Chapter 16| Shocking dinner

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Michaels POV

OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT . Was all that ran through my mind as me and Kyle's father were stuck in a intense stare down. Her body builder father was now standing in front of us seeing his daughter on her husbands lap with her THONG on her ankles and to make it worse IM SUCKING MY FINGERS THAT HAS HER CUM ON THEM!

Her dad sighed and put his forearm on the doorway so he could lean on it. He then squinted his eyes.

" you know why they call me 'The Italian Sausage Maker'?" He said in the scariest tone you could imagine. Kyle then jolted up with her arms still around my neck but her face became worried.


"No no sweetie I think he really wants to know why they call me 'The Italian Sausage Maker'" Ok now I'm confused on why he keeps saying that.

"This one guy...slapped my wife's ass when we were walking by and uh..I grabbed his shoulder and I said uhh..hey let me talk to you real quick and I took him inside my butcher shop since we were in front of it. And I took him to the back room. Long story short. I chopped his dick of and cooked it then I sold it to the cannibal community. After a while I went to jail for 10 years and that's when Kyle was only 15 years old. So if you don't want that to happen to you I advise you to get my daughter...OFF YA FUCKING LAP AND GET THE FUCK DOWNSTAIRS." His voice bolted throughout the whole house with so much force that me and Kyle jolted up from each other and fixed our clothes quickly. We then raced out the room and downstairs, fuck the elevator.

Once we got downstairs we were greeted by Kyles 3 big brothers and 2 of her sisters along with her grandma, Auntie and uncle. We both said hey and sat down next to each other. Kyle's parents was across from us and as if this dinner couldn't get worse her father sat across from me. And his eyes told me that he wanted to rip my tongue out through my asshole and feed it to the alley rats.

I started eating while Kyle was laughing and talking with her mom as everyone was socializing with others.

"So Kai, how have you and Michael been?" Kyles Older brother said. Everyone turned their attention towards Kyle who was looking at her brother.

"Well, uhh kahill, we have been fine as always. The best I've ever been as a matter of fact" She said smiling and looking at me. I returned her smile.

"That's good I'm happy for you two. You guys remind me of my marriage life and how me and your father met" Jennifer had said.

"Actually speaking of marriage...I have something to announce.." Kyles other older brother said. Everybody looked at him as he stood up from his chair and backed away from it. Some people looked at each other confused.

"Kyrie, where are you going sweetie?" Jennifer said to her son.

"Family..I have someone I wanna introduce to you...ok baby you can come in here" Kyrie said looking towards the kitchen. Once the person walked out the kitchen we couldn't believe who it was.

"EVELYN?!" Me and Kyle said in unison with a disbelief tone. Everyone then looked at us.

"Wait you guys know each other?" Kyrie said making a hand gesture where both of his fingers switched between me, Kyle and Evelyn.

"Y-yeah, we work together" Kyle said never taking her eyes off of Evelyn.

"Well..uhhh..this is awkward but um on with my announcement. Family.." Everyone then had their eyes on the two. Evelyn smiled, raising her hand showing us a silver diamond ring that was placed on her ring finger.

"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Kyrie yelled with such happiness. Everyone then cheered and congratulated them while me and Kyle looked at each other slowly in awe. Jennifer got up and hugged her son tightly and kissed him all over his face. Evelyn honestly looked very happy instead of that weird seductive look. I was still in shock that Evelyn is now apart of this family. But when she made eye contact with Kyle she suddenly had a guilty look on her face. I looked at Kyle who had a disappointed look on her face.

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