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Here's the chapter, hope you enjoy <3


𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐬


        Onika was still passed out on the floor. 

      It had been about 2 hours now, and I was still shaking with rage. Logan was tied up to a chair and I had a gun to his face. The bitch looked terrified. I just knew I would have to end up killing him today, I knew it. Every time he tried to talk, I just shot a bullet out somewhere. Everybody was staring at me in anticipation, I was sick to my stomach aright about now. 

      Onika needed to wake up before I made any other sudden moves. Her screams haunted me. Logan was beaten up and bruised, Everyone was afraid I was about to kill him then and there, and I was so tempted to. I had no idea what the hell happened when we were playing that hide and seek game. I knew Onika should've stayed with me. 

       Nobody needs to know about this either, I told everyone that I might kill them and they said they didn't really care. He had it coming for so long. First, he tried to take my Onika from me, then, he tried to attack her. Then all that sibling bullshit has really been pushing me over the edge. My eye was still twitching, and my foot was tapping on the floor.

      If Onika tells me any shit about him trying to attack her in any type of form, it's his head. Betty is just gon' have to mourn the loss of her son. There was shuffling, and I saw Onika sit up. My heart instantly fluttered, and I handed the gun to Lauren, who looked at me crazy.

"Bitch, what the hell am I supposed to do with this??" I waved her off.

"Just hold it for a minute!" 

"I'm in the Debate team, debate team don't hold guns.." She muttered.

   Onika was waking up, and I held her real close to me. Once she had finally come to, I stared at her for a while, it was like she was in some type of quite ass state before she talked. I kissed her cheek and she smiled at me lightly.

"Onika, are you okay?" Abel got her some water, and we all looked at her for an answer.

"Thank you for the H2o, and I am still recovering from Logan Kundla's attack on my person!" I felt myself blow up in rage again.

"Onika, please tell me what he did to you so I can kill him." I gritted out to her, letting her know I was serious. There was silence.

"Well, I was in the closet, hiding of course, as we were participating in this fun game! but then, the door was opened, I thought it was you at first, but then I noticed that something was amiss! So, I turned on the closet light, and Logan Tanner was there. I instantly began to worry, so I tried my best to flee out of my hiding spot!"

"He captured me, and threw me with such brute force against the wall, that I almost passed out! I saw him take a hanger from the holding rack of our clothes, and he tried to take off my undergarments'! While I begged for Mercy, he told me that he knew the signs of my secret, and that if he could not have me, then Beyoncé Knowles couldn't either!"

"He called me some derogatory names, such as Slut, and Freak bitch, because I decided to fornicate with out, I am .0987 % certain that he is jealous of our relationship, Beyoncé Knowles! Of course, I am not the best at martial arts, but I tried my best to defend myself. I was able to kick him in his nether regions, but he threw me against the closet wall again, that is the last thing I remember, before I seemed to have passed out."

"I think I have also lost some ounces of blood, I might need a refill! I have B type blood, so I would like to put In a request for that! Don't worry, It seems that I will make a steady recovery! I do not have much sugar in my system! Did you know that when there is rapid healing time for wounds on your body that there isn't much sugar in your blood stream? fascinating!"  she stopped talking, waiting for my response. There were collective gasps and sighs.

"Well, that nigga is about to DIE." Safaree said, scratching his neck.

      I was filled with uncontrollable anger when she finished it off. All I could see was read sparks, red lava, the rage that was boiling inside of me since his little arrival had gone to my tipping point. I tried to calm myself down to ask her one more question before I went berserk. My medicine had completely worn off by now, and I was ready to see his blood cover my hands.

"Onika..." I said lowly. Her eyes widened and she perked up again.

"Yes, Beyoncé Knowles (Finance)?

"Baby, what was your secret, and why did he have a hanger..." She sighed, and played with the hem of her shirt.

"Well, I wanted it to be more of a surprise, but I believe Logan Tanner was trying to exterminate our child with an at-home abortion.."

I started laughing.


𝐎𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐣


     I was frightful!

      Beyoncé Knowles started laughing, her voice got louder and louder until she finished off with a scream. Before anybody could react, she pounced on Logan and started to beat his face in, We all tried to pull her off, but Daniele kept me back, and She buried my face into her shoulder Logan's screams and groans were terrifying to hear, so before I knew it, I was transported back to my dwelling cubicle. 

     Danielle (comrade no.1) Put some sound blocking mechanisms on my person, and she got under the covers with me. I felt tears running down my cheeks area and I realized that I was experiencing lamentation! I sobbed and sobbed, not because of the Intolerable acts that my finance was administering, but the fact that Logan tried to exterminate our child together, I know that My love wanted children!

     In the 730 hours that we had fornicated, Some of my female comrades had noticed that i might be experiencing symptoms of being with-child! I had morning nausea, I craved very strange food combinations, and I often experienced mood swings! I was granted with a pregnancy test in 168 hours before the 11-hour timespan, and I found out that I was carrying!

     Of course I was going to keep our child, I had some great names situated for it! But I wanted to do something admirable, and I wanted to surprise her, I know that it has been a lot for her lately, and I wanted to satiate her desire, and grant her with a delightful surprise. It seems as if I am unable to do that now! 

     I could her her in the distance screaming and yelling about our child. Danielle slowly took the sound blocking mechanisms off of my cerebral, and we listened to my fiancé's deep voice screaming in the distance, she was still expanding her voice box!


"YOU WANTED TO TAKE MY BITCH FROM ME???" I will excuse her current behavior, as I know she is not in the correct state of mind.

"I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU NIGGA! YOU WANT TO TAKE THE ONLY FUCKING FAMILY I HAVE!?" She was currently experiencing lamentation, I could tell.

  There were a few mutters in the distance as my other female comrades rushed into my dwelling cubicle, closing the door!

"Salutations!" I waved to them with a smile.

"Not the time, Onina!" Danielle whispered to me turning her head at a 45 degree angle to Lauren London (18 years, 4 months).

"Lauren, what's wrong?" She let air exist through her nostril area!

Suddenly there was a loud shot! Then several more shot of after that! I believe Beyoncé is what some of the children in my generation would, say "Emptying the Clip!"

There was sudden silence.

"Comrades, what is currently transpiring?" 

"Beyoncé killed him." Oh, how personable!

"OH! I must go see how she is fairing! Excuse me comrades!"

   I got out of my resting cubicle and I ran to the living room! Wow, these people must work fast! i caught a glimpse of Logan's dead body! He was terribly disfigured and there was blood everywhere! There were already carrying it out side. Beyoncé Knowles was giving orders for the male comrades! 

"You know what to do, burn his body, and dump the ashes in the river. Clean up the blood and shit. I want all this done as soon as possible, clear up all the news, make it look like he moved or some shit. Go to his mom's house and kill her too while your at it, and I want some tabs on Onika's father, She misses him." They all nodded.

     Wow! I never realized how much she's really in charge, she looked very appealing to my eye at the moment! This is the type of thing that gets my gears turning! I tapped her slightly. When she looked down at me, her facial features softened, and she hoisted me up onto her hips!

"Beyoncé Knowles, (Fiancé!) Are you fair alright?" She smiled at me.

"I'm good baby." I pressed my lips to hers and we stood in silence for a moment before she started to smile again.

"You pregnant?" I nodded my head vigorously.

"Indubitable! I am very excited to see what parenthood might bring for us! It is almost of utmost importance that we take care of ourselves and get good paying jobs! Danielle says that you have "Knocked me up!" And that my stomach will only grow in size! I will still be able to be an astrophysicist! So there for I am satisfied!" 

She just shook her head vertically! "I don' know what the fuck you said but I gon' have my kid. I just killed white nigga but now I'm too happy."

I clapped. "Joy!"



"Please don' ever befriend a white person again."

"I will try!" 


𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐜é 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐬 



    Ever since I killed white nigga, shit has been going fine.  Onika was about 2 months now and we were all just minding our business. the confessions page didn't even report on Logan moving, so we were out of the clear. It turns out that betty wasn't shit either, and multiple people wanted them dead, so I just did the job for them. Onika and I were discussing prom and baby showers, and weddings. 

   I could tell she was excited too. She was getting a little big, but she looked adorable to me. She's still a little shaken up by the experience but it was fine because she was slowly getting over it. I suggested that once the baby is born we do a photoshoot, and then we should announce it on the last day of school. For the baby shower I originally wanted to do it at the school, but I could tell that form the way she looked at me that It wasn't happening.

   Nobody ever talked about that night at the sleepover, and it stayed that way. Everything just went back to normal, really. We were all just sitting in Onika and i's room, discussing everything. Her stomach had began to show a little more and I constantly got happen whenever she told me that she was enjoying her pregnancy. She was much more horny now, and that was only good news for me. It was like I was in a state of heaven all the time. 

"Okay Yall, so where you want this baby shower at, because I have the invite list ready!" Danielle told us.

"Uh, What about we merge it with prom or some shit?" I suggested and they all looked at me dumb.

"Who the fuck wants to be eating meatballs and bringing diapers to a prom?" Kelly said, looking at me crazy. Everyone started agreeing and looking at me stupid. I smacked my lips.

"Okay, Damn. What about you baby, whatchu' think?" Onika sat in thought for a moment before clapping.

"I have an Idea!" She raised her finger up and started smiling. She told us and we all nodded our heads. I kissed her and we didn't stop until everyone started groaning.

"Hate couples.." Drake groaned. We rolled our eyes at him and I smiled down at Onika.

"I think that's amazing baby."


And that's chapter 24!

This story has like 3 chapters left!


Logan's Death?

His Plans with Onika?

Onika explaining what happened?

Beyoncé finding out that Onika's pregnant/her reaction?

Them planning for the future (Babyshower, Wedding, Prom?)

Will Beyoncé get in touch with Onika's dad/A hit being put on Carol?

What will happen next/suggestions?


𝐕𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭!

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐚𝐥𝐥,

𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐚 <𝟑!

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