By mn_duh

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Most of people don't believe mythical creatures such as unicorn, werewolves, a person who have a magic, and m... More



173 8 0
By mn_duh

Vampires are fodder for books, movies, and Halloween costumes. But for hundreds of years, they were scapegoats for disease.

These beliefs centered around the fear that the dead, once buried, could still harm the living.

They have fangs, drink human blood. They can be warded off with garlic, or killed with a stake through the heart. Some, like Dracula, are aristocrats who live in castles.

But vampires didn’t start out so clearly defined.

Vampires are evil mythological beings who roam the world at night searching for people whose blood they feed upon.

They may be the best-known classic monsters of all like the other mythical creatures.

In general, vampires hunt at night since sunlight weakens their powers. Some may have the ability to morph into a bat or a wolf.

But mostly some can keep their selves stayed so long in the sunlight as if they were human.

Vampires have super strength and often have a hypnotic, sensual effect on their victims. They can’t see their image in a mirror and cast no shadows.

There are almost as many different characteristics of vampires as there are vampire legends.

But the main characteristic of vampires is they drink human blood.

They typically drain their victim’s blood using their sharp fangs, killing them and turning them into vampires like a girl named Kim Chaewon.

" Just wait here " Chaewon said at the fellow she's with, sounding like it's an order.

As Chaewon step her feet out of the car, she closed the door not forgetting to bring the black suitcase that was given by her by someone who'll give her a money once she fullfil what she was told to do.

Glancing at the open window on the driver's seats.

A small smile formed on Chaewon's lips, once she saw the girl she's with, already vibing on a certain song she just played inside the car.

Probably to not get herself bored while she waits for Chaewon to come back.

Fixing her clothes Chaewon started walking to the place where she will meet her business, and when she step her feet  on a stair.

Man in black suit stop infront and pointed a gun at her direction.

" Why did you came here ? " The Man ask her.

Looking around the whole mansion.

Chaewon realized that she's standing on a open spot of the mansion. It'll be good to continue her plan.

She then look at the man standing infront of her.

" I need to talk to your boss, His favorite enemy sent me here " And with that the man put his gun down and motioned Chaewon to continued walking which she really did.

Flashing a smile when she finally saw the person she needed to take care of.

Chaewon approach a man eating a meat which is raw and having a drink of a colored wine liquid which is blood.

She's sure the man is just like her, the time when she step her feet outside the car she can sense that there's someone around her, who's just like her.

A vampire.

" This is the last offer from your enemy " Chaewon didn't waste any time, as she grab the paper inside the suitcase and put it Infront of the Vampire.

The man gaze up at her with his eyes glowing red, same with Chaewon who's showing her eye's real color to the man.

The man scoffed. " Not interested, You can take it and leave " He added.

Chaewon take a sit on the chair beside her, and crossed her arms. " I don't want to waste my time to a stupid vampire like you " Chaewon spoke truthfully.

The man grab the wine glass beside him, and gulp the whole blood, emptying the glass after. " I can sense a human around my property " The man said, making Chaewon to look at him quickly.

She knows who's that human he's pertaining to.

She thought she should have just left that girl away from the mansion and not let her come with her.

" Whatever the offer is, I won't be accepting it " The man added.

This time Chaewon was the one who scoffed.

She's trying to feel and sense what's that girl doing inside the car after the man mentioned something about her and she's glad so far nothing's wrong.

" This people around you might not know that their boss is a Wanted Vampire, You know the bid they gave to find you ? " Chaewon stopped for a second.

" What was it again ? 10 million won ? you know I can take that money " Sounding like a threat for the man.

" Are you here to make a deal ? or to threaten me ? " He's curious but unbothered.

Grabbing a pen on her pocket, Chaewon place it Infront of him. " If you sign this now there won't be any problems " She convinced but the man didn't fall for it.

" Get lost " He smirked as if he's not afraid on what will someone like him, do something.

Chaewon sighed and grab the paper, putting it back at the suitcase. " You sure you won't regret it ? "

" Regret ? " He asked. " Im not scared to go war with whoever your boss is " He have no idea who's your boss after all.

Chaewon stand and move away from the chair. " Regret is the most painful thing you can experience in life " She started.

" I am here to give you a chance to redeem yourself, not to start a war "

After that Chaewon was answered by a pure silence and only a smirk coming from him, so without no other choice.

She gave him that meaningful smile and started walking away as if she was in defeat.

But no, she's not. Defeat is not in her vocabulary.

" So ? " The girl that she's with, ask her. " How did it come out ?

Chaewon look at her and step inside the car but this time she sit on the passenger's seat.

" He didn't sign it " Chaewon answered Coldly and the girl hummed already expecting that'll happen.

As the girl was about to start the car engine. Chaewon stops her after remembering something.

" Yuri " She called the girl.

Yuri who's with her the whole time, look at her direction.

" You don't know how to drive " She reminded the younger.

Yuri look at her with confusion but when she realized what's that supposed to mean. She chuckled awkwardly.

" Right, I forgot " She was embarrassed.

Chaewon just nodded her head, and start the engine by using her power as the car drive on its own.

That's what she do before they make their way to the said mansion.

Yuri was just sitting at the Driver's seat acting like she's the one driving when at first she don't know anything about driving.

" What will happen next ? " The Younger ask her.

Chaewon leaned her head on the window and watch the surrounding outside, while thinking of what will happen to that man by tomorrow.

" He'll be festive by those people who's obsessed with money, by tomorrow " She answered which shock's the latter.


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