Stay - BTS Jin FF

femjokerdragon द्वारा

812 46 16

Friends -> fwb -> enemies -> lovers Yoongi, his twin sister Yunmi and Jin have been inseparable sinc... अधिक



37 1 0
femjokerdragon द्वारा

Today is Valentine's Day, and every year since I became friends with Jin, I have made and given chocolates to our parents, Yoongi, Geumjae, and Jin, because they are all important people to me. When BTS became a thing, I made chocolates for all of them.
At first, they were confused, but the confusion only heightened when I gave Yoongi a box too, and Yoongi explained that it was my way of thanking them for being an essential person in my life. Jin smiles and says sweetly as he hugs me, "I look forward to finding out what spread you've made for us this time."

I blush and tease, "You will see, but I've made something for you separately too." I have already warned Yoongi that tonight I will sing my confession to Jin, and he is happy for me. We hold the usual party at the house for all idol groups, and everyone is in high spirits and complimenting my debut.
I mingle as everyone decides which of my debut songs and covers they want to listen to. It is heart-warming to see them all discussing my music and coming to me, asking questions. I dance along with some people.
I notice Seulgi clinging to Jin a lot, and it angers me. He deserves better than her. She is a cheater and a user. Even if it's not me, he deserves better than her. I notice I'm not the only one throwing shade at Seulgi, as I see Yeri and Irene doing the same. Interesting.

I am happy but also nervous. I address the room as the music dies off, courtesy of Yoongi, "This year I've done something different. I made all the cooking you have all been eating because you are all precious friends to me, so I wanted to give everyone a little love. I finished the story of angels and sins BTS at war, it's now available on Kindle, and it's called 'The War of 7's'. I completed a painting of the cover art as my gift to BTS. For Jin, I wrote a song as he is my dearest friend. If not for him winding me up and pushing my impulses to show off at the supermarket, I wouldn't be here as your equal today."

I put the painting on display, and everyone gasps. I look around for Jin. Yoongi says quietly to me, "He went off to the bedrooms. Perhaps he needed a rest, so it would be a nice opportunity to show him the song privately."
I thank Yoongi and head off up the stairs, anxious and excited about showing Jin my confession song. I hope he feels the same way about me, considering how close we have gotten. I check my room just in case because sometimes he goes there for comfort.
Seeing that he isn't there, I move on to his room. I notice the door is slightly open. I listen in and hear Seulgi's voice, her tone seductively whiney, "I've missed you, Oppa. Be my daddy again? I'll be a better baby girl this time. I promise."

I feel my heart drop. I know he never got over Seulgi, but I hoped I had helped him move on. Jin responds huskily, "I've missed my baby girl too. Make daddy happy and show me how much you've missed being mine, and I'll accept you back."
I look in, morbid curiosity getting the better of me. Like driving past a car crash and trying to get a better look to see if anyone died. Or trying to hide something when you know it's a fruitless endeavour.
I see her on her knees in front of him, sucking his cock, and he moans so erotically I get instantly wet. I feel like ice just got dumped on me. He never sounds like that with me. Reality settles in, and my heart breaks. This is the end of us. He is taking her back.

*Jin's thoughts*
I have Seulgi back! I can't believe my patience has finally paid off, and she understands it's me she wants! I'll treat her better this time, do whatever she wants and give her more time. I need to tell Yunmi that we can't play anymore.
Shit, why does that thought hurt? We are just friends! I got my baby girl back. That's what is important. She knows how to make me happy. She knows how to love me and live this lifestyle, she can be seen with me, and no one will mind.

Shit, she takes me so well, but it's lacking something ... eye contact, maybe. ~I make her look up at me~ No, something else. She doesn't look happy. She looks victorious. I'll fling my head back and close my eyes. Maybe I just forgot what it feels like with her compared to Yunmi.
Why do I see Yunmi when I close my eyes? Why am I reacting to the memory of her? Why do I want to pull Seulgi off me and search for Yunmi? This is what I want. This is who I want. Fuck! I'm cumming!

*End Jin's thoughts*

I quietly close the door and walk to my room, trying to ignore the noises I can hear from his room, and I slowly make my way to my room. I get in and lock the door. I get my iPod and listen to Hollywood Undead full blast through my headphones to drown out the image and noise.
I cry quietly, face down on my pillow, as I feel my heart shatter. I grieve for the relationship that's now lost, the lost future I dreamt of. I remember life before when they were together and how she would be abusive to me. I search addresses before outright buying a property and then text Sihyuk.

Me: I think it is for the best that I move out. I've brought a home on Hwasa's street. Under no circumstances can this address be given out, not even to my family or BTS 🤫 I will give it to people as I deem necessary 😊 I'll start packing and moving things tonight and order furniture for arrival next week 💪 BTS do not know I am moving out, but if they ask then we can tell them that this is part of the plan regarding my debut as an idol. I'd rather not discuss with anyone the reason I am leaving 🤫
I pack up my clothes, bed linen, and towels and leave the suitcases in the walk-in wardrobe.
PD: Sejin will bring you a company van. He doesn't know why you need it. Has something happened between you and the members? 😥

As much as I want to tell him yes, I can't because it's not my news to share.
Me: No, things are fine with BTS; however, I feel it's time that I take this step and live separately, as it's not really appropriate that a woman lives with 7 men as an idol. What if I'm on a V Live, and they go past the room talking about inappropriate things? 🙈 I need my own space so that I can be free to be creative. The house I've brought has 5 bedrooms, 2 reception rooms, 2 studios and a garden 😁 I can transform bedrooms and the basement into the home studio and an art room while having a study for fan interaction and a study for my story writing. It's all planned out! 🥳

PD: Ok, if this is what you want then I support you. I knew that you are organised and we're saving but 🤯 I wasn't expecting you to get a place outright!
I'm glad he isn't putting up a fight. Probably just happy I brought the place myself.
Me: I also want to quit being part of the camera crew and just focus on being an artist, as I don't want to stretch myself too thin
PD: I understand. I assumed that this would be the inevitable decision you made and I'm glad you are choosing to progress yourself. I have some modelling and actress offers for you to look through by the way in case you are interested

Me: I'll take a look and see what I can fit in. Thank you for accepting my decisions. I appreciate your faith in me
Sejin texts me
Sejin: Van is outside for you to use when ready
Me: Thank you
I take a headphone out to hear someone banging frantically at my door. I go unlock it to see a panicked Hobi. I ask, "What's wrong, Hobi?"
He sighs and rasps out with relief, "I've been here 15 minutes. We were starting to worry about you, noona."

I mumble apologetically, "Sorry, Hobi. I'm listening to rap metal from my iPod, so I hear nothing. What's the problem?"
He informs me, "Jin has an announcement. You still need to play me some of that music style! I still haven't listened to it yet, but it sounds interesting."
I take a deep breath and mumble, "I'll come down."
Hobi frowns at me and asks, "What's wrong, noona? You've been crying!"
I shake my head and deflect, "I think I'm just exhausted from today. I performed on the streets for 5 hours."
Hobi smiles and coos, "You will get used to the exhaustion and stop feeling it soon enough" I nod, forcing a smile.

I get downstairs and see Jin. He pulls me aside, seemingly giddy, and compliments, "The painting is amazing."
I smile weakly and reply, "Thanks, Jin. Apparently, you have an announcement."
He nods and pleads, "I hope you will understand"
I reply with strain, choking back tears, "I support you, Jin."
He hugs me, cooing, "You're my best friend, Yunmi" I feel tears prickle in my eyes, and my heart constricts with emotional pain, but he doesn't notice in his own world of blissful excitement.
He gains everyone's attention and says excitedly, "I have an announcement to make. I am now dating Seulgi."

I clap with the crowd and see a shocked Yoongi standing almost opposite me. He looks at me, confused, but before he can move to me, I climb the stairs and disappear back to my room, grabbing the extending ladder while I'm going.
I hear Yoongi object as I walk, "No! Absolutely not, hyung! She's a cheater! You deserve better than a slut!"
I lock my door, put headphones back on, and put the ladder under my bedroom window. I use that to slide the suitcases down, and Yoongi rings me, connecting through my iPod and headphones.

"Yes, Yoongi?" I deadpan on the call as I keep moving.
He tersely growls, "Open your door!"
I dismiss the idea, "I'm busy painting."
He growls angrily, "Don't bullshit me!" I sigh before hanging up and closing my window. I open my door, and he comes in, locks the door, and pulls me into the bathroom. He asks, worried, "Are you ok?"
I snark sarcastically at him, "Why wouldn't I be? Jin is happy, BTS is happy, and Red Velvet is happy. It's my debut day. Celebrations all around."
He asks, upset, "Did Jin reject you?" I shake my head, fighting back the tears, so he pulls me into a hug.

I grumble in distain, "I didn't confess. I heard Seulgi confess and then saw him accepting a blowjob. I deserve better, and I'm tired of waiting around for Jin to wake up and see that I'm right here."
I write down my new address and give it to him. He looks at it confused and asks, "What is this?"
I snap tiredly, "Part of my debut agreement is that I move out. I have debuted, so I will move out tomorrow. This was going to happen with or without confessing. I don't want you giving that to anyone. I have movers bringing furniture next week. I am going to need my own space to focus on my work, so I need to move out. I'm also quitting the camera crew for BTS."

Yoongi looks sad and asks weakly, "What about us? We are your family. I have never lived in a home without you."
I argue, tempering my emotions, "Mum, dad, Geumjae, and Holly are your family too, but they don't live with you! I am still family without living with you, Yoongi. I can visit, and we will see each other at work. Plus, you have my address now, so you can stay over and visit me too."
Yoongi whispers, "Just tell me this isn't about Jin and Seulgi?"
I scoff and snap dismissively, "It's 100% about that, but the timing is perfect. I can't be here if she's here. I can't take her abuse another time round and have Jin take her side again. I can't face that level of heartbreak a second time. I deserve better."

Yoongi watched me throwing things into bags. He quietly speaks, "I'll help you pack Yunmi, then we will sleep, and tomorrow we will go shopping to look for furniture."
I smile weakly and whisper, "Thank you, Yoongi. I will continue here for Hobi's birthday while the furniture gets put in and such, then the day after, I'm out for good."
Yoongi sighs and asks, "So what needs packing?"
I indicate to the window, embarrassed, "I'm actually kind of already done, and the suitcases are out the window."
Yoongi chuckles and muses, "Trust you."
I smile and explain, "I've left a week of clothes and such to wear and stuff to use"

Yoongi suggests, "Let's go outside then and collect them. We can load them up before the guests leave, and then I want you to show me the house you have paid for."
I nod, and we go through the house and out the back door. Hobi and Kookie follow us. Kookie asks worriedly as we load the suitcases into the van, "What's going on?"
I answer quietly, "I'm moving out the day after Hobi's birthday as part of the agreement for my debut."

I notice the look of betrayal on Kookie's face, so I pull him into a hug and assure him, "I'm still going to be in this gated community, don't make a big deal out of it. I couldn't live with you forever. This is just convenient timing. I'll have spare rooms to stay over whenever you need noona time."
Hobi states quietly, trying to not show he is upset, "You weren't going to tell us, were you?"
I shake my head and clarify, "I was just going to invite you all over and say it's my new place. Please don't say anything to anyone."

I am pulled into a hug by Hobi, and he whispers, "We won't say anything as long as we go shopping with you for furniture and you let us buy things as housewarming gifts." I feel some dampness on my shoulder and realise he is trying to hide his tears. I hold him closer, comforting him.
I chuckle, slightly upset, "I spent 90% of my money on buying the house so that the company didn't have to rent. PD-nim was going to fund furniture for me from the company budget like they have to do whenever they take on a new artist. If you want to furnish your rooms and buy décor, then I won't deny you that. We are going shopping tomorrow."

They smile, and I usher them in, "Let's go inside. I'll show you the address I've paid for. I will be spending a lot of time there over the next week decorating before the furniture arrives, so if you want themed rooms, let me know. It's my property, so if I want to paint the walls, then I will."
I smile as they start discussing ideas. I giggle, "Think about it and tomorrow morning. We can go shopping, collect the keys, and I can draw design layouts on the walls for approval before I paint. If anything, it can be the home your parents stay at when visiting instead of paying for hotels."

Hobi hugs me tightly and whispers, "You are an amazing noona."
I smile, and Yoongi suggests, "Let's all go inside then and see all the guests out so we can look at the property" They all agree, and I go back up the ladder while the others go back round the back. I pull the ladders up and back inside, collapsing them.
I return downstairs and say goodbye to guests, getting hugs from everyone before they leave. I chuckle as guys tell me excitedly, "Wait a month!" I chuckle as I know they will once again send me flowers. Jin looks pissed but stays quiet.

Irene had already sent me flowers and a beautiful necklace as her Valentine's gift, and I made her a painting of her fantasy of us together with a little family, which had her gushing and stuck with me a lot.
When just Red Velvet is left, Seulgi bleats to Jin while playing with his hair, "I want to stay tonight, Daddy."
I internally cringe as he responds, "Of course, baby girl." I turn to the others and smile at them. Yeri notices the slight pain in my eyes and lunges forward into a hug. She's not often physically affectionate with me, choosing to respect our age difference.

Something about the hug feels like it is mutually needed. I hold onto her as the room is quiet, and I ask, "Do you need some unnie time? We can go to my room to cuddle and talk."
She nods, and I pick her up, carrying her in a hug, before walking up the stairs to my room. Once in the room, she breaks down and cringes, "That daddy, baby girl thing always creeps me out."
I flop onto my bed and say softly as I play with her hair, "Me too, Yeri, but I understand what drives it. Basically, she uses it instead of Oppa. She respects that he is older and he is the higher-paid person in the relationship, and he is a provider by nature. He likes to parent people by ensuring they are listened to, cared for, eat well, and are happy, and he takes enjoyment from seeing people enjoy what he does for them."

I pause a moment before musing, "Think of how a dad will take you on a day out. He makes sure you have 3 nice meals a day, buys you nice things and listens to your problems, and entertains you while protecting you from the world. Jin does all this. He has done this for a long time. Seulgi is a woman who enjoys being pampered and treated well. She will thank him for it by ways of reciprocating his actions and giving him sexual pleasure, too, which also feeds into the praise kink when he compliments her skills and makes her feel like she is doing a good job showing him appreciation. Think of it as he is her sugar-daddy."

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