice that stopped the attack.

I squeaked and whimpered as it grabbed my arm.

"Please, please don't eat me" I pleaded in a soft voice. Whimpering as the claws moved to my face, forcing my chin up. It's claws pressing against my throat. I gulped and stared into it's glittering eyes.

"Do not speak. If the trolls decided to spare your life, I won't. Quiet. Behave or be a late night snack" he warned, slowly prowling off, my head dropping to my chest as I shook and curled up.

I stayed still for a long while, the sun rose and they all seemed to vanish into their cave. I pulled and tried to untie the rope.

My fingers sore from the effort and my breaths coming out heavy, the sun hot and bothersome against me.

I stopped as I saw movement, sitting still as I stared wide eyed at the beast. It snarled slightly and stalked out, ripping some flesh from a dead goat.

I gulped and realised the urgency as it returned to the cave, crunching and munching.

With new determination, I knew I needed to get out of there by sundown, so I began hacking at the rope with a rock. At first there was no sign of change until slowly and surely it began to fray and snap.

I used the rock for hours until the rope was broken. I couldn't stop to try and get out of the rope, simply getting up and running.

They'll think I've gone down to the valley, so I'll head up and alongside the cliff covered mountainside.

I ran and stumbled, my ankle aching at the sudden effort and weight being put down.

I quickly tired but kept myself moving. Trudging around the mountainside. The sun was going down and I could see a massive cave.

I can hide in there.

I could hear the snarling and growling echoing around the mountain and hurriedly stumbled into the cave.

It was dark and I lost my footing quickly.

I got up and continued deeper, crashing into some other rocks and falling down. Suddenly unable to get up.

I felt behind me, the rope had gotten wedged between two rocks! I desperately yanked and pulled, it just seemed to tighten.

I could hear stomping and a light slowly traveling closer.

"Who is in my home!" Exclaimed a loud voice, I whimpered and covered my mouth pulling desperately forward as the rope kept me trapped.

I could see the light cascade over me, as a frightened whine slowly left me. The crackling of fire made it evident the light was from a torch.

"Trapped human. Pay for trespass!" Exclaimed the voice. I looked up slowly at the cyclops, they lifted a wooden club I dropped down and curled up, whimpering in pure terror.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, please understand" I cried. The cyclops huffed and smashed a nearby rock with the club.

I would prefer being a slave to trolls and orcs at the very least they seemed to care for my wellbeing....

I just stayed still, shaking and whimpering, a part of me giving up. After everything I've been through and survived, maybe I should have just been killed....

"You stay. Now I keep you. It's punishment" they grumbled. I could hear them stomping away as I was left in darkness.

Shaking and defeated. At this rate.... It feels like the world wants to kill me... What did I ever do to make the world hate me so?

"Small. I set fire" I heard them say, a small camp fire blaring to life as they slowly roasted a goat.

I just stared numbly. All determination gone.

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