When I Met You

By RayniaJonson

4.6K 369 85

Loki meets you, a sweet girl named Gracie Andersen in New York while on the run and things don't go the way t... More

Chapter 1: First Contact
Chapter 2: The Other Half
Chapter 3: Cupcakes & Pins
Chapter 4: Movie Night
Chapter 5: Another Asgardian
Chapter 6: Double Date
Chapter 7: Just Hanging Out
Chapter 8: Walk Of Shame
Chapter 9: Birthday Problems
Chapter 10: I Forgot
Chapter 11: Sick Party Bro
Chapter 12: Old Friends Meet New
Chapter 13: Christmas Eve
Chapter 14: Christmas Problems
Chapter 15: New Years
Chapter 16: Changes
Chapter 17: Stupid Sexy Jerk
Chapter 18: Training Trials
Chapter 19: Sleepover
Chapter 20: Good Morning Avengers
Chapter 21: Best Day Ever!
Chapter 22: First Patrol
Chapter 23: Understudy
Chapter 24: Final Curtain
Chapter 25: Lost
Chapter 26: All Tied Up
Chapter 27: Madness
Chapter 28: Playing Along
Chapter 29: Snowstorm
Chapter 30: Reunited
Chapter 31: Discussions
Chapter 32: Old Forest
Chapter 33: Elves
Chapter 34: Thank You Gift
Chapter 35: Twin Moon Ball
Chapter 36: Vampire Saga - New York Has Fallen
Chapter 37: Vampire Saga - Home Base
Chapter 38: Vampire Saga - Unlikely Allies
Chapter 39: Vampire Saga - Blood Bag
Chapter 40: Vampire Saga - Vibranium
Chapter 42: Vampire Saga - Crossing The Line
Chapter 43: Vampire Saga - Reinforcements
Chapter 44: Vampire Saga - New Challenge
Chapter 45: Vampire Saga - Last Stand
Chapter 46: When I See You Again
Chapter 47: Remember Me
Chapter 48: Old Enemies
Chapter 49: White Butterfly
Chapter 50: Daddy Dearest
Chapter 51: Loki Vs Wolverine
Chapter 52: To Save A Life
Chapter 53: Parker!!!
Chapter 54: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Chapter 55: Nightmares
Chapter 56: Meltdown
Chapter 57: Love Spell
Chapter 58: Fire Princess
Chapter 59: All Or Nothing
Chapter 60: I Do

Chapter 41: Vampire Saga - Game Changer

37 5 1
By RayniaJonson

You stopped going to the lab for obvious reasons, doing your best to try and avoid Dr.Morbius, having Kid Arachnid deliver everything for you instead, bribing him with extra snacks to do so. Of course, Amadeus noticed, he wasn't born yesterday and stopped by your room to ask you about it, but you weren't sure what to say, as you couldn't show your hand quite yet. On one hand, the blackmailing wasn't the biggest deal in the world now as you had other options and you were certain the others would believe you but unfortunately, Dr.Morbius was needed for the Vampire cure. You didn't want to admit it, but you all still needed him so for the moment, you would have to stay quiet as much as you didn't want to. So you only said that Dr.Morbius gave you the creeps and you didn't want to be near him anymore unless you had to be, hoping the Iron Spider understood. Amadeus just nodded his head, understanding completely, the doctor was too much to handle at times, explaining it was no problem, soon suggesting other places to hang out. You agreed to speak about it later as the kid had work to do but before you said goodbye and the Iron Spider took his leave you warned him to be extra careful around Dr.Morbius, despite his help, he was not someone they could trust. 

You watched Amadeus walk down the hall and turn the corner, before you closed the door but when you were about to you heard out of nowhere "you wound me, Miss Andersen". You didn't give a response, the only action you took was to shut your door but Dr.Morbius got inside your room before you could, quickly pinning you to the wall by your throat. "You're not saying things you shouldn't be, are you Miss Andersen?" Dr.Morbius slyly cooed, getting in close, pulling off your mask in order to read your face when you gave your answer. You just glared at him, commanding he release you from his grip or else as you summoned one of your gauntlet blades, holding it right up against his lower jaw, ready to stab him at any moment. Dr.Morbius simply smiled at you, definitely enjoying this little game as you were quite entertaining, asking again if you said anything you shouldn't have. "Considering you're still alive and also not in a cell, what do you think, or did that "big" brain of yours stop working?" you spit out coldly, narrowing your eyes at him even further as you began pressing your blade slightly harder into his jaw. Michael's smile only grew wider, showing off fangs as he spoke "see, that one was better, not fantastic but not terrible either, there may be hope for you yet as far as one-liners go".  

"And how many one-liners will you be able to say once I force my blade through your lower jaw and up into your Frontal Lobe?" you seethed, finding yourself unusually angry, pressing even harder with your blade. But your behaviour only seemed to make Dr.Morbius more excited, which pissed you off even more, making you light up and your braids start to float as well. Dr.Morbius' grip got ever a little tighter as he began draining your life force, finding that for some reason, he couldn't, even with physical contact, he wasn't able to feed at all. You had been working on your shields, trying to shape it into different things but so far, you could only shape it to outline your body although it took a bit more of your energy to maintain. "Sorry, Doc, I'm off the menu," you whispered with a little smirk, as you cause a flash of light to stun him, taking the opportunity to hit him where it really hurt, before breaking free from his grasp and flipping him around, pinning him against the wall instead. Dr.Morbius could probably have broken free at any moment as he was a lot stronger than you but considering you hit him or technically kicked him as hard as you could, he was still recovering, so you had time to give him an ear-full.  

"You can threaten me all you like doc, go ahead and expose my identity, it won't change anything as the only people in my life are powerful and badass, people who could easily take you down if they want to and if I say the word, they will," you announce as confidently as possible, not afraid of him in the least. "And what about them Miss Andersen, what of their families and friends, surely you can't protect them all from me and the rest of Hydra... I found out your identity easily enough, it would only be a matter of time before I figure out their identities because of you", Michael said smirking in your direction. At his words, all of your strength vanished and Dr.Morbius easily regained the upper hand, knocking you back, this time pinning you down on your bed, with both hands on your throat, with him sitting on your lower half to prevent you from using your legs to repeat what you did earlier. You struggled against him, trying to break free but Dr.Morbius told you to stay still or else he'd hurt everyone you cared about starting with your wolf or perhaps your mother and in that instant, you froze up. You didn't know what to feel as things were still very complicated with your mom, but you accidentally dropped your shield in your distraction, allowing him to feed on you again. You only snapped back as you felt Michael shove his lips onto yours, draining your energy even faster than before and you soon passed out. 

You woke up soon after but Dr.Morbius was gone, leaving you exactly where he had you pinned down on the bed and as you sat up you felt just as bad as before, having no idea what to do now. Yes, you would be most likely protected by Asgard being Loki's Soulmate and all but what of the others, what of Miles and his Mom, what of Peter and his Aunt May as well as the many other superhero friends you had and their civilian families? You were back right where you started, but this time you couldn't see a way out, the more you thought about it, the more upset you became and soon you were in tears. Before you sunk down too far into your sadness it occurred to you what happened the last time you freaked out really bad, so while you did your best to hold back your tears, you put on the rest of your gear and headed out. You didn't know where you were going but you knew you couldn't stay here, you couldn't endanger the others with your powers so you took off, leaving all on your own, you didn't even take Pharaoh with you, a mistake you'd live to regret. You obviously weren't thinking, but running away to prevent others from getting hurt was one thing, but going outside at night while your hometown was filled with vampires was another matter entirely. You didn't care though, you were too upset, so instead of crying and letting your powers go out of control, you were tearing through countless hordes of vampires, leaving nothing but the ash and smoke of the undead in your wake.

You had been at it for a while now, nowhere near tired or showing any signs of slowing down, you were too hyper-focused on the task at hand, giving little concern to anything else. You even ignored anyone calling you from Home Base, to the point you took out your earpiece, accidentally breaking it as you put it away in one of your pouches but you didn't actually notice that until later. It was too long until the person they sent out after you found your location, as although they could no longer track you with your earpiece, your powers were still trackable, thanks to Mr.Stark. But, Amadeus did have a little trouble locating you at first seeing as you weren't using too much of your powers so any energy spikes were on the weaker side and far and few between. Of course, with you being as focused as you didn't notice Blade right away, actually, you didn't even realize he was there until after all the vampires in the area you were fighting were defeated. As much as Blade wanted to chew you out for being reckless and running off to fight vampires on your own he figured it would be best if he waited until the coast was clear for the moment, even taking out several vampires himself. 

The second you were done fighting Blade came over and started yelling at you, demanding to know why you thought it was a good idea to run off and fight vampires all on your own. Your brain was still focused on fighting vampires so you had a hard time listening to Blade, even looking his general direction was a bit of a struggle, finding yourself fidgeting with your fingers as you let the Dhampir shout at you. Blade demanded to know what possessed you to come out here and go all one-man-army on them, as it was beyond dangerous, even for someone like you, but by his tone, there might have been more to it than that. Blade expected your answer but you struggled to find the words, but the more he got in your face, the harder speaking became and soon you were yelling too. "I'm upset and I'm using my upset feelings in a productive manner instead of sulking and or possibly destroying the Triskelion and all of you guys", you yelled, all awkward and tense, your voice even cracked at one point, it was really embarrassing. You then turned away, excusing yourself before walking away to go fight more vampires but Blade wouldn't let you leave, which only upset you further.  

Your argument went back and forth for a little bit but eventually, you had enough and just took off your mask, getting right up into Blade's face, staring him down as you told him to leave you be. You could feel Blade's glare from behind his sunglasses, but you continued to maintain eye contact, determined to get him to cave and give in, so he'd leave you alone. It had been less than a few minutes of staring until Blade asked what was bothering you, even less time for you to crack and admit you couldn't talk about it or else he'd, but you caught yourself before you said anything else. It was too late however as Blade insisted you tell him what was going on, removing his earpiece to put away so no one else could possibly overhear what you were about to say. You remained adamant though, refusing to say a word, that was until Blade asked what Dr.Morbius was up to, what did he to you, as the Dhampir had already put everything together, he was a very smart and observant guy after all. You broke at his words and burst into tears, immediately wrapping your arms around Blade as you continued to cry and although you tried to stop and explain yourself, you found that you were unable to.  

Blade really wasn't sure what to do, he normally didn't have to deal with upset and or crying humans, so he was really out of his element here, frozen in place as he tried to think of a solution. He held his arms up and out in a defensive position, not touching you while you just clung to him, lighting up the whole area you were so overwhelmed, just trying your best not to let out a massive explosion or anything. You took deep breaths, breathing in and out super hard, like people do while in labour and it helped, if just a little bit, you were still very upset but at least you weren't crying super hard anymore. Through your tears you managed to apologize to Blade for hugging him out of nowhere, knowing you should have asked before making physical contact with him. Your mind was still racing as you blurted out your answer, not 100% sure if you were making sense, but you tried to, "he knows, he knows my real name but I thought it would be okay even if he told anybody but then he threatened my mom, my bitch mom who I hate and also don't, plus everybody else, Ms.Parker is an angel, she sent me an email birthday card, it was a cute one with cats so I can't let her get hurt, I can't let him use me to pull the mask off of everyone but I don't know what to do".  

After your initial somewhat confusing explanation, Blade ended up taking you to a nearby rooftop to talk about things in a more calm manner, having you take the time you needed to get all of your thoughts together. You sat down on the edge with him, summoning a small ball of light, having it float just above you so if any vampires were dumb enough to come near they would turn to ash instantly. "You were really made for this huh?" Blade said in a straightforward kind of manner, acknowledging that your light powers made you a nightmare to virtually any vampire, the only one you'd probably struggle against was Dracula himself. Although with proper assistance you could probably take him out, possibly for good, Blade continued to think about it while you gathered your thoughts. You eventually explained that Dr.Morbius knew your secret identity and was blackmailing you with it, making you feed him with your life force while threatening to release your real name to the public if you told anyone. "I thought I figured away around it as I realized it wouldn't be the biggest deal in the world if people knew who I was considering the only people I really care about are super powerful, well... everyone besides my mom and that's... complicated to say the least," you continued to explain, and after another short break to gather the rest of your thoughts you told Blade what happened earlier.  

You tried not to falter as you continued talking but you couldn't help it, beyond worried that Dr.Morbius would hold up his end of the blackmail, but Blade reassured you that he wouldn't get away with it. You did feel a bit better afterwards but you still couldn't help but be a little depressed and anxious about it all, being the paranoid worry-wart you were. Not that you had time to worry about that, as the second Blade put his earpiece back in there came a distress call over the emergency frequency, so both of you raced off to go help. As you followed after Blade you asked for the specific coordinates, finding yourself nearly tripping up in surprise from discovering the location was right near the museum, where several vampire Avengers had been confirmed to nest. You ended up speeding up a little faster after that, wanting to get there as quickly as you could, using a little more of your power to thrust yourself forward, getting a little ahead of Blade in the process. You wondered who it could be, knowing that only agents of Shield and your fellow heroes had access to it and although you would help anyone, you hoped it was one of your friends who remained unaccounted for.  

It would likely be a fellow hero as it would be hard for any non-superhero person to survive this but you had to wonder why now, as this whole mess started more than several weeks ago. How did they survived this long on their own, why didn't they contact Shield up until now, would it be a hero you knew or not, the questions kept swirling around in your mind until it occurred to you that this could be a trap. As you leaped off one rooftop, shortly landing on another you expressed your concerns to Blade who merely agreed with you, telling you to be on your guard in case this was in fact a trap. With a simple nod of the head, you mentally prepared to face the possibility of deception which may or may not involve fighting your friends from the Triskelion and the Avengers or even worse, fighting Loki. You weren't sure if you'd be able to fight the God of Mischief again, it practically broke your heart having to stab Loki through his and you doubted you'd be able to do it a second time. As you arrived though, the God of Mischief was nowhere to be seen thank the gods but there was another Asgardian on the scene and he wasn't alone, as Captain America, Power Man, and the White Tiger were also there, all vampires.  

You swear you were about to break down in tears when you heard a familiar voice shouting out a vampire pun, taunting the enemy and your heart practically shot out of your chest from joy. It was Peter, somehow Spiderman survived this and was just showing up now, not that you cared, you were just so happy to see him, wanting very much to run and tackle the Wall-Crawler, giving him a hug to put all others to shame. Although you didn't have time for that at the moment, needing to fight off all the vampires first, but you knew it would be a bit of a struggle, considering you had already been fighting Vampires for several hours. Not to mention, you ended up using a great deal of your remaining power increasing your speed to get here as fast as possible, you could still fight no problem but your light abilities would have to sit on the back burner for a while. And if that wasn't enough there were still dozens upon dozens of regular vampires you needed to defeat in order to even get to Spiderman and you knew time wasn't on your side. The sun wouldn't be up for hours and although you were certain Blade could survive until then you weren't sure about yourself and you were definitely sure Peter couldn't, considering he already looked so exhausted.  

You wasted no time calling out to Spiderman, not really saying anything of note just a simple, "yo, Spidey, I missed you dude" as you couldn't think of anything else at the moment. Thankfully Peter did in fact hear you but obviously didn't recognize you with your current look, as it was very different from what you'd normally wear as Aurora. Peter did recognize Blade though so he knew you were definitely here to help, next commenting on how it was nice to see the Vampire Hunter again while still being confused on how he could see wearing sunglasses at night. You couldn't help but laugh, finding yourself getting distracted by seeing Spiderman again, losing focus in the process and it cost you dearly. Several vampires managed to get the jump on you, pinning you down with you soon screaming from the pain as they began biting you on your thighs and hands, your only exposed spots. You wasted little time blasting them away with your light, turning them to ash, along with the dozen or so others who also surrounded you but unfortunately, that was all you had left. As you made it back to your feet you realized that you overtaxed your powers as you weren't healing as fast as you normally would, coming to the conclusion that if one more vampire got the drop on you like that it might be all over for you.  

Several more super-powered vampires appeared, including Agent Venom, which Spiderman took on while Blade took on the rest of the newcomers along with Captain America. You handled all of the outliers, slowing them down with Vervain Smoke Bombs before rushing in and taking them out, but soon enough you had to take on Asgard's Crown Prince and Champion, Thor. The others wanted to come to your aid but were tangled up with the super-powered vampires and Howling Commando backup wouldn't arrive for at least another 10 to 15 minutes at the earliest, you were on your own. Although the Thunderer didn't have his hammer, he was still a force to be reckoned with, his usual Asgardian strength and speed was boosted by becoming a vampire and he soon gained the upper hand despite your best efforts. Thor ripped off your silver choker, biting into your neck with such force you were honestly surprised you weren't torn in half by his action, not that you had much time to focus on that thought or the pain as you soon became very light-headed. You were barely conscious as Thor disposed of your body, literally throwing you away, crashing into a nearby run-down building with such force that part of it came down on top of you, successfully trapping you beneath it.  

The time seemed to have slowed to a crawl as you found yourself struggling to hold on to life and breathe, it was a struggle but you knew you couldn't give up yet. You knew they couldn't get to you under all that rubble, but there were too many vampires out there so you'd have to find a way out on your own, you needed to get back out there and help them. It wasn't just your life on the line, it was Peter's life and the lives of everyone you held dear, and you were determined to help them no matter the cost. You had said it before that you wouldn't give up trying to save everyone, it was that or die trying but not even you knew exactly the depth of your words until this moment when you were in a situation such as this, the likes of which you had never felt or seen before. You were certain you had more than a few broken bones but you still tried to get up, you couldn't just lay here, the others needed your help, there was no one else. Luckily, with the way the building collapsed you found yourself stuck in a sort of air pocket, managing to pull your leg free from under a beam without causing everything else around you to completely crush your body.  

You next summoned a little light so you could find your way and it hurt so bad when you did so, it was if you took a punch to the gut, winding you but that pain was everywhere. You even ended up coughing up a little bit of blood which was definitely not good, but the possibility of internal wasn't your concern right now, the fact that the vampires could smell it was. You shook your head at the thought, "no, I won't die here, I can't, they're counting on me, I'll save them, I'll save them all, I have to,". You repeated those words as you desperately tried to find a way out, becoming more focused on getting back to protect your friends, your family, when out of nowhere you heard something approaching. It didn't sound like a person or anything like that, nor was it any kind of tech, at least this noise wasn't like any technology you heard before and you grew rather curious as it drew closer. The sound shifted and you swear you could hear it inside your mind but it was more like a feeling, bright and warm, it filled you with even more hope.  

You pushed through the rubble, not able to completely free yourself yet but you could at least get some fresher air and see to the outside, not that there was much to see while inside a collapsed building. "Almost there, I'm almost there", you thought as you continued to solve the puzzle of what pieces of debris you could remove without causing everything to crumble on top of you when you saw a bright light. It blinded you for half a second but eventually it faded and once you made out what it was, your eyes went wide, you couldn't believe what you were seeing. You were questioning whether or not you were seeing things because of your injuries, as you did hit your head when the Thunderer threw you but you decided you weren't seeing things and that it really was Thor's hammer, Mjöllnir, floating just outside of the rubble. You hesitated as you reached out for it as you heard the words "Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor" it echo in your head, but in the end, you took hold of it.  

In an instant, the rubble all around you flew back as lightning stuck and shot out all around you, blasting everything away and destroying any vampires who were still nearby. You floated out and up above everything, white lightning sparking off of you as all who was left in the vicinity stopped fighting each other and stared up at you. To be fair though, you were certain this was an outcome no one expected, it certainly never crossed your mind that you'd be wielding such a weapon. Not to mention the outfit that came with, it was similar to Thor's, long red cape, silver and black leather-like material, along with the winged helmet and surprisingly comfortable boots. It was also a bit different, as over the black fitted material there was a breastplate, bracers, upper arm plates, thigh guards, and a wide thick belt from which a bit of fabric came down to cover privates as an extra layer of modesty perhaps. The helmet was different too though, as it covered most of your face, but your lovely Viking braids flowed out underneath it, appearing a little longer with even more hair-rings and the like.  

But you weren't paying that much attention to your new look as your focus was still on saving everybody, the whole "turning into Thor" was merely a brief distraction. You spotted the original Thor right away but the only thing you could think of to say before flying at him was, "Odinson, I believe it's time for round 2". You shot forward at him, nearly breaking the sound barrier as you did so, hitting him square in the jaw with his own hammer, sending him flying away from you but you didn't waste any time, going after him immediately. You struck him with lightning and he turned to dust instantly and at this realization, you flew up high into the air, summoning a bunch more lightning to blast every vampire you could see, destroying them all. You caught sight of the reinforces as you landed, forming a mini-crater in the process, causing more dust to fly up, making your entrance a somewhat epic one. They all stared at you, not that you cared, as the second you spotted Spiderman you ran to him, wrapping your arms around him, realizing you were much taller in this form. But as you continued to hug Peter tight, you began to shrink back to your normal size, shifting back to your usual self, just so happy and thankful that everyone was okay.  

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