When I Met You

By RayniaJonson

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Loki meets you, a sweet girl named Gracie Andersen in New York while on the run and things don't go the way t... More

Chapter 1: First Contact
Chapter 2: The Other Half
Chapter 3: Cupcakes & Pins
Chapter 4: Movie Night
Chapter 5: Another Asgardian
Chapter 6: Double Date
Chapter 7: Just Hanging Out
Chapter 8: Walk Of Shame
Chapter 9: Birthday Problems
Chapter 10: I Forgot
Chapter 11: Sick Party Bro
Chapter 12: Old Friends Meet New
Chapter 13: Christmas Eve
Chapter 14: Christmas Problems
Chapter 15: New Years
Chapter 16: Changes
Chapter 17: Stupid Sexy Jerk
Chapter 18: Training Trials
Chapter 19: Sleepover
Chapter 20: Good Morning Avengers
Chapter 21: Best Day Ever!
Chapter 22: First Patrol
Chapter 23: Understudy
Chapter 24: Final Curtain
Chapter 25: Lost
Chapter 26: All Tied Up
Chapter 27: Madness
Chapter 28: Playing Along
Chapter 29: Snowstorm
Chapter 30: Reunited
Chapter 31: Discussions
Chapter 32: Old Forest
Chapter 33: Elves
Chapter 34: Thank You Gift
Chapter 35: Twin Moon Ball
Chapter 36: Vampire Saga - New York Has Fallen
Chapter 37: Vampire Saga - Home Base
Chapter 38: Vampire Saga - Unlikely Allies
Chapter 39: Vampire Saga - Blood Bag
Chapter 40: Vampire Saga - Vibranium
Chapter 41: Vampire Saga - Game Changer
Chapter 43: Vampire Saga - Reinforcements
Chapter 44: Vampire Saga - New Challenge
Chapter 45: Vampire Saga - Last Stand
Chapter 46: When I See You Again
Chapter 47: Remember Me
Chapter 48: Old Enemies
Chapter 49: White Butterfly
Chapter 50: Daddy Dearest
Chapter 51: Loki Vs Wolverine
Chapter 52: To Save A Life
Chapter 53: Parker!!!
Chapter 54: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Chapter 55: Nightmares
Chapter 56: Meltdown
Chapter 57: Love Spell
Chapter 58: Fire Princess
Chapter 59: All Or Nothing
Chapter 60: I Do

Chapter 42: Vampire Saga - Crossing The Line

31 4 0
By RayniaJonson

You practically clung onto Peter as you headed back to the Triskelion with him, you were so happy to see him you had a hard time letting go, just doing your best to stay calm. But the second he asked you about your new look and gear you exploded, telling him about everything, all the cool people you met including the frickin' Prince of Atlantis and the super nice hairdresser lady who showed you how to braid your hair like this, she even showed you how to take care of your braids. You even gushed about meeting and working with the Howling Commandos who happened to be sitting next to you, kind of scared by how cheerful you currently were after facing such a terrible foe. You got fed upon by a small horde of vampires and then absolutely destroyed by Vampirized Thor, getting tossed into a building that collapsed on top of you, nearly dying in the process, how were you okay? This was a complete departure from how you normally acted with them or anyone really, but you explained that you couldn't help but be happy as you got one of your friends back, one you wouldn't have to fight or kill, so everything was wonderful. "Don't worry, I'm sure it will come back up in therapy," you cheered, before giggling and humming the rest of the way back, truly, you were more frightening than any monster they had faced before.  

You soon arrived back and everyone was waiting by the entrance to yell at you and give you a hard time about leaving on your own in the middle of the night but you were still too happy to care. "WE... FOUND... SPIDER-MAN!!!" you kept cheering while practically dancing around from excitement, muttering to yourself about all the things you could do together, next asking yourself how he could have possibly survived this long all by himself, repeating your question again but louder to get Peter's attention. You stared up at him all starry-eyed and despite not being able to see it through your mask, the Wall-Crawler could definitely feel it and knew he had to explain himself. As it turns out, Peter suffered a head injury on V-Day but still continued to fight onward, checking in on his Aunt to make sure she was okay the second he was done fighting. But unfortunately, because of his injuries, he had slipped into a coma but luckily he made it back to his Aunt's place before losing consciousness and had only awoken a couple of days ago. "Today vampires attacked and they got Aunt May, I couldn't save her, I tried to escape but there were too many, if not for you guys, I would have been a goner", Peter said and you nearly broke down into tears, quickly wrapping your arms around Spiderman, healing him up with a bit of the energy you had recovered.  

You didn't question Peter's story at all but Blade was a little bit skeptical, as Dracula did sometimes use mortals for this and that, the King of Vampires could pretty much control anyone as long as he could look them in the eyes. The Dhampir gave Natasha the "look" and she understood, both leaving to discuss things further while you took Spidey to the lab, certain that was where Amadeus was and possibly Miles, completely forgetting about a certain creepy Scientist. "Oh Iron Spider," you sweetly called out as you entered the lab, "I brought a new lab partner for you", you continued to practically sing your words as you floated on cloud nine, being able to reunite Spidey with other members of his Spider Crew or whatever they called their team of Spider Heroes. Amadeus dropped the beaker he was holding, in complete shock that Peter was back and Miles who was also in the Lab, also freaked out, both young teens so happy to see their friend. While the Spider Bros caught up and all that you peered over at Dr.Morbius' workspace and it occurred to you to ask where tall, dark, and creepy went, not wanting to get jump-scared anytime soon.  

"Oh yeah, Dr.Morbius went out to find a few things, I mean the guy is the "Living Vampire" or whatever, he is the only one who can go out without drawing any attention besides Blade," Miles said and unlike what you thought, Peter barely reacted. It was strange but you went with it, but alarm bells were starting to go off and before you realized you said anything you asked Spidey if he wanted you to get a room together for him. All the students used to stay in one massive room but since everyone would be spending a lot more time together, more or less all stuck inside, it was decided to set up a room for each person so everyone wouldn't go crazy. "It won't be anything super fancy but... the beds here are surprisingly comfy, way more than I'd thought they'd be anyway, of course, you already seeing as you've been staying here a while," you said with a smile, not that any of them could see it with your mask still on. "No, I'm good for right now, I'd rather talk shop with the guys, figure out a plan for putting an end to Dracula," Peter said, brushing you off and you simply respond with saying you'd get a room ready for him now so by the time he headed off to bed it would be all ready for him. You felt rather off about the whole thing, you didn't know why but going against what part of your brain was yelling from the back row, you left to get a room ready for Peter, leaving him alone with Miles and Amadeus.  

You came back a little while later to inform Spidey his room was ready only to discover that the three Spiders had out blueprints and plans for the Triskelion as well as only key things involving their plans to stop Dracula. There was something off about this, Spidey had removed his mask and the look on his face was not an expression you had seen before but you couldn't quite place what was different about it. "Dracula?" you asked while looking straight at Peter, as in your mind you recalled that when Hulk fought the King of Vampires, he took control of the Leader's mind, and he was supposed to be one of the smartest guys around. Considering how long he's been gone, not to mention the fact that he was clean, recently shaved, and dead set on knowing all of your plans, the clues were adding up, this wasn't Peter, not really. You were certain now, as Peter gave you a little smirk, and spending enough time with Loki you knew it wasn't a friendly one, so you got into a fighting stance, demanding that the Vampire King let him go.  

Spiderman knocks Miles and Amadeus back, webbing them up before attempting to do the same with you but he fails, as his webs were blocked by your shield. "I got this, go warn the others, I doubt he's the only one... I have a feeling things are about to get worse, a lot worse", you announce as the Iron Spider and Kid Arachnid free themselves from the webs. The other Spiders headed off as you told Dracula that he wouldn't win and to give Spidey back, before apologizing for what you had to do, knock his ass out, hopefully freeing him that way. I mean, that's how it's done in all the movies right, you cause some sort of minor brain damage, setting them free from Mind Control in the process by disrupting the signal. "Don't worry Spiderman, I'll heal you up after and then you can take a nice nap, it'll be great," you promised, as you brought Peter closer to you, readying your fist to knock his lights out, knowing it would probably take more than one punch to do so. But just as your excellently thrown punch was about to connect, something hit you, sending you flying across the room, freeing the brainwashed Peter from your hold.  

You recover quickly, like usual, glaring at the man who knocked you down as you tried to think of a plan, next taking a quick glance around the room to see what you could use to your advantage. You didn't want to hurt Peter but at the same time you wouldn't mind tearing Dr.Morbius in half but before you did anything else, you locked the lab doors. Luckily you didn't have to go far, actually, the controls were just to your right and the shield you summoned blocked them from getting to you, so you managed to prevent them from escaping or causing any more problems. Your Shield didn't hold once Dr.Morbius turned on a sound device though, it was loud, terrible, and aimed directly at you, it made you drop to your knees, it got so bad. But it didn't matter, the doors were already locked and neither Spiderman nor Dr.Morbius knew the password or had a key to get out, so they were trapped. They would have to get through you first and then smash their way out, but you weren't one to sit pretty, you were already in a bad mood, and they would not be getting by you.  

In one swift motion, you knocked them back before charging, catching them both completely off guard as you smashed the sound weapon under your boot. It was true that the sound weapon affected you at first but you turned on the sound dampeners in your mask, the whole thing stretching over your ears, you were actually a little surprised they didn't notice. You would have worn them all the time but they blocked out too much sound, at least for fighting vampires, who would have constantly gotten the drop on you if you had them in. Still, being as sensitive to sound as you were, you had Amadeus help you install them anyway, just in case and oh boy, were you glad you did. You couldn't really hear what they were saying but that didn't matter, as there wasn't much they could say to get you to not kick their asses. "I won't go easy on you, I won't hold back, I will find you Dracula and when I do, I'll turn you to ash", you believed you only whispered it but you said it loud enough for them to hear you. This earned a smirk from both of them, not that you cared, you meant what you said, you really wouldn't hold back and if they saw the look in your eyes, they would have known how truly fucked they were.  

You summoned your blades, wasting no time and although you struggled to fight both of them at the same time, their lack of coordination and your focus allowed you to keep up. You managed to nick Dr.Morbius in several places but he was hard to hit, considering his speed and his wings and Spiderman was even harder to hit with his agility and flexibility. But you finally landed a deep gash across the Living Vampire's chest, sending him flying and crashing into the wall, leaving it between just you and Peter. You were at a bit of a standoff, circling each other for a moment and in that time you put the blades away and simply held up your fists, apologizing to Spiderman once again. "I will free you my friend but it's gonna hurt," you say just before coming at him, with the Wall-Crawler dodging, which you totally saw coming, in that moment flipping yourself around and using your powers to launch him hard against the ceiling. But he wasn't down yet, you knew that Peter had taken a lot harder hits than that, you've bandaged some of those injuries up, and the moves you were using would be nowhere near enough.  

This continued on for several more minutes, you blocking Spiderman's webs and physical attacks and him dodging and breaking free from your holds. And with you using your powers again so soon after what happened earlier, you were getting rather tired but you weren't the only one, as brainwashed or not Spidey did actually fight off a bunch of Vampires not too long ago. Both of you could use a break but neither of you would let up, but seeing as you knew you couldn't keep this up forever and knowing that you tried to talk to him, see if that could break the control as it did for Loki. You weren't sure what to really say at first, but you took off your mask and just kept calling out to him, reminding him that you were friends, that it was because of him you wanted to help, "That day I healed and bandaged you up for the first time, it made me want to try harder, Spidey...to do better, to be better, you're one of the reasons I became a hero, I wanted to be like you and everyone else here... I wanted to become strong enough to protect those I love... and I don't always know how to show it, I know some things go over my head and that sometimes I don't understand, but know that I will be here for you... I will fight for you... my dear friend, let me save you". It seemed to be working, Peter was fighting back against Dracula, so you continued, reminding him about all the times you worked together, all the times he worked with other heroes, how much he made a difference no matter what Jameson or anyone else said, he was a true hero, one you would gladly follow.  

"Lovely speech, Ms.Andersen," you heard Dr.Morbius call out and you turned to give him a piece of your mind when what you saw shocked you so bad you couldn't move. "What did you do Morbius?!?" you shout staring at the screen that showed Pharaoh locked in some kind of containment unit, you did your best to remain strong but you couldn't help but start to tear up. You rushed towards the Living Vampire, demanding answers but Brainwashed Spidey got to you first, quickly webbing you up so you couldn't move, holding you painfully tight in his arms to prevent you from even trying to go anywhere. You struggled, kicking and squirming the best you could but it was no use, you were stuck for the moment and yet, you didn't give up, not with the life of your cute furry boy on the line. "You bastard, let him go... seriously, are you so cruel to hurt an innocent animal? You absolute..." you shouted but you found your mouth all webbed up before you could yell at the Doctor more.  

"Oh Sweet little Gracie, I really wanted to play with you more, but my orders are to get rid of you, your powers are much too dangerous for Vampire Kind..." Morbius said, coming closer to no doubt kill you. "Of course... with your healing factor, it certainly won't be easy to kill you, but I'm certain, at the very least, it will be fun," the Doctor followed up his own statement but, seeing as you couldn't respond there was really no one else who could answer. But you weren't the one to respond, it was Dracula, speaking through Peter who asked about it, as his intel on you was only about your light abilities and was unaware of the rest. The King of Vampires wasn't spying through Peter during the fight, as he was focused on other things at that time so he had no idea about that little tidbit of information, inquiring if the good doctor could make a device to block your light abilities but keep your healing factor. Apparently, Dr.Morbius was already looking into that, responding that it would take a few hours as most of the things he needed were either here or at his lab across town. "Good, have that done and then bring this child to me, she will make a good blood slave," you heard Dracula's creepy voice speak through Peter and you began freaking out even more. You absolutely called it, they would turn you into a Human Blood Slave, but you weren't going to let that happen, and thankfully, you had a plan, you just hoped it worked.  

"What's this? I can't hear you, sweetie, you'll have to speak up," Dr.Morbius said as he packed up what he needed, planning to use you and Spiderman as hostages to get out and back to his own lab. The Living Vampire had everything packed up and ready to go, coming over to see what you wanted, as all of your muffled talking was getting rather annoying and he doubted you'd shut up unless he knocked you unconscious. But knowing you, that wouldn't last long so he ripped off Spidey's webs to hear what you were trying to say, and the second you could talk you demanded to know where Pharaoh was and for them to let him go. "Oh little Gracie, don't worry I'll take good care of Pharaoh... seeing as I won't be turning you into a weapon I'll turn your little wolf into the ultimate one," Dr.Morbius said, almost amused by how even more upset you were becoming. "Where is he?" you kept asking, in between you demanding for his freedom but the Living Vampire ignored you, for the most part, telling "Spiderman" to get ready as they would most likely have to fight their way out. You wouldn't stop though, and eventually, Dr.Morbius said that he'd never tell you, nor would you ever find out as by the end of the day you would belong to Dracula.  

You went silent, your face turned dark and you looked away, before your gaze fell to the ground, tears filling your eyes as you simply whispered, "I believe you, Dr.Morbius". Then in one quick motion, you headbutted Spiderman, breaking free from his grasp and his webs as Mjöllnir came flying and crashing through the door and into your hand. You needed time to mentally reach out for it as you had only wielded it once and what Morbius said about Pharaoh was enough of a mental push to get in touch with Thor's Hammer. Once it was in your hands you flipped around, knocking Peter out cold before transforming, white lightning once again shooting everywhere, blasting both Spiderman and Dr.Morbius back against the wall. You wasted no time quickly lunging at the Living Vampire, striking him with a huge bolt of lightning, causing smoke and light to fill the room completely, but once it cleared, Dr.Morbius was gone, not a trace of him remained. You left Peter unconscious as you flew out the doors, heading off to find Pharaoh as he needed you right now, nothing was going to stop you from finding him.  

You flew over nearly the entire city, doing your best to keep a low profile but being a bright glowing warrior lady, it was kind of hard, but any vampires who got too close died so it was less of a problem. You travelled to every known Hydra hideout or lab in New York or at least the ones that you could recall, but seeing as you had been going over that stuff over the past several days, you unknowingly remembered them all. There was only three more on your mental list and you were already losing it, calling out so loud and so often that without your healing factor, you would probably would have lost your voice. You arrived at Dr. Morbius' old lab when you hear Pharaoh, his voice was faint but he was here and you rushed around to try and find where that Vampire bastard hid him. You eventually busted down a secret door, rushing in without hesitation to save your cute furry boy but it was too late, Dr.Morbius had already started the experiments earlier that day, he wasn't just a wolf anymore.  

This didn't stop you from trying to heal him, to try and fix him, you wouldn't give up, you were too invested in it, on Pharaoh, you had to make things alright, your heart couldn't handle another loss right now. You focused more and more of your power and Thor's as you attempted to heal your white wolf, so much so the entire room lit up, shattering every window, blasting light out in every direction. You could see it from almost anywhere in the city, in fact, you might have been able to see it from orbit it was so bright, you had never used that much power at one time before, but honestly, with Thor's power added to yours, you probably could have gone so much further. Something pulled you back though, you could feel this odd feeling in the deepest part of your mind and you stopped, calming down and allowing yourself a break, feeling suddenly much more tired than before once you stopped. It wasn't only your powers and body that felt drained, you were mentally drained as well, everything that had happened was finally catching up again, but you were too tired to get all stressed out.  

You let your light go out but you were a little confused as the room was still so bright and as your eyes adjusted you saw Pharaoh get up and come closer, the light was coming from him. Your wolf was a lot bigger than before, he was larger than any horse you had seen and on top of that, literally glowing, his eyes even more ghostly than before. You didn't care about his new look that much though, Pharaoh was safe, that was all that mattered and without hesitation, you put down the hammer and held your arms open wide for him to come and tackle you to the ground. You knew that even in Thor form, your wolf would most likely not have any problems knocking you over, not that you minded, in fact, Pharaoh knew how much you really enjoyed it. Pharaoh was very excited and leaped forward towards you, going over your head by accident, but what shocked you was that he was running through the air, leaving a short trail of light behind him. "That's my boy! You go Pharaoh!" you cheered, the words slipped out of your mouth and you smiled, so overwhelmed at the moment, the scene was so beautiful and your wolf was so graceful.  

The sun just began peaking over the horizon as you returned to Home Base with Pharaoh in tow, you of course still had Mjöllnir with you but you were no longer in Thor form. There was something very majestic riding a giant glowing white wolf through the sky and you wanted to do it as yourself, there was no fight at the moment so it seemed overkill to be Thor right now. You held on tight, pressing your face against his fur, you were so tired but knew sleep would have to wait as there was still a lot of work to do, only resting now because it would likely be the only time you'd be able to. Not that you were resting for that long as it only took about 10 minutes to get back to the Triskelion, with part of you not even wanting to get up as you were so comfortable on Pharaoh's back. You hoped everyone was alright, you were the healer, but at the same time, they were trained to protect themselves, your cute furry boy needed you, there was no one to save him except you.  

Walking in you could see everyone was still here thank the Gods but they all looked a little worse for wear and although you were tired, you spent the next few minutes healing them up. The only person you didn't see was Peter and they told you he was resting in the Medical Bay, after regaining consciousness, he told them everything, the story he did tell you was true but he woke up a little sooner than he said and after Aunt May became a vampire, Peter fell under Dracula's control. And seeing as Dr.Morbius didn't get far with getting information out of everyone, he decided to send Spiderman in as he was someone everyone would trust without question, at least that was the goal anyway. You all sat together, feeling exhausted and somewhat defeated as through Peter, Dracula was able to learn what they were planning and figure out a way to break through the Force Shield, it was all over now. "No, we can't give up now, we just need to move up our timetable, get in contact with Shield, get Vibranium suits made on the other side as well, get Fury to call in all the reinforcements we have, the Agents of Smash, the X-Men, the Inhumans, Prince Namor and Atlantis, together we'll tear them apart and not only take back this city but the world too, what do you say?" you announced, doing your best to rally the troops but with it being your first big speech and all, you weren't certain it would work. 

Peter was the first one on his feet, absolutely loving your confidence, agreeing with you immediately, "Aurora's right, let's get this new plan together, get preparations started now, then we'll rest up and some major Vampire butt". Everyone was on board, all feeling a new drive to fight onwards, with each member of the team helping out the best they could, working together like never before to save the world. You had a couple of ideas about how to draw out the initial wave of Vampires and clear a path to Dracula and the main nest, going off to further discuss your thoughts with Natasha and Blade as they were in charge of this outfit. With their approval, you headed off to get started on your part of the plan, knowing you'd need to get it done now as you had other things left to do before the fight that evening. Dracula had built himself quite the army, made up of heroes and villains of all kinds, he even had the only two Asgardians on the planet but you planned to change that.  

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