By aishatu_xx

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Copyright© 2022. All rights reserved. Two people forced to live under the same roof in the name of something... More

Author's Note.
24: PTSD
Now Available On OkadaBooks!


692 187 14
By aishatu_xx


Before anyone could react or give an answer to Zayd's question, he's already stood up and rounded to table, poured cold wine on Layla then he sneezed and rushed out of the dining room straight to his childhood room upstairs that is in the house. He stormed off, his nose runny and face already itchy due to the allergy. That is how it's always been, it takes less than a minute for it to trigger his immune system in response to the allergen. And then comes the runny nose, itchy eyes, cough and hives.

Damn her for knowing him so much and using that against him! How could she? She knew about his allergy for curry and used it against him. No one ever uses curry in the house after they found out about his allergy, his mother was not a big fan neither was his father so getting rid of it was absolute. This means Layla brought it from home to exact revenge on him for what he did to her earlier. Just when will this their childish tactics come to an end? They are adults now with responsibilities.

Damnation, she has no responsibility and her main goal now will be making his life hell again. He is going to pack up soon and leave the state for her so she could do as she pleases. Definitely going to wife Annalise and move out of the state for the weekdays and come back only weekends for his parents, they will understand that. Clearly, Layla is unstoppable now. If he stays here, she might as well kill him one day and claim it was all a mistake or even accept the felony just knowing he is dead.

That's how deep their hatred for each other run, they should avoid one another to put a cessation to it.

He browsed quickly for medication in the first aid box knowing his mother always rechecks and renew the box even in his absence. Fortunately the medicines are there so he quickly gulped down three before hunting for handkerchief for his nose and cream to rub all over his face for the hives. He started coughing soon after, lied on the bed and curled himself in a ball knowing this won't end anytime soon. Few more hours for it to go down.

Oh, but he wants to strangle Layla Abd Al-Tunaij with all his power and watch her beg for mercy. He blinked his eyes at the thought of Layla begging for mercy. Would she? He chuckled, she'd rather him kill her on spot than beg him for anything but it'd still be great watching her eyes bulge as she struggled to breath. He licked his lips, he will make sure he makes that a reality before leaving the state. That should be their last encounter forever and ever, if Allah wills. He will start praying for that, she is an incubus.

She's harangued him so much years ago, it should stop now.

The need to always avenge what she's done to him the last time they've met tend to overwhelm him that nothing could stop him from making her genuflect time and time again. A lot of people have done him wrong in the past but he's forgotten and forgiven but when it comes to Layla, it's an entirely different story that he can't even talk about himself.

It's almost as though destiny have them tied one way or the other but there is no way he won't untie that destiny that's bind them, it's stupid. Why tie two people that loathe each other more than the devil loathes the good doer? This got to be some sick joke but he is now ready to play with fire for the Zayd before isn't the one now. Or is he not? That is—

His thought came to a halt when he heard the quiet knock from the door and his mother's thin voice came through. "Zee? Are you decent?"

He rolled his eyes. She's never ever asked that question in her life. It's always a knock then 'If you aren't decent then do that in two seconds because I'm coming in' but seems like today is different. "Come in!"

She slowly opened the door and poked her head inside first before coming in fully with a small playful smile tugging at the edge of her lips. She traipsed inside the room in slow, leisure footsteps that is so unlike his mother but he didn't say a thing.

"How are you feeling?" She reached the bed in few strides and touched his hot forehead then hastily remove her hand at the burn. "That's intense. Have you taken the medicine?"

"I did but it's been so long that I feel like I'm dying." He shivered, draw the duvet to his neck and closed his eyes after letting out a gargantuan sigh.

He heard her walking around the room to and fro then she settled on the bed where his head is and brought it to her laps. A cool rag nestled itself on his forehead earning a larger sigh from him and a smile. He snuggled deeper into her warmth while she became attentive on cooling the rag and pressing it back on his forehead, down to his naked neck. Both of them were quiet for awhile before she broke the silence. He saw that coming, she hates quietness.

"I liked that you stood up for yourself today. No, I actually loved it but you should always go easy on a girl no matter what. I brought you better than that!" She nudged his head with her forefinger before wringing the frost rag in the bowl beside her.

Zayd moaned, really wanting everything to end. He is a soldier and has endured far more greater pains than this but when it comes to being weak, it hits different. Those pains were caused by some heroic act or when he was trying to prove himself fit for Nigeria Defense Academy. But this, this is nothing but nuisance caused by an incubus.

"I had to do something and when it comes to that Hoser, there is no rational thoughts. How could she?" He groaned thinking about many ways to throttle the life out of her eyes and watch her fall limb but that didn't leave any satisfaction within him.

She is meant to suffer then. If she isn't going to die from being strangled, there are many other ways to get her genuflecting.

"I know how much you both get under the other's skin but always be careful when it comes to women. We are meant to be respected and loved with utmost care. I don't want no lack of rationality next time, huh?" She stopped midway removing the rag and waited until he nodded his head.

Few more minutes of silence passed between the mother and son duo before he asked with utter genuineness that is both amusing and aggravating. "But is she really a woman? She's got the body parts but apart from that, she does nothing like a woman."

Fatima hit her head with her palms. What had they done to her son in that military school? "She is a woman and that is something I don't need to keep saying. When the time comes, you'll know." She muttered the last sentence beneath her breath so he won't hear but he caught the last bits.

"Know what?" He enquired, brows coming together is question.

"I wasn't referring to you. Now how are you feeling?"

Layla sat there with a cool smile on her face that no one would notice she is fucking inflamed and enraged. Her eyes are cold, hard and flinty while her nostrils flared up, her face is now flushed pink due to her fair complexion. Her visible veins twitches and pulses irately, causing her entire body to harden. Her muscles quivered, heart pounded so hard beneath her chest that is scared her. She made no movement knowing the entire bodies in the room have their attention on her.

She started calming down slowly and licked her lips, catching on a drop of wine that was poured on her between them. She saw a movement from beside her then Fatima's hastened footsteps rushing upstairs to her son. Layla continued to sit there with the shocked faces of people around her. No one could utter a word or even move in the wrong direction in fear of what will happen.

Benazir was the only one to stand up from her sit, held out her hand for Layla who stared at it for a minute before accepting. Than to sit there with those bunch of fools that can't even react to something as small as this, she'd rather the company of the kid. No one said a word till they left the dining room without their figure in sight.

Nayla Fayyadh was the first to talk. "I really don't understand what is between those two. They are always on one another's throat and Fatima too. Why did she invite her when she knows they don't like each other?" She reproved, her eyes narrowed with disapproval.

Fatima's husband and Zayd's dad from the head table answered. "That is something only my wife knows." His smile is handsome but there is this edge of defensiveness in his tone.

"Besides, Mah is always up to some mischief." Rashid, Fatima's older brother commented while shaking his head. She has something beneath her sleeve, he is sure of that.

"I don't get why we're wasting our time on something we've seen more times than we could count. Let's enjoy this feast and hear from Mah later." Betsy, Fatima's best friend who's become family chirped in in an excited voice.

Everyone went back to eating and it was quiet for a few minutes, some mulling over what had just happened while others already over it. The people in the estate are used to Zayd and Layla bickering or in better words, Layla always getting beneath Zayd's skin only that this is the first time he's ever retorted with his own style. This should start getting interesting now that Zayd is able to stand on his feet and he isn't so Meeky anymore like she'd said.

"But wasn't that funny? He just stood up, rounded the table and threw her own wine on her! Gosh, how I wish someone has taken a video of that moment. I'd love to keep replaying it before I go to sleep." Adda mama, Ahmad Hakim Al-Hafiz's mother and also Fatima's paternal Aunt blurted in the quiet room.

Raheeb, her son and Ahmad's half brother groaned beside her. "Do continue eating and disregard my mother's atrocious comment. It's all old age."

She hit the back of his head with her hand then pouted at Ahmad. "Have him arrested. Just kidding!"

The banter in this family is enough to keep any sane person entertained but sadly, they all aren't levelheaded so they need more earnest and ardor to keep them exhilarated.

"I'm so sorry about Ya Zee! That was totally uncalled for." Benazir complained, her face taut with denunciation at her brother's earlier act.

It's something she's never seen in her entire life. He's never done anything as such and that too not to Layla even though Benazir knew that Layla has always been on her brother's neck. But pouring wine on a lady wearing a pretty dress? Nope, that is not acceptable.

Layla took a deep breath and let it out. "Don't worry about me. This is his first time reacting to my browbeat, keep it in your head as memory."

Benazir was quiet for a while then she beamed and rushed to take her phone then come back to the bathroom they were in trying to see whether the wine will come off the expensive dress or not. She opened the phone and browsed through it then grinned when she found what she was looking for which happens to be an app called Snapchat. Layla furrowed her brows at the camera in front of her face and Benazir hopping on the edge of her pink bathtub so they can be at the same height.

"What are you doing?" Layla chuckled at the girl's struggle to get a picture of them together but without any success. "Ouu..." Layla caught on the phone that is about to fall off then brought Benazir down from the bathtub.

"I want to snap our picture trying to get the stain off your dress so we can keep real memories." She set her mouth in a cute moue and crossed both her hands together.

Layla raised a brow then sat on the bathtub together with Benazir and snapped one picture of them smiling at the camera.

"One more!" Benazir begged for just one when Layla made a move to stand but she kept clicking until Layla couldn't take it no more.

"Come, I should be on my way now." She stood in front of the mirror and adjusted her ponytail then washed her face again to make sure there is no more drop of wine.

It was quiet behind her, Benazir didn't say a word so she turned around to see what is wrong only to see the girl crying. Confused, she went to her side in few seconds and took her shoulders with both her hands. The girl wouldn't look at her, her eyes firm on the floor but tears continue to roll down from them without any stop. How do people deal with kids during their mood swings? This is definitely a mood swing or what is it?

Her eyes became blanker, eyebrows squished together and expression slack. "Hey, why are you crying?"

Benazir was quiet for a few seconds then she answered. "I am so lonely. I don't know who to tell this but I know you are lonely too so I thought I should tell you. Mom has been so busy lately with the company, dad too trying to get used to his new position and the entire pressure of being inspector general of police. And Ya Zee, you know he hasn't been home for awhile and now that he's come back, I know he won't talk much tonight but I'm so lonely. Now I'm almost depressed and have insomnia. I don't have a best friend, they are all fake. I—" She trailed off, her shoulders sagging as if relieved that she's finally said it out loud.

And the truth is, Layla had noticed that earlier but just didn't react to it thinking she is seeing things different and someone her age go through so much. Fourteen is the age you start seeing things different from the life you've lived. Meeting new people and losing other friends, that's the stage. But Benazir that lonely with her loving parents and devoted brother that loves her more than his life? Well, this is something she didn't see coming to be honest.

Now what should she do? Talk to her parents about it? That should be it so she forced a smile that's filled with fake sympathy. She feels nothing. Her heart is cold that she cannot even feel it softening even with the girl's tears. She is just reacting on how she's seen on movies but not because her heart is forcing her to. And there is no guilt, that's who she is.

Or is that the character she is playing?

"I'm so sorry about that. I'll talk to your mother about it but for now, chin up. You are strong. Don't permit that loneliness to creep deep within you or you won't be able to have all the great things ahead." She tried advising but she is not sure whether it makes sense or not.

Benazir has stopped crying but she is quiet. "Can you stay the night? I always love your company so please stay and help me fall asleep. You can go after I get to sleep."

Laylas eyes widened at the request and she started shaking her head in negative no before the girl could close her mouth. Stay with her for the night? What the heck? She wants to get the fuck out of this estate in lightening speed but this colleen wants her to stay? No, she shouldn't even think about things like that. She's never been a fan of sleepover with them Teems and Lana but is forced to, this girl on the other hand can't. She owed her absolutely nothing!

"Please don't say no. Just for a few more hours. And you are going to be in my room, you won't see anyone and no one will see you. Please? Not for my sake but for the sake of our Creator..." She continued to beseech but the minute she said that Creator, Layla's mind slag.

Creator? What on earth? She's forgotten about any Creator out there! But she still prays, even fasted the whole thirty last year since she didn't see her period but in all honesty, she's forgotten about Him.

Gulping, she gave a reluctant smile. Her mind is now occupied with something else so she will stay for a bit. "Alright. Just until you fall asleep."

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