That Time I Got Reincarnated...

By Isekai_Maker

62K 950 467

You died from sleep deprivation, working in a 9 to 5 company rarely getting any sleep or days off. You rememb... More

Waking up
Meeting Rimuru's fated one
Waking up and Meeting Orges
Naming the Ogres
Meeting Gabiru and a Dryad
Announcement 2
The Battle of Satisfaction
The King appears and A new Nation arises
A Loli Appears
The Kingdoms of Falmuth and Blumund
Charybdis - A truly BRUH moment
Meeting and Saving the Children
Beach Chapter
Delegation Time pt 1
Delegation pt 2 - Dwarven Kingdom
The Wrath of Y/N pt 1
The Wrath of Y/n pt 2
The Wrath of Y/n pt 3
An Upgraded Slime Rises
Old Friend + An unexpected people
The Meeting among Leaders
Meeting among Leaders pt 2
Clayman's plan
The Discussion of Battle - Walpurgis is near
Walpurgis is set
Walpurgis - The fight
Not a chapter just a vote
Walpurgis - Ending
Christmas in Novus Roma
Confessions (Lemon)
Is it a rematch or a war? pt 1
Is it a rematch or a war? pt 2
(Side Chapter) - Farming
(Side Chapter) - Summer
Y/n's Bio
The 7 Celestials
Relaxation before Diplomacy
The Current map of the Tensei World
The Dungeon
More Dungeon Stuff
(Side Chapter) - The Spirit of Shizue-san
The Meeting of Races
The Meeting of Races pt 2
A Good Misunderstanding
Benimaru's Unintended Rivalry
The Founder's Festival is Ready and Open
The Hero & The Kids - pt 2
The Hero & The Kids - Finale
Title.exe has stopped (Lemon kinda)
The Tournament - Quarter Finals
The Tournament - Semi-Finals
(Inter-Chapter) - Money
The Tournament - Finals
Chating with the Hero
Cooperation pt 1
IDK what to name this...
Cooperation pt 2
Side Chapter - How did Janemba get here?
Diablo's Reward
The Western Union - Invitation
The Western Union - Meeting Day
The Western Union - Idiots
Multiversal Stake
The Western Union - Beat Down
Assassination Plot
Union Memberstate
The Finale

The Hero & The Kids - pt 1

247 5 0
By Isekai_Maker

Y/n's pov

Today, I and Rimuru have guests that want to have a meeting with us, and we know who they are. First was the King and Queen Blumund ー who at first glance looks like your average isekai nobles; the King looking like a middle-aged man and the Queen... well she looks young even though it's said that they've been married for 20 years.

King: "I must apologize for not thanking you sooner. Your winning over Marquis Muller and Earl Hellman, as well as applying pressure to the Western Holy Church, helped us all a great deal." 

We both gave the king our thanks and tried to not deter the comment. "No, no, Rimuru-san, Y/n-san! There's no need to thank me. All we did was live up to the terms of the treaty we ratified. And did Fuze tell you, by the way? I had gambled 'quite a bit' on you. Our nation's fate, in fact, is now tied in with yours. And I did this because we do stand to profit, so there's no need for further thanks!" 

"Wait, you sided with us not because of being a small nation but because of profits?". I asked.

King: "Yes but actually no."

Rim: "Well either way. I'm happy to see that you trust us."

King: "I truly wonder if you really are a demon lord sometimes. *snickers* And I do understand that our Viscount Cazac caused you quite a bit of trouble. I'm quite glad you were able to rescue your countrymen from him."  

"Well, with the situation related to him being settled, I don't want to continue talking about him."

King: "I understand. But what do you plan on doing with him now?"

"One problem. Prosecuting him will be problematic since he's still a noble, so our laws won't be able to affect him. Unless..."

King: "Ah, yes. I forgot to mention this but due to Cazac's connections to the 'Orthros' group, and with other international criminal groups. *speaking low and ominous* We've decided that Cacaz is no longer a noble, he has forgotten what is the duty of a noble and turned to the dark side. His house and land are no longer, thus you can give whatever punishment you desire."

 Rim: "I think that's a fitting punishment to give at him. If we did punish him based on our laws then the people in human civilizations will, if they do, think that we're prioritizing our own as a justification for going to war again."

King: "Yes, that's true. There are still not many people who believe that you wish for cooperation between humans and monsters, especially the human supremacists."

"I see. So it's best to just strip him of his title and lands so no tensions start between our people. *sigh* I was hoping to at least punish him, oh well."

Rim: "In other words, we accept the penalty the guy has."

King: "Excellent! Now with that situation out of talks. I've heard from Fuze that you have some grand operation in the works".

Rim: "That's true, but it involves more than our two countries, it involves all and every nation.  I'm hoping we can assemble representatives from all the nations involved for further discussion, which is part of the reason for the Founder's Festival."

King: "If it involves every nation then there's no need to worry about being so secretive. Fuze gave me a brief summary, and from it, it sounds like something that could and will affect our position in the world. I could hardly leave this matter to my bureaucracy."

Rim: "In that case, then I guess I could go into detail about this..."

(Sometime later)

Queen: "My lord, this plan can be a reality which could move the mountains." The king nodded in response, but I think the comment was made towards Rim.

Rim: "Of course. But it's only possible if the Founder's Festival is a resounding success. We still have 3 more days until things get more open for nobles and commoners."

Kinh: "Then I'm sure there is little to worry about. But why hasn't started yet,  just look at how lively things are! And I can only imagine how many nobles worldwide are making the journey over here."

Queen: "I can only imagine. But as Rimuru-san said, there is no need for us to hurry matters. A plan like this one proposed will require an agreement from all the nations involved. In the meantime, we will work with our own government to ensure a consensus on this matter. But we must leave and experience the festival for us nobles. I hope that the Tempest Founder's Festival is a resounding success". They both stood up and left, not trying to waste time on their part or ours.

(The next day)

Today, we - Rim and I are being visited and meeting with Gazel. 

Gazel: "Well, Rimuru, here I am! *thump* My first journey by carriage in far too long! I'm exhausted!" As he sat in the chair he leaned over and grabbed the last doughnut which was Rim's. As soon as he grabbed the doughnut he felt like he remembered something and put the doughnut back at the table.

Rim: "Uhh... I actually wasn't expecting you to be here."

Gazel: "Pffft! Do you think I wouldn't? When I know you're up to something I can't know unless I see what it is with my own two eyes! And also...I have a question for you, the both you know." He said the last sentence in a partial serious tone.

"Which is?".

Gazel: "So the fight between Hinata Sakaguchi and the 7 Celestials? That's a lie, isn't it? The tie and their death?".

Rim: "Well, you could call it winning the battle and losing the war, but yeah, I won in a sense that it became a tie."

"And the death of the 7 Celestials, we did kill them err to be more specific it was Val- Luminous that kill the Celestials we were fighting and the others were killed by our demonic subordinates."

Gazel: "Unbelievable. That woman, of all people... Frankly, she's stronger than I am. Her swordsmanship, for one—but even in overall strength, I'd lose. And as for the Celestials, you fought... You really beat them?". We both nod and it looks like he's gotten a small headache from this.

Gazel: "*sigh* Well let us move from this topic. So, what are you planning this time?".

"Is it about the Festive?".

Gazel: "No, about it's the Western Holy Church, they sent us a message asking to open a channel for future negotiations! They used to classify us as a nose away from monsters! Why'd they would they overturn their doctrine like that? It was so sudden, I just know you have to be behind it!"

 "I mean you're not wrong." I said as Rim sent a 'Hey!' through telepathy.

Rim: "Well, um, I have to say, it's the first time I've heard about this. But you know, I think duking it out with Hinata has helped us develop a sort of friendship...? That's how we reconciled things, besides, and we agreed that we'll try to stay on good terms in the future. So maybe that got them in the spirit? Like, it inspired them to make some official overtures with you, too?". Gazel in response rose his eyebrow.





Gazel: "Heh... You saw my [Read Thought], didn't you? Well, I applaud you for it, but I think you forgot about someone who can't."

'Well, shit.' "Um... do I have to just say something in my mind to deny you access or do you just search for it?".

Gazel: "Both. Now that I've got caught up with things. I'll accept the Church's request."

Rim: "That's good. *nervous laugh*".

Gazel: "Enough of this. Doing my diplomacy for me, without permission...  *sigh* But oh well. I'm going to leave, I'm going to enjoy this festive occasion. You've given me only the best seats, I'm sure? I might as well enjoy what you've got for me."

Rim: "Um... Yeah, I did. Have fun."

(The next day)

Today, Rim and I are meeting Youm and his gang. It has been some time since we've seen him and I do hope he has continued his training.

Youm: "Yo, Master, Rimuru-sama! It's been forever, hasn't it? And guess what? I'm King!"

Rim: "And the clothes do make you look and be a King, don't they?"

Youm: "Yep! But, I do have to thank you both. You both took me— a prisoner and made that prisoner a King. So if you ever need help, just hit me up! Oh, and don't hangin' on what yer aiming for!"

Mjurran: "Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama, let me reintroduce myself. I am Mjurran Farmenas, wife of the king. It is good to see you again." Mjurran lifted up her dress a little and curtsied.

Rim: "You fit into the role of queen like a puzzle piece, Mjurran." 

Youm: "Yeah, doesn't she? She's educated and all, unlike me. But I'm proud having her."

Mjurran: "I do have some experience in this, shall we say. Clayman was such a stickler for etiquette and manners..."

"Well, it's an experience for all of us. Ruling a nation is challenging for us. A while back, we had to formally greet every species in the Forest of Jura. It felt like we had to constantly be, metaphorically, chained on being formal."

Youm: "Even for master it's hard *whistle*. Well, I do have nobles requesting audiences with me, and some of those idiots are already forming factions trying to start something. It's a neverending headache! At least that Razen guy, our magic expert, is handling all that pretty well."  

"Well, that's good to hear. But just because you have to run a nation doesn't mean you forgot to train, right?". I said with a grin that brought a shiver up Youm's spine.

Youm: "Y-yea. I would never forget. He... he."

Rim: "And Grucius, I heard that you're now part of the new Knight corps now?"

Grucius: "I sure am, Rimuru-dono. I turned the job down, but he never listens to me... I still consider myself part of Carillon-sama's Warrior Alliance...but for now, I don't mind babysitting this idiot."

Youm: "Urusai! You're the idiot here!".

???: "King Youm! Captain Grucius! You're being terribly rude to the D.Ls" Said a young boy. 

Youm: "Ahhh, Edgar, you're always so serious..."

Grucius: "Ha-ha-ha! And why not? He's far better put together than you. What more could we ask for in a crown prince?"

Edgar: "Captain Gruecith! This is not the time for joking. I am trying my best to serve as King Youm's attendant, making sure he becomes a good and just king!" 

"Quick question. Who's this kid?".

Youm: "This kid? He's the son of the previous King. He's my advisor for King stuff."

"Oh. I didn't know he had a kid. Huh, you learn something new every day."

Rim: "So, Youm, as thanks for keeping your promise, I have a present for you. Diablo-". Diablo reached out of his sleeve and placed a roll of paper in Rim's hand which was handed to Youm.

Youm: "Hey, what's this?".

Rim: "Read it. It's a surprise."

Youm, who wasn't particularly good nor bad at reading, just tossed the paper over to Edgar. With a nod, the boy read it—and then his eyes widened to the point of coming out of his sockets. 

Edgar: "You-you're forgiving the rest of the reparations?!"

Rim: "Yep. Don't really need any, now that Youm's king.".

Youm looked at Edgar with a smile. "So that means that we're in the clear right, Master?"

"Yep. That means you can run your country with fewer headaches."

Youm: "Well that problem away, we can celebrate by enjoying ourselves at this festival!" 

(Later that day)

Rim: "Hey, Y/n do you wanna visit the children with me?".

"Sure. We did promise to visit them every now and then. Do you wanna I.T to them or..."

Rim: "Well it's better if we go to Yuuki first."

"Got it. Grab on. *pop*".









Rim: "Sup, Yuuki!"

Yuuki: "*screams*"

Rim: "Hehe. Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

Yuuki: "No, no. It's fine. I just didn't expect for you to teleport here... How did you do it?"

Rim: "It wasn't me but my brother."


Yuuki: "Oh, right. He's a Saiyan from the DB universe and that was Instant Transmission, right."


Yuuki: "So, what brings you here?"

Rim: "We're here to see the kids. We did promise to visit them. Oh, and when you have the time can you come and visit our country and enjoy the festival we're having?".

Yuuki: "Of course! Why do you think I'm trying so hard to get ahead on my work? Also, give me one minute." Yuuki stood up and called for someone.

Yuuki: "Let me introduce you guys. This is Kagalim (A/n: I just added an m into her name, cause reasons.), the vice master of the Free Guild. She'll be running it while I'm gone."

Kagalim: "Hello, Rimuru Tempest, Y/n Tempest. Or should I call you D.L Rimuru and D.L Y/n? My name is Kagalim. It is an honor to meet you."

Rim: "Just call me Rimuru. This is my second time here, but I don't think we met the first time, did we?".

"And you can just call whatever you want. Also nice meeting you."

Kagalim: "Likewise. And to answer your question Rimuru. No, you wouldn't have been able to. I've only returned here recently. My passion is exploring old ruins, and I've just come back from mapping out the complex at Soma, one of the largest in the west." 

"*chuckles*... Reminds me of Indiana Jones."

Kagalim: "Is this Jones also a explorer of ruins like me?"

"Uhh... I guess you can say that."

Kagalim: "I see. Well, either way, I will be here to maintain the guild so that Yuuki will visit."

Rim: "Question: Who's got the rights to the ruins that are explored? Is it whatever nation they're located in?"

Yuuki: "That's a tricky question. For example, in the case of the Soma complex, that's managed by the Free Guild. It was discovered in a somewhat tricky location—a desert region called the Barren Lands, farther west from Western Nations territory."

Kagalim: "But to be more exact, the Barren Lands are located right up against the domain of the Demon Lord Daggrull. Thus, the area is not under governmental jurisdiction at all—everyone's too afraid to come near it. Ruins in unaffiliated lands like these don't have anyone who can lay claim to them."

Rim: "Oh... We'll have to be careful with those, then...".

"Are you talking about that?"

Rim: "Yeah."

Yuuki: "Uhh. Guy's don't leave me hanging. What's the that?".

Rim: "Well, there's another complex of ruins in Clayman's old domain— to be more exact, in our half of the integrated lands of Clayman's. There more on the other half."

Yuuki: "There is? You're sure of that?!" He said in excitement and disbelief.

Rim: "Yeah. Clayman had this vast fortune and collection and stuff. Back then, while we were attending Walpurgis he handed out magical weapons and armor to his forces like candy. I'm thinking he harnessed the things he found in that ruin to finance it. But the thing is..."

Yuuki: "Yes?" 

Rim: "Well, this might be rude to say to someone who makes exploration their profession, but I'm not really interested in plundering ruins just for the treasure. I want to know how the people there used to live, what kind of culture they had, and why their cities fell. I think ancient people deserve at least that much respect, so we don't let the past go to waste."

Yuuki: "You're being so un-bri'ish right now, Rimuru."

Rim: "I'm not even British!"

Yuuki: "You're right."

Rim: "No shit!"

Yuuki: "But aren't you speaking English?".

Rim: "Wait... what?"

Yuuki: "Embrace It!"

(Y/n in the background: 

"It's official..."

(A/n: "It's harder to do when you use a trackpad. Also... *ahem* CUT! We're wasting our budget here! Now, from the top!)

(Take 2)

Yuuki: "You're more of a romanticist than I thought, Rimuru."

Rim: "What do you mean, 'more than I thought'? I've always been this way, Yuuki."

"No, no. He's got a point."

Yuuki: "Hahaha! You'd have to be, to come up with an idea like building a nation of monsters. Also liked the meme reference."

"Just a man of culture doing cultured stuff."

Kagalim: "I see... Certainly, that's a perspective I did not have. But I understand it. I am not a fan of seeing ruins get vandalized myself, either. We need to build the right sort of expedition team before we send them there." 

Rim: "Right. Well, the problem is, like I said earlier is that we own half of Clayman's territory while the other half is owned by Mililm, which I think my brother can help in giving access to explore them.".

Yuuki: "So if we wanted to explore those ruins, we'd need the permission of D.L Milim and Yours too?".

Rim: "Yeah, but like I said, my brother would be able to help with getting Milim's permission."

Kagalim: "And there isn't any other way to avoid that? To explore those ruins?".

Y/n: " I'm sure she'd say yes if I asked...but knowing her, she'll most likely want to go in, too.".

Kagalim: "That's... unexpected...".

Rim: "But, you know, I was planning to explore those ruins anyway, so having an expert like you along would certainly put my mind at ease, Kagalim. And since we've introduced ourselves to each other, maybe I could pay you through the Free Guild to help with that effort? What do you think?".

Kagalim: "But who would have the right of having the relics?"

"Maybe a joint right between us and Milim would be probable. Considering we each own half of the territory. Or something.

Rim: "Well, we can talk about that later. But for now, its best to have them displayed than be sold off, and I know just where. But that's gonna be when we go ahead and explore the ruins. Does that sound like a plan?".

Yuuki: "Yep. The Free Guild would be happy to help."

Kagalim: "I'm looking forward to this. I'll begin making arrangements for this while I run operations in Master Yuuki's absence." 

Rim: "Then with that away for now. Yuuki, we're going to see the kids so..."

Yuuki: "No worries. Got ya covered."

Rim: "Y/n if you would."

"Sure. Grab on". Both Rim and Yuuki grabbed on my shoulders and we... *pop*







"Here's our stop."

Yuuki: "That felt different than regular teleportation."

Rim: "Tell me about it. But don't worry you'll get used to it."

Yuuki: "Yeah... Yeah... Ok, now that we're here we can go inside."

(A few Zoro moments later)

Rim: "Hey, guys! How's li- oof". All the kids tackled Rim and me, surprisingly which lead me to make an audible "oof" out of me.

Alice: "Sensei, Sensei! You've been gone for so long!!".

Gale: "She's right! You promised me you'd come in regularly to visit!".

Kenya: "Yeah! Gale's telling the truth! I thought you forgot all about us!".

Ryota: "But I'm glad you're here now, Mr. Tempest!".

Gale, Kenya, and Ryota all gathered around us, expressing their joy even as they complained about our tardiness. And there was Chloe— who wasn't far behind them, grabbed onto Rim and smiled. 

Chloe: "Welcome back, Sensei!

Yuuki: "So popular. *lightly laughs*". I'm a little jealous."

Gale: "Oh, Yuuki's here, too!"

Kenya: "Are you gonna fight me today like you promised, Yuuki?"

Ryota: "Me too!"

Noticing Yuuki the children's smiles grow wider. Kenya was challenging him to a fight, and Ryota and Gail also were. Which reminds me...

"Have you guys been able to access the power I gave you all?". All of them look at me and nod.

"Thats great! But, I won't be able to train you now since there's a festival happening in our nation."

RIm: "And I was wondering if you'd like to come with us to enjoy it?"

Kenya: "Hurry! We gotta get ready!"

Gale: "All right, Ken!"

Ryota: "Whaaaaa—?! Why didn't you tell us sooner?! This is huge!"

Chloe: "Yeah, Mr. Tempest! How can you just say this out of nowhere?!"

Alice: "Um, I um... I can't wait too!"

The children immediately sprang into action, packing any and all the stuff they need. They didn't waste a moment of time. The decision was unanimous. 


Long time no see, right guys? So, a bit of an announcement, I'm going to focus on this fanfic entirely and not the other ones. Here, 


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