The Roar of the Eagles: Ameri...

By Mengersh

7.7K 217 116

In an alternative 1985, the United States was booming as the foremost Superpower, only countered the USSR. A... More

Establishing 'Peace': Darkshore
First Contact: The Alliance and 'Blood' Elves
First Contact: The Alliance(Pt. 2)
The First War Begins
And who can resist?
Old Rivals Emerge
Negotiations? Or Escalation?
Finalization of Peace
The New World Order
A Sudden Burden

First Contact: Night Elves and Orcs

1K 21 17
By Mengersh

Author's Note: I will introduce another major power to balance out the United States in the future. Also, there will only be glimpses into the native people's thoughts on the Americans and other New Power, but the vast majority of the Story will be told from the Americans' perspective, especially the Military. Anyways, have fun!

USS Nimitz, First United States Fleet

A middle-aged man stood upon the bridge, looking across the flight deck with his hands upon the binoculars. "E-2s are in the air, as well as the Tomcats?" A man nodded before speaking. "Yes sir. What do you suppose we do? We have broke through the fog bank without incident."

"Captain... Give orders to send the Prowlers as recon ahead of the fleet. Also deploy the America ahead as well. I want eyes on potential threats." Hawthorn spoke before bringing the binos to his eyes as he gazed upon the horizon.

On the flight deck, the first two EA-6B Prowlers were slowly approaching the launch catapult, with the first one quickly launched off the flight deck with the engines roaring loudly as the air frame lifted into the skies, followed by the wingman. The silhouettes became smaller with Hawthorn on the bridge sighing. "Here goes..."

The two Prowlers maintained a loose formation, the crew scanning the horizon before something caught their eye. "Eagle One, this is Eagle Two. I believe I see smoke."

The pair maintained course before they got a better look at the instance. "Green Brutes and Blue Skins?" The pair roared above the smoke, their insignias clear as day as they banked southward. "Yep, a war is going on, Eagle Two." The lead snorted. "More like a one-sided battle. Seems like the battle was one, and the victor is taking the spoils."

Hawthorn was carefully listening to the transmission before speaking. "This is Admiral Hawthorn. Can you verify, civilians under threat?" He waited for a response before a sigh came through. "Yes, Admiral. Permission to mark targets for air and naval strike?"

The Admiral sighed before making his decision. "Negative, Eagle Squadron. Continue observation, and report back if you are directly threatened." A brief silence permeated before the affirmation came through before Hawthorn spoke to the Captain. "I want General Marcus and yourself in the Ready Room, and we must speak to the president.

Moments later, in the Oval Office

"You what you are telling me is that the flyboys in Eagle Squadron want us to intervene in what could be a conflict we have no business in, is that right, Admiral?" President Lee spoke quietly, looking over several documents.

"Yes sir. The report indicates that the war is in one side's favor, and that they are kinda in the process of breaking the Geneva Convention and any other Rule of War. We protect the innocent as part of our mantra." Hawthorn spoke, before sighing. "I know that Congress must declare war, but considering that they haven't done that at all for Veitnam, Korea... You get the gist."

"I agree with this. The Marines are itching for a fight, and they would like to enforce the rules of war." General Marcos spoke, looking over his notes. "We have an armored brigade, a division, and multiple amphibious vehicle brigades. Not to mention our own helicopters and the Navy's Aviation to support. We just need the green light."

Harry sighed before rubbing his forehead. "Very well, but you are only to establish a ceasefire between the two sides. Nothing more."

Hawthorn closed the call before clearing his throat. "General, prepare your men. We will begin preparations to soften the enemy, for which you make landings and establish a beachhead. We will provide as much air and naval support as possible."

Marcus nodded. "We will begin our landing operations in six hours. When will you begin air ops?" Hawthorn chuckled. "Old friend, in thirty." The pair entered the bridge before the Admiral took up the coms. "This is Admiral Hawthorn. Alert Readiness Red, weapons tight. The First Fleet is going to engage an unknown in the cause of protecting civilians and establishing a ceasefire. The enemy clearly values strength of force above all. Show them what American Patriots are made of!"

Across the fleet, general quarters alarms rang out as crew moved into position, with the Nimitz seeing the most activity. F-14s, Prowlers, and E-2s were being prepped for air operations, particularly ground attack.

The first ones in the air was the E-2s, with their on board radars being crucial for interception and counter-battery missions. Next up was three groups of eight Tomcats roaring up, with ground munitions as well as minimum of air to air weaponry equipped.

And lastly was the Prowlers, specifically meant to fulfill the mission to engage ground targets, specifically spotting assets. Aboard the cruisers, the fire control were awaiting targeting coordinates for their deadly payloads.

Of coarse, Eagle Squadron was leading in their Prowlers, intending to blind their enemy first. Flying at 500 feet, they approached the smoke at a rapid speed before they noticed several ships, with white smoke coming out of them. "Eagle One, Engaging." "Eagle Two, engaging!" The two Prowlers banked hard before beginning their attack runs.

The poor sods on the vessels didn't know what hit them before explosions erupted around them, the bombs penetrating the deck before exploding inside. The roar of the engines combined with the explosions aboard alerted the forces on the ground of both the Orcs and Night Elves, the two ceasing their fight briefly to try to understand what the hell they were witnessing.

Even more engines roared above before missiles flew towards the orcish artillery before they detonated violently. A horn sounded before the Orcs tried to withdraw, bombs and missiles raining down on their positions.

Of coarse, the Elves are initially relieved before several of their best eyes pointed out to sea as Sea Stallions' loud rotor engines heralded their arrival, with Marine landing craft approaching the beach, dropping their ramps for both vehicles and troops to make their way onto shore. The First American land operation has begun....

Hello there!!!!

I do have a question for you all. Remember what I said earlier about a power to counter-balance the US? I have a few options and can't exactly decide. So vote below on the following:

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(USSR, 1956)

Kingdom of Erusea(Pre-Lighthouse War)

Belka(Pre-Belkan War)

The Fourth Reich(A Germanic Empire based of Strength, not related to the No-No Germany)

You will have two chapters to decide. Or if you have a better idea for a nation, please comment below, or on my discord at

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