
Galing kay xo_angels

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I don't remember what I wrote so... one day a man met a woman and they did stuff and stuff... Fuck it I can't... Higit pa

1st Day
She's a Virgin???
I'm blocked?
Losing it.
I'm coming home.
Meeting new people?
Waiting for her.
Back to the living.
Helping Children
No it's not okay
Family ties.
Yellow Ledbetter
Dangerous Liaisons.
The Call.
The Trade
Bring her Home.
All settled in.
Lei Γ¨ con il bambino
The Ball
Two Steps at a Time
Unfolding Truths
Emmett and Amara
Night Changes
Night Changes II
Old friends & Back to Work
Bad Energy Rising
I came back with hell
Reigning Pain
We All Become Killers Sometimes
I Understand This Time
Un Altro Bambino in Arrivo
New Orleans
Peace Reigns in New Orleans
This Time It Will Be Me
This Time It Will Be Me II
This Time It Will Be Me III
It Is Done, No More.
Fidanzamento Tanto Atteso
This Is Our Happily Ever After
Last Note

Welcome to my home

3.9K 108 29
Galing kay xo_angels

Ezio's POV

I woke up with her lower body swung over mine and her hair in my face. I gently moved her hair out of my face, and ran my fingers through it. She has the most beautiful jet black hair I've ever seen, it's so shiny and soft. I picked up my phone and looked at the time.

11:34 am.

Damn I slept long. Now i have to get up and do a couple of things.

I sighed then looked at her. She was tired tired.

I carefully tried to take her lower body off me without waking her up. I removed her legs off me and got out of the bed. She tossed a couple times, then went back to sleep.

I just slipped on some clothes since I was barely in anything at all then I went downstairs.

No one was down here so I thought they all went to the main house. I grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen and took my keys from the table.

I opened the door and Ava was outside.

" Oh um hey Ava " I said confused.

" Hey " she said in a sad tone.

Fucking Jesus here we go again.

" What happened this time? " I asked her while sitting on the step and she sat next to me.

" Nothing I'm fine " she said and we all know when a woman says I'm fine they never really mean that.

" Ok " I said then got up, I was gonna walk away.

" Wait " she said and I smiled then turned around.

" You have all the time in the world to say what's on your mind " I said to her then sat down again.

" I really wanted to help you guys yesterday. Scarlett made snorky comments about me yesterday saying how, I was a good for nothing and fat " she said and I looked at her.

" Well fuck Scarlett. She's just a skinny bitch with bad aim. Scarlett got nothing on you. You're beautiful and I see you as a mother figure more than how I see Scarlett " I said to her.

" I don't know if that made you feel better Ava, but not wanting to be like your family is not a bad thing " I said and I got up.

" Thank you " she said while getting up. She hugged me and I had to bend down to hug get back because of her height.

" Oh and Ava. She's upstairs. She's still sleeping she might be up in a few " I said to her and she squealed.

" Ow my eardrums " I said while holding my ear.

" Sorry " she screamed then went inside slamming the door behind her. I just shaked my head.

I walked around to the garage and got in the BMW and drove to the main house.

I parked the car in the driveway and went into the house.

" Dad " I heard Kade immediately and I smiled when I saw him running up towards me.

" Hey bud " I said then picked him up.

" Where's Alistair? " he asked me.

" He was feeling sick so I took him to the doctors " I said while walking out to  the back with Kade still in my arms.

I pulled the door and went outside seeing everyone helping to set the table for lunch.

" Il mio dolce ragazzo " ( My sweet boy) mama said walking up to me with her arms wide open.

" Dov'è la ragazza " (Where is the girl ) she asked while looking behind me.

" Ciao mamma, sta ancora dormendo. L'ho lasciata a casa " ( Hi mama, she's still sleeping. I left her back home ) I said while engulfing her into a hug.

" Lei è lì da sola? " ( Is she there alone? ) mama asked and I shaked my head signaling no.

" Hey son I can't wait to meet the lovely lady " My father said to me and I just looked at him with an emotionless face.

" After all the help I got for you, you still despise me " he said while staring at me.

" You could give me a billion dollars I still will never ever like YOU! " I said then threw a glass on the floor smashing it to pieces. I was now fuming and staring at Michael.

I felt someone grabbed my hand and it was Luna.

" Walk with me " she whispered and I sighed then eventually walked with her.

" Heyy " she said in a cheery tone.

" Hi " I said while pinching the bridge of my nose.

" How's the lovely Valicity " she asked and just hearing her name made me less tense.

" She's fine. Still sleeping I presume " I said and Luna nodded.

" You know Ezio, I know we all hate your dad right now, but atleast thank him for what he did " Luna said and I was fuming again.

" What do you mean I should thank him? That's not gonna happen " I said.

" Ezio he could have gotten all this information about the girls whereabouts and not tell you. But guess what he did tell you. You got the girl back all because of your dad. I think he deserves a thank you " Luna said and I stared at her blankly.

" Fine " was the only thing I said then I started to walk away.

I went back to the backyard and I saw Michael. I walked over to him.

" Hey Michael, I just want to say thank you for all your help. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have gotten the girl I want back " I said blankly and Michael was smiling.

" Give me a hug and I'll accept your thank you " The asshole had the nerve to say.

" I don't give two fucks if you did accept it or you didn't. All I know is that I said it. I'm not hugging you. You don't deserve that from me " I said then pulled out my shades and put them on.

I sat down on the bench and Kade ran up to me. I placed him in my lap we made small talk until the table was set.

" Ezio Raul said he sent a message to your phone " Charlotte said and I nod.

I was checking my pockets for my phone but it wasn't there.

Probably left it back home.

" Char tell him to send the message to you " I said.

" On it " she said as she took up her phone amd began typing.

" Here hold this, he'll text back shortly " Charlotte said while handing me her phone, I took it and placed it on the table.

I continued talking to Kade then I heard the bing. I took up the phone and the message read

' Sir your special package will be available for pick up at the main house around 7 pm '

I read the text in my mind.

" Here you go Char " I said while handing her the phone.

" Kade that package is for you bud " I said while smiling at him.

" Is it a new video game? " he asked.

" Better " I said while taking him off my lap and putting him on the bench to sit.

" Alright everyone be seated " Grandma Ivory said and everyone was now sitting down.

She looked around the table.

" Where's Ava? " she asked.

" She's back at home " I answered.

" Why? " Grandma asked.

" I don't know maybe because someone called her a ' good for nothing and fat ' " I said while making air quotes.

" Alright which one of you said it? " Grandma asked while folding her arms.

" This bitch right here " Charlotte said while eyeing Scarlett.

" Look we know you're mad because Valicity's presence makes you feel threatened, but let's be honest Ezio would never go for you " Charlotte said and I laughed.

" That's true " i said while raising my juice glass.

" Yeah Scar, Ava is blood you're not " Kai said.

" The next time you make MY sister feel like she's not enough. This blade will be saying hi to your windpipes " Charlotte threatened her while holding her knife.

" Settle down " Grandma said and Charlotte put her knife away.

" Logan honey you're suppose to be on bed rest " Angelo's wife Dahlia said and we all looked around at Logan.

" Mom relax is just a shot in the shoulder " Logan said as he sat down beside me.

" Grandma I want to package some food for the girls " I said.

" Oh sure there's some containers in the kitchen " she said and I got up.

" Hey man I'm coming with you " Logan said and I waited for him to get up. We both walked up to the door then went inside.

" Alright what's on your mind Bro " I asked Logan while leaning on the kitchen counter.

" Does she know about the thing? " Logan asked. I sighed and looked through the cabinets.

" No I didn't tell her " I answered.

" She's gonna pissed when she finds out though " I said while taking two containers from the cabinets.

" I don't think so " Logan said and I turned around and looked at him.

" You're probably right " I said to him and we both walked back outside.

I sat down and Logan sat next to me.

Me and my family began chatting as we ate.

20 minutes later...

" Bro where's Scarlett? " Rage said and my eyes quickly scanned the table and she was not there.

I sighed and held my face in my hands.

Then Charlotte's phone rang.

" It's Ava " she said and I removed my hands from my face.

" Hello " Charlotte said while placing the phone on speaker.

" Where's Ezio? "

" Scarlett's here with a golf club "

" I'm scared " Ava panicked.

" Ava are you alright where's Val? " Kai asked.

" Val is still sleep- " Ava got cut off by something breaking.

" Ava what was that " I grabbed the phone and asked.

" She broke the window with a brick " Ava said and I hung up.

" Fucking Jesus, what's wrong with this bitch " I yelled while getting up from the table.

" You know what I'm not even gonna go down there. Because if I do I'm murdering Scarlett " I said.

" I'm not going either " Charlotte said.

" Well it's up to us then " Logan said while looking at Kai and Rage.

" Let's go then " Rage said and they left.

Ava's Pov

" Oh God how did I get myself into this " I said to myself as tears welled up in my eyes.

" Ava open the door! " Scarlett yelled from the outside.

" No! " I yelled back.

" Alright then " she said and I smiled thinking she'd go away now.

I was wrong.

I heard another brick smashing the glass door out by the pool.

I turned around to see Francesca walking towards me and I ran upstairs.

I stood at the top of the staircase watching her open the front door. Then I heard one of the room doors being opened down the dark hallway.

That's Ezio's door which means Val is awake!


I quickly ran down the hallway and I bumped into something, well someone.

" Woah I'm so sorry " the person said and I immediately recognized her voice.

" Valicity I quickly suggest that you get back into the room two girls are down stairs waiting to beat your ass " I said while getting up off her.

" Beat my ass? " she said while walking in the direction of Scarlett and Cesca.

" Yes " I said while still standing in the hallway.

" No bitch can just beat MY ass like that sweetie. You sound so familiar " she said and I said nothing more I just went into my room and closed the door.

Valicity's POV

I stood at the top of the staircase and looked down. I saw two girls looking around the house.

I saw an empty bottle on the table next to me and I picked it up.

I walked down the stairs looking at the broken window.

" Oouu that's a lot of damage " I said while stopping half way at the stairs. The two girls looked up at me with the ugliest smirks.

" That pretty face of yours is going to be more damaged than the window " the girl that has the short hair said.

" Ohh I remember you. Kade's mom? " I said while smashing the bottom of the bottle on the edge of one of the steps.

" The one and only " she said while walking up to me with a golf club.

" If you hit her I'll shoot you " the girl from earlier said from the top of the staircase.

" Wait I do know you " I said while looking up at her then I felt something hit me on my arm and my bottle fell.

" You fucking bitch " I yelled and I kicked the girl down the staircase, she dropped the golf club on her way down.

I looked at my arm and it was all red.

I walked down the stairs and picked up the golf club.

I stoop down to her and smiled in her face.

" Is that your car outside " I asked her and she grabbed my hair. I gave her a punch to the nose and she let my hair go.

" You're friend over there is so fake she wouldn't even jump in to help you " I said.

I went through the door, out off the house and walked to her car, with the golf club in my hand.

" I really like your car " I shouted and I saw her charging towards me.

I quickly took a swing with the golf club breaking her windshield.

" Are you fucking crazy? " she yelled at me and I looked at her.

" Yes " I yelled while breaking one of the windows on the car.

" Stop breaking my car you slut " she screamed at me and I just smiled at her.

I brought my hands back and with a hard swing there goes the hood of her car.

Then I heard a car coming behind me and I looked up.

I watched as two guys emerged from the car.

Kai amd Rage I presume.

" Rage look how she ruined my car " the short hair lady said while crying.

" Scarlett look how you ruined Ezio's FUCKING HOUSE! " Rage yelled at her.

" Francesca? " Kai said and Rage turned around and looked at her.

" Wait until Ezio hears that you were in this too " Rage said with a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

" Both of you get in the car " Rage said while looking at the two girls.

" I'm not riding with you " Francesca said while folding her arms.

" I wasn't fucking asking Cesca " Rage said then walked back to his car.

I watched as Francesca and Scarlett slowly walked over to the car. They opened the door and they got in.

Rage started the car and he turned the car.

" Bro drive Ava and Valicity back to the main house I'll see you there " Rage said then he sped off.

Kai went into the house and came back with a key. I watched as he pressed a button and a garage door opened on the side of the house revealing all of Ezio's cars.

He backed out of the garage and stop at our feet.

" Alright girls let's go " Kai said, me and Ava went into the back seat and he drove off.

" Ava you look oddly familiar " I said to her while scanning her features.

" You look like one of my friends that worked in my Cafe with me " I said while still looking at her.

" Her name was "

" Catherine " all 3 of us said at the same time.

" I am Catherine, well not Catherine, my name is Ava. I'm Ezio's cousin, Kai is my older brother " Ava said and I wasn't even mad.

" That mad trickster " I said out loud.

" So all this time he knew what I was doing and where I was and he really didn't just abandoned me " I said.

" Exactly " Kai said.

" You hid your identity so well. You had blonde hair but you're really a natural brunette " I said.

" I'm just amazed by how you still knew it was me " she said.

" I'll never forget those pretty eyes and that beautiful smile " I said to her and she smiled.

8 minutes later...

" Alright ladies we're here " Kai said and I looked up at the house. I gotta say these people are wealthy, this house looks luxurious and expensive.

I opened the car door and stepped outside. So did Kai and Ava.

" Val " someone said my name and I looked up to see Luna.

" Hi " I said to her with a wave.

" Wow you're still in your pj's " she said and I looked down, my face flushed with embarrassment looking at the red pj's from last night.

" It's okay come up stairs I might have something " Luna said and I went into the house, then up the stairs with her.

" Alright this is my room " she said while opening the door revealing a big room, painted in ash grey and white.

" Your room is really nice " I said while looking around.

" This old thing it's nothing " she said.

" Alright let's get you dressed " she said then walked over to her wardrobe.

It was walk in too.

" Okay all I found were these grey sweats and a white over size T " she said while holding each in her hands.

" I'll take them " I said with a smile and she smiled back.

She walked over to me and handed me the clothes. I began removing my clothes as Luna turned her back. I took my shorts off first and slipped into the sweats, which hugged my figure perfectly. Then I removed my top

" Are you done honey? " she said and she turned around then gasped.

" Oh my God Val what happened with your arm? " she said and I looked at my arm.

" Oh Kade's mom did this " I said and her eyes widen.

" Charlotte? No it was Scarlett "

" Scarlett's her name " I said while slipping on the shirt.

" Ezio is definitely not going to be happy with this " she said while looking at my arm.

" Does this hurt " she said while stretching my arm.

" No not really " I said.

" Rate the pain on a scale of 1 to 10 " she said.

" 6.5 " I said.

" Seems as if it wasn't that hard of a hit then " she said.

" I don't know if you'd like to cover it up or not "  she said while looking at me.

" What are the chances of Ezio seeing it and not hurting anyone? " I asked her.

" Maybe like negative one " Luna said.

" Alright I'll cover it up " I said with a little chuckle.

" Here's my hoodie " she said and I took the hoodie from her.

" Okay you look nice. Let's go down now. Oh and just be you, be confident " Luna said.

" Do you speak Italian? " she asked.

" A little bit that Ava taught me back at the Cafe " I said as we went down the stairs.

" That's fine I'll help you out " she said.

" Thank you for the clothes and everything you did for me, both yesterday and today " I said stopping at the door before going outside where everyone else was.

" Don't sweat it. We'll always help the one's that can make Ezii calm " she said and I smiled.

" You ready? " she asked and I nod, then she opened the door and the entire family was looking at me.

We walked over to where the tables were and I could feel Ezio's eyes on me.

" Sit next to Ezio " Luna whispered to me and I walked over to that side of the table and he placed Kade in his lap so I could sit.

Ezio's POV...

I moved Kade so she could sit beside me and even dressed in sweats and a hoodie she was absolutely stunning.

" Va bene Diaz, per favore non mettermi in imbarazzo, non rovinare tutto per me. Siate tutti gentili con lei "  ( Alright Diaz, please don't embarrass me don't mess this up for me. Everyone be nice to her. )  I said while looking at each of my family members.

Then the door opened.

" Rage what took you guys so long? " I asked my brother.

" We just drove down to the gate to talk with Scarlett and Cesca " Rage said and I raised an eyebrow.

" Why would Cesca be there? " I asked.

" Ava would you like to enlighten everyone on your cousin's part in all of this? " Rage asked Ava.

" Sure " Ava said in a sweet voice.

" So everyone, as I was waiting for Valicity to wake up, I heard a car pull up outside so I looked through the window by the door, Scarlett was out there with a golf club, I quickly locked the locks on the door, then I tried to call Ezio-

" His phone was upstairs in the room with me. The ringing woke me up " Isabella cut in while everyone looked at her.

" When Ezio didn't pick up I called Charlotte and she picked up and I explained what's going on. Then Cesca broke the back door and I ran upstairs. I stumbled into Val and she came down stairs-

" How did Scarlett get in " I asked.

" Cesca pulled the door for Scarlett " she said and I nod.

" I found a gun in my room and I door at the top of the staircase and when Val turned around Scarlett hit-

" NO! " Luna and Isabella yelled, I raised an eyebrow and everyone turned their attentions towards them.

" Ava finish what you were going to say " I said while taking my shades off.

" Scarlett hit Val with the golf club but she's completely fine because she wasn't hurt or anything " Ava said.

" So that explains the hoodie? " I asked Ava while looking at Isabella in the hoodie.

" Take it off " was all I said and she began to remove it.

I immediately saw a big red mark on her arm and I held my face in my hands.

I took a deep breath and removed my hands.

" I can't believe this " I said while standing up.

" Not even 24 hours since she's been here and you vicious, delusional animals hurt her already " I said while looking at Scarlett and Cesca.

" And as for you Cesca, I expected better from you, big sister. You disappointed me " I said as a tear fell from my eye. I quickly wiped it.

" What were you thinking? Breaking into my home. You broke my back door with a brick all for what? " I asked.

" ANSWER ME " I yelled at her.

" I did it for Scar. Scarlett has been here with us before Kade's birth-

" So you broke into my home, hurt my girlfriend and destroyed my property for Scarlett? " I asked and she looked down.

" You what, I never want to see both of you again " I said while stepping out of the bench and walking away.

Valicity's POV...

" Excuse me " I said and the adults nod. I picked up Kade and was walking away.

" Put my kid down " Scarlett said and I turned around.

" Excuse me? " I said and she walked up to me, then Charlotte stepped between us.

" You've done enough bitch. Step aside " Charlotte said to her.

" I'm not afraid of you Charr " Scarlett said. I watched as Luna, Ava, Kai and Rage stood by Charlotte's side.

" Are you afraid now? " Charlotte asked her. But she just rolled her eyes and walked away.

" Valicity go tend to my brother, take my nephew with you " Rage said to me and I nod. I walked back through the door I came from with Kade in my arms.

I saw Ezio sitting on the couch in the living room. I placed Kade on his feet and I held his hand as we walked over to the couch.

We stood over him and his eyes were closed.

" Dad " Kade said and he opened his eyes. He looked at us and gave us a weak smile.

" Hey you come here " he said with his arms stretched out. Kade crawled onto his lap. I watched as he kissed his son on his forehead.

" Come here beautiful come sit next me " he said and I smiled. I sat next to him in the couch and he wrapped an arm around me.

We sat in silence for a minute.

" Hey bro is she in here yet-

" Malik? " I cut him off.

" Hello Valicity " Malik said and I just looked at him.

" Isabella this is my cousin Logan " Ezio said to me and I looked at him.

" Look I know you're probably confused and upset right now, but Ezio means no harm to you. He used me, Ava, our mom Dahlia and Ezio's bestfriend Owen to watch over you. He didn't want to be in any form of contact with you because he didn't want you to get hurt, since no one knew about our side of the family or the fact that we are Diaz he used us to blend in as normal regular people " Malik said.

" What is your real name? " I asked him.

" My real name is Logan. Logan Diaz. Cousin of Ezio. " Logan said and I nod and got up.

" Isabella I'm sorry- " Ezio said as he got up but I raised my hand to stop him.

" It's okay. You did all this to make sure I was safe. You got your family to watch over me, to make sure I was okay. I love it. Don't apologize " I said with a smile then engulfed him into a hug.

Ezio's POV....

I stood there completely in shock as Isabella hugged me. I was staring at Logan with shocked eyes.

" Hug her back " Logan mouth to me and I jolted, I quickly hugged her back.

She pulled away from the hug and pulled me into a kiss.

I kissed her back and we were there for a minute.

" Ugh get a room " someone said and we broke the kiss we both looked around to see Nathan, well Owen.

" Hello Owen " she said while folding her arms and walking over to him.

" Hello Valicity " he said while folding his arms and looking at her. She smiled and hugged him and he hugged her back.

Valicity's POV....

" I'm so glad you're safe bella "  Owen whispered into my ear and I broke the hug and smiled at him.

" Ezio are you ready to go back outside? I didn't meet the rest of your family " I said and he smiled.

" Alright let's go then " he said as he took Kade's hand and we all walked back outside.

Ezio's POV

We were now outside and everyone was still were I left them, sitting on the bench.

" Alright everyone settle down Ezio is back " Grandma Ivory said and I smiled at her.

" Okay everyone as you all know. Yesterday me, Rage, Kai, Lunes and Charr went on a little mission, which was successful. We saved the girl, we brought the girl back, she will be staying with us until she's ready to go. " I said while looking at Isabella.

" I hope she never goes " Dahlia said and Isabella looked at her with excitement in her eyes.

" Everyone this is Valicity Isabella Sanchez, my girl " I said and everyone started clapping. I raised an eyebrow.

" Why are you guys clapping? " I asked.

" Zio you've never opened up and talked so sweetly about someone before " Grandma said and I rolled my eyes.

" Okay introductions " I said with a clap.

" Isabella this is my Grandma Ivory " I said and Isabella walked around to Grandma and hugged her and grandma hugged back.

" This is my mom Michelle " I said and she did the same thing she did for my grandma.

" This is Angelo, father of Kai, Logan, Luna, Charlotte and Ava " I said and she greeted him.

" This is his wife Dahlia as you may know she played Miss. Iris " I said and she hugged her.

" We are gonna have a little talk Miss Dahlia " Valicity said and Dahlia chuckled.

" This is Kai, Rage, Charlotte, Luna, Ava, Owen, Logan " I said and they all waved to her amd she smiled.

" As you know this is Kade " I said and she chuckled when Kade waved to her.

" Aren't you missing out a couple people? " My Dad Michael said and all excitement dropped from my face.

" Oh yeah this is, Michael " I said.

" Michael is our Dad and he basically helped us with the entire operation " Rage said.

" Oh wow, thank you sir for everything. " Valicity said to him and he smiled and hugged her. I just stared blankly at him hugging her.

" Oh this is Scarlett and Cesca " I said and Valicity gave them an awkward smile and they rolled their eyes.

" Cesca is my older sister " I said.

" Scarlett is just... I don't know. Kade's mom " I said.

" Wow, everyone it was nice meeting all of you. I'm so grateful that you all would do something like this for me, without even knowing who I was. You're all such amazing people, I'm looking forward to stay here for awhile " Valicity said and my heart felt at peace.

If that makes sense.

" We are all great ful to have you dear " Grandma Ivory said to her and we all sat.

It was now 2:57 pm so we just decided to chill for the rest of the day.

We ate, drink and talked for hours.

4 hours later...

" Ezio " Luna called me from inside the house. I said excuse me to everyone and I went inside.

" What's up? " I asked her.

" The package is here " she said and I smiled like a goof.

" Raul's on the phone " she said and I took the phone.

" Hello Sir " Raul said and I nod.

" The package is here sir, we are just making sure things are okay. We are currently searching the package to make sure no funny business is going on " Raul said and I nod.

" Good job man " I said and he said thank you then hung up.

Me and Luna walked back outside.

20 minutes later....

We continued talking until Raul called Luna again.

" Alright sir we are at the main house with the package. The package is on the step sir " Raul said.

" Is everything okay with the package? No cameras? no wires? " I asked Raul.

" Not one sir " he said while shaking his head.

" Thank you Raul. " I said then hung up. Then I stood up.

" Alright everyone, stand up we are going to the front of the main house. " I said and everyone arise from their seats.

" Kade hold my hand. Bud the package is for you anyways " I said to Kade and he held my hand. We walked into the living room, as everyone stood in a semi circle and me and Kade went to the front door.

" Okay bud open the door " I said to Kade as he jumped out of my arms and opened the door.

" You bought me too much food? " Kade said in a confused tone while turning around to look at me.

" Look again bud " I said and he turned around and gasped.

" Hii everybody " Alistair said.

" Alistair!!! " Kade screamed while running to Alistair. They engulfed each other into a hug as they fell on the steps.

Everyone began to laugh at the sight of the boys on the floor.

" Alistair I missed you " Kade said as tears began to flood his eyes.

" Aww " everyone said and I just smiled.

" Wanna watch TV? " Kade asked Alistair as they walked past everyone and sat on the couch.

" Alright men help me bring in the food " I said while still smiling. After we brought in the food we left the women distribute it in plastic plates.

We all just sat as a family and watched TV while eating.

Author's Note:

Y'all need to get into the drip like a piranha......

Hey beauties 😘. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Oh and click that little star thingy please🥺.

Also 78k?😭

I love each of y'all so much💕

If you're new here welcome🥰.

Xoxo Shanoya💙

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80 0 43
I'm too lazy to go through it and edit it 😐 One day I will so enjoy how horribly written this is for now
2M 53.5K 69
"It's funny that you are saying this because if one of us is jealous, then it's you. Or did you forget that you just pushed the man I was dancing wit...