Stay - BTS Jin FF

Par femjokerdragon

812 46 16

Friends -> fwb -> enemies -> lovers Yoongi, his twin sister Yunmi and Jin have been inseparable sinc... Plus



37 2 0
Par femjokerdragon

I notice a group of women starting to gather outside, and I say quietly, "I think we have been found" They come in and approach the table. They are a nervous gaggle, all pushing each other forward to speak.
I'm tense. Yoongi and Jin notice, both taking my hands and rubbing them soothingly. One of them eventually speaks shyly, "Hi, unnie. We want to tell you: thank you for all your work making BTS look amazing on screen for us to admire, and we want to tell you that we look forward to hearing your music in the future. Your voice is amazing, and even if you don't go on stage, we will still support you by buying albums and attending fan meets. Can we have a selfie and autographs?"

BTS are all shocked, I am shocked, and before I can stop the words of disbelief tumbling out of me, I stutter out, "You're here to see me? Not BTS. You want my autograph and a selfie? You want me to make albums?"
BTS laugh heartily at my shocked state, and the fans just smile and nod enthusiastically. I look at BTS and ask, "Why are you laughing at me? I'm in shock here! I have fans! I'm stealing your fans! Aren't you even a little annoyed or angry? Yah! Stop laughing and answer me!" They just laugh harder as I turn to Jin and trill, "Let me out, I have fans I need to hug, so this feels real."

I start pushing him along, and he laughs and curls up into Kookie, who leans into Jimin, pushing him off the booth bench, and making everyone laugh harder. As I can't keep pushing them, I decide to stand and step over them, which fails, epically when I lose balance.
I manage to get past Jin by stepping over him, but Kookie keeps squirming as he laughs at my delusional attempt to push them. I lose balance. As I try to stabilise myself, I push Jimin off the bench. I push myself back to try and find my balance again, but Kookie nudges me off balance, and I fall forward into Jin's face.

Jin grips my legs and looks up as I look down, there is lust in his eyes, and I realise that my pussy is basically in his face. My cheeks burn in embarrassment, excitement, and arousal at his expression.
The fact that we are doing things, and no one knows that he wants me, that we could go to the bathrooms to act on this impulse ... it thrills me as much as I love the intimacy too.
I slowly move out of his grip, giving him a wink as I go again to try and get to the fans. He smirks at me, thrilling me more. The thrills  of accidentally, innocently teasing Jin in public subside, as I try to move forward again. Kookie is laughing so hard at what had happened already, that I trip over his writhing body. I tumble forward, over his body and off the bench.

*Jin's thoughts*

 OH MY GOD! Yunmi is so priceless and precious! She is so excited and shocked. It's absolute gold! The fact that she thinks she is strong enough to push Kookie and me is just beautiful.
She starts to climb over me, and it quickly changes me as my thoughts run wild back to our activities. It takes all my willpower to not react and yank her down on me and claim her lips.
She stumbles and pushes Jimin off the bench, which has everyone in stitches. Everyone except me as she tries to counterbalance herself and falls forward into me. FUCK! This is dangerous!

I grip her legs 'to keep her steady,' but selfishly, I just want to keep her pussy in my face. I can smell her. It's amazing but torturous to be this close to such a perfect pussy but being unable to taste her.
I wish I could tease her, see her react and fall apart in my arms and become putty. That would show everyone that I'm not available anymore. Fuck, I just want to taste her now.
I try to let her know as I look up at her. I inhale deeply before I let her go. SHIT! Why am I feeling like this?! I need to get a grip on my instincts and calm my mind before I start getting hard. Oh shit, too late!

Lean forward and watch her, not her ass wiggling, and make sure she is safe. HAHA!!! SHE FELL ON JIMIN! CLUMSY TIT! I love her so much when she gets nervously excited because she becomes so clumsy and adorable.
Although, if Jimin doesn't take his hands away soon, the fans might read too heavily into it. I don't like how low his hand is either, he is nearly touching her ass, but that's mine! Why am I so jealous?

*End Jin's thoughts*

I crash on the floor on top of Jimin before the wheezing Kookie can catch me. By now, Jimin is crying with laughter, and we are joined on the floor by Hobi, who can no longer stay sat at the end of the booth across from us.
The fans are now laughing hard with BTS. I'm apologising to Jimin, who just sits up, hugs me, and chortles, "Don't worry, noona. You are light as a feather" Jimin lifts me easily in his arms as he stands up, then puts me down and checks me for injury.
I do the same with him while Hobi straightens up. He leans against the booth bench as he holds his sides and wipes his tears. I turn to face the fans and greet them, "Sorry about that, hi."

They all immediately start reassuring us that they didn't mind and found it better entertainment than RUN BTS. I see they have printouts of some of the paintings I've done, and I sigh internally.
I assert offhandedly, "I don't want to be rude or horrible, but I haven't given permission for people to print these. I am getting so many requests for paintings that I will be selling prints to save me time, so I can work on other things. These are also protected now under BigHit. I hope you understand why I won't sign them, but I will happily do hugs and selfies."

They all nod in understanding, and I open my arms so they can decide among them who gets the first hugs. After hugs and a selfie, the spokesperson of the group insists, "We have one question for you. If you would be ok to answer?"
It's never just one question, but I agree to answer anyway, "Ask the question, and if I am comfortable, I will give an answer."
She asks confidently, "If you had to pick a BTS member to marry, then who would it be?"
I look at Yoongi nervously, and he reminds me supportively, "You don't have to answer, but if you do, then no matter the answer, no one will judge you or feel insulted."

I nod, and I answer confidently, "I'd marry Jin because your husband is supposed to be your best friend for the rest of your life and your partner in crime. We have been best friends for 20 years, so I would like to think it's a friendship that will last forever."
Another one asks with eager haste from the back, "What if you had to marry an EXO member?"

Without hesitation, I respond, "Lay, 100% Lay because he is so chill and gives amazing hugs. I know their superpower thing is a gimmick but spending time with him really is a relaxing and healing experience. I'm sorry to Chanyeol as I'm aware he has a crush on me and has done for 3 years, he has told me, and he knows I see him as a friend only, and I am in no way saying I have a crush on any of the men so don't repeat that. These are off-the-record answers."
Another asks, "If you were interested in women, which lady idol would you date?"

I shut that one down, "I won't answer that one. I'm close friends with a lot of idol women, and I don't swing that way, so it's difficult to give an answer. I will say, though, that Irene of Red Velvet has expressed interest in dating me."
Another asks, "If you had a dog, what breed would you want?"
I smile and insist, "A Rottweiler because they aren't vicious like people believe when trained properly and shown lots of love, and I want to call it Rollo. They also don't malt lots, so relatively clean dogs."

They all smile, and one asks, "What about fears? What are you scared of?"
I answer thoughtfully, "I have an aversion to being caught on camera and snakes, I am scared of spiders, and I have a sensory issue, so I get overwhelmed easily in large crowds. I'm also easy to startle, making me look like a scaredy cat, but I'm not scared of things like horror films, costumes, gore, or zombies."
I smile, and they say, "One more question. What is your favourite food?"
I chuckle and say, "Anything I don't cook myself. I love cooking, but when I cook, I lose my appetite."

We all bow to each other, and then the girls turn to BTS and ask questions. One of them, who had been quiet until then, chirps up and asks, "So where does unnie live?"
I tense, but Yoongi calmly responds, "She has always lived with us. She does our home footage and has often been the mum of the group and helped Jin hyung and Joon keep everything running smoothly in the house."
One of them asks petulantly, "Off the records, have you had a relationship with any of them, unnie? We wouldn't be angry, just curious."

I shake my head, and Jin snaps with a vicious bite, "We are brothers and sister, that type of relationship would tamper with the group dynamics because if there was a breakup, then it would potentially cause tension between Yoongi and whoever Yunmi were to have been in a relationship with. When we debuted, we all agreed we wouldn't enter into a relationship with Yunmi so that there would be no awkwardness. We are all affectionate to her as we are to each other because we are all siblings, but there is nothing sexual."

It hurts the way he shuts it down. He looks so serious and angry that they asked, his whole presence shifting to a no-nonsense attitude that rarely comes out.
Yoongi adds with a hint of relief, "I appreciated everyone's agreement as it helped me relax about Yunmi staying with us. It has been great. She took on a mum role, so no one saw her as more than family. It's been great having everyone together."
Joon adds happily, "Having noona around does help me relax at home as it means I'm not worrying too much about things getting out of control. She's a good noona for the group. Even Jin listens to her."

I smile as the others chime in affectionate thoughts, but I still ache internally. I blush, embarrassed, and I say softly, "You can stop now." I look at the time and deflect, "Oh, we should probably head home, actually."
Everyone nods, and BTS all step out of the booth and bow to the fans before we leave. I get in the back of the car with Yoongi and Hobi in the front seats while everyone else gets in the car with Jin. As we drive off, Hobi nervously mumbles, "I think they upset Jin hyung when they asked if any of us had dated noona."

I nod in agreement, and Yoongi says disappointedly, "It upset me too. If I'm honest, it bothers me that fans only seem to care about our dating history and that they would even consider Yunmi dating you guys, when we have all lived and worked together for so long. It is a little sickening. I'd maybe consider letting Yunmi and hyung date if he ever showed an interest in her because they've been friends for so long, but no one else."
I remain quiet, lost in thought for the drive. Hobi nudges me to gain my attention. I turn around to face him from zoning out facing the window. He has a soft smile gracing his face. He knows he disturbed a thought train.

Hobi comforts me, "You did really well, by the way."
I look round and ask, "Pardon?"
He reiterates comfortingly with his sweet smile, "The fans, you did really well with them. I was worried that you might shy away, but you didn't, and you were firm with your answers or refusal to answer, so you did well."
I smile and fuss quietly, "Thanks, Hobi, I was a little nervous. I'm not surprised that they had printouts of my painting because it's easy to do, but that doesn't stop my being disappointed."

Hobi deadpans with a sigh. "Unfortunately, things like that will happen" I nod. I pull up my google drive. And I'm preparing to start writing some of the stories I'm working on when Hobi pleads tentatively. "Can we listen to some of your music? Please, noona?"
I nod, closing the app and opening my music files, unlocking the playlist, and passing him the phone, mumbling, "Help yourself." I pull out my tablet and start writing on there instead. I sing along to the tracks he picks and answers his questions about them while I write.

He finds the instrumental 4-hand piano piece with guitar, drums, and violin and is awestruck. He asks excitedly, "What's going to happen to this piece?"
I answer absentmindedly, "I'm working on lyrics that will fit it before I decide what will happen to it. I feel like it's a song for a group performance instead of solo, though, so it's been a little more difficult to write for. I was planning to give it to you or the new group TXT, but I'm not sure it's up their street just yet."
Yoongi praises it proudly, "It's very powerful, Yunmi. There is a lot of emotion in it."
I reveal in embarrassment, "I was listening to Danse Macabre when I came up with it."
Yoongi chuckles and mumbles, "That explains the undertone."

I shrug and suggest thoughtfully, "I might even break it up and turn it into 2 songs like a light and dark side and use it for the story I'm writing now but also keep this for the war that happens when 2 sides collide."
Yoongi contemplates in agreement, "Music is meant to tell a story. So why not do that? Sounds like an awesome idea!" I smile as we arrive at the house, and I step inside.
I get my laptop and head into the library, ignoring BTS as I start organising everything. I notice a Weverse page in progress for me, and I smile. I start categorising all my work, and I send the documents to Bang Sihyuk along with my social media accounts.

PD: Fantastic, we will get this uploaded onto a central tracking system
Me: I am getting a multitude of requests via Instagram for paintings, so I think that I could sell canvas and photo prints signed or unsigned with the BigHit logo for authentication to save time. I can repaint a master copy for the purpose of each, and we can work from there. Does this sound like a suitable idea?
PD: Of course, I am impressed at your enthusiasm to deep dive into preparing for fans, and I am happy for you to discuss with the marketing team how that will work. Please talk to Lee Youngjae in the marketing team. I will put him in charge of your merchandise. Don't stress yourself to be ready in a day. Teams take time to form. I will look at the availability of the stylist and production team or hiring people for a team for you.

After spending the rest of the day setting up meetings with various members of staff in different departments, I hear Kookie entering the room. He gushes out in relief, "Oh, I found you. We've all been hunting for you. Jin and Yoongi hyungs are panicking. Dinner is ready, noona."
I nod and explain gratefully, "Thanks, Kookie. I've been setting up meetings to get the ball rolling on a debut package and merchandise arrangements."
Kookie says with a guilty face, "I do not miss those days. Thankfully Joon hyung mostly dealt with it all."

I smile and agree coyly, "With a little help from me, so I know what to do, at least. I'll be out in a moment, ok? We're all going to the awards ceremony tomorrow, aren't we?"
He nods and asks, "Are you packed? I can help you if not." I grin and accept gratefully. He gives me a cute bunny smile and chirps dotingly, "I'll let everyone know you're alright, noona. See you at the table."
I nod as he leaves, and a few minutes later, Joon comes in, a bit alarmed, and asks, "Do you need help, noona?"

I shake my head smiling. I show him the laptop and my diary and say, "I've booked meetings with various departments and arranged a schedule for doing tasks like recording audio of my stories and recording a new song in Yoongi's studio. I think I might get one of my own so when I work with artists, I'm not restricted by Yoongi's schedule or inspiration peaks."
I sigh and continue, "I have gone through all the requests for projects that I've already been sent, and I've set up how I want my profiles to be connected. We need to hire me a stylist duo, so I've approved the job advert that has gone out and set up a date for interviews. I'll be sitting in them so I can find out people's motives. I will also see if I think we will get on well because it's important I get on well with the staff who will be working with me."

Joon looks overwhelmed, but I continue, proud of my progress, "I have had discussions with your management team about appearing on RUN BTS. I've decided that my idol name will simply be my first name, and I will call my fans 'Blooms'. I will compensate for the lack of concerts by giving them more music and other content, like spending time on V Live talking with them, painting and discussing story ideas, or reading stories to them."
Joon looks at me surprised and stresses in exasperation, "You've only been in here 3 hours!"

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