Stay - BTS Jin FF

By femjokerdragon

812 46 16

Friends -> fwb -> enemies -> lovers Yoongi, his twin sister Yunmi and Jin have been inseparable sinc... More



32 3 0
By femjokerdragon

When I arrive home, I start to paint my room and a little while later my phone rings. I see it is Hobi, so answer it. He begs quietly, "Can I stay here tonight, please? I'm outside. I don't want to be there when Yoongi and Jin hyungs explode at each other again." I go to the door and motion him inside.
I hug him and apologise earnestly, "I'm sorry that your birthday turned to shit."
He sighs and admits, "I'm not. You said what needed to be said. I told Seulgi that she would be banished for a week if she didn't leave the house to complete the dare."

I smile and offer lightly, "I'm painting my room before it gets delivered tomorrow. Do you want to help or just dance to music while I am working away?"
He grins, "I think it would be nice to do a bit of both." I smile and take his hand, leading him upstairs. While we paint, Hobi states a little disappointedly, "The one of us you have a crush on is Jin isn't it."
I ask nervously, "Is it obvious?"
He sighs, "Only if you put the pieces together. You know I love puzzles, so I did just that."
I ask quietly, "Can I trust you with a secret?"
Hobi responds, "Of course you can, noona."

I take a steadying breath then admit, "From Jin's birthday until he agreed to date Seulgi again, he and I were friends with benefits. I gave him everything of me, from friendship to love and care, and my virginity along with it. I was going to confess to him on Valentine's Day. Before I could, I heard Seulgi ask him to accept her again, then saw her give him a blow job. I asked him if he ever got over her while he was with me, and he answered no."

I chuckle bitterly as tears slide unhindered, and I continue, "Seulgi attacks me and lies to him, so he attacks me. She is driving a wedge between us because she sees me as a threat. I have lost Jin to her. We all have because he isn't the Jin we know anymore. I lost my best friend because I tried to show him my love, but in the end, I was not enough. He takes the side of his manipulative, cheating girlfriend. I feel broken and tired. I can't live with him anymore and become the enemy. I can't live with him and hurt myself just to see him think he is happy."

*Hobi's thoughts*
I wish you had fallen for me instead. I've loved you for your caring nature for a long time. I would love to experience what you experienced with hyung, but I don't want to hurt myself when I know your heart won't be in it.
I'll continue loving you from afar and trying to make you happy, maybe help you get away from hyung for definite so your heart can heal. Yes, even if it's not with me, I want you happy, noona. You deserve happiness.
*End Hobi's thoughts*

Hobi holds me as I break down and comforts me, "I'm so sorry, noona. You deserve better. Have you thought about giving EXO members a trial relationship? A few of them like you and are looking forward to potential relationships."
I grumble miserably, "I don't want to use them like that and have one of them end up feeling like I am and ruin the friendship. It wouldn't be fair. I'm just going to focus on my career as an idol and ensure my content is great, so I make my fans happy. I will appear on the weekly show on Friday to perform Holly's song."

Hobi smiles and muses, "I'm glad you chose that as the title track instead of the one about us because your fans are from every fandom."
I nod, smiling as we start painting again, and Hobi offers, "If you ever just need someone to talk to, noona, you can always come to me. I don't want you to resort to doing anything stupid. There is a bright future for you."
I sadly mumble, "I tried suicide once as a teen. Yoongi saved me. I never told Jin. I didn't want him to know and think me weak. After Jin and Seulgi got back together, I thought about it again fleetingly. I decided instead to get away from them. I might harm myself, but nothing that would be permanently damaging." He hugs me.

*Meanwhile back in the BTS house*
Yoongi heads up to Yunmi's room to check on her. He feels a draft from the door, which is unusual. He knocks for a good 5 minutes before trying the handle. The door opens easily, and he looks around at the bare room.
He checks her ensuite and walk-in closet to realise she isn't there. Panic starts rising. He checks under her bed and in the desk cupboard where she often hides during a panic attack, and he stills in fear.
He looks out the window and breathes a sigh of relief that she hasn't done something horrible. He shuts the window and walks out to the corridor. He shouts, "BTS! Check your rooms and the house! Yunmi isn't in her room!"

BTS hunt through the house as Yoongi tries to text Yunmi, getting more and more worried as he receives no response. He notices her car is gone and fears that she has gone to commit suicide somewhere she won't be found.
He calls their family, asking if they've heard from her. Jin starts kicking off, angry at her for leaving and calling her childish. Yoongi quietly vents his fears, "What if she's feeling suicidal and she's out there alone? What if she has gone out to do something where we can't stop her?"
They all still, and Jungkook says determinedly, "I'm going out looking. I'll start at the new place."

Taehyung offers, "I'll drive to work and see if she is going there to work in her studio."
Namjoon states quietly, "I'll contact Sejin and see if we can get security out looking for her."
Jimin offers, "I'll see if Hoseok knows where she might have gone. He might be able to convince her to meet him and come back, then I'll go looking as well. I'll try the hiking spot she showed me a while back."

Jin goes to make a suggestion, but Yoongi shuts him up, saying harshly, "This is your fault, hyung. If you get involved, she might run away, so just stay here and don't get involved! You made her run! What she did was stick up for the group as she could see us all getting agitated and uncomfortable by Seulgi, her eyes forever on us! You made her feel like shit for speaking up for your brothers! Now is the time that you shut up!"
Jin looks forlorn as he absorbs this and asks, "Did Seulgi really make everyone uncomfortable?"

Yoongi rolls his eyes and snaps, "Didn't you wonder why everyone opted for wearing layers instead of putting the heating on? She stares at us all! Didn't you notice the dares she gave everyone to strip?! Are you so blinded by what you think is love that you overlook what she does?! Are you so blinded that you can't see her trying to steer a mountain between you and everyone else in this house?!"
Jin starts breaking things, throwing them around in frustration. He is finally with a woman who makes him happy, yet no one is happy for him. Then a worry settles within him, and he asks, "What if she was taken?!"
Everyone tenses before their efforts to search for Yunmi, double up.

*End BTS house POV*

Yoongi rings me. "Hi, Yoongi."
He asks nervously, "Did you leave without telling me, Yunmi?"
I apologise, "I'm sorry Yoongi, I was angry so I decided to come to my place to paint my room ready for tomorrow."
I hear panic in the background, and Yoongi shouts, "DON'T BREAK SHIT, HYUNG! SHE'S SAFE!"
Jin growls, "Give me the phone" After a lot of noise, I hear Jin, "WHAT DID YOU RUN AWAY FOR?! WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH A FUCKING CHILD?! YOU HAD US ALL WORRIED TRYING TO FIND YOU!" 

I reveal in a bored tone, "I'm not alone, Hobi is here, and we are safe. It's not childish to walk away from a situation to calm down. That's actually a rather adult thing to do. Don't break things. You only hurt your wallet because it will need replacing, and Seulgi won't be happy that you aren't spending the money on her! Good night Jin. I hope you get a good night's sleep."
Jin squeaks, "Don't tell me what to do. We were all worried about you! Your bedroom window was wide open! We thought you might have been kidnapped, for God's sake!"

I scoff, "As if I'd be kidnapped without someone noticing ... they would pay you to take me back because I'm annoying and childish."
Hobi laughs, and Jin asks, "So, where are you?"
I snark, "Why do you care?"
Jin sighs heavily and responds, sounding tired, "You're still my friend, even if you are being childish and throwing a tantrum about my girlfriend. I'm allowed to worry about your safety."
I say blandly, "I'm in a house, painting walls, and I'm staying here tonight with Hobi, so we are both safe. Put Yoongi back on the phone."

Yoongi chimes in, "Are you going to be ok for the night?"
I sigh, "Yep, Hobi is with me, and we are sleeping on the airbed tonight. The furniture gets delivered tomorrow, so I can be here painting until it arrives. Good night, Yoongi. I love you."
He sweetly responds, "Good night, Yunmi. I love you too. I'll call off the search party." We hang up and return to tunes. We have lots of fun dancing to PSY and Gen 2 groups.
We pass out around 2am when Hobi announces, "I need to be up at 8am to go home and change so I can be in the office by 10am."

I sigh as we crash onto the air mattress. "I hope you enjoyed your birthday. I'm sorry again that I ruined the atmosphere in the house."
Hobi curls up around me, hugging me close, and says, "I am glad you did it. You just said what everyone else was thinking. This was fun, though, I've never painted with you before, but it might be a new hobby. If you don't mind me coming round to join you? I enjoyed it a lot, like a tame goofing off."
I smile and coo, "Of course, you will be welcome round whenever you want. I can give you and Yoongi the spare keys. Good night Hobi."
He snuggles in and whispers as he dozes off, "Good night, noona."

I wake up before Hobi and set him up a small breakfast before he leaves. I look at my phone to see texts from BTS members. The 2 that stand out are Kookie and Jin.
JK: Tell hyung I'll bring him a change of clothes so he can relax 😁
SJ: Come to the offices today, I need to talk to you
I sigh, and Hobi comes down to the kitchen, looking like a lost puppy. I chuckle and say, "You will get used to the layout eventually, Hobi. Have some food. Kookie will bring you a change of clothes to work so you can relax."
He sighs in relief, "Thank god, I am not ready for today."

He texts Joon while he eats and relays to me, "Apparently, there is a tension between the hyungs. Does Yoongi know about what happened between you and Jin?" I shake my head, and he affirms, "I won't mention anything to them."
I smile gratefully, "Thank you, Hobi. I appreciate you being my confidante. I am exhausted by them. Yoongi is starting to encourage me to make friends and date, but Jin won't allow it."
He agrees tiredly, "Me too. I just hope they get their shit in line before we tour. I told hyung last night that he can't deny you getting into relationships and keep you for himself while he goes and has relationships himself"

I muse, "They should be calm by the time the tour rolls around. Thank you for standing up for me. I think sometimes he forgets he's not responsible for me, and if Yoongi says I can wear things and do things, then he can't overrule him." I smile and then add sadly, "Me leaving means that I won't be intervening in anything anymore, so expect a bit more conflict in the house."
Hobi groans and begs, "Can I move in with you?"
I face-plant the counter and laugh harder. I cackle, "If you want but expect lots of DIY for a while. I will be painting every room. I want to paint a temple in the living room as the feature wall, and I will paint lots of different foods all over the dining room once everything is out of there."
He chuckles and agrees, "Sounds like it will be pretty and fun."

I smile, and he lets out with a stretch, "I'm glad you woke up before me to let me know I can chill."
I add thoughtfully, "I'll return to the house when you go so I can pick up the last of my stuff and have it back here and start painting before the movers arrive at 4pm."
Hobi goes to work, and I head to their house. I get in and hear noises, indicating that someone is still home. I take a deep breath and look in the living room to see Jin fucking Seulgi over the sofa. He makes eye contact with me and starts pounding into her harder as she begs him to.
I roll my eyes and say, "Don't mind me. I'm just grabbing some belongings."

I pick up photos, ornaments, and paintings before walking out and putting them in a bag. Jin grunts, "Wait, Yunmi!"
I look back at him, and he grunts as he cums inside Seulgi while staring at me. The love and pain in his eyes are unmistakable, but I'm numb to him.
I protest abruptly, "What do you want, Jin? I'd rather not witness you two being disrespectful and fucking where people eat and relax. You have a bedroom for that."
Jin pulls out of Seulgi and praises her, "Amazing as always, baby girl, but Daddy needs to teach a lesson."

Seulgi keens at the praise, and I take a deep breath as Jin walks over with his dick out, trying not to watch it swing. I fight the urge to throw soapy water at it, to clean him of her filth, before pinning him on a sofa myself and riding him how we liked it. He grunts harshly, "You were rude to my baby girl last night. You need a punishment."
I respond to his tone with a challenge in my own, "I was telling her to stop trespassing. Have you addressed her behaviour with me? The bratty attitude, gloating behaviour that she's the one getting your dick because she is insecure and sees me as a threat."

I get up close to him and muse quietly, seductively in his ear, "Did you tell her that I give better blow jobs than her? Did you tell her how you loved fucking my tight pussy in the car, in the woods, in our beds, and in my studio? Did you tell her to stop baiting me for a negative reaction, or will you slap me again for getting protective of you and demanding she stop being such a bitch to me? Have you asked Yoongi to see the video evidence of what you slapped me for, or will you keep believing the manipulations of Seulgi?"

I say quietly but with firm conviction as I step back, "I have never once lied to you, Jin, because I've never had reason to. If she comes near me, I will make her regret it. I told you that I won't make you choose between us, and I won't. I made a choice for you, though, because I'm moving out. I have a new home and am here to collect the last of my things to move out completely. I won't be here to endure her torture anymore, so enjoy your relationship."

*Jin's thoughts*
Why was I struggling before she got here? Why was I so annoyed that it was Seulgi beneath me instead of Yunmi? Why did I need to see her to cum? Why is it so hot that she is challenging me?
Of course, I hadn't told Seulgi what I had done with Yunmi. Why would I when it's none of her business? Why the fuck is she teasing me and reminding me about it all, though? I'm fighting hard to not react to her recalling things.
What video? Why is she so serious about not lying to me? I didn't hit her that hard! It's not like I haven't hit her when we play-fight before! Why can't she just get along with Seulgi?! Why is she always picking a fight with her?!
Wait ... Yunmi's moving out? Why does it feel like she just stabbed my heart? Fuck ... She's leaving! She can't leave! ~internal panic attack starts~ SHE CANT MOVE OUT! I need to stop her somehow. I can't let her leave and maybe find another man to hang out with. Why? Why does the thought of her being with someone else hurt so much?

*End Jin's thoughts*

I see the anguish in his eyes, betrayal, and fear. He asks, "Why are you telling me this?"
I sigh with resignation, "Because I'm tired, Jin. I support your relationship with Seulgi by taking a step back to prevent conflict. I will always be your friend and be here when you need me, but I can't be near her. Part of my agreement for debut was to move out so I could do more content for my fans without having BTS crash into it all. So that's what I'm doing, and it's good that I am, so I don't accidentally reveal your relationship. I will still visit and see you at work, but I'm done living here. I have to get the rest of my clothes" I walk away and go up the stairs to my room.

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