Pieces Of Love

By greyxry

57.1K 2.4K 215

~ "Love is like a puzzle; it's at first confusing, then frustrating, but if you figure it out, it's a b... More

♡ Prologue ♡
♡ Chapter 1 ♡
♡ Chapter 2 ♡
♡ Chapter 3 ♡
♡ Chapter 4 ♡
♡ Chapter 5 ♡
♡ Chapter 6 ♡
♡ Chapter 7 ♡
♡ Chapter 8 ♡
♡ Chapter 9 ♡
♡ Chapter 10 ♡
♡ Chapter 12 ♡
♡ Chapter 13 ♡
♡ Chapter 14 ♡
♡ Chapter 15 ♡
♡ Chapter 16 ♡
♡ Chapter 17 ♡
♡ Chapter 18 ♡
♡ Chapter 19 ♡
♡ Chapter 20 ♡
♡ Chapter 21 ♡
♡ Chapter 22 ♡
♡ Chapter 23 ♡
♡ Chapter 24 ♡
♡ Chapter 25 ♡
♡ Chapter 26 ♡
♡ Chapter 27♡
♡ Chapter 28 ♡
♡ Chapter 29 ♡
♡ Epilogue ♡
♡ A/N ♡

♡ Chapter 11 ♡

1.6K 82 4
By greyxry

glad, grateful, happy, relieved, would all be understatements to describe how Zaria felt when Aubreyanne didn't bring up their weekend encounter, and it was already Wednesday. Her mind was already torturing her enough by playing it on repeat constantly as if to remind her of the embarrassing moment. She wondered what Aubreyanne thought of her now, how she saw her. 

At first, when Zaria noticed the number of documents coming her way had reduced she thought. or rather tried to convince herself that it was all in her mind. That her head was messing with her and she was just paranoid. Yet when she asked Colin about it he mentioned he noticed so too, but dismissed it and suggested it was just a light week. Zaria on the other hand found it hard to believe.

Did Aubreyanne think she was incompetent for her position now?

being told she was 'broken' was bad enough even if it was her mind telling her so. The last thing she wanted was for others to actually treat her like she was. Everyone back home already did. 

Right now her mind felt like a tense courtroom with two sides arguing against each other, both making excellent points and leaving a perplexed jury that doesn't know who to side with or believe. 

She should talk to Aubreyanne about it, and make it known that she's still the same person she was a week ago. Her mind seemed to argue that she was just overthinking. It was a horrible conflict to be having as she stood in front of the big brown door. 

"Regan. Is everything alright?" Zaria whipped around to see Aubreyanne walking up behind her with her handbag and coffee in hand.  She withdrew her fist from the door and stepped aside. 

"Uh yeah," She mumbled, getting a quizzical glance from Aubreyanne. "I just wanted to talk to you" 

Aubreyanne nodded, and swiftly walked past Zaria, opening the door to the office  "Sorry, I was out at a meeting," Aubreyanne said setting her things down as they both settled in their seats. "What do you want to discuss?"

Zaria fidgeted under Aubryeanne's gaze, she was not sure how to go about this. It's not like she could just straight up accuse Aubreyanne but she also couldn't back out now. 

"Well...I noticed my workload had decreased this week and I know for most people that's a good thing but I just- I could handle it as it was, you know. I'm capable of doing my job as I am" 

"I know. I only took away the things that weren't your job" Aubreyanne simply stated, as if she'd been ready for this conversation like it was a meeting. "I decided to hire a deputy executive in fiance, so not only your workload has decreased but so has everyone's who'd agreed to take on a little extra to cover up for now" 

Zaria let out a soft "Oh" realizing she was indeed looking too much into it, but at least, she'd cleared up the air now her mind could rest without it bugging her the entire rest of her life. 

"I know what you're capable of Regan and I clearly don't hesitate when it comes to utilizing my employee's strengths when I can," Aubreyanne said crossing her arms. "if you thought this was about what happened on Sunday...I can assure you it's not in my records"

Zaria was quiet for a moment as their eyes met and they both seemed to be scanning the other for a reaction. Aubreyanne's eyes, much like her expression never gave up anything that was running through her mind. 

"Ask what you want to ask," Aubreyanne said, cutting through their little stare contest. 

Zaria looked away. "How did you-....who says I want to ask something?"

"Whenever you do you frown a little and your eyebrows lower- I don't know how to describe it" Aubreyanne sighed. 

Zaria tried to hide how the thought that Aubreyanne paying that much attention to the little details about her made her stomach do flips. "How did you know what to do? People tend to panic too when they find someone hyperventilating in the middle of the hallway" She asked hesitantly.

Aubreyanne sighed and sat upright in her seat, fidgeting slightly as she seemed to be deep in thought. Aubreyanne opened her mouth and shut it, and Zaria sat patiently expecting a whole lecture but Aubreyanne simply said. "I used to get them too"

Zaria felt her gaze soften. She wouldn't have pinned Aubreyanne to be the type of woman to let things get under her skin at all, in fact, Zaria had wished to touch it to make sure it wasn't actual steel. "you did?"

Aubreyanne nodded, fiddling with the pen on her desk. "All through my childhood. and they got even worse when I was about to take over the company. I was sure I would ruin his legacy,  it was a horrible time but Case made me get help and I'm better now"

"You also had them as a kid?" Zaria asked softly. 

"Also?" Aubreyanne asked tilting her head,

"Mine weren't as often and only lasted through high school. I was self-conscious, bullied all that but as I got older I kind of left them in the past for years...except that night-" Zaria paused and added. "and this Sunday I guess."

Aubreyanne sighed. "I get it. I wasn't allowed to play outside as a kid. Amusement parks, candy, and all other things kids did were foreign to me. I was always studying and doing everything my father asked of me."

"Well, it's never too late to do those things...if you still want to" Zaria suggested with a smile.

She was only met with a dry chuckle. "I'm way too old to be living out my childhood fantasy's now" 

"Says who?" Zaria insisted "Personally. I've never seen an age limit at amusement parks, or on candy rapper, or anything else of that matter" 

Aubreyanne only gave her a mix of a concerned and amused expression as her fidgeting with the pen came to a halt. "It's a silent rule. Regan, no kids want a grown woman at an amusement park"

Maybe it was relief, exhaustion, or pure stupidity that made Zaria's brain fry to the point she excitedly leaned forward. "Clear your schedule for Saturday. I'll prove it to you"  

Aubreyanne tilted her head slightly, and a smile threatened to pull onto her lips. "prove what exactly?"

"That you're never too old to let your inner child out sometimes" Zaria glanced at the clock in the corner of the room. "Shoot. I have to meet Andy now. He's so going to kill me" She said getting up and leaving the office in a hurry.

Aubreyanne looked at the door that shut behind Zaria as she left, and she chuckled slightly shaking her head. 

"You really are one of a kind Regan"

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