Teach Me || NaHyo

By 9YoursTruly6

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"I love you!" I cried out. A story where two total opposite people are destined to fall in love with one anot... More

Main Character Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 6

439 24 0
By 9YoursTruly6

Jihyo's POV

The day was going good so far, I haven't had any complaints.

All students have kept themselves to their homework and listened well to my lessons.

I'm glad.

My best friend and I were walking towards the school entrance right now, the wind breezing against our faces.

Jeongyeon and I went out and got something to eat at a nearby cafe because we both were dumb enough to not pack up enough food for the whole day.

"How has it been going with that new student of yours, Son Chaeyoung?" The older woman asked me as we walked into the school building, "I saw that she already made a few friends, especially quickly with Mina. Those two seem to get along very well."

"It's going good so far from what I heard, she luckily has no troubles with the stuff she needs to learn and know. Which is fortunate for her, I think she will easily pass this year."

We walked further through the halls and met Dahyun and Mina along the way, two of Jeongyeon's students.

"Hello, ladies." The science teacher said and looked at the pair with a radiant smile, until she noticed that Dahyun's pants were soaked. "Woah, hold on there, what happened here? Was there another food fight?" 

The pair of girls stopped in their tracks and now stood infront of us, "No Ms Yoo, no food fight occurred this time. Mina spilled her drink and it unfortunately came all over my lap, but it's okay. Sana had an extra pair of sweatpants with her." Dahyun told us while Mina held up the sweatpants in her hand.

"Alright, well you girls hurry up and make sure you're on time for your next lesson. I don't want to hear any trouble coming from you two again." Jeongyeon said before the two kids walked off.

"Have they been causing trouble lately? That's not something that I'd expect from those two, in all honesty." I asked her, not believing that those two would do anything that could cause a lot of trouble. 

She chuckled and shook her head, "No, but I just like to give warnings." 

That answer didn't surprise me.

I stopped walking, "Well, I'm going back to my class. Will I see you after school?" 

"You bet, I'll be waiting by your car." Jeongyeon told me and we exchanged a quick hug, "See you, Thomas." 


It was quiet in my class. 

A few whispers were heard in the back of the room, but I didn't mind. Aslong as it didn't disturb the others or me, I'm fine with it.

I myself was reading the book that I had been trying to finish this week, completely captivated in the storyline. 

It was when I flipped to the next page that I heard distant yelling come from outside of my classroom. Must be two students fooling around again in the hallways. 

Nobody paid any attention to it and continued with their work, including me. 

But then all of a sudden, a loud thud was heard and the vibrations went through the floor.

.."Didn't I tell you to stop touching me, you bitch!"..

After that followed screaming and yelling- it sounded like bloody murder or something.

What the fuck was going on out there?

"Ms Park, shouldn't you check where all that noise is coming from? To be honest, I can't really concentrate." One of the students at front said as he looked at me with a pained face.

I stood up from my seat, "Everyone stay here and do not talk, when I come back I want you all to be working and silent." I warned them as I headed over to the door. 

When I opened the door- I looked from side to side, expecting to see a group of students running around the halls. But there was literally nobody, yet the noise got louder as soon as I had opened the door.

It was when I walked further into the hallway, that I could make out where the noise was coming from. From the whole other end of the hallway- the English classroom.

Actually, can Im ever keep her classes in control. Seems like she herself still needs teaching.

My feet took me away to go to the classroom. But then I recognized something, these screams weren't from any student.

They were from Nayeon herself and they sounded absolutely dreadful. 

This can't be good.

I picked up my pace until I was practically running across the hallway.

I'm so glad that I wore sneakers today.

I came to a halt right infront of the English classroom's door, hearing Chaeyoung and some other guy yelling inside of there.

My hand clutched the door handle and I swung the door open.

The door opened and revealed two students laying ontop of who seemed to be Yang Sung-Ho, his nose was bleeding and his whole face was red.

Chaeyoung stood frozen at front, holding one of her hands while looking at me with shocked eyes.

"Son Chaeyoung! Did you hit someone?!" I immediately yelled and took a few steps inside, forgetting Nayeon's previous screaming because of my student who was standing there with blood on her fist and a student being pinned to the floor with a bloody nose.

Chaeyoung hurriedly shook her head and pointed to beside me. The students behind her looked panicked, as if they had seen a ghost.

"What happened here then-" I said before my head turned to the side.

What I saw absolutely petrified me.

It was Nayeon, lying with her back to the class, red blood drops had spread out from the desk to the space where she was laying.

She wasn't moving whatsoever, it looked like she was dead. You could barely see her breathing either.

I couldn't move at all and stood there looking like a fool.

Until I finally regained my senses. 

"Nayeon!?" I shouted and rushed over to her, it was then when the other teachers came running into the classroom.

Slow fuckers, how could they not have heard this commotion sooner?!

Yang Sung-Ho was pulled out of the classroom right away while the other students got permission to leave class.

And they all did, but not without staring at their English teacher.

I had taken my blazer off and covered Nayeon's body and face as much as I could while the students exited the room.

I hadn't dared to look at her condition yet, I honestly was too shaken up to have done it right away. I also didn't want to risk the other students getting spooked. 

A teacher was already calling the ambulance. At least someone was smart enough to take action.

My blazer was now thrown somewhere back in the classroom. My hands had a grip on Nayeon's shoulders as I slowly turned her onto her back. 

What I saw was unquestionably horrid.

The blood was more than I had thought, it was smeared on her face and dripping into her hair. I doubted that that was all there was shed.

Her nose obviously was broken, it must be. This amount of blood doesn't explain just a nose bleed. 

"Nayeon?" I said gently and took the hem of my shirt to wipe some of the blood off her face.

But it just came back. 

She'll choke in her own blood if she doesn't sit up. 

I thought quickly and sat behind her, conscientiously lifting her up to sit between my legs with her back leaning onto me.

This way she was sitting up but was still relaxed.

The blood that came out of her nose wasn't stopping.

I looked around and saw Mr Jung standing there, frozen in his place. "Give me my blazer if you will?" I somewhat yelled at him, trying to not make too many loud noises.

He lingered there for a few seconds before I called his name out, and he finally threw me my blazer. This guy really was useless when you actually needed him for once, my goodness.

"Please go check up on my student Son Chaeyoung and make sure that she gets attended to by the nurse. She's a short girl, looks like a tiger cub.. you'll recognize her once you see her." I told him and he nodded foolishly before leaving the room.

It was just Nayeon and I at this moment, my hand holding my blazer by her nose in an attempt at stopping the bleeding while my other arm held her by her waist.

She still hasn't opened her eyes nor made any noise, but luckily she was breathing. 

How did it even come to this, to where a student was attacking a teacher this aggressively. 

She must've been attacked aggressively, just by looking at her I knew it.

I felt some slight movement in my arms and looked at the girl in my arms- she was stirring around.

"Hey, Nayeon?" I murmured near her ear. Her head turned away in response, she probably didn't feel the pain yet. 

My hand had to move along with her head- I didn't want to let go yet because I was scared that her nose might start to bleed again.

A pair of hands grabbed my thighs and Nayeon began to push herself up against me, trying to get more comfortable on the floor.

She wasn't fully conscious yet.

After a few more seconds, I prudently removed the blazer from her nose and took a peek. The bleeding had stopped, thank God.

The piece of clothing was almost all red by now, but I didn't care at all. Nayeon had stopped bleeding from her nose and that was most important at this moment. 

Sirens started to come closer to the school. 

I'm so glad this didn't escalate into something worse, because that guy has anger issues. I had quite a number of arguments with him before in my own lessons, but he never dared to lash out at me.

Nayeon finally started to open her eyes and began to look around. Her body tensed and she tried to get up hurriedly because of confusion, or so I assumed.

"Hey, you're okay." 

My hands held her arms so that she wouldn't move around. I didn't know if she had any broken bones or other injuries, so trying to keep her still was the best for now. 

She didn't stop though, her knees bending so that she could put her feet on the floor and stand up.

"Hey." I mumbled to her but she didn't seem to notice me. Her body leaned away from mine and that's when she saw the blazer laying by her legs, covered in blood.

"What, who- you." She mumbled incoherently, her mind still out of it.

"Nayeon, calm down and sit down please." I said clearly now and she turned her head to the side. Her eyes stared into mine for a few seconds and I felt myself get fidgety.

She was dissociated, I could see it by the look in her eyes. It's like her mind completely shut off after the incident. 

The ambulance was right infront of the school, I could hear it. Footsteps were running in the hallway, getting louder and louder. 

My hand reached out to touch her face, and she flinched.

She flinched, for why?

Her arms were protecting her head as she kept on mumbling things that I couldn't understand, I didn't even know if she was speaking Korean at this point. 

Why was she so afraid of me now, I was holding her a minute ago.


Nayeon was now being put into the ambulance, the staff briefly told me what kind of injuries she might have, but also stated that they weren't sure.

The student who had beaten Nayeon up was expelled immediately, it's only the question if Nayeon will sue him.

Which I think she absolutely should. It'd be nuts if she weren't to do so, he got her into the hospital after all.

I watched the ambulance drive off as I sat on the stairs outside of the school, my head in my hands as I remembered the amount of blood that I had seen.

I decided to keep the blazer with me incase I could wash the blood out of it, but I honestly doubted it deeply. Nor do I think I want to be reminded of today by the piece of cloth. 

A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I closed my eyes and put my hands in my hair, massaging my scalp. I'm so happy that the principal had decided to end the school day for today.

I wouldn't be able to work with this on my mind.

I kept thinking about that look Nayeon had in her eyes and the way she got startled by me reaching out to her.

I couldn't put a logical reason to it, perhaps she thought I was going to hit her? But why would she think that, I never laid a finger on her before. 

"Hey, Hyo." A familiar voice said from behind me. I didn't even have to turn around to see who it was. A body sat down beside me and put her arm around my shoulder, her hand pushing my head on her own shoulder. 

Jeongyeon always knew how to comfort me, no matter what the reason was that I was stressed or upset over.

Just like that one time years ago.

She was the one who woke me up to start the day, she was the one who fed me- she kept me alive while I was drowning in my own sorrow.

It's a wonder that I'm still here today- Yoo Jeongyeon is a wonder. 

Embraced in the comfort of Jeongyeon's arms- I shed my tears. 

They were no sad tears, well, maybe a little bit.

But they mainly were just there, rolling down my cheeks, because of the emotions that were going through me.

This was the only way for me to let those emotions out, and the blonde didn't mind it at all. She didn't care if she had to listen to me sob, get her clothes wetted by my tears or to sit here with me for hours until I had sedated my emotions.

And I'm so lucky for that.


We both sat there for another 30 minutes or so, just talking or enjoying the silence between us and sounds of nature.

Jeongyeon noticed that the crying had made me tired, "You should go home and get some rest, Jihyo. Maybe take a day off tomorrow, the principal for sure would understand." She said softly as she rubbed my back, which didn't really go well with me trying to fight my sleepiness. 

If I were to step in my car right now- in this state, I'd be a danger on the road. 

"I don't think I'd make it halfway home Jeongyeon, I'm drained." I said truthfully and looked at her.

She realised I had a point and stood up, reaching her hand out for me to grab- which I did. The older woman pulled me back up on my wobbly feet, holding me by my arm as I stood. 

"Then I'll take you home, give me your car keys." She said and looked for my bag, but it was nowhere to be seen. "Is your bag still in your classroom?" The science teacher asked- I nodded. 

"Stay here, I'll be back real quick." And with that she ran off inside the school building, leaving me standing there. I started to walk forward and down the stairs slowly, a big yawn escaping my mouth as I went. 

Not even after 40 seconds, Jeongyeon was already jogging behind me with my bag in her hands and the bloody blazer that I forgot to take with me from the stairs.

"C'mon Thomas, get your engine to work for just a few minutes." 

She held my hand as we walked to the car, scared that I'd give out any minute. My emotions always have had a lot of influence on my body and it sucked ass.

She opened the passenger door for me to get in, closing it when I sat down and put my seatbelt on. Jeongyeon got in the driver's seat and threw my bag in the back of the car, neatly putting the blazer on her lap after starting the car, "You can take a nap if you want, but I'm not going to carry you."

She's lying to herself.


I woke up to the sound of my house keys, we already were at my apartment. And I, as no surprise, was being carried by Jeongyeon.

I clung to her front like my life was depending on it. Even though I knew that only her arm under my thighs was enough to hold me up- I held myself tighter onto her.

The door closed behind us and she put my bag and blazer down, right away heading to the bedroom.

When she opened the door, I heard her mumble under her breath, "My goodness.. it's a mess here. I could almost call you a hoarder." The blonde kicked away the piles of clothing on the floor until she could sit me down on my bed. 

I felt her gaze on me. Nayeon's blood was still all over my clothes and some drops had dried up on my skin- I badly needed a shower. "You better not fight me this time, Jihyo." 

And with that she picked me up again and took me to my bathroom.


I was now lying down in my bed, freshly showered with brushed teeth. Jeongyeon decided to clean up my room for me as I fell asleep, and I slept for 14 hours in total that day/night. 


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