
By essential_snow28

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A year after the birth of Hope Mikaelson and nine months before the twins were born, took place the birth of... More

I am pregnant?
Meeting the father
Season 7 sped through
Speeding through season 8 just so everyone is aware of what happened.
I was feeling Epic
Waking the Mikaelsons
Meeting the Family
Starting a new
Where you left your heart
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea of Ancestry
Sorrow in the Grave

The scream

375 3 1
By essential_snow28

After the time that I guess I had been sick and sleeping, I was instructed to take it slowly. So I Had gotten up to talk to Hope, I felt bad for my attitude the other day and wanted to see how she was handling everything. Although upon entering her room, I found that she was not there. I checked everywhere for her and asked multiple people before running into Steven, a werewolf, who said he saw her leave a while ago.

I was extremely confused, Freya had wanted her to stay here... So where did hope go?

I call Freya, and she says that Hope is still at the school.

This is when I knew that whatever hope is doing is not accurate.

I go into my room place some candles around me to get me in a more powerful mood, before performing a location spell on Hope. As soon as I start to see her, in a car, she blocks me. I find her placing a cloaking spell over her.

I call my mom hastily," Mom, Hope she is not here. I tracked her, but she cloaked herself so fast that I lost her."

I hear her sigh over the phone," I know honey, I found out a while ago. I actually am about to tell your father right now. I am in New Orleans. Now I need you to stay at school...Okay? You can assist the tracking class"

I feel unease in her voice and know that there is no time to argue with her,"Okay, just make sure Hope is safe."

Mom says," I will honey, love you."

I smile and sit on my bed," I love you too mom."

Outside of New Orleans

Caroline and Klaus are parked at a rest stop, and Caroline hands Klaus a coffee.

Caroline,"They just texted. My tracking class should be zeroing in on them. We should have a location nailed down any minute."

Klaus frustrated," So what, we just wait here and sip rancid diner coffee?"

Caroline sighs,"Or you can think about what you'll say when you see Hope. Or more importantly, what you won't say. It'll be tempting to lash out, but you'll regret it later. "

Klaus,"- You know, you have a lot to answer for, and not just for losing my daughter. "

Caroline turns toward him, "She's not lost... "

Klaus cuts her off, "After all your haranguing. "Be a better father, become more engaged.""

Caroline starts using gestures," I refute "harangue." I am not a haranguer. I gave constructive advice. "

Klaus,"Which I heeded at my own peril. And Hope, nor Isabelle didn't make it any easier."

Caroline," Their not eight years old anymore. they don't have to look up to you now just because you're there dad. You have to earn it."

Klaus," You know, the truth be told, it's been bloody awful. I mean, it was bad enough when I had to keep my distance, but now, the desire to keep them close, to-to protect them, the constant worry."

Caroline laughs,"Well, congratulations. You just became a father."

Klaus,"Just as Hope became a truant. Why? Why would she do this?"

Caroline [LAUGHS SOFTLY]," It's pretty basic. Some girls just like the bad boys. The more sheltered they are, the more likely it is."

Klaus frowns," You say that like it's inevitable. It's not a rite of passage."

Caroline leans against the car," Oh, for some girls it is. It was for me. If there was a bad boy within a five-mile radius, I would find him. And some were even way too old for me. "

Klaus smirks,"Well. I'm sure some had very... pure intentions."

Caroline laughs," Maybe. "



Caroline reads a message,"Oh. My tracking class failed. But we have our location."

Klaus," How?"

Caroline," Find My iPhone. Let's go."

Laer in the car.

Caroline is driving,"We turn off in 4.1 miles."

Klaus looks at her," Do you regret the time we've spent together? "

Caroine chuckles,"Seriously?"

Klaus looks serious,"Do you?"

Caroline scoffs ,"Okay, if it'll take your mind off of wanting to murder an innocent teenage boy, then... no, I don't regret our time together. [LAUGHS] Ugh, I just think when we met, I was... I was so young. And when I think about it, I was someone else back then. And so were you."

Klaus smirks," I don't think I've changed that much."

Caroline smiles," I do. The man I met back then terrified me. I was intrigued, but I never felt safe. Or relaxed. Or myself, really. And now look at us."

Klaus,"Then why did you trust me with Isabelle as a child."

Caroline," Because you were her father, and I knew that you were someone who would do anything to protect family. That is what being a Mikaelson was. I knew she would be safe and loved."

Klaus smiles, "So you don't regret meeting me? "

Caroline," No. Of course not, without you I would not have Isabelle. But... I do think that I represented something for you back then. Like, something... innocent, that reminded you of a part of yourself that you lost and wished that you could get back. If we'd never met until now, I wonder if you'd even notice me. "

Klaus looks at her, "It would be impossible not to notice you, Caroline. Your essence would hover around me... harangue me until I did."

Klaus smirks and caroline laughs.

Later Klaus and caroline find their phones on the side of the road, but no Hope is there. That is when Klaus realized the boy Hope was with is Gretas' son.

They leave urgently to save her.

When they arrive at the house, Klaus walks ahead of caroline, when Elijah snaps her neck and reveals to Klaus that he is there to save his "family". Of which is not hope or Hayley.

Back at the Salvatore School, Isabelles Pov.

I am in the library with Lizzie anxiously sitting their with this horrible feeling surrounding me. I am so nervous, everything and everyone feels like death. It is making me break inside.

Whispers start to surround my head, and before I know it I get some sort of vision.

I see Aunt Haley and some vampire who has their hand in her chest. Next thing I know it Hayley is outside with the vampire and they both shoot up in flames, and I hear my dad's voice scream.

I am snapped out of the vision and land on my knees, letting out an ear-piercing scream. I feel tears down my cheeks, and whispers surround my head telling me of my aunt's death. I feel arms wrap around me but I don't notice anything, all I can picture is Hayley's death, it stains my vision. Unaware to me is the fact that everyone in miles and miles around me could hear the scream. Vampires and Werewolves covering their ears. Witches can hear it, but it barely hurts. My dad, Alaric, rushes into the room to see what's wrong. All of a sudden my scream dies down, and I pass out in Lizzies and Alaric's arms. THey carefully set me in my room, before reaching out to contact my mom.

When I wake up my mom is sitting on my bed. I look at her, and she gives me a sad look.

I shake my head," No, no it's not true. It cant be."

She leans in and gives me a hug," I'm so sorry honey, she's gone."

I start to cry even harder. Flashes of memories with Hayley fill my mind.

7 year old me runs into the compound jumping into Haley's arms.

Hayley picks me up and spins me around, before gently placing me back on my feet.

Hayley smiles,"Hey munchkin, are you ready to have the best day with your favorite aunt."

I giggle," Yes, Yes,yes....I have missed you so much aunt Haley. Can we please go to that one place that gets me chocolatey strawberries?"

Hayley smiles," sure hun, that was the first stop we were gonna make anyways. Then after we will explore the french quarter. Go shopping.."

I drop my jaw and in a awed raspy kid voice scream," I LOVE...SHOPPING!!!"

Hayley laughs," I know you do, and after that we will go to the Louisiana children's museum, and end the day with a delicious dinner with Jazz music. I know how much you love music sooo.."

I go and hug Hayley," I love you so much Aunt Hayley, Thank you for allowing to visit and spend the weekend with just you."

Hayley takes my hand as we exit the compound,"Of course hun, you know how much I love hanging out with my favorite niece."

WE swing arms as we go out to embark on our fun day together.


10 year old me

I call Hayley very upset," Hayley.... Can you teach me to fight?"

Hayley over the phone," WHy what happened?"

I let out a tear," i want to prove that I am tough. That all of those things that Allysa chang said about me are not true."

Hayley sighs," What did she say?"

I sniffle," That I can act tough all I want, but I am nothing but a week little girl who just acts all tough, but in reality I am just weak and that I dont even have a dad, and if I did he does not care about me. Then she pushes me to the ground, said some other stuff and yeah"

Hayley clenches her jaw," How about this sweetheart, I will give you fighting lessons every other weekend. I will either come to you, or you to me. Then on the off weekends I will hire someone to give you lessons on a weapon of your choice."

I let out a sad smile," Really?"

Hayley,"yes, it will be our little secret. Okay?"

I nod," Okay."

I hang up

.....five months later, and we have had ten fighting lessons.

I was getting pretty good, all thanks to her.

Hayley," I can teach you and train you, but just remember that fighting is never the first resort. You my sweets are kind and so intelligent. Remember the power of treating others with kindness before resorting to violence, it will do you wonders in life. Capeesh?"

I laugh and give her a hug, although I am all sweaty.

Hayley returns the hug," Oh eww your so sweaty."

I just laugh and hug her tighter, as she chuckles.

Millions of other memories pass through my head, and the tears are neverending. I cant believe aunt Hayley is dead. She has been a major part of my life growing up, and just like that she is gone. I did not even say goodbye.

I all of a sudden get a giant memory pop in my head, but its not of Hayley.

I say," Claude..Amelia..Banshee.." I then pass out, and my mom looks at me confused and worried.

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