Chapter 23| Runaways

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Kyles POV

"LAPD OPEN UP" I jolted up out of my sleep instantly when I heard a loud boom at the door. Unaware that the sheet that was covering my top part had fallen down some. The room was lit up with sunlight so that's how I knew it was morning.

"LAPD OPEN UP" I heard the loud roaring again followed by a few bangs. My heart was pounding out of my chest so hard that I couldn't move, all I could do was look at the door to see if it was gonna bust down or fade away. I seen Michael come out of the bathroom in a hurry obviously aware of the commotion.

I looked at him with the same shocked expression then at the door. But none of us dared made a sound or a peep. I could tell that me and him both had the same idea...If you don't say anything nor make a noise nobody will think that anyone is home....

"IF YOU DO NOT OPEN UP THE DOOR WE WILL KICK THIS DOOR DOWN" My eyes were now filled with frightened tears. I don't wanna go to jail nor do I want my husband too. My mind kept going on and on about how Michael may end up being killed or either molested in jail and as for me I'll probably get caught in so many cat fights that I'll look like a dungeon rat from the hood.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even see Michael walking towards me but once his body could cross the door it burst down. Michael instantly blocked his body with his arms, not wanting to take any damage from the burst. That's when 5 police guards came swarming in.

"NO MICHAEL" I said screaming with tears running down my face. 2 police guards rushed over to me. One of the wrapped their arms around my body tightly so I wouldn't move and I felt their gloved hand grab my chin to look to the side at the other officer. He seemed to be unzipping his pants but when I tried looking to the other side the other officer would try forcing me to look at the one beside me.

I heard the sounds of whacking and painful groans followed up by evil laughter. I used my eyes to look to the side and seen 3 guards beating on Michael. My heart shattered and my body shook uncontrollably.

"MICHAEELLLL" I screamed out. One of the officers stopped beating Michael and looked at me with a devilish smirk. He then drew his gun to Michaels head while still looking at me. Michael slowly turned his head and mouthed the words "I love you" along with a tear coming down from his eye.


"NO MICHAEL" I yelled, waking up to see Michael holding a croissant halfway to his mouth that was wide open, being fully prepared to take such a devious bite.

"Ok I won't eat breakfast without you, geez" He said with attitude before returning into the small kitchen. I looked around the room to see that there were no officers and that it was just a terrible dream. I collapsed back down on the bed and exhaled deeply.

Stupid dreams. Now my anxiety won't go down. I covered the top part of my body with the red sheet and turn on my side so that I could place my elbow on the pillow and rest my head on my hand. I was deep in thought until I heard a camera click sound. I turned around to see michael trying to swiftly move a camera behind his back and play it off as if he was just fixing his hair. I rolled my eyes playfully and chuckled, turning back over to the position I was last in.

"Well good morning to you my beautiful queen" Michael said, leaning over me and kissing my cheek and neck. I blushed and smiled wide.

"Good morning to you too handsome" I bit my lip while looking at his kissable lips. He caught my eye and pressed his lips against mines. As we continued to deepen the kiss I felt something hard grind against my butt. I groaned into the kiss a little bit and put my hand on his chest.

"Michaell it's early in the morningg" I said between kisses. He pulled away and fixed his black belt that was wrapped quite tightly around his pants.

"And?" He said sniffling lightly and rubbing his nose in a swift movement with the side of his hand. His boner became more visible as if it could snap through his zipper at any moment. I wasn't aware that I was staring dead at it until Michael said something.

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