Pokemon Indigo League - Pokem...

By Konomies

126K 2.1K 2.2K

Let's just get to the point. You go on a Pokemon journey through Kanto region. (Ps. This is a rewrite of my... More

I Choose You!
Challenge of the Samurai
Showdown in Pewter City
Clefairy and The Moon Stone
The Water Flowers of Cerulean City
Charmander - The Stray Pokémon
Here Comes the Squirtle Squad!
The More The Merrier
Electric Shock Showdown!
Battle Aboard the St. Anne
Pokemon Shipwreck
Tentacool & Tentacruel
The Ghost of Maiden's Peak
Bye Bye Butterfree
The Tower of Terror
Abra and the Psychic Showdown
Mankey Goes Bananas
Pokemon Scent-sation!
The More The Merrier (Gaming edition)
Pokemon Fashion Flash
Oooh, shiny!
Let's Go, Pikachu and Eevee!
Sparks Fly for Magnemite
Dig Those Diglett!
The Ninja Poke-Showdown
The More The Merrier (Poison edition)
The Flame Pokemon-athon!
Safari Zone
Holiday Hi-Jynx
Gyarados Finally Listens! Yes!
The Battling Eevee Brothers
The March of the Exeggutor Squad
The Song of Jigglypuff
Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon
The Punchy Pokemons
Holy Matrimony!
Date With Misty
Who Gets to Keep Togepi?
The More The Merrier (Part 2)
The Case of the K-9 Caper!
Eevee's Exclusive Moves
Riddle Me This
The Misty Mermaid
The Battle of the Badge

It's Evolving!

2K 46 24
By Konomies

As our heroes are heading towards Celadon City, they decide to have a small break at the lake. Brock puts down his backpack and sits down.

Brock: How about a break?

Misty puts her back down and sits on a rock. 

Misty: Works for me.

But Y/N and Ivysaur weren't planning to have a break.

Y/N: Not us. We gotta train! Right buddy. 

Ivysaur: Saur! (Right on!)

Brock: Okay! I'll start making lunch!

Brock said and started making lunch. Where did he pull a table and all the cooking stuff is still a mystery.

Misty: Y/N, mind if I help you train?

Y/N: No I don't mind. I was gonna ask your help anyway. 

And with that, the two with Ivysaur following walked a little further away form Brock, who is cooking. 


Y/N picked up five Pokeball's and threw them in the air. 

Y/N: Okay! Come out to train!

Rattata, Zubat, Nidoran (female), Nidoran (male) and Magikarp materialized out of their balls. 

Y/N: Okay guys, let's begin! Zubat, you need to practice you speed! Nidorans, you two are sparring against each other! Rattata, you are sparring with Ivysaur. And Magikarp, you will be practicing with Misty and her Pokemon! Okay? Good! Then let's get to work!

Misty: So what do you want me to tech Magikarp?

Y/N: Well, swim. Of course. And to use Tackle if you don't mind.

Misty: Okay, got it! But what are you gonna do?

Y/N: Well first I've gotta tell Zubat what to do and then I'm gonna train myself. 

Misty: Train yourself?! Why?!

Y/N: To keep in shape. I wanna train myself alongside my Pokemon. It's a way for us to bond. Yo know. Plus, they would all laugh at me if I let myself get in bad shape. (laughs)

Misty: (giggles) I get it now.

And she walks towards the lake to train Magikarp. Y/N walks up to Zubat with a rock. 

Y/N: Zubat, carry this rock across the forest and back. Hopefully it will increase your speed. 

Zubat snatched the rock from Y/N and flew off. After that, Y/N began training himself. He walked up to a tree and started doing pull-ups on a tree branch. Time passed quickly while everyone were training. They trained for about and hour and during that time everyone were improving. Although Mist had a hard time keeping her eyes off of Y/N while he was working out. He wasn't as scrawny as he was when they met. He had a toned stomach and some his arms were little muscular. The training was interrupted when Brock called everyone to eat.

Brock: Lunch time!

And with that, everyone rushed back to where Brock was and started eating. 

Brock: So how did training go?

Y/N: It was great! Everyone got a lot stronger! Hey Misty, how about Magikarp?

Misty: He did great too! Unlike Team Rocket's Magikarp, yours can swim perfectly? (giggles)

They ate their lunch and went bag to training. During their training session, Rattata began to glow white. 

Misty: Hey Y/N, Rattata is evolving!

Y/N stopped his own workout and quickly ran up to Rattata. The light fades to reveal that Rattata had evolved into a Raticate!

Raticate: Raticate! Raticate! (Yes! I evolved!)

Y/N plled out his Pokedex to check his Raticate.

Raticate, the Mouse Pokemon, and the evolved form of Rattata. Raticate can gnaw through anything with its ever-growing teeth.

Right on cue, both Nidorans also started to glow white. The light fades to reveal Nidorina and Nidorino. 

Nidorina: Nido Nidorina! (Look at us!)

Nidorino: Nido. Nidorino! (Yeah. We look cool!)

Y/N scanned them too. 

Nidorina, the Poison Pin Pokemon. The evolved form of the female Nidoran. It emits supersonic waves from its mouth to confuse its enemies.

Nidorino, the Poison Pin Pokemon. The evolved form of the male Nidoran. Its highly developed horn is extremely powerful.

Y/N: Congrats guys! Three evolutions today! We're on fire!

Misty: Make it four!

She told him while pointing at Zubat, who was glowing white. After the light fades away, Golbat is flying on Zubat's place. 

Golbat: "Bat sounds!" (Alright!)

Y/N points his Pokedex at Golbat.

Golbat, the Bat Pokemon. The evolved form of Zubat. It has four sharp fangs and emits supersonic waves more powerful than Zubat's.

Y/N: (chuckles) Well done everyone! I'm so proud of you all!

All the Pokemon cheered and continued training for a short while. After 30 minutes of training, they decided to call it quits. They packed their stuff and returned their Pokemon. Y/N was just about to return Magikarp until they heard a familiar voice speaking.

Jessie: Well, hello there, chumps.

They turned around to see Team Rocket. 

Misty: Team Rocket!

Brock: What are you doing here?

Meowth: Aren't you happy ta see us?

Magikarp then jumps out of water and uses Tackle. He hits James right in the face but unfortunately it didn't hurt him and Magikarp just drops down on the ground. James saw Magikarp on the ground and got flashback from the St. Anne where he bought a Magikarp from that scammer.

James: (growls) Magikarp! Buzz off!

And he kicks kicks Magikarp back in to the lake to the shock of our heroes.

Y/N: Hey! You can't just kick my Magikarp like that!

Brock: I wish he hadn't done that!

Misty: Still trying to capture our Pokemon?!

Jessie: We just want to borrow them, permanently.

James: Your situation is hopeless. Hand them over or else!

As James talks, the Magikarp resurfaces and began to glow white. Only Y/N seemed to notice this. 

Misty: Or else what?

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.

James: To unite all peoples within our nation.

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love.

James: To extend our reach to the stars above.

Jessie: Jessie.

James: James.

Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light.

James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight.

Meowth: Meowth! That's right!

Jessie: Now's the perfect time. You're obviously too pooped to protect your Pokemon.

Y/N: If you guys don't get out of here fast, you're gonna get more whipped than last time.

Meowth: By who?

Y/N then point at the lake. 

Y/N: By him.

They all turn to see Magikarp evolving, much for the shock and fear for our heroes and Team Rocket.

Misty: Oh no.

Jessie and James: It's evolving!

Magikarp dives back under water. Soon, Gyarados burst out of the water with a loud roar. 


Team Rocket and Misty: AHHHHHHH!!!

James: Not again!

Gyarados glares at Team Rocket with hatred in his eyes. Then it's dorsal fins glow with gold energy. Soon he shoots out a yellow-orange beam of energy from its mouth at the three idiots, causing a huge explosion that sends Team Rocket flying. 

Team Rocket: Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!

Y/N then walks up to Gyarados to congratulate it. 

Y/N: That was awesome Gyarados! You evolved and learned a new move! I'm proud of...

He never got to finish that sentence, because Gyarados just suddenly shot HIM with a Hyper Beam just like Team Rocket. The blast didn't send him blasting away but it did send him flying and hitting a tree in a process. 

Misty and Brock: Y/N!!!

They ran to check if their friend was okay. 

Brock: Are you okay?!

Misty: Please, say something?!

Y/N: (grunting) I'm good. 

They helped him get back up. Y/N then turned to look at Gyarados. 

Y/N: Gyarados, why did you do that?!

The water type just glares at him and attacks again. This time with Ice Fang.

All Three: Ahhhhhh!

And they took of running, but Gyarados began chasing after them. 

Y/N: Gyarados! What's gotten into you?! Stop!

But Gyarados didn't stop. He just kept chasing around our heroes. And they were starting to get tired. 

Y/N: Why aren't you listening to me?!

Brock: Y/N! Call your Gyarados back to his Pokeball!

Misty: And please! Do it now!

Y/N stopped running, pulled out Gyarados' Pokeball and pointed it at it.

Y/N: Gyarados, return!

Red beam hit Gyarados before he could bite our heroes with Ice Fang and he returned back to his ball. 

Y/N: (sigh)

Brock: (sigh) That was close!

Misty: (sigh) Too close!

Y/N: I don't get it! Why didn't Gyarados listen to me?! When it was a Magikarp it did everything I said!

Misty: Y/N, Gyarados is Pokemon that is very hard to train. You would have to be a really experienced trainer to do so.

Y/N: Oh. 

He looked down in sadness after hearing that. Brock saw this and put his hand on his shoulder. 

Brock: Don't worry, one day Gyarados will listen to you.

Y/N: Yeah. There is no way I'm giving up on him!

Misty: That's the spirit!

Brock: How about we finally go to Celadon City?

Misty and Y/N: Yeah, let's go!

And with that, they finally left to Celadon City where Y/N's fifth badge is waiting for him. 

Wow. That was a lot of evolutions. Sorry that this chapter was so short. I just noticed that some Pokemon weren't evolved yet, so I made this training chapter to evolve them. So what do you think about these kind of chapter? And yes. Gyarados is gonna be this story's Charizard. I got the idea after watching the first Pokemon movie. There Ash said that it takes a lot of skills to train Gyarados, so I thought that it could be Y/N's disobedient Pokemon story arc. Anyway, what happens next? When will Gyarados listen to Y/N? You will see it next time. And remember, as always, comment, like, vote and correct me if I made any mistakes. And hey, give some suggestions on Pokemon Y/N should catch. I have already decided them, but I still like to hear your suggestions and opinions. And if you haven't already, go to The Water Flowers of Cerulean City chapter and vote for Y/N's love interest! And please! Remember to vote how many girlfriends you want! See ya next time!

Current Pokemon:
Ivysaur (Male)
Charmander (Male) (At home)
Wartortle (Male) (At home)
Pidgeotto (Female) (At home)
Butterfree (Male) (released)
Beedrill (Female) (At home)
Spearow (Female) (At home)
Raticate (Male) 
Golbat (Male) 
Clefairy (Female) (At home)
Nidorina (female) 
Nidorino (male) 
Gyarados (male)
Dratini (male) (At home)
Horsea (female) (At home)
Tentacool (male) (At home)
Haunter (male) (At home)
Mankey (male) (At home)

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