When I Met You

By RayniaJonson

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Loki meets you, a sweet girl named Gracie Andersen in New York while on the run and things don't go the way t... More

Chapter 1: First Contact
Chapter 2: The Other Half
Chapter 3: Cupcakes & Pins
Chapter 4: Movie Night
Chapter 5: Another Asgardian
Chapter 6: Double Date
Chapter 7: Just Hanging Out
Chapter 8: Walk Of Shame
Chapter 9: Birthday Problems
Chapter 10: I Forgot
Chapter 11: Sick Party Bro
Chapter 12: Old Friends Meet New
Chapter 13: Christmas Eve
Chapter 14: Christmas Problems
Chapter 15: New Years
Chapter 16: Changes
Chapter 17: Stupid Sexy Jerk
Chapter 18: Training Trials
Chapter 19: Sleepover
Chapter 20: Good Morning Avengers
Chapter 21: Best Day Ever!
Chapter 22: First Patrol
Chapter 23: Understudy
Chapter 24: Final Curtain
Chapter 25: Lost
Chapter 26: All Tied Up
Chapter 27: Madness
Chapter 28: Playing Along
Chapter 29: Snowstorm
Chapter 30: Reunited
Chapter 31: Discussions
Chapter 32: Old Forest
Chapter 33: Elves
Chapter 34: Thank You Gift
Chapter 35: Twin Moon Ball
Chapter 36: Vampire Saga - New York Has Fallen
Chapter 37: Vampire Saga - Home Base
Chapter 38: Vampire Saga - Unlikely Allies
Chapter 39: Vampire Saga - Blood Bag
Chapter 40: Vampire Saga - Vibranium
Chapter 41: Vampire Saga - Game Changer
Chapter 42: Vampire Saga - Crossing The Line
Chapter 44: Vampire Saga - New Challenge
Chapter 45: Vampire Saga - Last Stand
Chapter 46: When I See You Again
Chapter 47: Remember Me
Chapter 48: Old Enemies
Chapter 49: White Butterfly
Chapter 50: Daddy Dearest
Chapter 51: Loki Vs Wolverine
Chapter 52: To Save A Life
Chapter 53: Parker!!!
Chapter 54: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Chapter 55: Nightmares
Chapter 56: Meltdown
Chapter 57: Love Spell
Chapter 58: Fire Princess
Chapter 59: All Or Nothing
Chapter 60: I Do

Chapter 43: Vampire Saga - Reinforcements

30 4 0
By RayniaJonson

You had just finished up your element of the plan, stretching as you left the Medical Bay, so happy to be able to move around again, as when you're told to stay still, all you want to do is move. You next headed off to find the others, or anybody really to inform them that you would be stepping out for a bit to possibly gather move help but nobody was around which was weird. Of course, your brain jumped to the absolute worse conclusion but before you could freak out too badly you ran into someone you weren't expecting at all, a certain fish out of water, or two. Triton and Prince Namor were there and you couldn't be happier to see them running over and hugging the Inhuman immediately, about to do the same with the Prince but just as you were about to make contact, you apologized, backing away as this was definitely inappropriate. "It's good to see you again your highness," you say nervously, as you stuck out your arm to shake his hand and he takes it, soon kissing your knuckles as he returns your greeting. You blushed and pulled your hand away, clearing your throat as your gaze drifted from both men, "um... Prince Namor... please don't take this the wrong way or anything but... *clears throat again* I have difficulty with certain forms of physical contact and you kissing my hand makes me uncomfortable, and I'd appreciate it if you refrained from doing so in the future".

There was an awkward silence over the next few seconds or at least you were experiencing one as each moment of no response was absolute hell, you really didn't want to hurt his feelings or offend him but you couldn't help but internally panic from the possibility. Your eyes briefly flashed up at the Atlantian Prince and then over at Triton before returning to admiring the floor, feeling almost worse as you couldn't recognize what they were feeling as to you, their expressions were a bit cold and blank. But before you completely exploded from nerves and being so incredibly tense, Prince Namor apologized, giving you a slight bow of his head as the last thing he wanted to do was to upset you, promising to not do it in the future. You nearly fell over as you could finally breathe again, letting just how nervous you felt about it as you placed one of your hands to your chest, taking in long deep breaths. Both royals found this almost amusing, your reactions were funny and unexpected at times, so your clear relief from such a thing was enough to make them both smile, at least a little one from the corner of their mouths. Their smiles did grow a little wider as you flashed a wide grin of your own, as you were so happy he wasn't mad at you or something, next asking how Atlantis was, hoping the city wasn't in chaos due to his absence. 

Namor told that although it was quite hectic while he was absent, the kingdom was more or less okay and things returned to normal once he did finally return. "So no declaration of war I take it?" you say slyly with a smirk, and the Prince plays along, following your statement with, "not today, but there's always tomorrow". But before much else was said, Triton cut in, informing both of you that there was still work to be done, which you instantly agreed with, asking the Inhuman to notify the others that you would be leaving to gather more support. "Where will you be going, if I might ask", Prince Namor said and you let out a nervous laugh, "well, um... sorry it's a little nerve-racking just thinking about it, but I believe it's our best bet, assuming I can get there in the first place". You didn't really answer his question as you were overwhelmed by anxiety all of a sudden, thinking about where you had to go all by yourself, to state you were nervous was an understatement. You mumbled to yourself as you took a step back, summoning Mjöllnir and turning back into Thor, giving both men a bow before excusing yourself and awkwardly rushing off outside the building to hopefully talk to Heimdall and get into Asgard.  

You left them in shock as you headed to the roof, not really sure what to do as you had never seen Thor open a portal to Asgard before, and Loki just called to him that one time so that was what you were going to try. You cleared your throat and did your best to sound confident while trying to talk to someone you couldn't see nor knew if he was actually listening to what you had to say. It didn't seem to be working, although that could have been because of your nerves, as you weren't exactly shouting but talking at the sky, perhaps you needed to be louder? You let out a sigh, closing your eyes as you cleared and focused your mind, gripping Mjöllnir tight with both hands, you hold it close to your chest and you concentrated on channelling its power. You started to glow with white lightning sparking off of you, floating slightly above the roof and when you opened your eyes, not that you had any way of knowing as you couldn't see yourself, they were glowing too. You looked up at the sky, speaking in a voice that wasn't quite yours, as this voice seemed so much bigger and more mighty despite the fact that you weren't actually speaking too loudly. "Heimdall, Guardian of the Bifrost and Watchman of the Gods...", you began, releasing more of your light and power, hoping that this would get his attention, soon saying the words, "open the Gates of Asgard to me, open the Bifrost".  

The light you admitted could be seen from almost anywhere in the city but because it was still daytime it wasn't as noticeable compared to nighttime where one could probably see it from outer space. Luckily, what you did was enough to get Heimdall's attention, with the opening to Asgard soon appearing above you and without hesitation, you flew through it. You bolted over the Rainbow Bridge right up to the Gates of the City, while doing your best to shove down all the nervous butterflies bouncing around in your stomach. You reached the large doors, greeting Heimdall properly, thanking him for opening the Bifrost as it was very important that you speak with Odin at once. Like the last and only time you met with Heimdall, he remained quite stoic, although his eyes seemed to narrow slightly more from your request to see the King so suddenly. Even so, he let you pass, and with another slight bow of your head, you wished him well before heading off to the palace to meet Odin, your future father-in-law all by yourself.  

Loki hadn't formally introduced you to his father yet and he wouldn't say why but in truth the God of Mischief was nervous about it, seeing as how it went when Thor introduce Jane. The King of Asgard was hardly pleased when Thor's soulmate turned out to be a Midgardian and knowing how sensitive you were the God of Mischief worried that his father's gruff and somewhat harsh tone would make you cry. Of course, you knew none of this, you had never interacted with him or any Asgardians besides Thor, Loki, and Heimdall and only knew what Odin looked like from the Smasher's Web Show. But you reminded yourself what was on the line as you made your way to the palace, keeping your brain focused on the task at hand despite being surrounded by a bunch of people you didn't know. All the guards looked on in shock as you made your way up the stairs to the main doors, with them merely backing out of your way as you pushed them open, doing your best to hold your head high and look confident. You were so nervous but the expression on your face was unintentionally cold and intense, you appeared very pissed off, like you were mere seconds away from going off and destroying anyone within range.  

It wasn't that hard to find the throne room as you just passed through the next largest set of doors that also had several guards posted at it, with them looking just as shocked as all the other soldiers. The doors opened and a hush fell over the room as you walked in, they were apparently in the middle of a meeting or something, with you recognizing several of the Asgardians in the room as you had seen them before on the Hulk's Web Show, same as Odin. Lady Sif and the Warriors Three were the ones you recalled seeing before but you knew none of the others, but you didn't let that stop you from approaching the throne or Odin. "Hail, Odin, Son of Bor, God of War and Wisdom, the All-Father and King of Asgard," you stated boldly as you knelt down on one knee, bowing your head, just hoping you got his titles correct and all that. You held your position, waiting for Odin to say something and what was only a few seconds felt like an eternity, it was definitely one of the most overwhelming moments of your life, but you somehow managed to keep it all in.  

Odin told you to rise and explain yourself, both your presence as well as the reason you wielded Mjöllnir and not his eldest son, which you gladly did once you make it back to your feet. You take a moment to gather your thoughts as everything you needed or wanted to say was rushing around in your head at incalculable speeds, but after taking a deep breath, you were able to explain yourself. "Your Majesty, I am known as Aurora, a Shield-Maiden of Midgard and I have come to ask for aid as Earth is in great peril", you say as serious as possible, somehow managing to stand your ground in front of such intense and powerful beings. You couldn't exactly read Odin's expression, but he looked a little more annoyed than before, inquiring for you to continue your explanation, but his tone made you feel even more uneasy. "Vampires have invaded and consumed New York City and although they are contained, for now, they won't be for long... Dracula, their King has infected and has taken control of not only many heroes and villains but the populous as well, the approximate number of undead surpasses four million, and your sons are among them", you state rather coldly as thinking about how you lost Loki to vampirism made your heart ache, it was all you could do to hold back your tears.  

Before Odin could respond you continued, letting your nerves overcome you for a few moments, giving the Asgardians a run-down of what was happening, that it was going down tonight and it was all hands on deck. "They have recently gained the intel needed to bring down the forcefield Shield put up, so tonight we are taking the fight to them, many heroes still remain but I worry it is not enough, so again, your Majesty I request Asgard's aid to save Midgard and all those under Dracula's control", you say as you kneelled once more, hoping that Odin would indeed help but he seemed unmoved by your request. In fact, he seemed rather indifferent to it, insisting that his sons shouldn't have gotten this involved with Midgard in the first place and this made you mad, as if that were the case then you wouldn't have met Loki. "Are we nothing but insects to you? Just because we aren't as strong or powerful we are worth less? Every single living being has value and to think otherwise is... is..." you became rather flustered, you never really had to deal with someone like Odin before. When you were a little younger it was MJ or Peter who would shield you but lately, it had been Loki, well, up until V-Day anyway, and now you weren't sure what to do, all you knew was that you were mad. How could Odin dismiss an entire planet, especially one both his sons held so dear, not to mention they were also in trouble and yet, the so-called King of Asgard was apparently unwilling to help.  

Odin didn't let you finish, quickly getting up from his throne to confront you for your apparent rudeness, but you were not in a gaming mood either, quickly shooting back at him. "You don't like humans, fine, but Thor and Loki are in trouble, they are both bloodthirsty vampires, your sons, your children are in trouble and you are unwilling to help?!? I would pay any price and do everything I can to make sure those I love are safe... and you call yourself a father" you fumed, the fury you felt in your heart escaping. That last part kind of slipped out but it was too late to take it back, not to mention with how upset you were it was kind of hard to hide as there was no one else there to rein you in, so you just stood behind your words, showing no regret. Odin didn't care for your ideas and opinion, seemingly getting more irritated with you, stating things along the lines of "how a child like you couldn't possibly understand, perhaps if you had as much experience as him" and things of that nature and you responded by saying you wouldn't want to be a "Stubborn Old Fart" like him, not really remembering the rest of what you said after that as all you could see was red.  

Odin cut you off again, shouting at you with his deep intimidating voice, all but demanding for you to give up Mjöllnir as clearly you were not fit or mature enough to wield such a weapon. The old you probably would have broken down into tears at being yelled at like that but now, after everything you'd been through, you stood your ground, refusing to give Odin the Hammer. At this point the King of Asgard was no longer asking, in fact, him asking you to give it up was a mere formality, Odin would be taking Mjöllnir by force if necessary, soon raising his hand, calling for the Hammer. You could feel the pull and to be honest, it caught you a bit off guard but you did your best to hold on, gripping Mjöllnir tight with both your hands as your entire body was slowly pulled towards Odin. "No," you shouted as for a moment you doubted yourself, and in that moment the Hammer slipped through your fingers slowly floating away from you to Odin. You could feel Thor's power leaving you but as you shifted back into your normal self, you recalled everything that had happened since the Vampires took over New York.  

All of your struggles, every single hardship you had to deal with, those first few days where you cried yourself to sleep and all the other times your face filled with tears, all of the constant fighting and training. You killed people who were your friends, you killed Loki, all for the greater good, even though you knew it wasn't permanent, it still broke your heart to do so. You were also the only human on the team who couldn't be turned and the weight it carried in your mind, it all came rushing back and you knew you couldn't give up, not now or ever. You called to Mjöllnir in your mind, reaching out with everything you had, repeating your promise to never give up over and over again in your brain. To the shock of every Asgardian in the room, the Hammer stopped floating towards Odin, just as it was about to reach the King's hand, it flew back the other way, transforming you back into Thor. The energy and power that erupted from you was even more than before, the light and electricity sparking off your body was brighter and stronger than any of the other times you transformed. You were all charged up and floating just above the floor as you spoke in that other voice from before, the one that wasn't quite you, soon saying, "I will not relinquish this Mantle, not until Thor Odinson returns or until my death, so if you truly wish to have Mjöllnir back, you must pry it from my cold. dead. hands".  

Then something you didn't expect happened, Odin broke out into hardy laughter, apparently, it had been a very long time since the Son of Bor had met someone like you, someone filled with such determination and a warrior spirit, not to mention someone just as stubborn as him. "I wouldn't say that your majesty" you began, pausing only for a moment before continuing, "there are just a lot of people I must save and protect, I would do anything to see them safe again, even if it costs me my life". After your statement, Odin popped his hand on your shoulder, patting you approvingly, despite being so young and still immature, your quest was noble, certainly one he would assist with. "Wait... was this some kind of test?" you ask rather bluntly, or more so, your words came out of your mouth without you realizing, but once you did you began to panic, at least internally. "Of course, worthy or not, I wouldn't allow just anyone to wield Mjöllnir," Odin said as he patted you on the back with great might, the way Thor would sometimes, at least with Hulk and his other comrades, so you were definitely starting to see the family resemblance, at least a little bit. After that, he allowed Lady Sif and the Warriors Three to accompany you back to Midgard, first heading off with them to gather their gear and weapons before actually heading off back to Earth.  

You were pretty quiet on the way back, only stopping for a moment to say goodbye to Heimdall who surprisingly opened his mouth and wished you well, which made you very happy. You brought the Asgardian Warriors up to speed as you entered into the Triskelion while also taking a moment to thank them for coming all this way to help them. They of course were happy to help, admitting that even if Odin did not approve of you or the mission they most likely would have come anyway, as they were truly loyal to Prince Thor. You lead them straight to the lab to get them Vibranium-infused Nanobot suits that would go over their armour to protect them from Vampire bites, seeing as they could turn just like any of the others. You walked into the room, announcing your presence feeling extra determined and even a little excited, of course, seeing as your side-quest was a success you couldn't help but be over the moon. You quickly introduced everyone properly before handing Iron Fist's Asgardian weapon to him as they allowed you to take it back to Midgard as he was the only one of the original five to still be among the Living. Well, technically, Spidey was there but he never received an Asgardian weapon during the team's trip to Asgard with Thor otherwise you would have brought it as well.

Spiderman didn't really care about that though, he was more focused and excited by the fact that you not only managed to bring extra back-up, you brought super powerful and epic back-up. Peter praised you, saying he was so proud of how strong and independent you had become, that despite the Vampires and everything else that was going on you were able to keep pushing through. You were definitely not the same girl he met at the beginning of High School, you were not only more outspoken and direct but you also seemed more yourself, you weren't holding back anymore. You, of course, feeling super embarrassed about it, told him to can it, as they didn't have time for all the sappy stuff now and to save it for later, after they kicked Dracula's ass. You then changed the subject, not wanting things to get awkward, quickly asking the Iron Spider where he was on all the suits and the light bombs, inquiring if he needed assistance. You ended up shifting back to your plain-old human form to help Amadeus, Peter, and Miles put together the last of the gear, telling Lady Sif and the Warriors Three to relax or whatever as there were still several hours until sunset and the actual battle.

Lady Sif ended up discussing fighting and battle strategies with Natasha and Blade, Volstagg ended up eating and chatting with Jack, Ben, and your wolf while Hogun ended up quietly conversing with Danny, although it didn't really look like they were talking much. Fandral, to no one's surprise, was flirting up a storm as apparently besides fighting, his personality consisted of being charming and a Lady's man and nothing else. You had witnessed it before while watching the Hulk's Web Show as Fandral was constantly hitting on Jen while the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. were visiting Asgard, what you didn't see coming was him flirting with you. I mean, as far as ladies go it was either you or Natasha so there weren't exactly a lot of options but still, it caught you off guard and you became rather flustered and uncomfortable, still not really knowing how to deal with this. You just tried to focus on your work while Fandral continued to chat you up while doing your best to politely decline his romantic advances also letting out the occasional anxious laugh. 

Surprisingly though, it was Johnny Storm who came to your "rescue", informing the Asgardian he was barking up the wrong tree, as you were already spoken for, acting all smug while he did it. Like Johnny had any room to talk that way when he himself would hit on you all the way up until finding out who you were dating, as the God of Mischief was definitely a scary dude. "I'm kind of impressed though, hitting on Loki's girlfriend, bold move, definitely stupid but gutsy nonetheless", Johnny said while patting Fandral on the shoulder while you just stand there red as a beet. "Johnnathan Storm," you shout, getting not only his attention but everyone else's as well, glaring at the Hothead with such fury before seething out that Fandral and all the other Asgardians were unaware of that fact. "So that wasn't some kind of joke, Loki is truly courting you?" Fandral asked, seemingly in shock as this was the first he heard of it, there weren't even rumours of the God of Mischief taking a new lover. Peter then cut in, sliding over and joining the conversation, saying that you weren't just his girlfriend but his soulmate and all your fury turned to the arachnid, the very dead arachnid.

"That has nothing to do with anything right now, last time I checked we had vampires to fight or did you forget, Mr.Parker?" you got right in Spidey's face as you whispered that last part, with Peter understanding right away that it was a topic you didn't want to discuss at the moment. But unfortunately, all eyes were still on you, at least, all of the Asgardians were still looking your way so you simply announced, that Loki hadn't formally introduced you to Odin yet so you thought it would be inappropriate to bring it up. You then awkwardly turned back, slipping on your headphones this time so you could focus better, although, it was always a little hard when there were others around. Even if they were quiet and didn't acknowledge you, it had always been that way, as long as you could remember anyway, it didn't matter who they were, friend or foe, others being around while you tried to get something done always made it harder. But you managed to get into a good headspace and eventually forgot anyone was there, to begin with, slowly descending into the deep recesses of your mind, becoming super focused on the task at hand.  

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