Perseus- The Lost God

By PradeepX21

170K 3K 1.4K

An alternate universe, where Percy is the firstborn of Kronos and Rhea. He leaves Olympus after finding out h... More

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Prophecy of War
I'm Toasted
Uncovering Secrets
Beating a Bastard
Heart to Heart
Las Vegas
A New Age
First Date
A Birthday Surprise
Thalia's decision
Westover Hall & The Hunters
First Strike
Mourning & Decisions
Truth & Decisions

The Prophecy Comes True

7.2K 148 22
By PradeepX21

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"I know my family were wrong the way they treated the peaceful Titans, and I would change them soon. Just give me the weapons so we don't have to fight. I bore you no ill," Perseus tried to placate his anger.

Lelantos thought for a moment, then shook his head, like someone was whispering in his head, "It matters not the Olympians have grew arrogant in their rule. The Titans will rule once again, my Lord Kronos is rising, and he will bring forth the golden age." He said, and slid the bolt and the helm back into his quiver. Lelantos unsheathed the knives, and held them in a threatening manner, "And I should do my king a favor by taking out Olympus' best chance at surviving. He will reward me greatly for your head."

Perseus sighed internally, he didn't want to fight him, but he had no choice now. He looked around at the busy road of Las Vegas; he stopped time around him so they wouldn't get hurt much. He summoned his trident and stood in a fighting position. "As you wish."

Third Person Pov

Annabeth took out the pen Perseus had given her, and uncapped it, turning it into a sword. She pointed the sword at Lelantos and got ready to fight.

Lelantos smirked, looking at Annabeth, "Is that a challenge I see little girl?"

Annabeth was about to respond before Perseus interrupted her, "Don't say anything Annabeth. Do not attack him. He cannot attack you as long as you don't challenge him, or attack him first. Stand down, no matter what happens stand back. He is very skilled and will strike you down in an instant."

Annabeth didn't want to stay out of the fight, but she nodded to Perseus. If Perseus said someone was skilled, she didn't want to test that herself. She would leave that to the millennia-old god. Though she kept the sword gripped in her hand. If needed, she would jump at the fight. She was a demigod. They were born to fight impossible odds, and if that meant fighting a Titan, then that's what she would do.

Grover was silent the whole time, trembling in fear. This quest was far more dangerous than anything he had ever heard was. They had fought a God, Gigante, and now a Titan. Thankfully, the whole thing would be over soon.

Lelantos didn't give them the chance and fired an arrow at them. With the precision of an assassin, Perseus caught the arrow in his hand. His trident vanished, and a black bow appeared in his hand. The bow was made of darkness, and it looked deadly. Perseus pulled the string back, and an arrow made of darkness, similarly to the bow appeared out of nowhere.

The two immortals started trading shots at each other. Arrows whizzed everywhere as neither of them got an advantage over the other.

Annabeth could not see a single fault in either of the immortals skills. She had trained with the Apollo cabin, and saw them fire arrows with precision. Hades, she had seen the hunters of Artemis in action, their skills in archery. But they couldn't even come close to these two immortals.

When Perseus realized it was going nowhere, he summoned a throwing knife and threw it at the Titan. Lelantos' bow strings snapped from Perseus' throw. A huge bang was heard as the Titan was thrown back; his symbol of power was damaged. That was a huge blow to an immortal's ego. Immortals were rather attached to their weapons.

Perseus knew that he had pissed Lelantos immensely, but that was his intention. He had never fought Lelantos before, but he knew that the Titan hunter was a formidable enemy. Unlike others, he didn't use brute strength; instead, he relied on his intelligence and skills.

Perseus had fought more battle than he would care to admit. When on Chaos' planet he had gone and fought on lots of different planets, and fought a lot of different people. He knew how to make even the smartest warriors lose they're calm, and fight recklessly.

Lelantos growled as he stood up. He summoned his knives and started menacingly at Perseus, his silver eyes shining brightly from rage. He charged blindly at Perseus.

Perseus summoned a sword and got ready for the impact. Lelantos slashed at him with such force that Perseus faltered back. Without giving him any time to get back up, the Titan continued attacking. Lelantos went to kick Perseus in the chest, when he snapped.

Annabeth screamed Perseus' name when Lelantos kept hitting him.

Perseus was getting angry; he didn't want to hurt the Titan, but now he had no choice. He got angrier as he heard Annabeth cry his name out. He looked to see that she was afraid for him. He summoned a knife and stabbed Lelantos' heel, and ripped the Achilles tendon.

Lelantos screamed at the top of his lungs. He had not felt pain like this before. He bent down and clutched his heel to stop the bleeding and sent some energy for it to heal better. Perseus stood up and slashed at his hands with his sword. He purposefully slowed down his movement to deliver the most excruciating pain he could.

Lelantos stood up, and Perseus could see that he was limping. He applauded the hunter; even when he was seriously injured, he didn't relent. Lelantos braced his weight in his good foot and got ready to strike again. Before he could even blink, Perseus was in front of him.

Perseus punched him right in the stomach and Lelantos flew backwards. He felt multiple bones break in his body; pain surged through him like never before. He finally felt the rage of the destroyer. Perseus picked him up from the ground and looked at him in the eyes, as he drove a sword through his heart. The golden eyes didn't hold any hate for him, just mercy.

Perseus didn't like sending him to Tartarus to reform. But everyone has to pay; no deeds goes unpunished. In a war, he couldn't risk sending him free.

"The only reason I'm not delivering more pain to you is because you have never done anything to harm my family before," Perseus whispered to Lelantos. As the Titan's body slowly dissolved in golden dust.

Annabeth wasted no time in rushing forward and hugging him. Perseus chuckled and hugged her back. She had tears in her eyes; she had seen him fight before, but that didn't mean that she wasn't less scared.

"That was awesome," Grover exclaimed, and at the same time Annabeth punched him in the gut.

He looked at her with wide eyes before chuckling, "You are the second woman to punch me, within a week."

Annabeth looked at him curiously, who was this other woman? Was she his girlfriend?

"Who else punched you?" Annabeth asked.

"My little sister Hestia, the goddess of hearth, you wouldn't believe the heat she packs in her punch." Perseus said, rubbing his jaw, like he could still feel it.

Annabeth laughed at his reaction and nodded.

"Well isn't this a nice little reunion?" A man of about 23 years walked up to them. He was tall and muscular. He had blue eyes and short-cropped, sandy blonde hair. There was a sneer in his face, but the most unsettling part about him was a thick white scar that ran from just beneath his right eye to his jaw, like an old knife wound. He radiated the aura of a madman, of true evil.

Annabeth's breath caught up in her throat as she recognized him. She knew the man very well; he was the one who had saved her along with Thalia. He was her hero; she once had a crush on him, but as she grew older she understood that it was just a hero crush. She loved him like a brother. But he had vanished two years ago, without informing her or contacting her.

"Luke..." She breathed out.

Perseus observed her reaction; he had also heard Grover gasp. He remembered Grover telling him a story about a son of Hermes saving Annabeth. It must be him.

"Hello Annie," Luke replied, and it wasn't in a kind voice, like an old friend would greet you. Annabeth flinched at his tone. Perseus had a bad feeling about this; he could already sense the malicious aura this demigod was radiating.

"What happened Luke, where did you go?" Annabeth asked her old friend. She had been worried out of her mind, when he had just vanished from camp. Demigods don't survive out in the world, but she knew Luke would've. He was the most skilled swordsmen she had seen before she met Perseus.

"That is none of your business Annie; I am here for the bolt. Give me the bolt, and I would be on my merry way." Luke snapped at her, his voice harsher than both Grover, and Annabeth had ever heard from him.

"What do you need the bolt for boy?" Perseus asked sharply. He wasn't getting any positive vibe from him.

Luke's eyes snapped in his direction. At first he seemed confused, then his eyes widened. He looked afraid. He composed himself before they could notice, but the damage was done. Perseus had seen it.

"My master demands it." Luke replied.

"Who are you working for Luke?" Grover asked, and there were tears in his eyes. He could sense his emotions, and all he could feel was rage. Unbridled anger was coursing through him.

Luke looked at Grover, and sneered, "Well, if it isn't the pathetic Satyr. You were the reason she died. If you had been fast enough and reached us in time, she would be alive. What are you doing in a quest Grover? You want someone else to die due to your incompetence too? If you hadn't been weak and afraid Thalia would be alive. And for your information I'm working for someone who has promised me an honest future. He has promised to bring a golden age."

Grover wiped the tears from his eyes. He had already known what Luke thought of him. He had always made his feeling always clear.

Perseus growled as he realized who he was working for. The golden age was what the Titans called their rule; he realized that this demigod was working for his father.

Luke smirked, "I see you have realized who I'm working for."

Perseus threw a disgusted look at him, "Oh I know perfectly what kind of a pest you're working for. Is he listening?"

Luke shuddered like he was hearing the cold and unforgiving voice of the Titan Lord.

If possible Perseus' anger doubled, "So he is. Listen well father, it was our mistake to just chop you into pieces the last time. This time I will make sure to end you permanently and deliver you to the land of faded, where your eternal punishment would be set. This I swear on my name."

Thunder rumbled in the sky as the immortal swore on his name. If failed, Perseus would be reduced to nothing but ashes.

Luke looked scared before he shook his head, "You will not survive this war Perseus. He hates you the most, and he will personally deliver your death."

Before Perseus could reply, Annabeth did, "Why are you doing this Luke."

Luke sneered again at her, "You were also the reason for Thalia's death. If we hadn't wasted time in saving you, we could've reached the camp in time. As for the reason why I'm doing this, I want to see Olympus fall. The gods have grown arrogant in their rule, it's time for a change in rule."

Annabeth had tears flowing from her eyes, as the man she considered a brother told her that he should have left her to die. She shook her head as she tried again, "Luke they are our parents, how can you say that you want to see them fall?" Didn't he feel any love for them?

Luke laughed, but there was no humor in it, "And? What have they done as our parents? Just birthed us and left us to the horror that comes with being a demigod. They have done nothing to help us, so how do you accept us to stay loyal to them. I will tear down Olympus and the gods, to create an honest tomorrow. And I will personally rip Hermes' head off, if I get the chance."

Annabeth wanted to decline that her friend had changed so much. That he hadn't become a monster, but she couldn't.

Luke continued when he heard Perseus growling, "Enough chat let's fight."

Perseus saw Luke take out a sword. Something was off about that sword; it seemed like an alloy of some sort. Godly metals were powerful, but an alloy of godly metals was even more powerful. Perseus ignored, thinking it was some normal alloy of Celestial bronze and Olympian silver.

Perseus wanted to cut the half-blood in half. He would have liked to rip the weed out before it infected other plants, but he couldn't. Perseus took Annabeth's hand in his own to catch her attention. Annabeth looked at him in question.

"I cannot attack him Annabeth, not unless he attacks me first or challenges me, though I fear he won't. While I am not bounded by ancient laws, one rule even I must follow. I cannot attack a mortal first." Perseus whispered to her.

Annabeth tensed at his confession. She gripped the pen in her pocket tightly, if Perseus couldn't fight than she could. She removed the pen and uncapped it into a three feet-long Xiphos.

Luke smirked, looking at her, "Seems the first blood I draw would be of my old friend."

Annabeth didn't respond just looked at him in disgust. They both charged at each other and started trading blows.

Perseus examined the fight carefully. Annabeth was good, but the Luke guy was better. They kept fighting for a few minutes, before Luke did something that surprised Perseus.

Luke thrust his sword further, and used the hilt of his sword to disarm Annabeth. He kicked the unarmed Annabeth onto her knees, and laughed maniacally. "You should know better than to fight me Annie; it was I who taught you to use a sword."

Annabeth's eyes widened as fear crept up her heart. This wasn't the friend who had done his best to keep her safe; this was a monster using her friend's face as a disguise.

Luke stopped laughing and closed his eyes and the sword transformed into a scythe.

Perseus' eyes widened at the sight of the scythe. It wasn't an alloy of two godly metals; instead one godly metal and one mortal metal. Celestial Bronze, and Mortal steel. There was only one weapon in creation of such alloy. His father's scythe, the same scythe Kronos used to chop a primordial into pieces.

Perseus started sprinting when he saw Luke raising the sword to strike Annabeth. Time around him slowed as he reached Annabeth just in time, and pushed her away. Unfortunately, Luke wasn't affected for long as he was hosting the Titan of Time himself. He swung the sword and it slashed Perseus' chest.

Perseus had known pain before, but not like this. Immediately, his whole chest erupted in pain. Like an open wound was being doused by both Greek fire and acids at the same time. The cuts on his chest were stinging. He didn't feel just his consciousness losing; he felt his entire will losing sense. Every nerve on his body screamed, and so did he.

He screamed with all his worth, and a mighty howl was heard throughout the whole continent. His scream was one of agony and pain.

"PERCY," Annabeth screamed when he fell back. 'Stupid Percy,' she thought. Why did he have to save her? She had not seen someone scream like that; he must have been in unimaginable anguish. She ran to his side and threw her arms around his chest to stop the bleeding. They didn't have any more nectar.

Grover stood still in his place, scared to even take a step further.

A bright flash of light occurred between them. Luke looked scared and slashed the scythe in the air and vanished into some portal of sorts. Annabeth closed her eyes, knowing it was some kind of diving intervention. When she opened her eyes, the entire council of gods, plus Hades and Hestia, were looking at them with tear-filled eyes.

Before the gods could move to help Perseus, darkness followed. The gods grew scared as they felt the aura of an immortal around them. The hairs on the back of their heads stood up, signaling danger. This wasn't the arrival of a Titan or Giant. The gods realized that it was the presence of a Primordial.

Darkness ensued as the day turned to night. It was like some being had swallowed the sun and moon to cast an eternal night on earth. A thick layer of veil covered the entire planet, not allowing even a speck of sunlight, or moonlight to follow through.

A beautiful woman appeared in front of Perseus' unconscious body. It was like she had appeared out of the shadows. The woman knelt down by Perseus and sent a ray of black energy into his body.

She looked up at the Olympians and they gasped. The woman was dressed in a black dress. She had unnatural pale white skin. Her eyes were volcanic black, that seemed to suck everything in them, like a black hole. With a jolt, the Olympians realized who this woman was.

"Lady Night?" Artemis whispered, but it was enough to confirm their suspicions.

Nyx looked at the gods and spoke, "Who among you pests is a healing god?"

Hey guys, my exams have arrived, so I won't be updating for a while. Sorry, but final exams are kind of important. 

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