Stay - BTS Jin FF

By femjokerdragon

812 46 16

Friends -> fwb -> enemies -> lovers Yoongi, his twin sister Yunmi and Jin have been inseparable sinc... More



52 3 6
By femjokerdragon

*Meanwhile at the house*
"HYUNG! HYUNG! YOONGI HYUNG!" Jimin shouts as he hunts through the house frantically, eventually walking into Yoongi as he comes out the shower. Everyone else has gathered in the corridor too, having heard Jimin's frantic panic.
"Hyung! Is there something you haven't told us about noona?" Jimin asks curiously and nervously.
Yoongi freezes, processing, and asks quietly, fearful, "Is she hurt? Is she in hospital?"

Jimin frowns in confusion, pocketing that reaction for another time, and divulges as he hands him his phone, "No hyung, she is going viral! Since when has she been amazing at singing and dancing?"
Yoongi relaxes, then processes Jimin's words, and his curiosity is piqued. The others approach to look over his shoulder as Yoongi plays the recording from the Twitter post. They all stare at the phone in awe.

"She never told me she sings and dances. She uses my studio to create melodies, but I've never gone in there while she works, so I haven't heard her. You are literally always with us. She doesn't sing at work or at home. This is news to me. Yoongi answers in disappointment as he tries to shake off the feeling of it that she hadn't confided in him about her talents.
"Hyung, she's amazing! She has the same lilt as you, but it sounds completely different! I wonder if she will work with us on a song," Taehyung muses.

"I know she reviews the footage for editing. I never thought about her learning to dance, though. Hyung! She could have been my practice partner so many times or even a backup dancer! She has a lot to make up for!" Hoseok whines, playfully excited at the revelation.
Namjoon notes carefully, "Hyung look at the shock on Jin hyung's face, he didn't know either. How did they find out who she was, though? What are people saying about this revelation? She could be at risk now."

Jimin announces worriedly, "Everyone keeps tagging our social media accounts. People are dubbing her the 8th member or calling for her to step back, digging up that she went to school with you and Jin hyung and all sorts. Their sleuthing is uncovering things quicker than BigHit can cover them. We will need increased security, that's for sure."
Jungkook hoots excitedly, "ARMY like her. That much is obvious from the overwhelming amount of support compared to the negative comments. Oh! Someone just found her in earlier footage and is pointing out that she has worked in the team before, and they are demanding answers why she stayed hidden."

Hoseok seems to have a moment of clarity as he exclaims enthusiastically, "Oh, that's perfect! BigHit can use the fact that they didn't have the funding to support her as an idol as a reason why she never signed as one, and then she can confirm that she enjoyed her work in the crew too much to want to debut. This actually plays into BigHit's hands a bit more and gives her the choice to decline to be an idol or take the opportunity to step forward and train properly."
Namjoon says, grinning, "Hobi hyung, you are a genius! I'll call PD-nim and see if he wants to pitch that as an idea."

Taehyung gives Yoongi's spare hand a light but firm squeeze, bringing him out of his stupor, and affirms gently, "We are all happy for her. I know this is a bit of a shock, but let's not worry ourselves. They will be home soon, and we can ask her about it all."
Yoongi nods, and they all resume their tasks, a slight spring of nervousness in their actions. All of them are eager for Yunmi and Jin to return home so they can ask the questions burning them.

*End of BTS POV*

Yoongi pulls me into his room and asks accusingly, "Why didn't you tell me? I looked like a right idiot to the others."
I stammered quietly, "I'm sorry, Jin was annoyed at me too. If it's any consolation, the fact that we have all lived together for so long and no one knew indicates that I hid it well from everyone."
Yoongi implores eagerly, "All the time you spend in my studio, what do you work on?" I show him the folder and give him headphones.
His eyes widen as he takes in the list, and I share, "That's everything I've made in your studio." I see him pick some songs and listen, his eyes widening in surprise or softening or little chuckles escaping him.

He takes out the headphones and enthuses me, "Why didn't you ever show me this? You're amazing." There is such a proud tenderness in his features. I nearly cry because I feel so loved.
I lament quietly, "I don't want to be famous. I don't like being the centre of attention after what it cost me when I failed before, so I never released any of this"
I see the understanding in his eyes, and he apologises, "I'm sorry, I didn't think about that. But living in fear of history repeating, so the past dictates your future, that's no way to live."

I shrug and impart nonchalantly, "I put my stories on AO3 because it's under a username, and no one knows me. I do paintings as gifts or on request. I do backing vocals for EXO because they promised to keep it anonymous. In return, they get me tickets whenever I want to attend events. But this, my music, is private."
I smile at him, and he urges, "You should show this to PD-nim. You can be famous without needing to do concerts."
I shuddered, "Not really. I would have to attend award shows and potentially perform on stage at the award ceremony."

His face falls, and he beseeches, "What about being a producer and selling the tracks? If you sign up as a ghost-producer, then you can make tracks whenever you want to, and BigHit can sell them for you to other artists, that way, you get to make music that you like, but no one knows it's yours, but it still gets heard. Your music is too good to hide away forever."
I hadn't considered this, and I consider, "I'll think about it, PD-nim also gave me the choice of being a featured artist, so my voice gets heard, but I'm not pressured onto a stage."
I see Yoongi smile, and he babbles, "Trust him to come up with that."

I tease, "Well, he doesn't know about these songs." I smile as I look through them, and I entice, "I made this one for you."
I play it for him, and tears build up. He pulls me in for a hug and whispers, "It's beautiful" I smile and hug him as his tears flow.
There is a knock at the door, and Jin comes in. He indicates, "You need to take your medication." I nod, and Yoongi lets me go. I follow Jin to my room, and as soon as I'm in there, he locks the door and pins me to a wall. He seductively begs in my ear, "Let me paint you one more time before you take those tablets? I want to enjoy this before I can't have you for a week."

I nod, and he walks me to the bed. He strips us both and instructs, "This time, we will do doggy-style standing, and you will feel how much deeper I can get."
I nod, and we get busy. I am an overheated and moaning mess. There is a knock at the door, and I hear Hobi with a voice full of concern, "Are you ok, noona?"
Jin cums inside me, shocked by nearly getting caught, and I groan out as he thrusts, "I'll be ok, just waiting for medication to kick in."

Jin calls out, "I'm here for her, don't worry, Hobi."
Hobi backpedals, "Ah hyung, ok then I'll leave you to care for noona."
He walks away, and Jin collapses on top of me as he whispers, "That was a close call" I giggle and nod. He curls up around me, hugging me close, and he confesses, "I love hugging you." I feel everything in me respond to that statement. I look up and around at him, and he kisses my forehead. He whispers, "I'm sorry it's painful to begin with. I'm quite big."

I nod and admit, "I know you have one of the biggest in the group, but I don't mind. I'm enjoying the intimacy and fun. It feels good to know I can accept you,"
I see a soft smile on his lips as he affirms, "I'm happy that we can be so close." I snuggle into him as he massages my tummy, musing, "I hope I can ease the pain a little by doing this."
I confess softly, "The pain comes from the stretching of everything. I embrace it." I hear his adorable chuckle, and he peppers little kisses on my shoulders.

Before, this little snuggle would have had me secretly squealing, but knowing there is nothing behind it except platonic affection. Like with the other members, however, now that we are being intimate, I can't help but wonder if he always meant them intimately.
A small moan escapes my lips as my tummy becomes a tense ball of knots. Jin asks huskily, "Am I turning you on again, Princess?" I nod, unable to talk, and he presses himself against me as he confides teasingly, "I'm ready for round 3 of today if you are?"

I turn around to face him, capturing his lips with my own as I roll him over to be on top. He looks at me, surprised. I grin and state confidently, "My turn to take charge, Jin!"
He smirks and says, "I won't complain at all."
I slowly lower myself onto him, and we make love this time. We take it slow and gentle, full of love and affection instead of lust and need. Jin orgasms quicker than I anticipated he would, seeming surprised himself by it too.

He breathes hard as he climbs down from his high. He chokes out breathlessly, "I didn't think that would be so fucking sexy, but god damn, Yunmi, your body is so fucking delicious to watch."
I giggle, blushing at the compliment. Jin pulls me down to kiss me aggressively. It's as if he wants me to feel how much he loves watching my body. I feel like he is consuming my soul. I collapse on top of him, and we fall asleep like content cats. 

There is someone banging on my bedroom door, which wakes us up, and Jin shouts, "WE ARE NAPPING HERE!"
I hear Kookie shout back, "ARMY want to hear noona sing."
I sigh and whisper, "I'll get dressed." I shout out, "GIVE ME 10 MINUTES TO TIDY MYSELF UP. I LOOK TERRIBLE!"
Kookie shouts cheerfully, "Ok, see you in a bit in the home studio, noona!"
Jin checks the time and comments with resignation, "I should probably start making dinner."
I mumble, "Let's just order in tonight?"

Jin chuckles and disagrees, "I can get Yoongi to help with dinner."
I shake my head and declare, "I want everyone to come listen to the song." I see his curious expression and know that he is sold on the notion, wanting to hear more from me. I put on sweatpants and a tank top, brush my hair and put it into a braid while Jin puts his clothes on.

I shamelessly watch him, admiring his form, and it makes him smile. We leave the room, and I shout, "WHO WANTS TO HEAR ME SING?!" Everyone emerges from their rooms, and I chuckle as they look like excited children gathering.
I lead the flock like a pied piper, humming the song as we head to the home studio. I poke my head in and see Jungkook sitting on VLive and proclaiming, "I brought everyone so you can all hear the song together."

I smile as Yoongi takes the second seat and pats his legs for me to sit down, so I do. I say nervously, "I should probably introduce myself officially. Hi ARMY, I'm Min Yunmi, and I'm Yoongi's twin. I wrote a song for BTS that I've never shared. It feels like a good starting place. I also want to take the opportunity to out myself as a hidden writer on AO3. I have a lot of stories that include idols with cross-overs because they are all friends. I often argue with people in the comments who want shipping because I refuse to write it due to the fact that idols have expressed their discomfort at the concepts."

I look behind me and see appreciative smiles from everyone, and Taehyung shows me a finger heart. I grin and continue, "So what do I write then? I have a series where Namjoon is a detective with Jackson as his trusted assistant. I have fantasy series' too, and a story where Jin is a chef and competes against Gordon Ramsey. Those are just a few examples. I purely use idols as prefixed faces and names, but there are rarely romance stories unless requested, and for obvious reasons, when I wrote a requested one about Yoongi, I cringed. I rarely write romance ones because I've raised BTS for years, lived with Yoongi since birth, and been friends with Jin since we were kids. This makes it hard to think of them as sexually active. I don't get many reads because a lot of people go on AO3 to read romance with their idols, but I don't mind because the people who read my work enjoy it."

I take a deep breath as Yoongi squeezes my hand in comfort. I smile and continue nervously, "I'm friends with other idols too. I work with SM Town as backing vocals occasionally. Sorry Chanyeol, that I'm outing it's me. Chanyeol found out I could sing purely by accident, as we were shopping at the same time. I kept it secret because I have stage fright and the thought of becoming famous and going on stage terrifies me. I also don't want to be hired just because I am Min Yoongi's sister. On that note, I'll sing a few songs for you all. I have 48 recorded and one I'm going to produce soon, which I hope to have done by our birthday."

I sing and rap 3 songs as I play the instrumental versions of them for Karaoke. Everyone stares at me in amazement, and I apologise nervously, "I'm sorry if they weren't any good. It is my first time singing for others. I'm not counting IDOL at the supermarket because that was just to stop Jin whining that I sing backup for EXO, but he had never heard me sing."
I cover my face, and Yoongi takes my hands down and comforts me adoringly, "Look at the comments Yunmi and look at the others behind us."

I look around to see stunned expressions, and I look at the computer to see the flood of positive comments coming through about how beautiful my voice is, how impressive my rapping is, and how I can hit high and low notes.
I blush, embarrassed, and Bang Sihyuk calls me. I answer it, and he rejoices, "I didn't know you were this incredible! We need to talk."
I sulk with my head on my knees, whining down the phone, "I'm really not, I was really nervous, and my voice shook a few times. Now I'm embarrassed that you were watching."

Sihyuk reveals, "Everyone was watching Yunmi. Everyone gathered in the café."
I agonise, "How am I going to face people at work now?"
Yoongi insists, "With your head held high, Yunmi, you're my sister, and you are talented."
Sihyuk hollers excitedly, "The phones are ringing. I'm going."
He hangs up, and I mumble bashfully, "I need a moment." I climb off Yoongi's lap and walk out of the studio. I watch the rest of the V Live from my phone, and they don't stop talking about me.

I text Yoongi, 'Stop talking about me. I didn't sign up for my life to be exposed. I'm not an idol like you.'
Yoongi sees it and his eyes widen. He turns around and discloses, "She doesn't want us talking about her, so let's stop and respect her privacy. We don't talk about the rest of our families, so let's not talk about Yunmi. Ok?"
Everyone nods, and Jin asks, confused, "Does that mean she is watching?"
Yoongi confirms calmly, "I assume she is, or she wouldn't have known we were talking about her."

I text him, 'I was watching for the comments. I don't want people to see how overwhelmed I am. It's embarrassing for me to feel so exposed.'
Yoongi reads it and relays, "She needed some privacy is all. It was a little overwhelming to put herself out there for the world. She never did like being the centre of attention. She preferred to hold the camera and take the photos instead of being in them. That's just the way she is."
I smile as he speaks affectionately of our childhood, and Jin confesses, "I agree. She always took pictures of me in school, not with me. I took pictures of her when she wasn't paying attention because I was happy she was my friend. Oh, she made me a painting for my birthday present. I'm going to go get it because we forgot." 

I look under my bed, fish it out and look at the painting. It's a painting of Jin as an angel, his wings are his favourite shade of pink, and his outfit is a mauve tuxedo. He holds a rose and is offering it to you. His sugar gliders are on his shoulders, and his old dog at his feet, all with a set of wings of their own.
I hear my bedroom door open, and Jin walks in. I wipe away the tears and hand him the painting. He coaxes softly, "I came to check on you. The painting was an excuse." He gives me a hug and asks, "Are you ok, Princess?"

I answer quietly, "Just a little overwhelmed and shaken about being in front of the camera and being so exposed. Not physically but emotionally. I didn't exactly present myself as idol material, either. Look at what I'm wearing, after all."
Jin encourages, "But you were amazing nonetheless. Being an idol is less about what you wear and more about what message you are giving the world. Your songs are full of emotion," I agree.

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