His Heavenly Hell [COMPLETE]

By aurora_scar

611K 11.7K 1.3K

WARNING THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR PEOPLE YOUNGER THAN 18! A small-town girl in a foreign city is never a good thin... More

• Taken •
• In The Dark •
• Don't Disobey Me •
• Used To It •
• Shoot Your Shot •
• Good Girl •
• Begging Me •
• Earned It •
• Restraint •
• Not At All •
• Heaven •
• Little Girl •
• Who Doesn't •
• Understood •
• Somebody To Own •
• Can't Sleep •
• Using Me •
• Home •
• Ecstasy •
• Louder •
• Thinking Of Leaving •
• Just Like That •
• Delicious •
• My Land •
• Can't Shake You •
• Little Brat •
• Step Aside, Brother •
• The Invitation •
• Trust Me •
• Business •
• The Ball •
• Bathroom Pleasures •
• Buffalo 66 •
• The City Of Love •
• Schemes And Lies •
• It's Complicated •
• The American Cop •
• Sleeping Beauty •
• My Dirty Work •
• Talk Me Down •
• Hate You •
• Need Help •
• Russian Roulette •
• Swing Life Away •
• The Crown Might Fall •
• Hell Is Other People •
• Believe Me •
• 42 Days •
• Time •
• You Look Beautiful •
• Love You Regardless •
• The Unexpected •
• Alive •
• I Miss You •
• He Was Here •
• Nice To Meet You •
• Punish You Again •
• Under Your Spell •
• Get On The Bed •
• If I Stay •
• Bleed A Little •
• One More Day •
• Run Away Together •
• Danger •
• I Need Answers •
• Not This Time •
• I Remember •
• No Regrets •
Author's Note
Book Two?

• I'm Your What? •

6.8K 138 17
By aurora_scar

I finally reached Vicente's room. I saw his phone lying on the nightstand so I grabbed it. I looked around me before switching the phone on at the side.

It's asking for a password. I sighed in frustration. I tried typing his surname and his name, a few numbers, but nothing.

That's okay. I'm not even gonna bother with his laptop.

I went back outside and suddenly a ringtone was heard. I followed the sound and it was Calix's phone.

Lexi's name flashed on the screen and I sighed. This is what I get for spying on them.

I went outside to the balcony and stared at the water park from above. It's beautiful. It's a dream come true in the city of love.

I finally got the courage to go back to the pool where I left Calix and Vicente. As I walked downstairs I heard them talking.

"When are you gonna tell her?" Calix asked.

"I don't know," Vicente said and I frowned they were talking about me.

"She deserves to know. It's getting in the way of her happiness." Calix told his best friend.

"Says the guy who's fucking using her," Vicente said bluntly.

"I told her about my conditions. No feelings." Calix said and my heart squeezed.

"She's my sister. And I'm not gonna let you treat her like one of your sluts." Vicente said and my eyes bulged out of their sockets.

"I'm your what?" I asked wildly and their heads snapped to me.

"Oh shit," Vicente said slowly.


"Shut up Calix. It's bad enough that you're just using me, don't add to that by lying. And you- I didn't expect this from you Vicente." I said and they were quiet for a while.

"I didn't want you to find out like this, Nevaeh," Vicente said softly. "But it's true you're my little sister."

"I'm not your sister. I have a family. So do us both a favor and let me go home." I said angrily.

"Nevaeh, you were adopted," Vicente said slowly.

"Are you fucking serious? What kind of sick game is this? How dare you! You don't know anything about me or my family!" I said angrily.

"Nevaeh calm down," Calix said softly.

"You're done telling me what to do. Because guess what- you don't own me." I told him pointedly. "And you never will." I exited the building and left the water park.

I saw a homeless man in the street so I went over to him and asked where the nearest police station was and he gave me some direction.

After a while of searching, I saw a building where a few police cars were lined up outside. I'm going home and I don't care who I have to destroy in the process.

I suddenly started to feel dizzy and nauseous. This can't be good. I forgot to take my insulin earlier.

I kept walking to the police station as I covered my mouth with my hand.

"Miss, are you okay?" A male voice came from beside me so I shook my head.

"I need to take my insulin shot," I said when I noticed his badge. "I'm diabetic," I said before my knees gave in and he held me up before leading me somewhere.

"What type are you miss?" He asked.

"Type 1," I replied quickly. My eyes flickered open and I saw us entering the police station.

"Our paramedic is on the way." The officer assured me. He placed me onto a chair and I tried to sit upright.

"It's okay, you can relax." He said in a gentle tone.

"Can I ask you a few questions while we wait?" He asked and I just nodded.

"What's your name?" He asked and I breathed in deeply.

"My name is Nevaeh Hart." I said softly.

"How did you end up here?" The man asked once again.

"I was kidnapped by Calix Vasquez and Vicente Morales." I said blankly.

"Where are you from miss?" The officer asked.

"I'm from Plovdiv, Bulgaria," I said softly.

I saw another blurry figure entering the room.

"It's her captain. We found the girl that disappeared in Bulgaria." The officer told his captain.

They spoke in French and I zoned out. I felt a needle pricking into my skin and I shifted in my seat.

"Eat this sweetheart." A woman's voice came from beside me. "This will bring your strength back up." She said so I weakly sat upright.

American accent mixed with a hint of Spanish.

"I'm Sheriff Alvarez." She said when I opened my eyes. A blonde girl. She seems to be in her early twenties. Brown eyes with a bright smile.

"Nevaeh," I said before biting into the sandwich.

"Well, Naveah I'm here to get you back home. If you stick with me we can do this." She said slowly.

"The names you gave the other officer earlier. I know them. They're the heads of the biggest mafia family." She said softly.

"These officers have already informed them that you're here because of their loyalty to them." She said before pursing her lips together.

"So what do you say, Nevaeh?" She asked and I sucked in a deep breath.

"Can I see your badge?" I asked and she showed it to me. LAPD? What is she doing here? In France.

"How do I know that I can trust you?" I asked carefully.

"You don't. You just need to have faith in something far bigger than the both of us." She said in a gentle tone. She sounds like my mom.

"Okay," I said softly before grabbing the case of insulin.

"Then let's get out of here." She said before standing up. We heard voices closing in on us so I stood up and followed her outside.

"Just follow my lead." She said and I nodded. We exited the room and two officers stopped us.

"Sheriff Alvarez, where are you taking Miss Hart?" One of them asked.

"It's woman's business." She said before pointing at my vagina.

"Ouch," I said while faking pain. "These cramps-" I said in pain and they moved out of our way. We went into the bathroom and the sheriff breathed out tiredly.

"What now?" 

"We jump." She said while looking out the window.

"What? Are you crazy? It's too high and I can't damage my legs." I said and she looked at me in disbelief.

"You're just gonna have to jump sweety. We'll worry about your legs later." She said and I sighed out in frustration.

"You go first." She said before holding her hands out. I stepped on them and looked out the window.

"Oh shit! Uhm sheriff, Calix and Vincente are here." I said and her eyes widened. "They're heading inside now," I said in panic.

"Jump! Now." She said so I climbed out of the window.

"Stand on the toilet," I told her and she did just that. She finally got out and I breathed out in relief.

"Run." She told me so I ran as fast as my legs could go.

We got to a black car and sped off down the street.

Please don't let this woman be a psychopath.

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