A light in the darkness

By ElaheKarami

126K 4K 895

Two years have passed since the fall of Volkov. Two years of Mason King, the fearsome Don of the American Maf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Bonus Chapter


5K 104 8
By ElaheKarami

"So, tell me," said the man seated behind the table to the man standing in front of him. His black eyes were shining wickedly under his thick eyebrows. His black curly hair had been pushed back messily to add to his handsome features. 

He took a long puff of his cigarette while rubbing his sharp jawline that was covered by stubble causing the rings on his fingers to shine under the light of the big chandelier of the big study they were in. His gray dress shirt that had covered his broad shoulders and toned chest had been tucked neatly into his dark gray slacks. Everything about him screamed power.

"Why do you seek revenge over Kings and West, Mr. Johnson?" asked the man while exhaling a thick toxic fume out of his mouth and nose. His intense eyes fixed on the man in front of him. 

The man, Johnson, looked young, but the evil look on his face was enough to make children cry and adults shiver from fear. His black eyes looked like two wells to the depth of hell and his hard face was expressionless. His crew-cut hair was slicked to a side. He was clad in a black t-shirt and black jeans, with a silver chain hanging from his belt to his pocket. 

"They took everything I had." seethed Johnson and his fists clenched. "I don't have so much enmity with King. I want West's head. The fucker attacked us and thrown us out of New York and made sure we can't stand on our feet again." his jaw ticked as he stared ahead. "But the idiot made a mistake by not killing me. Cause now I will kill him for sure."

The man stood up and crashed his cigarette onto the ashtray on the table and walked around the table and leaned on it, his hands in his pockets and his ankles crossed. "You say that you have no problem with Kings." he said. "So how can I trust you to stay loyal to me? How can I trust a man who killed his own father to have more power to not stab my back as well?"

Johnson scoffed and folded his arms in front of his chest. "Come on, Mr. Gomez." he said and rolled his eyes.

A buff muscular man stepped out of the shadows of the corner of the room angrily. His 2-meter height and the permanent scowl on his face were enough to send shivers of fear down anyone's spine. His bald head shone under the light and he rubbed his hand on the long scar from his left eyebrow to the left side of his chin to add to the aura of fear. 

"Care how do you speak, boy." he growled and clenched and unclenched his fist. His deep voice was full of venom.

A man beside Johnson who was his right hand stepped beside Johnson and glared at the buff man challengingly. Although he was shorter, his arms and chest were toned with strong muscles. Two thin and long braids were coming out of the back of his bald head. His nose piercing and leather vest and jeans were adding to his intimate figure but the buff man from earlier didn't seem to even notice him as his heated glare was fixed on Johnson for disrespecting his boss.

Gomez raised his hand without looking back to stop the buff man. His amused eyes were fixed on Johnson. "Calm down, Raul." he said motioning to Johnson to continue. "Let Mr. Johnson finish."

"We are gangs and mafia's, for fuck's sake." explained Johnson with a bored expression. His hand unconsciously went to a scorpion tattoo on the side of his neck and rubbed it. "our oaths of loyalty outside the ring of our families and gangs means nothing. I'm looking for revenge, and I didn't say that I have no problem with Kings. They are to blame for my fall as well. And if I want to take the place of West, I need them down as well. But I'm running out of time. I want them out of the picture before April."

"April!" smirked Gomez. "Which is only two months later. Such a short time." He dropped his head while a throaty chuckle left his mouth. 

He then looked up at the irritated man in front of him whose patience was running thin by seconds. "And if we accept you to help us in our plan to destroy King," said Gomez as he began to circle Johnson. "If we win, what do you want in return? Other than the throne of West. Tell me ..., Fred, does West's beautiful soon-to-be bride is one of the things you want to conquer as your own? Is she the reason you are in haste? cause a little birdie has brought news for me that the great owner of the West.Co is going to marry, Alison Harris-King, Mason's King's sister, and your certain ex in two months' time, in April." 

He eyed the now fuming Fred who was shaking from anger visibly and smirked devilishly. "I have my resources everywhere, Johnson. I know everything about you."

"That is none of your fucking business." seethed Fred, showing his certain anger issue. "Just fucking tell me if you want help or not."

Gomez's wicked smirk grew wider. He took a step back and folded his hands behind him. "Of course, we want your help." he answered cooly. "I'm not going to underestimate the power of Mason King. We need as many allies as we can collect. I'm not going to let down this sincere offer of yours. And of course, if we win, everything that Alex West posses will come under your control. And that means even his fiance although if she stays alive through all of this chaos." he said nonchalantly.

"No one will touch a hair on her head. She is mine." barked Fred angrily. "If she dies, you will die as well."

Gomez's eyebrows shot up and his smirk grew wider. He raised his hands in fake surrender. "As you wish, Mr. Johnson." he then stood straight and his serious face was back. "Now please get out of my office. I will contact you to discuss the details of our plan soon."

"Maldito bastardo." (Fucking bastard) grunted Raul under his breath after Fred and his man left the study and closed the door behind them with a loud bang. "Realmente planeas usar este runt? Es un cobarde con un temperamento jodido. Puede arruinar nuestros planes fácilmente." (Do you really plan to use this runt? He is a coward with a fucked up temper. He can ruin our plans easily.)

"Él es una perra loca codiciosa de poder egoísta." answered Gomez (He is an egotistical power greedy crazy bitch). "Sin embargo, podemos usarlo a él y a su pandilla para nuestro beneficio. Él puede ayudarnos." (Yet we can use him and his gang for our benefits. He can help us.) 

"Santi, Estás seguro de lo que quieres hacer? Vamos a la guerra con King. Es como si abrazáramos la muerte con los brazos abiertos." said Raul warily. (Santi, Are you sure of what you want to do? We are going to war with King. It's like we embrace death with open arms.)

"Ese hijo de puta nos está jodiendo mucho." (That fucker is messing with us a lot.) growled Gomez with a voice that was dripping with venom. His eyes were blazing with fury. "Perdimos dos de nuestros envíos el mes pasado por su culpa. Sus manos codiciosas de él lo están trayendo a nuestras tierras y no puedo tolerarlo. Quiero a ese hijo de puta muerto. El y toda su preciada familia." (We lost two of our shipments in the past month because of him. His greedy hands are bringing him to our lands and I fucking can't tolerate it. I want that motherfucker dead. Him and all of his so called precious family. The Kings weakness is their family and I want to attack that.)

"Entonces, ¿cuál es el plan, jefe?" (So what's the plan, boss?) asked Raul, not wanting to enrage his boss anymore by questioning his intentions. Santiago Gomez sure had a short temper and his angry self wasn't something that anyone wanted to face. 

"Prepara mi jet." (Prepare my jet.) said Gomez while he stared out of the window and lit another cigarette and inhaled deeply. A sickening smirk plastered on his lips. "Nos vamos a Nueva York. Es hora de que visite a mis queridos primos." (We go to New York. It's time I give a visit to my dear cousins.)


A/N: Here we go :))))))

Okay guys I have a question. I don't know Spanish a bit, but the characters are from Spain and I wanted them to speak in their native language whenever they are alone. But I also know many readers don't know the language as well and google translate may have mistakes in translating English to Spanish. So, is reading these conversations annoying? If yes let me know I will not write like this again.

Please don't forget to support me with your votes and lovely comments. I love hearing your oppinions. 


Ela :)

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