Biology - A/B/O | l.s.

By IAdoreWalls

317K 11.2K 3.9K

Harry is an omega, who has a crush on his biology professor Mr. Tomlinson, who happened to be an alpha. What... More

98 - sad
Epilogue - sad
98 - happy
Epilogue - happy
Final note


2K 75 26
By IAdoreWalls

Louis had to drop Harry off few streets from school as any other day, when they went to school together.

"Be careful, okay?"

"I will. My first stop is in the headmaster's office, so you don't have to worry." Harry said as he was about to leave the car.

"Oh, you are going to..." Louis silenced himself while squeezing the steering wheel tightly.

"Yeah, I need to inform the school." the boy sighed. He honestly didn't want to talk about it anymore. He didn't want to constantly keep bragging about it.


"Mhm?" he tilted his head to the side to glance at Louis.

"When will you tell the school that you are pregnant?" Louis tapped on the sides of the steering wheel with his thumbs.

"I didn't think about that. But it's too soon now, isn't it?" Harry stared at him, his brows furrowed. Those question marks had to be visible in his eyes for sure.

"Probably. It can wait." Louis nodded, more to himself though.

"Yeah, it can wait. I need to go!" he grabbed the door handle, getting out of the car carefully.

"Have a great day."

"You too, love." Louis glanced at Harry momentarily, before the door closed and Harry began to walk away.

When the green eyed boy entered the school through the main entrance door, he was immediately met with curious stares.

He rather kept his head down the whole time he walked in the direction of the headmaster's office.

Once he arrived he knocked on the door, waiting for the instruct to come in.

"Enter please!" could be heard from the other side.

As soon as Harry came inside the office of Mr. Adkins, he began to feel nervous.

"Hello Harry, I am glad you are here. How are you?" Mr. Adkins smiled, gesturing for Harry to take a seat.

"I am alright." the boy answered shortly.

Harry's POV

"So, you are here to clarify your current situation if I understand it right." I swallowed harshly. There goes nothing.

"I was diagnosed with leukemia. I will have to go back to hospital eventually, which is complicated because I still need to attend school." Mr. Adkins' skin got paler when he heard such words.

"I need- I mean, I would like to ask if my tolerated absence percentage could be higher?"

"Of course. Your health is the priority."

"Thank you. Do I need to sign something?" I asked since I didn't know how this worked.

"No, just tell your doctor to give you a copy of your medical report that you can give the school. You can send it, you don't have to hand it yourself." I nodded while biting on my lip. I couldn't wait to get out of here.

"Alright. I should probably get to class." I got up from the chair I was previously sitting on.
I hope I wasn't being rude right now.

"Harry" he called out for me before I could leave.
"I wish you just the best." I gave him a sad smile, saying my thank you and goodbye.

The hallways were already empty when I got out of the office.

I was running through the school, knowing I was going to be late. I had two minutes till the start of my first lesson.

Just when I was about to grab the doorknob my head began to hurt.

My body fell onto the door with a loud thud.
Fuck, I shouldn't have run.

The door opened, relieving my math teacher standing behind.

"Mr. Styles?" she looked at me, surprise evident in her voice.
"Good morning miss, I am sorry." I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stop my head from hurting.

"Come in, we are just about to start." I nodded, making my way over to my and Zayn's desk.

All the curious eyes were fixed on me right now...

As I sat down I could hear Zayn speak up.
"Are you alright H?" he whispered.

"Trying to be." I opened my notebook, knowing I had to pay close attention to the class.

Zayn went to the toilets with me. We decided to talk there.

"I missed you Har." he hugged me briefly.

"I am sorry once again-" he cut me off, rolling his eyes playfully.

"Don't, yeah? How is the little devil doing?" he smiled, looking down to my tummy.

"I should go to another appointment next week if I remember it right."

"Do you want to talk about...?" I knew what he wanted to say.

"Could we not? I would like to forget about it at least for a moment." I really wanted to forget, although that I already realized it was almost impossible.

My physical state was reminding me of it the most. Even few minutes long run was making me feel sick.

"Of course, I am sorry."

"It's okay." I tried to give him a sincere smile.

Louis told me to wait in the store's parking lot again. He didn't want me to travel alone on bus.

He seemed pretty bothered ever since the last night. I wonder what his dream contained of. I realized he had some bad dream, I just didn't know what was it about.

I thought he would share it with me, but he didn't.

Suddenly Louis' car pulled over and I got in as quickly as I could manage to.

"Hello." he greeted me.
"Hey." I fastened my seatbelt.

"How was your day?" Louis glanced at me as he began to drive away.
"Good." I looked outside the window, feeling like being alone with my thoughts.

Those two past hours were really heavy for my mind. I felt like I wasn't able to do normal stuff anymore. All of my classmates understood everything and I was the only one left behind.

I thought I did great at home, I thought I caught up on my studies...
But when I came back I saw for myself.

Louis kept silent for some time before he spoke up.
"Something happened?" he asked carefully.

"No." I answered simply.

"Okay. What do you want for dinner? Want me to stop somewhere? Would you like some pizza? I bet you missed it."

"Could we just go home?" I rolled my eyes.

Why did I do that?

"Sure." he shrugged.
As soon as I realized what I have done, tears began to roll down my cheeks, my vision becoming blurry.

I didn't mean to be rude. I would like some pizza and his attention, but right now I felt-

I can't even say how- I don't know how to explain it.

"I am sorry." I whispered so quietly that Louis didn't have the chance to hear it.

Soon after we arrived home it started raining.
Louis went into the bathroom, probably to take a shower.

The flat felt super cold today, so I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around myself.

I came up to the window, staring outside. I could see people with umbrellas running into the houses or cars, not wanting to get completely soaked by that strong, cold rain.

When I managed to tear my gaze away from the pessimistic view I went to my bag, taking out all the things I needed to take a look at today. It was a lot of things since I didn't want to be left behind for long.

I started with physics since I understood it the least.
I sat down on the couch with it, looking over the notes I had written home yesterday and then the new ones from today.

I didn't understand the formulas nor the theory.
I grabbed a pen, writing one example on some clear paper that I found.

I tried to think of a way how to solve it, but even after looking at the formulas I couldn't work out how to do it.

I began to wiggle the pen in my hold, trying so hard not to cry. I felt terrible. I wasn't there just few days. How could I be this behind?

To be honest, I wasn't doing exactly the best when I was still attending school regularly, so now it went from fine/regular to bad.

I rubbed on my temples, letting the tears roll down my cheeks once again. I felt so much emotions and I didn't know how to express them all at once. Was it even possible to do so?

"It's terrible outside. I will make some tea-" Louis stopped in his tracks.

"Harry?" I could feel how his hand nudged my shoulder.

I felt mostly angry in that moment, so I began to punch my thighs repeatedly while crying.

Louis took the seat next to me, not daring to speak up.

"I don't understand anything! Nothing!" I screamed from the bottom of my lungs.

"How stupid am I?" I glanced down at my notes to see that the paper got wet on some places. I just had to cry right over my notes, right?

"I am so stupid. I tried to understand, but I just can't. I don't know how or why- They are all so clever." I sobbed.

Louis nudged my shoulder once more.

"Show me." he reached out to grab my notes and I let him take them.

Calm down for Louis' sake! You were acting enough of an ass in the car!
Yeah, right. He was just trying to help me feel better and I pushed him away.

Louis began to read through the paper carefully.

"Alright baby. Let's try to solve this problem." he put the paper on the conference table in front of us, grabbing one pen for himself from my pencil case as well.

"Let's start with what we know." he began to write it all down.

After like half an hour of trying, and some more tears later we had the final result. It was an ugly number, but we worked out the correct one.

"See? Do you think you need some more help with physics?"

"No." I was finally calming down and all I wanted to do was suffocate my alpha in the tightest hug ever.

I moved closer towards him, snuggling up to his chest.

I stared outside while I wrapped my hands around his waist.

"The rain is nice although it's proper pessimistic at times." Louis stated.

"It is." I mumbled while I kept staring outside, knowing he was looking there too.
He began to rub soothing circles on my back, making me relax a bit more.

"I feel so stupid." I huffed out.

"We all do sometimes. Want some tea? You are shaking." Louis whispered.

"Maybe a bit later?"


"Thank you Louis."

"What about the place you would like to visit? Want to talk about that instead?" I pulled away, tilting my head up, so I could look him in his oceans.

They were full of care, full of happiness, but also sadness, tiredness and stress at the same time.

"I would love to visit-" but then another idea came to my mind as I kept staring into Louis' eyes.

"I would like to visit your hometown." I mumbled.

"My hometown?" Louis asked, certainly surprised.

"Yeah. Do your relatives still live there?" Louis looked away from me, his eyes now glued to the ground.

"Harry- I am not ready for- I am not ready for you to meet them." he said in the end.
"Could we maybe go somewhere else?" he seemed not too fond of that idea. Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut about this?

"Sea life?" Louis took his eyes back to me, nodding slightly.
"Alright, yeah." his eyes were glassy, I noticed that as soon as he looked at me.

"You like that idea?" I asked, hoping that he did.

"Oh, I do. Of course that I do." he smiled, but I saw he was still sad.

'Make him smile.' was all I could hear in my head at that moment.

I leaned closer to his face. He was ready to receive a kiss, but instead of giving him a kiss I brushed my nose against his, giving him an Eskimo kiss.

I could feel how his corners raised up!

I made him smile.

Hello everyone.
Thank you for your support in the last chapter. I have the best readers in the world.<3

I hope your day went well.
You can always try again tomorrow, don't forget that.

Have a great day/night, wherever you are.
Take care!


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