Life with a tall woman

By OfficialMJJ

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After being through 3 marriages with women quite shorter than him, Michael will finally experience what it's... More

Chapter 1| Couple's Therapy
Chapter 2| Her.
Chapter 3|Dripping punishment
Chapter 4| Heartbreaking News
Chapter 5| Drunken
Chapter 6| Respect
Chapter 7| +18🌹
Chapter 8| Busted..
Chapter 9| Hidden evidence
Chapter 10| Broken silence
Chapter 11| Devils at work
Chapter 12| So anxious
Chapter 13| Family vacay
Chapter 14|Roadkill
Chapter 15 | Family reunion
Chapter 16| Shocking dinner
Chapter 17| Weird night
Chapter 18| Alone time +18(long chapter)
Chapter 19| Sullen
Chapter 21| Teasy Kitty
Chapter 22| Not So Bad Now, Huh?(18+)
Chapter 23| Runaways
Authors note:

Chapter 20| Criminal Bombshell

124 2 25
By OfficialMJJ

Michaels POV

I bobbed my head to the music that played on the radio as I patted my hand on Kyle's hip to the beat. I was still gazing out the window deep in thought as Kyle picked her head up off my chest while looking ahead through the windshield. She patted her hand on my thigh to the rhythm while Jennifer and Leon conversed in the front. Leon was driving and Jennifer was in the passenger seat. Kahill and Kyrie were in two separate seats that were next to two big windows. And lastly, me and Kyle had the back seats all to ourselves. The radio on the song went to a faded stop all of a sudden.

              BREAKING NEWS


Me and Kyle both shot up instantly as the lady went on, on the radio. My eyes were nearly popping out of their sockets along with my heart that was punching my chest. Me and Kyle looked at each other slowly with the same reaction. Her eyebrows furrowed as she gave me that "what are we gonna do?" look.

"Oh my gosh! Kyle isn't this that manager that works at the modeling agency with you? Or was he the photographer?" Jennifer said lowering the volume of the radio and looking up in the rear view mirror to come in eye contact with us. Kyle gulped while looking at me before she turned to her mother.

"Oh..yeah he is I mean- he was"

"He seemed like a good guy, shocker of how he died. Someone stomped him to DEATH! Holy shit that just sends tingles through my spine. Whoever did this needs to be in jail for life or maybe even straight to execution" She said in a cold tone while still keeping her eyes on the road. I froze in my spot as if time stopped itself.

Could people actually get executed by just stomping someone to death?! Plus I didn't mean to stomp him that much he probably already had some heart failures or diseases. My stomach was sinking down the drain as more horrid thoughts flooded my mind. I...was a criminal...


"Michael..." I heard a faded voice say.

"Michael!" I felt someone shake me roughly. I came back to reality, once my vision cleared I seen Kyle straddling my lap with her hands grabbing my shoulders. She had a worried expression on her face. I then noticed that the whole car was empty and that we were parked somewhere.

"Michael you scared the shit out of me. Don't ever pass out like that on me again"

"I'm sorry Kyle..but.." I stopped my sentence and looked out the windows to make sure nobody was around. Once I seen the coast was clear I looked back at Kyle.

"THEY'RE GONNA KILL ME IF THEY FIND OUT IT WAS ME WHO KILLED FRANKIE KYLE" She jumped at the sound of my tone. She instantly covered my mouth and held me in her arms.

"Shhhhh, just don't think about it. We will think of something to get us out of this mess just in case we come connected to the murder but in the meantime act like you don't even know and just feel bad for his death" She said in a serious tone. I then backed away from her arms and nodded.

"Ok now cmon, they're waiting for us to come in the waiting lounge" She said, getting up off my lap and climbing to the front in order to open the door and step out. I came behind her and wrapped my arm around her slim waist. I rested my hand on her hip as we walked into the restaurant. I let Kyle guide me through while I continued to look around the restaurant, slowly panicking but trying my best to hide it. Thinking about the situation makes my stomach turn. I can't believe I let my anger get the best of me.


After a few minutes of sitting down and chatting the waiter finally came swiftly to our table. Once she got there she took out her server notebook and let out a deep sigh once she clicked the bottom of the pen on it.

"Sorry family! We've just been so backed up and there's only two waiters to go around" She said panting a little bit.

"Oh no hun, you're fine! We completely understand I mean why wouldn't this place be backed up it's so amazing" Jennifer said. The waiter smiled and blushed.

"Aww well thank you! But I don't want you guys to wait any longer so I'll take your orders now. What would you like sir?" She asked Kahill. He smirked and looked at Kyrie.

"Uhhh i'd like the ribeye steak well done andddd your number if that's fine" She instantly stopped writing his order down and looked up at him, completely flushed. Everybody looked at him with no emotion as he chuckled while swiftly glancing at everyone, hoping that they would have the same reaction as he did. It died out quickly when he realized what he said wasn't funny nor cute for someone his age.

Grow up...

"Anywaysss...what would you like to order ma'am?" She asked Jennifer.

Jennifer looked at the menu and looked back at the waiter.

"Hmm..I would like a T-bone steak medium rare with a side of a Caesar salad please" The waiter scribbled something down in her notebook before she looked back at Jennifer.

"Ok and would you like another side?"

"Oh, can I have another Caesar salad, please?"

"Of course you can!" She said while scribbling on her notebook. She then looked at Kyrie.

"And what would you like?" Kyrie looked at the menu for a second and rubbed his chin.

"I'd like the ribeye steak with a side of French bread and broccoli" She nodded and wrote that down. She then looked at Leon.

"And what would you like, sir?"

"I would like a T-bone steak medium rare along with some extra salt and my sides are French fries, Cajun, and BBQ wings. I like em tangy"

"Goddamn" I heard Kyle mutter in a old man tone. I turned around to see her hiding her face by looking to the side. The waiter finally looked at me and smiled.

"And what would you like on this fine evening, sir?" She said star gazing at me as if I was the finest piece of gods work. She bit her lip while waiting for my order.

"Uhh..I would like the chicken Parmesan with a side of Cesar salad" As she started writing she looked into my eyes and gave me that look that said, "fuck me and make me your common whore". Her smirk also gave it all away.

The moment was awkward until Kyle dramatically coughed extra loud, almost getting everyones attention in the restaurant. The waiter jumped out of her sexual sadistic thoughts and snapped her head at Kyle with her eyebrows raised as if a teacher just put her on the spot.

"Haha...hi doll I would like a ribeye steak, well done and my sides will be two Cesar salads" She wrote that down and cleared her throat.

"Ok and the drinks?" Jennifer looked around at everybody.

"Uhh I think everyone would like water" Kyle then snapped her fingers to catch the waiter.

"Ouu wait no! I would like a margarita?" My eyebrows raised with excitement.

"OUU! Can I get one too please!"

"Actually, I'd like one as well" Said Kyrie. Kahill then looked at Kyrie and smiled.

"I'll take one too" Leon smiled.

"I'll take a whiskey" Leon said with bass. Jennifer looked at Leon in a "I'm gonna fuck you up" way.

"You never got any type of liquor when we come here so why are you getting it now all of a sudden?"

"Because you always order water and when I try to order something else you put me down like I'm some dog and do what you wanna do" Leon said.

Jennifer closed her eyes for a moment as if she was trying to get her words together. She then exhaled and looked at the waiter who seemed to be out of place.

"Ok Yknow what, bring THEM their liquor and just bring me my usual water" She spat out. The waiter nodded and wrote that down in her server book.

"Is that all?"

"Yes" Leon and Jennifer said at the same time. Jennifer glared at Leon for a while.

Everybody glanced at each other as the couple were still glaring each other down. The waiter looked at me and Kyle the same way before she slowly backed away. Me and Kyle looked at each other before our eyes went back to the couple, only to see them having a full blown make out session at the dinner table.

"All right, I'm going to the bathroom" Kyle said instantly. She pushed out her chair and got up, starting to make her way to the women's restroom. I watched her every move including those sexy hips swaying from side to side.

Ohh I know those words.

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