Survivor(Last of us x Male Re...

De LoneWriting2021

8.1K 170 96

In a world ravaged by a devastating pandemic, 16-year-old Y/N has learned to rely only on himself, convinced... Mai multe

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 13

638 13 26
De LoneWriting2021

Lurking through the streets climbing up the side of a building stalking a group of fireflies the creature had become obsessed with them ever since being at the university building after a moment of observation it attacked the group ripping through two of them hurling a dead body at another guy sending him into a group of infected the screams gave pleasure to the creature the only surviving member ran away only looking back after hearing a high pitched screech and it was now in pursuit of him.

The fireflie member hid behind a crate waiting to attack the creature not only was that a stupid plan but wasn't even executed well by the man as the creature sniffed him grabbing his throat and throwing him through a window.

The creature enjoyed tormenting it's victims it jumped in the room to see the fireflie crawling away so it just dragged him back turning the poor lad around to thrust it's long fingernails into his eyes murdering the fireflie and the creature crushed the dead body's head when it noticed the backpack being open and decided to give it a look finding a map with the location of the other fireflies and the creature quickly left the room on the way to destroy more fireflies.

Ellie blurred out the voices keeping focused on images carved into stone in front of her it reminded her of simpler times "Ellie" Joel asked waiting for an answer "Did you hear Anything i said" he asked looking at her with concern "No, what" Ellie said back keeping her attention on the carving Joel let out a huff "Y/N went ahead to inspect the area and there is a sign, This is where we get off" He waved her over with a soft sigh "Let's go kiddo."

Y/N's decision to scout ahead was the plan he made up to let Joel and Ellie bond a little more "You feel that breeze? On a day like this, I'd just sit on my porch and pick away at my six string" Joel spoke to Ellie softly trying to lighten the mood she was still unresponsive which was unusual for Ellie "You know once were done with this whole thing, I'm gonna teach you how to play guitar, I'd reckon you would really like that" Ellie stayed quiet like her mind was elsewhere "Ellie I'm talking to you" Ellie finally reacted to him "Huh, Sounds great" She said half-excited and clearly didn't want to continue talking.

Y/N scouted two dead fireflie bodies checking them over they're wounds weren't caused by any normal infected let alone any clicker another fireflie slowly strut towards the man had been killed by infected but the scars on his chest gave Y/N the indication of whatever killed the other two left this man for the infected to finish off "Never had a chance" Y/N thought after killing the infected fireflie he searched the body to find a note book with one page in it.

"Today Marlene planned for us to scout the city looking for the people bringing the immune kid if you asked me this is a stupid idea because of the chances of seeing them the squad was ready to roll out it was Myself, Shelly, Cole and our team leader Mikael who seems to think they're is something even more dangerous out there who knows maybe we will bag a Immune kid"


The Note book contained a picture of the team to which i could see who was which Arthur, Shelly and Cole laid dead no sign of Mikael this could be worthwhile if he survived then he could help us out.

Following footprints to see glass on the ground for a broken window and a fireflie pendent on the ground "Mikael James" Y/N climbed in the window to see a pile of blood with pieces of flesh scattered about things weren't going as planned a trial of blood lead Y/N into a living to which the dead body of Mikael hung upside down head crushed to pieces on the ground written in blood "The fireflies will burn" clearly someone or something has a hatred for them.

Mikael didn't reveal anything significant he was picked clean leaving the place Y/N caught up to Ellie and Joel "I've been on a plane, isn't that weird" Ellie said to Joel as they were staring at a bus with a plane painted on the side "Dreams are weird" Joel replied with a huff he did that a lot "Dreams are dreams i say they either are good or bad you never know but i wouldn't think too much about them" Ellie smiled seeing me appear i couldn't help but blush at that fact.

Joel: Where you been?

Y/N: I scouted ahead and found very disturbing things

Ellie: What do you mean?

Y/N: A found of group of dead fireflies and this.

Y/N passed the note book over to Joel.

Joel: They're looking for us

Y/N: I've found evidence that something is hunting fireflies and we should be on the look out for it

Ellie: Let's just continue

Joel: I agree

(Y/N Pov)

"You got to see this" Ellie said getting my attention on something "She's right you got to see this" i chased after her with Joel not far behind us we walked in a room to see a giraffe eating leaves "Woah, don't scare it".

"I won't, I won't" Joel moved closer to the giraffe "C'mere" he said i nudged Ellie forward and Joel helped her pet the animal "So adorable" i said out loud that Joel gave me a smile it left and we went up to the roof.

"Oh man, Wow. Look at those things" she said leaning on the edge i put my arm around her giving a smile "Giraffe's" i said laughing at her reaction "How do you know that" Ellie looked at me with a smirk "I read sometimes" i ruffled her hair as we laughed together the scenery was so beautiful it made us forget how crap the rest of the world is.

"So, is this everything you hoped for?"

"It's got it's ups and downs. But you can't deny that view"

Reaching into my backpack i took out a very special picture handing it to her "What's this" she asked me looking puzzled "My Family" Ellie gasped seeing a picture of my parents the fact i always avoided talking about them even after i reunited with my sister "Why, did you give me this".

"My Father and I did a lot of hunting back when him and my Mother ran a camp fortress and one day while we were out my father came into contact with this bizarre purple plant and i was forced to put him down, I know every since the cannibals you've been different i just want you to understand it's okay what you did so don't turn off your emotions"

Ellie smiled wiping a tear from my eyes leaning in to give me a kiss it lasted for multiple seconds "We don't have to do this" Joel spoke up making us turn to him "You know that right".

"What's the other option?"

"Go back to Tommy's. Just be done with this whole thing"

"After everything we've been through. Everything I've done. It can't be for nothing.

Ellie walked beside me holding my hand "When this is all over and we end up at Tommy's we can finally act like normal teenagers" Joel did a cough hiding something he said this tunnel was half filled with water "It's a date" i froze in place my inner nerd going off Ellie giggled taking my hand "Can we talk in private" she said to me.

Joel went ahead to clear any infected as Ellie put her hand on my face "After this what happens to us?" she asked me looking concerned and i gave her a kiss to settle her nerves "We go back to Jackson and live our life as a couple" Ellie let out a happy smile leading me by the hand.

"This place takes me back"

"How so"

"It was right after everything went down. I ended up in a triage just like this"

"Man everywhere you looked. You just... saw families torn apart. The whole world seemed to have turned upside down in a blink"

"Is that after you lost Sarah?

"Yes it was"

"I... can't imagine losing someone you love like that. Losing everything that you know. I'm sorry Joel"

"That's okay Ellie"

I came across a lot of medicine searching around the triage i stayed silent through Ellie and Joel's talk for it seemed peaceful i kept an eye out for unwanted visitors doing some work on my shotgun that would keep jamming ad realised the gun was too broken to fix, So i just left it on a bench there "Hey Joel i got something for you" Ellie said passing a picture to Joel.

"Here. Maria showed this to me and. I uh... I stole it. hope you don't mind" Joel looked at the picture letting our a snicker and a sigh "Well no matter how hard you try i guess you can't escape your past. Thank you" we pressed on seeing as the hospital wasn't far.

The underground we were currently traveling through came alive with clickers everywhere so many of them flooded this place "Be absolutely quiet" Ellie shacked her head "There's so many of them" Ellie was really panicking so i throw a brick to get a few out of the way.

A clicker appeared out of nowhere literally backing me up against a car inches from my face Ellie was ready with her knife to which i nodded but Joel shot her a glare meaning it would get them killed, The clicker put it's hand on my face feeling about like a blind person would do to get a feeling of what a person looks like which was odd for a clicker to do.

It left after examining my face Joel creped forward looking me in the eye "You're eyes are purple now" he stated in a shocked expression "How about we get out of here first and then we can talk about it" finally after climbing over a wall we were away from the clickers.

Joel: Watch your step that water looks pretty deep

Ellie: Hey that's something we can do when were done

Joel: What's that?

Ellie: You can teach me how to swim

Joel: You got it


We were crossing through a part of the tunnel with water everything was going okay until we were making our way across a bus when it started to slipping I almost made it across it safely when i tripped falling through a bus window into the freezing water "Y/N!" i could hear Ellie shouting and Joel joined me a second later falling through the bus doors as the bus broke lose.

The bus door wouldn't budge no matter how much i tried Ellie jumped on it trying to help open them it eventually gave away but the bus went fully over and Ellie went with it instead she was on the outside out of the tunnel I could see Joel trying to give CPR to Ellie when a solider knocked Joel out with his gun and one guard walked up hitting me in the fact my eyes landed on Ellie as it faded to black.

I awoke in hospital bed my head ringing from ear to ear "Marlene he's awake" Someone in the room spoke making me jump out of bed "Stand down" Marlene said entering the room "We're to help remember" she said but at that moment i was pissed off "So when a person is giving CPR to a little girl they should go up and knock that guy out, THAT YOUR IDEA OF HELPING!" i shouted punching the wall Joel came running into the room from hearing me shout.

Y/N: I'm glad to see your alive

Joel: Yeah kid

Y/N: Where's Ellie?

Marlene: Prepped for surgery

Y/N: Surgery

Joel: The hell you mean Surgery

Marlene: The growth inside her has grown and the doctors could make a vaccine with it

Joel: Find someone else

Marlene: There is no one else

Y/N: Yes there is.

I revealed my bite wound to Marlene and told her everything about what happened to me and she took me off to meet the head doctor "I want to trade myself for Ellie" i said to him going over to Ellie's unconscious body "Get Mel to run a test and if he matches then it's surgery" a could hear the doctor say leaving a kiss on Ellie's forehead "You'll be okay my love"

In a room the doctor looked me over and did a test to determine i was in fact a match to take Ellie's place for surgery "What's your name?" she asked me "Y/N, Yourself?" knowing Ellie wouldn't die was a relief.

Mel: Mel, You should know Y/N that the infection you have hasn't grown too far so we would only need to take one of your lungs.

Y/N: I'm willing to do that

An alarm began blaring with a voice speaking on a PA system "Infected in the hospital evacuate" quickly getting my stuff i slowly creaked the door open leaving a gap for me to look out to see runners attacking the fireflie soldiers biting and ripping them apart "Shit" Mel looked afraid like this was her first time "Look, I actually respect you. so stick close to me and when the time comes get out safely" I opened the door letting Mel lead me through the halls killing whatever stepped in my way.

"Before you go where would i find Ellie?"

"Top floor"

Mel got out safely as i headed up upstairs to see Joel fighting off the infected "Joel" i said sliding next to him "Good to see you kid what took you so long?" he asked shooting infected moving up the halls trying to get to the car park "Busy saving lives".

(No one Pov)

   Y/N and Joel reached the surgical suit seeing the head doctor trying to block a door from oncoming infected Joel unhooked Ellie from the machine as Y/N helped barricade the door "Doctor we have to get out of here" Y/N said inspecting the room to find a couple dead nurse bodies "How could we fail so bad" the doctor began to panic so Y/N slapped him across the face "Pull yourself together".

Infected broke through the door Y/N and Joel took down many of them down until one of them got to the doctor ripping a piece of flesh out his neck Y/N quickly put it down barricading the door again.

"Kill me" the doctor requested and Y/N granted his request shooting the doc in the head after that Y/N helped protect Joel getting down to the last floor when sounds of a heavy footed being erupted through the ceiling separating Joel and Y/N from each other.

this four armed monster stared at Y/N eyes bright purple being a little bit dizzy Y/N stumbled back hearing Joel shout his name "Y/N are you ok" Joel tried getting through the rubble "Joel just go I'll be fine" Joel doesn't try to argue and leaves getting Ellie away from the beast.

Y/N opens fire on the monster ducking over a desk to avoid a claw from one of it's arms the beast roared in anger flipping the desk over sticking Y/N to the wall with it's arm piercing through the shoulder.


The monster approached Y/N blood dripping from it's mouth around it's neck Y/N noticed a necklace and he recognised it.

(Many Years ago before the infection started)

Y/N was sitting admiring the programs on the telly "What you watching?" Leonard L/N walked in shuffling a newspaper "Not much all the good programs are over" Leonard turned a nozzle on the tv over to his racing programs Y/N noticed a particular gold skull necklace around his father's neck "What with the necklace?" Y/N asked.

"This necklace was given to me by your mother at the very early stages of our relationship i used to be a biker and this went along with it" Leonard tosses it over to Y/N for him to see it clearly.

(Back to the present)

"Father" Y/N said to the monster looking completely shattered in sadness he looked into the purple eyes of what used to be his father tears rolling down his face "I'm sorry father" Y/N pulls out can of fluid and uses a lighter to lite the creature on fire picking up a pole to ram the creature into the wall impaling the creature.

Y/N backs away looking at the creature the very thing that destroyed his home and killed his mother only problem is this thing used to his father Joel walked up putting his hand on Y/N's shoulder "What the hell is this Kid?.

Y/N: My father it's a long story i'll tell you later. May i borrow your shotgun

Joel handed Y/N the shotgun "Put him down kid" Y/N held the gun at its face "Goodbye Father i never got to say that the first time" the shotgun blasted half of the creature's face off with the purple eyes flickering off

"Let's go kid"

In the parking garage Y/N sat in the back with Elle on his lap rubbing his head when Marlene popped up with a gun holding up Joel "You can't save her. Even if you get out of here, then what? How long before she's torn to pieces by a pack of? That is if she hasn't been raped and murdered first" Marlene eyed up Y/N in the car seeing the way he is rubbing Elie's head.

"That isn't for you to decide"

"It's what she'd want. And you know it"

Marlene tried walking up to Joel when a shot hit Marlene in the abdomen taking her to the floor courtesy of Joel's hidden pistol "The entire place is dead, we are leaving" Joel said approaching Marlene trying to crawl away "Wait, Wait let me go please" Marlene tried to get out the situation like she did last time "You'd just come after her" Joel raised his gun shooting Marlene point blank in the head and gets in the SUV "Finally we can leave" Y/N stated falling asleep.

In the car Y/N awoke with Ellie still on his lap brushing her hair he noticed Joel was sitting outside overlooking the hospital he stepped out to talk to him "Everything ok Joel?" Joel looked at the Y/N with a happy face "I'm doing good kid".

Y/N ran up and hugged Joel and began crying "It's ok kiddo i know how you feel" Joel held the 16-year-old in his arms as he cried his eyes out just like the son, he never had they got back on the road when Ellie awoke "What i am wearing" she rubbed her eyes looking around "Just take it easy drugs are still wearing off".

"What happened" she asked, "We found the fireflies" Joel said "We found you weren't actually needed because they many others like you" Ellie looked confused for the moment "So, what's the plan?" Y/N turned to face her "We go back to Tommy's and move on with our lives" Y/N took her hand after saying that and Ellie returned this with a smile.

(Y/N Pov)

The bloody truck broke down and i learned a very important thing don't take a truck from the fireflies cause they suck at transport "well kids were on foot now" Joel said stretching his legs and began walking.

Ellie took my hand as we walked behind him back in the truck me and Ellie discussed staying in the same house together "You doing okay Ellie" I asked walking she looked back at me with a smile and we continued until we were a few feet of Tommy's settlement.

"Wait stop" Ellie said getting us to turn around "tell me what you guys told me about what happened at the hospital did happen, you guys didn't just shoot up the place and take me away" Ellie looked very series I didn't want to talk about it "Yes Ellie everything we told you was the truth"

With all of that we headed to Tommys settlement putting this whole experience behind us

Joel settled in and got a job being a guard while I spent time with my family and Ellie getting a house together to live as a couple.

I never told my sister about meeting our father again because I knew it would hurt her so I decided to keep everything about that night to myself and looked forward to the future.

The end.

I want to thank everyone who has been with me reading this and all the votes has given me the passion to continue writing Y/N based stories I hope you all enjoyed this and I'll forward to producing more

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