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This is The Story of The Legendary Trascender that will carry the weight of the So called "Multiverse" on his... Еще

1St Chapter : Fateful Day
2Nd Chapter : The Beginning
3Rd Chapter : The Beginning 2
4Th Chapter : The Beginning 3
5Th Chapter : Welcome to Suchumus
6Th Chapter : Welcome to Suchumus 2
7Th Chapter : The Man Who Doesn't Miss
8Th Chapter : The Man Who Doesn't Miss 2
9Th Chapter : Suchumus HighLands
10Th Chapter : Suchumus HighLands 2
11Th Chapter : Suchumus HighLands 3
12Th Chapter : Semi-Trascender
13Th Chapter : The Spirit
14Th Chapter : Far Away
15Th Chapter : Beyond The Spirit
16Th Chapter : Beyond The Spirit 2
17Th Chapter : Power Of The Spirit
18Th Chapter : An Unpleasant Arrival
19Th Chapter : The Power Of Magic
20Th Chapter : The Power Of Magic 2
21St Chapter : The Power Of Magic 3
22Nd Chapter : The True Beginning
23Rd Chapter : Meeting
24Th Chapter : Meeting 2
25Th Chapter : Beyond Imagination
26Th Chapter : Beyond Imagination 2
27Th Chapter : A Great Force
Chapter 28 : Huge Display
Chapter 29 : Huge Display 2
Chapter 30 : Beyond The Scales
Chapter 31 : Color of the heart
Chapter 32 : Okugami Kuro
Chapter 33 : Disaster
Chapter 34 : Wrath of The Sword
Chapter 35 : Operation
Chapter 36 : Trascender Retrieval
Chapter 37 : Monster
Chapter 38 : The Start of a Huge Struggle
Chapter 39 : Infinite death
Chapter 40 : Over and Over Again
Chapter 41 : Need For Speed
Chapter 42 : Need For Speed 2
Chapter 43 : Need For Speed 3
Chapter 44 : The Multiverse's Fastest Man
Chapter 45 : This is War
Chapter 46 : Shadow
Chapter 47 : Truth And Trascender
Chapter 48 : Truth And Trascender 2
Chapter 49 : Nishizumi Shirou
Chapter 50 : Golden
Chapter 51 : Transcendental
Chapter 52 : Eyes Of A Demon
Chapter 53 : Crimson
Chapter 54 : True Essence Of Destruction
Chapter 55 : Multiversal Conflict
Chapter 56 : Another Roundabout Journey
Chapter 57 : Rogue
Chapter 58 : Tournament
Chapter 59 : A Nice Matchup
Chapter 61 : Villainous Conspiracy
Chapter 62 : The Moon of Unlimited Darkness
Chapter 63 : Bloody Three
Chapter 64 : A King's Oath
Chapter 65 : Blind Man's Sorrow
Chapter 66 : Way Beyond Us
Chapter 67 : Obvious Outcome , Unfazed Will
Chapter 68 : Survival Of The Fittest
Chapter 69 : Two Transcendentals , Showdown
Chapter 70 : The All Knowing Kameko
Chapter 71 : Calamity and Darkness
Chapter 72 : Treachery ?
Chapter 73 : My Own Innate Nature
Chapter 74 : Dragon's Ruby and March of the Unstoppable
Chapter 75 : Tenacity of The Unchosen
Chapter 76 : Preparation Alpha

Chapter 60 : Honorable King Of Namaldoria

23 1 0

Toxotis moves a little bit forward as he seems to be struggling to move correctly .
The crowd is observing quietly .
Enochlis (Thinking) : *I'm not sensing even a single threat Signal from this Man ...*
Toxotis : "You're a Girl , 168 Centimeters and you really hate losing ."
Enochlis : "How did he figure this out ?"
Enochlis observes Toxotis very well .
Toxotis is finally moving normally .
Toxotis (Thinking) : *I see ... So that's how the ring is ...*
Enochlis (Thinking) : *He's quite good for a blind man ...*
Toxotis : "Won't you talk yet ?"
Enochlis : "And Why would I ? I won't bother talking to a weakling like you !"
Toxotis : "Weakling huh ? I wonder ... This isn't time to be judging is it ? We Still didn't trade blows ."
Enochlis : "Yeah , Yeah ! I'll finish this In an instant !"
Enochlis rushes to Toxotis to Kick him out of the Ring however Toxotis easily dodges and pushes her back .
Enochlis barely resists the push so she doesn't fall off the ring .
Toxotis : "Good movements ..."
Enochlis (Thinking) : *I underestimated him ! A lot as well !*
Enochlis : "Why did you push ?"
Toxotis : "Sorry I didn't understand ."
Enochlis : "Why did you push instead of Blasting or Punching ? If you did so ... You could of defeated me and got me out of the ring for sure ... Is it because I'm a girl ?"
Toxotis : "Sorry , That's not really the reason ... You were going easy on me and I felt it , that's why I wanted you to go all out before getting defeated ."
Enochlis smiles .
Enochlis (Smiling) : "You'll regret that !"
Enochlis charges a Big amount of Spiritual Energy till the point most of the crowd start passing out .
The Tournament Manager quickly puts a shield around the Ring to prevent the Energy from pouring out .
Toxotis smiles .
Toxotis : "I'm honored , To fight a strong Woman like you ..."
Enochlis : "May I ask ?"
Toxotis : "Yeah , Of course ..."
Enochlis : "What is that Weird dirty Crown on your head ?"
Toxotis looks up for a while .
Toxotis looks back to Enochlis quite saddened as he replies : "It's a story from a long time ago ..."
Enochlis : "Could you shorten it to 100 Words or less ?"
Toxotis : "I was the King of the Namaldoria Kingdom ... A Fallen Kingdom ."
A ton of the crowd are shocked to hear that .
Enochlis is shocked as well as she says : "Na- NAMALDORIA ? Isn't that the Legendary Fallen Ancient Kingdom of our Multiverse ??"
Toxotis : "Yeah ... It is ..."
Enochlis : "You're the King ??? For real ???"
Toxotis : "Yeah ... I am , It pains me to remember but I failed to protect it ..."
Shinji who's watching is clueless about the Ancient Kingdom or anything about it as he continues to observe Silently .
Toxotis : "None ..."
Tournament Manager : "ALRIGHT !"
Toxotis : "Let's finish the fight ... I'll be giving it my all now ..."
Enochlis (Smiling) (Thinking) : *I shouldn't play any longer*
Enochlis rushes to Toxotis charging a Red Two Armed Blast .
Enochlis Blasts Toxotis however he blocks it with One arm .
Toxotis rushes to Enochlis throwing her around over and over again .
Toxotis charges a Blast embued with some weird Material .
Shinji (Watching from his room) : "This feeling ... I never felt it before !"
Enochlis : "What's this weird feeling I'm feeling from his blast ? It feels like a warn substance is approaching my chest ..."
Toxotis throws the Blast that hits Enochlis head on however doesn't explode instead it keeps on pushing her back .
Enochlis isn't able to Bounce it back due to how inferior she is ."
Enochlis goes all out however doesn't make it .
Enochlis : "Don't get cocky ! Because you're one of the Ancient Kingdoms' Kings !!"
Enochlis barely moves the blast away when she was right on the edge of the ring .
Toxotis : "Impressive ."
Toxotis embues his hand in the same way he embued the Blast with and manages to summon a Staff with a Blue Jewel on top of it .
Enochlis : "Yeah you're one of the kings for sure ... After all , That Staff is direct proof ..."
Toxotis : "You seem to know a lot about Ancient Kingdoms ... You know about the Omniverse ?"
Enochlis : "Yeah ..."
Toxotis : "I see ..."
Toxotis points his Staff at Enochlis and blasts a Blue Jewel like Blast .
Enochlis barely dodges the Blast however it propels right back at Enochlis pushing her back however it doesn't explode .
Enochlis feels tired and dizzy .
Enochlis : "Dammit ! It propels ! I got hit by it dammit !"
Toxotis : "I'm sorry , But I have to talk with him ..."
Enochlis : "I don't even need to talk to him ... I'm just here to prove my worth !"
Toxotis : "I see ... A weird reason indeed ."
Toxotis walks towards Enochlis .
Enochlis falls to the ground .
Enochlis (Dizzy) (Thinking) : *Dammit ! What's his ability ...*
Enochlis (Dizzy) : "What's your Authority ..."
Toxotis : "Sorry , Even if I respect you ... I can't tell you since I just met you ."
Enochlis is at her limit .
Enochlis : "I can't be defeated just yet , Damn ! I need to prove to him ... That I ... Still can ... Reach it ! The Innate Self State !"
Toxotis is shocked .
Toxotis : "I'm sorry , I don't know anything about you ... I'm not trying to destroy your hopes or anything but that's nearly impossible ... I gave up on such thing a long while ago ! No mortal would achieve it ..."
Enochlis : "Giving up so easy huh ? O King Of Namaldoria ."
Toxotis : "You truly are strong , Really strong , I hope to see you achieve it ... But now of all times ? It's not possible ."
Enochlis is passing out slowly .
Enochlis charges a Blast that she Throws right at Toxotis's face however Toxotis blocks it with his Staff rather easily as the Jewel shines after blocking the Attack .
Enochlis : "Awaken ... Alre-dy ..."
Enochlis passes out .
The crowd Screams in excitement as they keep on applauding .
Toxotis smiles as he is returning back to his room .
Toxotis walks for some time but he's stopped by Two People .
Toxotis : "A Black Haired guy with a Red Scarf , Around 170 Centimetres tall and A Purple Haired Guy with a Turquoise sea like Armor , Around 182 Centimeters tall ..."
???² (The Purple Haired) : "What a good Observation you have King !"
???¹ (The Black Haired) : "How stinky can you be ?"
Toxotis : "..."
???² : "A danger ain't he ? Let's take him down already !"
???¹ : "No ."
???² : "Why ? Wasn't that why we came for him in the first place ?"
???¹ : "I planned on doing so ... But someone is guarding him ..."
Toxotis : "A Yellow Haired guy... With a Calm and cool aura ... Around 175 Centimeters tall ..."
"What's going on here ?" . Says Shinji with a Sharp look .
???¹ and ???² observe Shinji for a little bit .
Shinji : "It's disrespectful towards him you know ?"
Toxotis : "I honorably thank you , Young man ... However I could take them on my own , Don't bother yourself ."
???¹ walks back .
???² : "I see ... The Troublesome Machine destroyer Man huh ? I'm coming too ..."
???² is going back with ???¹ .
???¹ turns before leaving as he says : "We will meet again , Honorable King Of Namaldoria ..."

                 Chapter 60 : End

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